141 research outputs found

    The FRIGG project: From intermediate galactic scales to self-gravitating cores

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    Abridged. Understanding the detailed structure of the interstellar gas is essential for our knowledge of the star formation process. The small-scale structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) is a direct consequence of the galactic scales and making the link between the two is essential. We perform adaptive mesh simulations that aim to bridge the gap between the intermediate galactic scales and the self-gravitating prestellar cores. For this purpose we use stratified supernova regulated ISM magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations at the kpc scale to set up the initial conditions. We then zoom, performing a series of concentric uniform refinement and then refining on the Jeans length for the last levels. This allows us to reach a spatial resolution of a few 10−310^{-3} pc. The cores are identified using a clump finder and various criteria based on virial analysis. Their most relevant properties are computed and, due to the large number of objects formed in the simulations, reliable statistics are obtained. The cores properties show encouraging agreements with observations. The mass spectrum presents a clear powerlaw at high masses with an exponent close to ≃−1.3\simeq -1.3 and a peak at about 1-2 M⊙M_\odot. The velocity dispersion and the angular momentum distributions are respectively a few times the local sound speed and a few 10−210^{-2} pc km s−1^{-1}. We also find that the distribution of thermally supercritical cores present a range of magnetic mass-to-flux over critical mass-to-flux ratio which typically ranges between ≃\simeq0.3 and 3.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The tumor suppressor CIC directly regulates MAPK pathway genes via histone deacetylation

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    Abstract Oligodendrogliomas are brain tumors accounting for approximately 10% of all central nervous system cancers. CIC is a transcription factor that is mutated in most patients with oligodendrogliomas; these mutations are believed to be a key oncogenic event in such cancers. Analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster ortholog of CIC, Capicua, indicates that CIC loss phenocopies activation of the EGFR/RAS/MAPK pathway, and studies in mammalian cells have demonstrated a role for CIC in repressing the transcription of the PEA3 subfamily of ETS transcription factors. Here, we address the mechanism by which CIC represses transcription and assess the functional consequences of CIC inactivation. Genome-wide binding patterns of CIC in several cell types revealed that CIC target genes were enriched for MAPK effector genes involved in cell-cycle regulation and proliferation. CIC binding to target genes was abolished by high MAPK activity, which led to their transcriptional activation. CIC interacted with the SIN3 deacetylation complex and, based on our results, we suggest that CIC functions as a transcriptional repressor through the recruitment of histone deacetylases. Independent single amino acid substitutions found in oligodendrogliomas prevented CIC from binding its target genes. Taken together, our results show that CIC is a transcriptional repressor of genes regulated by MAPK signaling, and that ablation of CIC function leads to increased histone acetylation levels and transcription at these genes, ultimately fueling mitogen-independent tumor growth. Significance: Inactivation of CIC inhibits its direct repression of MAPK pathway genes, leading to their increased expression and mitogen-independent growth. Graphical Abstract: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/canres/78/15/4114/F1.large.jpg. Cancer Res; 78(15); 4114–25. ©2018 AACR.</jats:p

    Ten questions to AI regarding the present and future of proteomics

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    The role of a scientist is at first not so different from a philosopher. They both need to question common thinking and evaluate whether reality is not as we always thought. Based on this, we need to design hypotheses, experiments, and analyses to prove our alternative vision. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly moving from an “assistant” into a proper “colleague” for literature mining, data analysis and interpretation, and literally having (almost) real scientific conversations. However, being AI based on existing information, if we rely on it excessively will we still be able to question the status quo? In this article, we are particularly interested in discussing the future of proteomics and mass spectrometry with our new electronic collaborator. We leave to the reader the judgement whether the answers we received are satisfactory or superficial. What we were mostly interested in was laying down what we think are critical questions that the proteomics community should occasionally ask to itself. Proteomics has been around for more than 30 years, but it is still missing a few critical steps to fully address its promises as being the new genomics for clinical diagnostics and fundamental science, while becoming a user-friendly tool for every lab. Will we get there with the help of AI? And will these answers change in a short period, as AI continues to advance

    Two distinct modes for propagation of histone PTMs across the cell cycle

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    Epigenetic states defined by chromatin can be maintained through mitotic cell division. However, it remains unknown how histone-based information is transmitted. Here we combine nascent chromatin capture (NCC) and triple-SILAC (stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture) labeling to track histone modifications and histone variants during DNA replication and across the cell cycle. We show that post-translational modifications (PTMs) are transmitted with parental histones to newly replicated DNA. Di- and trimethylation marks are diluted twofold upon DNA replication, as a consequence of new histone deposition. Importantly, within one cell cycle, all PTMs are restored. In general, new histones are modified to mirror the parental histones. However, H3K9 trimethylation (H3K9me3) and H3K27me3 are propagated by continuous modification of parental and new histones because the establishment of these marks extends over several cell generations. Together, our results reveal how histone marks propagate and demonstrate that chromatin states oscillate within the cell cycle

    RNA polymerase II promotes the organization of chromatin following DNA replication

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    Understanding how chromatin organisation is duplicated on the two daughter strands is a central question in epigenetics. In mammals, following the passage of the replisome, nucleosomes lose their defined positioning and transcription contributes to their re-organisation. However, whether transcription plays a greater role in the organization of chromatin following DNA replication remains unclear. Here we analysed protein re-association with newly replicated DNA upon inhibition of transcription using iPOND coupled to quantitative mass spectrometry. We show that nucleosome assembly and the re-establishment of most histone modifications are uncoupled from transcription. However, RNAPII acts to promote the re-association of hundreds of proteins with newly replicated chromatin via pathways that are not observed in steady-state chromatin. These include ATP-dependent remodellers, transcription factors and histone methyltransferases. We also identify a set of DNA repair factors that may handle transcription-replication conflicts during normal transcription in human non-transformed cells. Our study reveals that transcription plays a greater role in the organization of chromatin post-replication than previously anticipated.</p

    A dynamic and combinatorial histone code drives malaria parasite asexual and sexual development

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    Histone posttranslational modifications (PTMs) frequently co-occur on the same chromatin domains or even in the same molecule. It is now established that these “histone codes” are the result of cross talk between enzymes that catalyze multiple PTMs with univocal readout as compared with these PTMs in isolation. Here, we performed a comprehensive identification and quantification of histone codes of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. We used advanced quantitative middle-down proteomics to identify combinations of PTMs in both the proliferative, asexual stages and transmissible, sexual gametocyte stages of P. falciparum. We provide an updated, high-resolution compendium of 77 PTMs on H3 and H3.3, of which 34 are newly identified in P. falciparum. Coexisting PTMs with unique stage distinctions were identified, indicating that many of these combinatorial PTMs are associated with specific stages of the parasite life cycle. We focused on the code H3R17me2K18acK23ac for its unique presence in mature gametocytes; chromatin proteomics identified a gametocyte-specific SAGA-like effector complex including the transcription factor AP2-G2, which we tied to this specific histone code, as involved in regulating gene expression in mature gametocytes. Ultimately, this study unveils previously undiscovered histone PTMs and their functional relationship with coexisting partners. These results highlight that investigating chromatin regulation in the parasite using single histone PTM assays might overlook higher-order gene regulation for distinct proliferation and differentiation processes.The South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation, administered through the South African National Research Foundation; the Leukemia Research Foundation; AFAR; Deerfield and the National Institutes of Health.https://www.asbmb.org/journals-news/molecular-cellular-proteomicshj2022BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologyUP Centre for Sustainable Malaria Control (UP CSMC

    Quantitative chromatin proteomics reveals a dynamic histone posttranslational modification landscape that defines asexual and sexual Plasmodium falciparum parasites

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    Gene expression in Plasmodia integrates post-transcriptional regulation with epigenetic marking of active genomic regions through histone post-translational modifications (PTMs). To generate insights into the importance of histone PTMs to the entire asexual and sexual developmental cycles of the parasite, we used complementary and comparative quantitative chromatin proteomics to identify and functionally characterise histone PTMs in 8 distinct life cycle stages of P. falciparum parasites. ~500 individual histone PTMs were identified of which 106 could be stringently validated. 46 individual histone PTMs and 30 co-existing PTMs were fully quantified with high confidence. Importantly, 15 of these histone PTMs are novel for Plasmodia (e.g. H3K122ac, H3K27me3, H3K56me3). The comparative nature of the data revealed a highly dynamic histone PTM landscape during life cycle development, with a set of histone PTMs (H3K4ac, H3K9me1 and H3K36me2) displaying a unique and conserved abundance profile exclusively during gametocytogenesis (P < 0.001). Euchromatic histone PTMs are abundant during schizogony and late gametocytes; heterochromatic PTMs mark early gametocytes. Collectively, this data provides the most accurate, complete and comparative chromatin proteomic analyses of the entire life cycle development of malaria parasites. A substantial association between histone PTMs and stage-specific transition provides insights into the intricacies characterising Plasmodial developmental biology.The South African National Research Foundation (FA2007050300003 & UID 84627), the Medical Research Council and the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013, No. 242095) to LB and a PhD Innovation Bursary from the NRF to N.C. B.G. received funding for this work from the US NIH (R01 GM110174 and AI118891).http://www.nature.com/scientificreportsam2017Biochemistr

    Phosphoproteomic analysis of rat neutrophils shows the effect of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion and preconditioning on kinases and phosphatases

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    Intestinal ischemia reperfusion injury (iIRI) is a severe clinical condition presenting high morbidity and mortality worldwide. Some of the systemic consequences of IRI can be prevented by applying ischemic preconditioning (IPC), a series of short ischemia/reperfusion events preceding the major ischemia. Although neutrophils are key players in the pathophysiology of ischemic injuries, neither the dysregulation presented by these cells in iIRI nor the protective effect of iIPC have their regulation mechanisms fully understood. Protein phosphorylation, as well as the regulation of the respective phosphatases and kinases are responsible for regulating a large number of cellular functions in the inflammatory response. Moreover, in previous work we found hydrolases and transferases to be modulated in iIR and iIPC, suggesting the possible involvement of phosphatases and kinases in the process. Therefore, in the present study, we analyzed the phosphoproteome of neutrophils from rats submitted to mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion, either submitted or not to IPC, compared to quiescent controls and sham laparotomy. Proteomic analysis was performed by multi-step enrichment of phosphopeptides, isobaric labeling, and LC-MS/MS analysis. Bioinformatics was used to determine phosphosite and phosphopeptide abundance and clustering, as well as kinases and phosphatases sites and domains. We found that most of the phosphorylation-regulated proteins are involved in apoptosis and migration, and most of the regulatory kinases belong to CAMK and CMGC families. An interesting finding revealed groups of proteins that are modulated by iIR, but such modulation can be prevented by iIPC. Among the regulated proteins related to the iIPC protective effect, Vamp8 and Inpp5d/Ship are discussed as possible candidates for control of the iIR damage

    White adipose remodeling during browning in mice involves YBX1 to drive thermogenic commitment

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    Objective: Increasing adaptive thermogenesis by stimulating browning in white adipose tissue is a promising method of improving metabolic health. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this transition remain elusive. Our study examined the molecular determinants driving the differentiation of precursor cells into thermogenic adipocytes. Methods: In this study, we conducted temporal high-resolution proteomic analysis of subcutaneous white adipose tissue (scWAT) after cold exposure in mice. This was followed by loss- and gain-of-function experiments using siRNA-mediated knockdown and CRISPRa-mediated induction of gene expression, respectively, to evaluate the function of the transcriptional regulator Y box-binding protein 1 (YBX1) during adipogenesis of brown pre-adipocytes and mesenchymal stem cells. Transcriptomic analysis of mesenchymal stem cells following induction of endogenous Ybx1 expression was conducted to elucidate transcriptomic events controlled by YBX1 during adipogenesis. Results: Our proteomics analysis uncovered 509 proteins differentially regulated by cold in a time-dependent manner. Overall, 44 transcriptional regulators were acutely upregulated following cold exposure, among which included the cold-shock domain containing protein YBX1, peaking after 24 h. Cold-induced upregulation of YBX1 also occurred in brown adipose tissue, but not in visceral white adipose tissue, suggesting a role of YBX1 in thermogenesis. This role was confirmed by Ybx1 knockdown in brown and brite preadipocytes, which significantly impaired their thermogenic potential. Conversely, inducing Ybx1 expression in mesenchymal stem cells during adipogenesis promoted browning concurrent with an increased expression of thermogenic markers and enhanced mitochondrial respiration. At a molecular level, our transcriptomic analysis showed that YBX1 regulates a subset of genes, including the histone H3K9 demethylase Jmjd1c, to promote thermogenic adipocyte differentiation. Conclusion: Our study mapped the dynamic proteomic changes of murine scWAT during browning and identified YBX1 as a novel factor coordinating the genomic mechanisms by which preadipocytes commit to brite/beige lineage

    Dynamic de novo heterochromatin assembly and disassembly at replication forks ensures fork stability

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    Chromatin is dynamically reorganized when DNA replication forks are challenged. However, the process of epigenetic reorganization and its implication for fork stability is poorly understood. Here we discover a checkpoint-regulated cascade of chromatin signalling that activates the histone methyltransferase EHMT2/G9a to catalyse heterochromatin assembly at stressed replication forks. Using biochemical and single molecule chromatin fibre approaches, we show that G9a together with SUV39h1 induces chromatin compaction by accumulating the repressive modifications, H3K9me1/me2/me3, in the vicinity of stressed replication forks. This closed conformation is also favoured by the G9a-dependent exclusion of the H3K9-demethylase JMJD1A/KDM3A, which facilitates heterochromatin disassembly upon fork restart. Untimely heterochromatin disassembly from stressed forks by KDM3A enables PRIMPOL access, triggering single-stranded DNA gap formation and sensitizing cells towards chemotherapeutic drugs. These findings may help in explaining chemotherapy resistance and poor prognosis observed in patients with cancer displaying elevated levels of G9a/H3K9me3.</p
