292 research outputs found

    Electrokinetic Study of Adsorption Layers on Different Surfaces

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    In the first part the results of investigating interdependences of parameters of the electroosmotic displacement process (ED) and properties of adsorption layers of SAS have been considered. ED- process, connected with flow of two immiscible liquids (»water« and »oil«), filling the pores of diaphragm. Direct current is superimposed on the water-containing part. The complex investigations have been undertaken of the influence of SAS nature and concentration on the displacement kinetics, oil output, wetting angle, surface tension and the filtration velocity of oil with added SAS through the diaphragms, the SAS-layers in which were formed beforehand. In accordance with the results it follow that the character of dependences, in which the effectivenes is reflected, is very sensible to the change of adsorption layer properties, to their stability, the velocity of destruction, the values of the primary and residual wetting degree. In the second part the modifying action of ionic surfactants using 2 types of interfaces: oxides (quartz) and ion-exchange membrane have been considered and compared. The adsorpiton of positive (CTA+) and negative (DS-) surfactant ions at the quartz-aqueous solution interface, non-Langmuir type adsorption isotherm, a change in the sign of ~ -potential of quartz in CTAB solutions and surface conductivity in IEP are obse.rved. Ion- exchange membranes in surfactant solutions exhibit a selective adsorption (only surfactant counterions are sorbed), sorption isotherms are of the Langmuir-type and as result of sorption of surfactant counterions the ion-exchange membranes lose its high permselectivity

    The study of symbiotic traits – nodulation and activity of nitrogen fixation – in different cultivars of spring vetch (Vicia sativa L.)

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    Common vetch Vicia sativa L. is one of the major annual fodder legume crops in Russia. Like other legumes, it can enter into symbiosis with nodule bacteria of the genus Rhizobium and to fix molecular nitrogen from the air. This ability contributes to the enrichment of soils with nitrogen and the possibility of growing crops on poor soils. Vetch symbiotic genes have not yet been identified, so the breeding of this crop is confined to the assessment of breeding material with regard to nodulation and very rarely to the activity of nitrogen fixation measured by the acetylene method. This paper presents the results of studies of nodulation and nitrogen-fixing activity that we conducted with four spring vetch cultivars raised at the Siberian Research Institute for Plant Industry and Breeding. Two varieties of forage pea, namely Druzhnaya and traditional cv. Falenskaya 42, were taken as references. The activity of nitrogen fixation was assessed from nitrogenase activity, assayed by the acetylene method. The study revealed significant varietal differences in nodulation and nitrogen fixation, determined on a gas chromatograph Tsvet 500, Russia. The nitrogenase activity rates in vetch cultivars under study varied from 2811 to 6890 С2Н4 nmol/ plant/h. Two of them, Lena and Priobskaya 25, were prominent in high nodulation nitrogen fixation rates. Nodulation in the two reference pea cultivars was weaker than in vetch. However, their nitrogen fixation activities were higher

    Ecological and Physiological Assessment of Animal Anesthesia Methods

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    The use of pharmaceuticals is indispensable in everyday medical practice. The patient’s life sometimes depends on the right dosages and the chosen method of administration of the drug, therefore, for the successful provision of assistance to the animal, the specialist should become familiar with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drugs used to prevent undesirable side effects and to reduce the risk of adverse outcome of the disease. Currently, many veterinary enterprises have been opened in Russia, a considerable number of them are private veterinary clinics, where daily surgical interventions with the use of anesthetics are carried out. Depending on the equipment they use different methods of anesthesia of animals – inhalation, non-inhalation or a combined method. The article deals with pharmacokinetic factors in the field of veterinary anesthesiology, its peculiarities associated with different methods of introduction of different groups of anesthetics, which have a similar effect on the body when injected into anesthesia. Moreover, depending on the method of introduction, their absorption into the body varies, the depth of anesthesia changes and the time of exit from it is different

    Enhancing workflow-nets with data for trace completion

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    The growing adoption of IT-systems for modeling and executing (business) processes or services has thrust the scientific investigation towards techniques and tools which support more complex forms of process analysis. Many of them, such as conformance checking, process alignment, mining and enhancement, rely on complete observation of past (tracked and logged) executions. In many real cases, however, the lack of human or IT-support on all the steps of process execution, as well as information hiding and abstraction of model and data, result in incomplete log information of both data and activities. This paper tackles the issue of automatically repairing traces with missing information by notably considering not only activities but also data manipulated by them. Our technique recasts such a problem in a reachability problem and provides an encoding in an action language which allows to virtually use any state-of-the-art planning to return solutions

    Characteristics of superconducting tungsten silicide WxSi1-x for single photon detection

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    Superconducting properties of three series of amorphous WxSi1-x films with different thickness and stoichiometry were investigated by dc transport measurements in a magnetic field up to 9 T. These amorphous WxSi1-x films were deposited by magnetron co-sputtering of the elemental source targets onto silicon substrates at room temperature and patterned in form of bridges by optical lithography and reactive ion etching. Analysis of the data on magnetoconductivity allowed us to extract the critical temperature, superconducting coherence length, magnetic penetration depth, and diffusion coefficient of electrons in the normal state as a function of film thickness for each stoichiometry. Two basic time constants were derived from transport and time-resolving measurements. A dynamic process of the formation of a hot-spot was analyzed in the framework of a diffusion-based vortex-entry model. We used the two stage diffusion approach and defined a hotspot size by assuming that the quasi-particles and normal-state electrons have the equal diffusion constant. Our findings are consistent with the most recent results on a hot-spot relaxation time in the WxSi1-x superconducting nanowire single-photon detector. In the 5 nm thick W0.85Si0.15 film the hot-spot has a diameter of 105 nm at the peak of the number of non-equilibrium quasi-particles

    Spared Nerve Injury Causes Sexually Dimorphic Mechanical Allodynia and Differential Gene Expression in Spinal Cords and Dorsal Root Ganglia in Rats

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    Neuropathic pain is more prevalent in women. However, females are under-represented in animal experiments, and the mechanisms of sex differences remain inadequately understood. We used the spared nerve injury (SNI) model in rats to characterize sex differences in pain behaviour, unbiased RNA-Seq and proteomics to study the mechanisms. Male and female rats were subjected to SNI- and sham-surgery. Mechanical and cold allodynia were assessed. Ipsilateral lumbar dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and spinal cord (SC) segments were collected for RNA-seq analysis with DESeq2 on Day 7. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples for proteomic analysis and DRGs and SCs for analysis of IB-4 and CGRP, and IBA1 and GFAP, respectively, were collected on Day 21. Females developed stronger mechanical allodynia. There were no differences between the sexes in CGRP and IB-4 in the DRG or glial cell markers in the SC. No CSF protein showed change following SNI. DRG and SC showed abundant changes in gene expression. Sexually dimorphic responses were found in genes related to T-cells (cd28, ctla4, cd274, cd4, prf1), other immunological responses (dpp4, c5a, cxcr2 and il1b), neuronal transmission (hrh3, thbs4, chrna4 and pdyn), plasticity (atf3, c1qc and reg3b), and others (bhlhe22, mcpt1l, trpv6). We observed significantly stronger mechanical allodynia in females and numerous sexually dimorphic changes in gene expression following SNI in rats. Several genes have previously been linked to NP, while some are novel. Our results suggest gene targets for further studies in the development of new, possibly sex-specific, therapies for NP.Peer reviewe

    Tickborne rickettsiosis in children of the Irkutsk region over five epidemic seasons

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    The article discusses the clinical and laboratory characteristics of tick-borne rickettsiosis in children in the Irkutsk region on the results of the retrospective study of 65 patients admitted to the Regional Infectious Hospital over the period of five consecutive epidemic seasons. It has been found that among hospitalized children with tick-borne rickettsiosis dominating proportion (64.6 %) is of rural residents (mean age - 5years old). The main clinical symptoms in children borne rickettsiosis were rash (96.9 %) and fever (96.9 %), which in one third of observations associated with lymphadenopathy (38.5%). About one third of patients (30.8 %) had pronounced symptoms of intoxication. It has been noted that the laboratory diagnosis of tick-borne rickettsiosis needs to be improved: DGC reaction should replace ELISA detection of specific immunoglobulin M in the blood in combination with PCR for genetic identification of rickettsiae. The development of emergency preventive treatment of tick-borne rickettsiosis is required, taking into account the sensitivity of rickettsiae to antibiotics. All children with tick-borne rickettsial diseases were provided with timely and effective treatment, with favorable prognosis

    Interrogative in the humanities and linguistics: the epistemology of research

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    The article discusses the epistemological foundations of the study of the interrogative in linguistics and humanities. The purpose of the article is to identify semiotic correlations between the interrogative and the language thinking of native speakers of national languages: Russian and Frenc

    Epidemiological Situation on the Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis in the Russian Federation in 2009-2011 and Prognosis for 2012

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    Analysis of the epidemiological situation on the tick-borne viral encephalitis in the territory of the Russian Federation with due consideration to weekly epidemiological monitoring data (2009-2011), conducted by Rospotrebnadzor organizations in the corresponding constituent entities, testifies of the fact that continuous decrease in morbidity, characteristic of the early XXI century, has given way to a slight increase within the past three years. Given that there are no spring or early-summer weather anomalies or forest fires, morbidity rates among the population of the Russian Federation in 2012 can tend to exceed 2011 rates. Comprehensive set of measures applied for the disease control and prevention in the majority of endemic territories is quite effective in view of averting sharp upturn of morbidity rates, but nevertheless is not sufficient in view of the suppression of epidemiological situation