1,668 research outputs found

    Earth study from space

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    The significance that space studies are making to all Earth sciences in the areas of geography, geodesy, cartography, geology, meteorology, oceanology, agronomy, and ecology is discussed. It is predicted that cosmonautics will result in a revolution in science and technology

    Maximum size of reverse-free sets of permutations

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    Two words have a reverse if they have the same pair of distinct letters on the same pair of positions, but in reversed order. A set of words no two of which have a reverse is said to be reverse-free. Let F(n,k) be the maximum size of a reverse-free set of words from [n]^k where no letter repeats within a word. We show the following lower and upper bounds in the case n >= k: F(n,k) \in n^k k^{-k/2 + O(k/log k)}. As a consequence of the lower bound, a set of n-permutations each two having a reverse has size at most n^{n/2 + O(n/log n)}.Comment: 10 page

    Short note on magnetic impurities in SmFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fx_x (x=0, 0.07) compounds revealed by zero-field 75^{75}As NMR

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    We have performed zero-field 75^{75}As nuclear magnetic resonance study of SmFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fx_x (x=0, 0.07) polycrystals in a wide frequency range at various temperatures. 75^{75}As resonance line was found at around 265 MHz revealing the formation of the intermetallic FeAs clusters in the new layered superconductors. We have also demonstrated that NMR is a sensitive tool for probing the quality of these materials.Comment: Revised authorshi

    Design and analysis of provably secure pseudorandom generators

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    Strategic directions of transport and logistics to ensure the implementation of new industrialization processes

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    Ensuring the processes of industrialization of the modern economy requires the formation of an efficient transport and logistics infrastructure. The solution of this task is carried out using the tools of strategic management, in particular the formation of strategic goals. The article presents the strategic goals and the corresponding strategic measures in the field of ensuring the availability and quality of transport and logistics services in the field of freight traffic at the level of the needs of the development of the economy of the Sverdlovsk region. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Infrared spectra of some sulfides and their analogs of binary composition in the long-wave region

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    The far infrared spectra (500-60/cm) of some simple sulfides and their analogs were studied. In all, 22 minerals with different structure types were investigated, out of which 14 are sulfides (galena, alabandite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, wurtzite, cinnabar, realgar, orpiment, getchelite antimonite, molybdenite, pyrite, marcasite and heazlewoodite) 6 arsenides (niccolite, domeykite, arsenopyrite, lollingite, rammelsbergite and skutterudite), one telluride (tetradymite) and native arsenic. The main bands of infrared absorption spectra of the minerals are compared with the relative strength of the interatomic bonds and their interpretation is given

    Modification of magnetic and transport properties of manganite layers in Au/La_0.67Sr_0.33MnO_3/SrTiO_3 interfaces

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    The effect of gold capping on magnetic and transport properties of optimally doped manganite thin films is studied. An extraordinary suppression of conductivity and magnetic properties occurs in epitaxial (001) La_0.67Sr_0.33MnO_3 (LSMO) films grown on SrTiO_3 upon deposition of 2 nm of Au: in the case of ultrathin films of LSMO (4 nm thick) the resistivity increases by four orders of magnitude while the Curie temperature decreases by 180 K. Zero-field 55Mn nuclear magnetic resonance reveals a significant reduction of ferromagnetic double-exchange mechanism in manganite films upon the gold capping. We find evidence for the formation of a 1.9-nm thick magnetic "dead-layer" at the Au/LSMO interface, associated with the creation of interfacial non double-exchange insulating phases.Comment: 4 figure