416 research outputs found

    Animasi Interaktif Pengetahuan Dasar Bahasa dan Matematika Berbasis Multimedia

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    Currently there are many kindergartens that way of delivering lessons with the method of lectures / conventional. Sometimes explaining learning materials to children aged 5-6 (five-six) years or below kindergarten students is not easy. Such as Tadika Puri kindergarten which was established in 1977 and to this day still use the method of mirror. The process of understanding students who are slow in capturing learning materials in because lessons taught less interesting. Therefore required a new media and support methods for the learning process becomes more effective teaching with interactive multimedia-based learning applications. The research method used in this writing is a qualitative method with descriptive approach that is equipped with research using questionnaires and interviews to the respondents who have been predetermined. The result of the interactive animation design of basic knowledge of language and mathematics can help students in understanding the vocabulary of language and mathematics easily because it is conveyed with an interesting accompanied by interactive pictures and sounds

    Animasi Interaktif Pengetahuan Dasar Bahasa dan Matematika Berbasis Multimedia

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    Currently there are many kindergartens that way of delivering lessons with the method of lectures / conventional. Sometimes explaining learning materials to children aged 5-6 (five-six) years or below kindergarten students is not easy. Such as Tadika Puri kindergarten which was established in 1977 and to this day still use the method of mirror. The process of understanding students who are slow in capturing learning materials in because lessons taught less interesting. Therefore required a new media and support methods for the learning process becomes more effective teaching with interactive multimedia-based learning applications. The research method used in this writing is a qualitative method with descriptive approach that is equipped with research using questionnaires and interviews to the respondents who have been predetermined. The result of the interactive animation design of basic knowledge of language and mathematics can help students in understanding the vocabulary of language and mathematics easily because it is conveyed with an interesting accompanied by interactive pictures and sounds

    Studi In Vitro Potensi Kurkuminoid (Curcuma Domestica Vahl) dan Senyawa-senyawanya terhadap Superoksidadismutase dan pada Proses Peroksidasi Lipid Sel Monosit.

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah masing-masing sampel ( kurkuminoid,kurkumin, desmetoksikurkumin dan bisdesmetoksikurkumin ) dengan dosis sama (3,68 ug/50ul)yang diisolasi dan dimurnikan dari rimpang kunyit (Curcuma domestica Vahl) memiliki efekterhadap aktivitas superoksidadismutase dan terhadap proses peroksidasi lipid secara in vitro.Subjek penelitian menggunakan sel monosit yang diisolasi dari darah pria dewasa normaldengan metode Boyum.Masing-masing sampel dibagi ke dalam dua grup, grup (a) dilarutkan dalam dimetilsulfoksida(DMSO), dan grup (b) dilarutkan dalam air suling. Kedua grup sampel tersebut diuji terhadapaktivitas superoksidadismutase, dilakukan dengan metode Murakami, dan juga diuji terhadapproses peroksidasi lipid sel monosit dilakukan dengan metode TBARS.Hasil penelitian dari kedua grup sampel, memiliki efek meningkatkan aktivitassuperoksidadismutase secara bermakna (p< 0,05), demikian pula dapat menghambat terhadapproses peroksidasi lipid, yang ditunjukan dengan penurunan kadar malondialdehid secarabermakna (p< 0,05).Sampel grup (a) memiliki kekuatan lebih besar terhadap peningkatan aktivitas superoksidadismutasejika dibandingkan dengan sampel grup (b), khususnya terlihat pada kurkuminoidaktivitasnya hampir menyamai α-tokoferol.Kurkumin baik dari grup (a) maupun dari grup (b) memiliki aktivitas yang lebih besar terhadappenghambatan proses peroksidasi lipid dibandingkan dengan kurkuminoid, desmetoksikurkumindan bisdesmetoksi-kurkumin. Bahkan lebih kuat dari α-tokoferol

    Pengembangan Teknologi Panen Hujan dan Aliran Permukaan: Analisis USAhatani Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Air

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    Aplikasi teknologi panen hujan dan aliran permukaan di lahan kering dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan air, memperpanjang masa tanam, dan menekan risiko kehilangan hasil. Untuk menciptakan pengelolaan air berkelanjutan harus didukung peran serta masyarakat/petani dalam pengelolaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dampak aplikasi teknologi panen hujan (dam parit) terhadap USAhatani dan melihat persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan dam parit. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Limampoccoe, Kecamatan Cenranae, Kabupaten Maros, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, pada bulan Pebruari sampai Oktober 2012. Kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui: 1) aplikasi pembangunan teknologi panen hujan dan aliran permukaan melalui dam parit, 2) analisis USAhatani dan penilaianpersepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan dam parit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi panen hujan dan aliran permukaan dapat meningkatkan intensitas tanam dari pola tanam padi-bera-bera menjadi padi-kacang tanahbera dan padi-semangka-bera, dengan demikian terdapat peningkatan pendapatan USAhatani setelah pembangunan damparit. Petani merasakan manfaat dam parit dan merasa bertanggung jawab dalam menjaga kelangsungan fungsi dam parit

    Experimental assessment of a novel eutectic binary molten salt-based hexagonal boron nitride nanocomposite as a promising PCM with enhanced specific heat capacity

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    In this study, novel nanocomposites containing the pre-defined mass ratio of binary molten salt (NaNO3-KNO3: 60-40 wt. %) dispersed with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanoparticles with nominal size of 70 nm, were prepared through one-phase preparation method. Four different types of samples including pure binary molten salt and binary molten salt-based hBN nanocomposites with loading concentrations of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 wt. % were prepared. The proposed amount of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate was added to certain amount of DI water, comprising with 0.5, 1 and 1.5 wt. % concentration of hBN nanoparticles. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was conducted to evaluate the uniformity of the synthesized binary molten salt-based hBN nanocomposites. The SEM images revealed uniform dispersion of hexagonal boron nitride nanoparticles and fractal-like structures were observed clearly. Specific heat capacity (cp) and melting temperature measurements were performed using a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The experimental achieved data for melting temperature proved that hexagonal boron nitride nanoparticles do not affect the melting temperature of the synthesized nanocomposites. The experimentally achieved data for the average cp values of the binary molten salt in solid and liquid phases were 1.14 and 1.13 J/g K, respectively. While, the average cp values for the binary molten salt-based hBN nanocomposite with the highest loading concentration of nanoparticles (1.5 wt. %) in solid and liquid phases were 2 and 3.17 J/g K, respectively. The measured average cp value in the liquid phase for binary molten salt-based hBN nanocomposite with the highest loading concentration (1.5 wt. %) of nanoparticles revealed enhancement of ~180% in comparison with pure binary molten salt. Thermal stability measurements expressed enhancement of thermal stability in binary molten salt induced with hBN nanoparticles. Binary molten salt-based hBN nanocomposite with loading concentration of 1.5 wt. % represented ~16% enhancement in thermal stability over the binary molten salt

    The Examination of Budgeting Reality at University Based on Public Services Agency

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    The principles of Good University Governance (GUG) need to be developed in all academic activities and university management. The most important part of university management to affect university performance is the budgeting. This study aims are 1) to review the implementation of Gorontalo State University budgeting and 2) to identify the conflicts occurred in preparation of Gorontalo State University budget. This research is conducted by descriptive qualitative method. The data is collected by (1) in-depth interviews with experts  to explore the budgeting process at Gorontalo State University and (2) observation and documentation of budgeting at university level. This research departs from knowledge and awareness related to budgeting, especially in institutions based on Public Service Agency. The results of study indicate that budgeting mechanism generally starts from the planning stage, namely Strategic Plan, then Business Plan and Budget development refers to Strategic Plan. The involved parties are planning department, Supervisory Board, Internal Supervisory Unit and leadership in each work unit. The reality show that the budget preparation conflict is each unit has an interest to meet their respective needs. Keywords: Good University Governance, Budgeting, Strategic Plan, Business Plans and Budgets DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/12-22-10 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Public attitude towards modern biotechnology

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    This article reviews the literature related to the main idea of the study, rooting from the definition of biotechnology, global status of commercialized biotechnology products, and global and local public attitudes towards modern biotechnology and past models for attitude towards modern biotechnology. The first section of the review will be the in-depth-discussion regarding the definition of modern biotechnology according to several established international organizations, followed by global status of commercialized biotechnology products which will emphasize on how modern biotechnology is classified and which area are being focused more by the stakeholders, and global and local public attitudes towards modern biotechnology based on previous studies. Last but not least, the final section is credited to past studies related to attitudes and past models of public attitudes towards biotechnology, both globally and locally. A developing country like Malaysia was chosen in this article as an example of the case study related to local situation of modern biotechnology.Key words: Modern biotechnology, genetically modified (GM), public attitude, Malaysi