68 research outputs found

    Seed value chains for Sorghum and Millet in Mali: A state-based system in transition

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    "This paper reviews the structure and performance of the sorghum and millet seed sector in Mali. The Sahel is the origin of pearl millet and sorghum, seed selection and management of these crops is embedded in local cultures, and most producers of these crops are subsistence oriented. Despite seed sector reform, no certified seed of these crops is sold in local markets and farmers prefer to rely on themselves or each other for seed. The dominant source of certified seed is the national seed service. Certified seed is multiplied by contracted farmers and seed producer groups, and supplied to farmers through farmers' associations, development organizations, and extension services. The informal sector supplies farmers with non-certified seed directly and indirectly through village grain markets. There is no consensus about whether it is lack of effective demand or supply that constrains farmer use of certified sorghum and millet seed, but researchers generally conclude that the process of certifying seed is too lengthy, some mechanism must be established for production and trade of locally-adapted landraces, and Mali's highly structured farmers' associations could play an even stronger role in testing and promoting demand for certified seed. Recommendations have included the use of small packs and seed auctions where market infrastructure is sparse, and in more commercialized areas, involvement of agro-input dealers, shopkeepers and traders. Still, estimated adoption rates for improved millet (under 10 percent of crop area) and sorghum seed (under 20 percent of crop area) could be as high as can be expected in this challenging natural environment and institutional context." from Author's AbstractSeeds, Formal sector, Informal sector, Millet, Sorghum, Seed markets, Biodiversity,

    Rôle des bibliothèques dans la société malienne (Le)

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    Diaporama de l\u27intervention de Amadou Békaye Sidibé (chef de la Division Informatique, Formation et Normalisation, Direction Nationale des Bibliothèques et de la Documentation, Bamako, Mali) dans le cadre du colloque "Quelles bibliothèques publiques pour demain ? État des lieux et perspectives, en France et à l’étranger

    Promoting Bambara groundnut, fonio, and native vegetables for resilience and nutrition in Mali

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    Revitalizing cultivation and strengthening the seed systems of fonio and Bambara groundnut in Mali through a community biodiversity management approach

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    Fonio (Digitaria exilis(Kippist)Stapf) and Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea(L.)Verdc.) are native crops grown at a small scale in Mali that have potential to support agricultural productivity under climate change. A community biodiversity management approach was explored in this study as a means to reinforce the cultivation of these crops by increasing farmers’ access to intraspecific diversity and developing capacities of community institutions for their management. The research involved six communities in Ségou and Sikasso regions. Multiple varieties of fonio (10–12) and Bambaragroundnut (8–12) were established indiversity fields in each site over 2 years where farmers engaged in experiential learning over the crop cycle. Significant adoption of fonio and Bambara groundnut was detected in several study sites.The precise drivers of adoption cannot be definitively determined but likely include increased seed access and awareness gained through the diversity field fora, seed fairs and community seed banks. No significant yield advantage was detected for any of the varieties in the diversity fields, which showed variable performance by site and year. The number of varieties registered and managed by community seed banks in each site increased from 1–5 varieties of each crop to 11–12 varieties following the interventions. The number of Bambara groundnut varieties cultivated in farmer as light decline in fonio diversity in some communities.The results of this study can inform efforts to strengthen seed systems and cultivation of neglected and underutilized species in Africa

    L’appendagite aiguë : une étiologie rare à ne pas méconnaître dans les douleurs abdominales: Acute appendagitis: a rare etiology not to be overlooked in abdominal pain

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    Acute appendagitis is a rare cause of abdominal pain. Its diagnosis is based on medical imaging and its treatment is medical. We report a case of acute appendagitis diagnosed on the abdominal CT scan in the context of epigastralgia. L’appendagite aiguë est une cause rare de douleurs abdominales. Son diagnostic repose sur l’imagerie médicale et son traitement est médical. Nous rapportons un cas d’appendagite aiguë diagnostiquée au scanner abdominal au décours d’une mise au point d’épigastralgies
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