465 research outputs found

    XMMU J174716.1-281048: a "quasi-persistent" very faint X-ray transient?

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    The X-ray transient XMMU J174716.1-281048 was serendipitously discovered with XMM-Newton in 2003. It lies about 0.9 degrees off the Galactic Centre and its spectrum shows a high absorption (~8 x 10E22 cm^(-2)). Previous X-ray observations of the source field performed in 2000 and 2001 did not detect the source, indicative of a quiescent emission at least two orders of magnitude fainter. The low luminosity during the outburst (~5 x 10E34 erg/s at 8 kpc) indicates that the source is a member of the ``very faint X-ray transients'' class. On 2005 March 22nd the INTEGRAL satellite caught a possible type-I X-ray burst from the new INTEGRAL source IGR J17464-2811, classified as fast X-ray transient. This source was soon found to be positionally coincident, within the uncertainties, with XMMU J174716.1-281048. Here we report data analysis of the X-ray burst observed with the IBIS and JEM-X telescopes and confirm the type-I burst nature. We also re-analysed XMM-Newton and Chandra archival observations of the source field. We discuss the implications of these new findings, particularly related to the source distance as well as the source classification.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Discovery of a 6.4 h black hole binary in NGC 4490

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    We report on the discovery with Chandra of a strong modulation (~90% pulsed fraction) at ~6.4 h from the source CXOU J123030.3+413853 in the star-forming, low-metallicity spiral galaxy NGC 4490, which is interacting with the irregular companion NGC 4485. This modulation, confirmed also by XMM-Newton observations, is interpreted as the orbital period of a binary system. The spectra from the Chandra and XMM-Newton observations can be described by a power-law model with photon index ~1.5. During these observations, which span from 2000 November to 2008 May, the source showed a long-term luminosity variability by a factor of ~5, between ~2E+38 and 1.1E+39 erg/s (for a distance of 8 Mpc). The maximum X-ray luminosity, exceeding by far the Eddington limit of a neutron star, indicates that the accretor is a black hole. Given the high X-ray luminosity, the short orbital period and the morphology of the orbital light curve, we favour an interpretation of CXOU J123030.3+413853 as a rare high-mass X-ray binary system with a Wolf-Rayet star as a donor, similar to Cyg X-3. This would be the fourth system of this kind known in the local Universe. CXOU J123030.3+413853 can also be considered as a transitional object between high mass X-ray binaries and ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), the study of which may reveal how the properties of persistent black-hole binaries evolve entering the ULX regime.Comment: Fig. 1 in reduced quality; minor changes to match the MNRAS versio

    Probing large-scale wind structures in Vela X-1 using off-states with INTEGRAL

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    Vela X-1 is the prototype of the class of wind-fed accreting pulsars in high mass X-ray binaries hosting a supergiant donor. We have analyzed in a systematic way ten years of INTEGRAL data of Vela X-1 (22-50 keV) and we found that when outside the X-ray eclipse, the source undergoes several luminosity drops where the hard X-rays luminosity goes below 3x10^35 erg/s, becoming undetected by INTEGRAL. These drops in the X-ray flux are usually referred to as "off-states" in the literature. We have investigated the distribution of these off-states along the Vela X-1 ~8.9 d orbit, finding that their orbital occurrence displays an asymmetric distribution, with a higher probability to observe an off-state near the pre-eclipse than during the post-eclipse. This asymmetry can be explained by scattering of hard X-rays in a region of ionized wind, able to reduce the source hard X-ray brightness preferentially near eclipse ingress. We associate this ionized large-scale wind structure with the photoionization wake produced by the interaction of the supergiant wind with the X-ray emission from the neutron star. We emphasize that this observational result could be obtained thanks to the accumulation of a decade of INTEGRAL data, with observations covering the whole orbit several times, allowing us to detect an asymmetric pattern in the orbital distribution of off-states in Vela X-1.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (5 pages, 3 figures). A few typos fixed to match the published versio

    SAXJ1712.6-3739: a persistent hard X-ray source as monitored with INTEGRAL

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    The X-ray source SAXJ1712.6-3739 is a very weak Low Mass X-ray Binary discovered in 1999 with BeppoSAX and located in the Galactic Center. This region has been deeply investigated by the INTEGRAL satellite with an unprecedented exposure time, giving us an unique opportunity to study the hard X-ray behavior also for weak objects. The spectral results are based on the systematic analysis of all INTEGRAL observations covering the source position performed between February 2003 and October 2006. SAXJ1712.6-3739 did not shows any flux variation along this period as well as compared to previous BeppoSAX observation. Hence, to better constrain the physical parameters we combined both instrument data. Long INTEGRAL monitoring reveals, for the first time, that this X-ray burster is a weak persistent source, displaying a X-ray spectrum extended to high energy and spending most of the time in a low luminosity hard state. The broad-band spectrum is well modeled with a simple Comptonized model with a seed photons temperature of ~0.5keV and an electron temperature of ~24keV. The low mass accretion rate (~2x10^{-10} Msun/yr), the long bursts recurrence time, the small sizes of the region emitting the seed photons consisting with the inner disk radius and the high luminosity ratio in the 40-100keV and 20-40keV band, are all features common to the Ultra Compact source class.Comment: accepted A&

    A search for the presence of magnetic fields in the two Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients IGR J08408-4503 and IGR J11215-5952

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    A significant fraction of high-mass X-ray binaries are supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs). The prime model for the physics governing their X-ray behaviour suggests that the winds of donor OB supergiants are magnetized. To investigate if magnetic fields are indeed present in the optical counterparts of such systems, we acquired low-resolution spectropolarimetric observations of the two optically brightest SFXTs, IGR J08408-4503 and IGR J11215-5952 with the ESO FORS2 instrument during two different observing runs. No field detection at a significance level of 3sigma was achieved for IGR J08408-4503. For IGR J11215-5952, we obtain 3.2sigma and 3.8sigma detections (_hydr = -978+-308G and _hydr = 416+-110G) on two different nights in 2016. These results indicate that the model involving the interaction of a magnetized stellar wind with the neutron star magnetosphere can indeed be considered to characterize the behaviour of SFXTs. We detected long-term spectral variability in IGR J11215-5952, while for IGR J08408-4503 we find an indication of the presence of short-term variability on a time scale of minutes.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients uncovered by the EXTraS project: flares reveal the development of magnetospheric instability in accreting neutron stars

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    The low luminosity, X-ray flaring activity, of the sub-class of high mass X-ray binaries called Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients, has been investigated using XMM-Newton public observations, taking advantage of the products made publicly available by the EXTraS project. One of the goals of EXTraS was to extract from the XMM-Newton public archive information on the aperiodic variability of all sources observed in the soft X-ray range with EPIC (0.2-12 keV). Adopting a Bayesian block decomposition of the X-ray light curves of a sample of SFXTs, we picked out 144 X-ray flares, covering a large range of soft X-ray luminosities (1e32-1e36 erg/s). We measured temporal quantities, like the rise time to and the decay time from the peak of the flares, their duration and the time interval between adjacent flares. We also estimated the peak luminosity, average accretion rate and energy release in the flares. The observed soft X-ray properties of low-luminosity flaring activity from SFXTs is in qualitative agreement with what is expected by the application of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability model in accreting plasma near the neutron star magnetosphere. In the case of rapidly rotating neutron stars, sporadic accretion from temporary discs cannot be excluded.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (accepted 2019 May 1; received 2019 April 30; in original form 2019 February 25). 22 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables

    IGRJ16479-4514: the first eclipsing supergiant fast X-ray transient?

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    Supergiant fast X-ray transients are a new class of high mass X-ray binaries recently discovered with INTEGRAL. Hours long outbursts from these sources have been observed on numerous occasions at luminosities of ~1E36-1E37 erg/s, whereas their low level activity at ~1E32-1E34 erg/s has not been deeply investigated yet due to the paucity of long pointed observations with high sensitivity X-ray telescopes. Here we report on the first long (~32 ks) pointed XMM-Newton observation of IGR J16479-4514, a member of this new class. This observation was carried out in March 2008, shortly after an outburst from this source, with the main goal of investigating its low level emission and physical mechanisms that drive the source activity. Results from the timing, spectral and spatial analysis of the EPIC-PN XMM-Newton observation show that the X-ray source IGRJ16479-4514 underwent an episode of sudden obscuration, possibly an X-ray eclipse by the supergiant companion. We also found evidence for a soft X-ray extended halo around the source that is most readily interpreted as due to scattering by dust along the line of sight to IGRJ16479-4514. We discuss this result in the context of the gated accretion scenarios that have been proposed to interpret the behaviour of supergiant fast X-ray transient.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS letter. 6 pages and 5 figures. We updated one reference and the acknowledgment

    New insights on accretion in Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients from XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL observations of IGR J17544-2619

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    XMM-Newton observations of the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR ~J17544-2619 are reported and placed in the context of an analysis of archival INTEGRAL/IBIS data that provides a refined estimate of the orbital period at 4.9272±\pm0.0004 days. A complete outburst history across the INTEGRAL mission is reported. Although the new XMM-Newton observations (each lasting \sim15 ks) targeted the peak flux in the phase-folded hard X-ray light curve of IGR ~J17544-2619, no bright outbursts were observed, the source spending the majority of the exposure at intermediate luminosities of the order of several 1033^{33}\,erg\,s1^{-1} (0.5\,-\,10\,keV) and displaying only low level flickering activity. For the final portion of the exposure, the luminosity of IGR ~J17544-2619 dropped to \sim4×\times1032^{32}\,erg\,s1^{-1} (0.5 - 10 keV), comparable with the lowest luminosities ever detected from this source, despite the observations being taken near to periastron. We consider the possible orbital geometry of IGR ~J17544-2619 and the implications for the nature of the mass transfer and accretion mechanisms for both IGR ~J17544-2619 and the SFXT population. We conclude that accretion under the `quasi-spherical accretion' model provides a good description of the behaviour of IGR ~J17544-2619, and suggest an additional mechanism for generating outbursts based upon the mass accumulation rate in the hot shell (atmosphere) that forms around the NS under the quasi-spherical formulation. Hence we hope to aid in explaining the varied outburst behaviours observed across the SFXT population with a consistent underlying physical model.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA