562 research outputs found

    Development of role-related minimum cardiorespiratory fitness standards for firefighters and commanders

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    A minimum cardiorespiratory fitness standard was derived for firefighters following a metabolic demands analysis. Design and minimal acceptable performance of generic firefighting task simulations (i.e. hose running, casualty evacuation, stair climb, equipment carry, wild-land fire) were endorsed by a panel of operationally experienced experts. Sixty-two UK firefighters completed these tasks wearing a standard protective firefighting ensemble while being monitored for peak steady-state metabolic demand and cardiovascular strain. Four tasks, endorsed as valid operational simulations by ≄90% of participants (excluding wild-land fire; 84%), were deemed to be a sufficiently valid and reliable basis for a fitness standard. These tasks elicited an average peak steady-state metabolic cost of 38.1 ± 7.8 ml kg-1 min-1. It is estimated that healthy adults can sustain the total duration of these tasks (~16 min) at ≀90% maximum oxygen uptake and a cardiorespiratory fitness standard of ≄42.3 ml kg-1 min-1 would be required to sustain work. Practitioner Summary: A cardiorespiratory fitness standard for firefighters of ≄42.3 ml kg-1 min-1 was derived from monitoring minimum acceptable performance of essential tasks. This study supports the implementation of a routine assessment of this fitness standard for all UK operational firefighters, to ensure safe physical preparedness for occupational performance.</p

    Giant crystal-electric-field effect and complex magnetic behavior in single-crystalline CeRh3Si2

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    Single-crystalline CeRh3Si2 was investigated by means of x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, electrical resistivity, and specific heat measurements carried out in wide temperature and magnetic field ranges. Moreover, the electronic structure of the compound was studied at room temperature by cerium core-level x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The physical properties were analyzed in terms of crystalline electric field and compared with results of ab-initio band structure calculations performed within the density functional theory approach. The compound was found to crystallize in the orthorhombic unit cell of the ErRh3Si2 type (space group Imma -- No.74, Pearson symbol: oI24) with the lattice parameters: a = 7.1330(14) A, b = 9.7340(19) A, and c = 5.6040(11) A. Analysis of the magnetic and XPS data revealed the presence of well localized magnetic moments of trivalent cerium ions. All physical properties were found to be highly anisotropic over the whole temperature range studied, and influenced by exceptionally strong crystalline electric field with the overall splitting of the 4f1 ground multiplet exceeding 5700 K. Antiferromagnetic order of the cerium magnetic moments at TN = 4.70(1)K and their subsequent spin rearrangement at Tt = 4.48(1) K manifest themselves as distinct anomalies in the temperature characteristics of all investigated physical properties and exhibit complex evolution in an external magnetic field. A tentative magnetic B-T phase diagram, constructed for B parallel to the b-axis being the easy magnetization direction, shows very complex magnetic behavior of CeRh3Si2, similar to that recently reported for an isostructural compound CeIr3Si2. The electronic band structure calculations corroborated the antiferromagnetic ordering of the cerium magnetic moments and well reproduced the experimental XPS valence band spectrum.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Development of role-related minimum cardiorespiratory fitness standards for firefighters and commanders

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    A minimum cardiorespiratory fitness standard was derived for firefighters following a metabolic demands analysis. Design and minimal acceptable performance of generic firefighting task simulations (i.e. hose running, casualty evacuation, stair climb, equipment carry, wild-land fire) were endorsed by a panel of operationally experienced experts. Sixty-two UK firefighters completed these tasks wearing a standard protective firefighting ensemble while being monitored for peak steady-state metabolic demand and cardiovascular strain. Four tasks, endorsed as valid operational simulations by ≄90% of participants (excluding wild-land fire; 84%), were deemed to be a sufficiently valid and reliable basis for a fitness standard. These tasks elicited an average peak steady-state metabolic cost of 38.1 ± 7.8 ml kg−1 min−1. It is estimated that healthy adults can sustain the total duration of these tasks (~16 min) at ≀90% maximum oxygen uptake and a cardiorespiratory fitness standard of ≄42.3 ml kg−1 min−1 would be required to sustain work. Practitioner Summary: A cardiorespiratory fitness standard for firefighters of ≄42.3 ml kg−1 min−1 was derived from monitoring minimum acceptable performance of essential tasks. This study supports the implementation of a routine assessment of this fitness standard for all UK operational firefighters, to ensure safe physical preparedness for occupational performance

    Neuropathic pain and primary somatosensory cortex reorganization following spinal cord injury

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    a b s t r a c t The most obvious impairments associated with spinal cord injury (SCI) are loss of sensation and motor control. However, many subjects with SCI also develop persistent neuropathic pain below the injury which is often severe, debilitating and refractory to treatment. The underlying mechanisms of persistent neuropathic SCI pain remain poorly understood. Reports in amputees describing phantom limb pain demonstrate a positive correlation between pain intensity and the amount of primary somatosensory cortex (S1) reorganization. Of note, this S1 reorganization has also been shown to reverse with pain reduction. It is unknown whether a similar association between S1 reorganization and pain intensity exists in subjects with SCI. The aim of this investigation was to determine whether the degree of S1 reorganization following SCI correlated with on-going neuropathic pain intensity. In 20 complete SCI subjects (10 with neuropathic pain, 10 without neuropathic pain) and 21 control subjects without SCI, the somatosensory cortex was mapped using functional magnetic resonance imaging during light brushing of the right little finger, thumb and lip. S1 reorganization was demonstrated in SCI subjects with the little finger activation point moving medially towards the S1 region that would normally innervate the legs. The amount of S1 reorganization in subjects with SCI significantly correlated with on-going pain intensity levels. This study provides evidence of a link between the degree of cortical reorganization and the intensity of persistent neuropathic pain following SCI. Strategies aimed at reversing somatosensory cortical reorganization may have therapeutic potential in central neuropathic pain. Crow

    The Red Sea, Coastal Landscapes, and Hominin Dispersals

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    This chapter provides a critical assessment of environment, landscape and resources in the Red Sea region over the past five million years in relation to archaeological evidence of hominin settlement, and of current hypotheses about the role of the region as a pathway or obstacle to population dispersals between Africa and Asia and the possible significance of coastal colonization. The discussion assesses the impact of factors such as topography and the distribution of resources on land and on the seacoast, taking account of geographical variation and changes in geology, sea levels and palaeoclimate. The merits of northern and southern routes of movement at either end of the Red Sea are compared. All the evidence indicates that there has been no land connection at the southern end since the beginning of the Pliocene period, but that short sea crossings would have been possible at lowest sea-level stands with little or no technical aids. More important than the possibilities of crossing the southern channel is the nature of the resources available in the adjacent coastal zones. There were many climatic episodes wetter than today, and during these periods water draining from the Arabian escarpment provided productive conditions for large mammals and human populations in coastal regions and eastwards into the desert. During drier episodes the coastal region would have provided important refugia both in upland areas and on the emerged shelves exposed by lowered sea level, especially in the southern sector and on both sides of the Red Sea. Marine resources may have offered an added advantage in coastal areas, but evidence for their exploitation is very limited, and their role has been over-exaggerated in hypotheses of coastal colonization

    Bloodlines: mammals, leeches, and conservation in southern Asia

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    Southern Asia is a biodiversity hotspot both for terrestrial mammals and for leeches. Many small-mammal groups are under-studied in this region, while other mammals are of known conservation concern. In addition to standard methods for surveying mammals, it has recently been demonstrated that residual bloodmeals within leeches can be sequenced to find mammals in a given area. While these invertebrate-parasite-derived DNA (iDNA) methods are promising, most of the leech species utilized for this type of survey remain unevaluated, notwithstanding that their diversity varies substantially. Here we examine approximately 750 individual leech specimens in the genus Haemadipsa across a large range in southern Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, and China), specifically reviewing the diversity of mammals they feed on and their own genetic structuring. Leeches were found to feed on a considerable variety of mammals, corroborating prior studies. Additionally, leeches were found to have fed both on bats and on birds, neither of which has previously been recorded with this method. The genetic structuring of the leeches themselves revealed 15 distinct clades of which only two precisely corresponded to previously characterized species, indicating that much work is needed to finalize classifications in this genus. Most importantly, with regards to mammal conservation, leeches in these clades appear to feed on a broad range of mammals

    Rapid sea level rise and ice sheet response to 8,200-year climate event

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 34 (2007): L20603, doi:10.1029/2007GL031318.The largest abrupt climatic reversal of the Holocene interglacial, the cooling event 8.6–8.2 thousand years ago (ka), was probably caused by catastrophic release of glacial Lake Agassiz-Ojibway, which slowed Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and cooled global climate. Geophysical surveys and sediment cores from Chesapeake Bay reveal the pattern of sea level rise during this event. Sea level rose ~14 m between 9.5 to 7.5 ka, a pattern consistent with coral records and the ICE-5G glacio-isostatic adjustment model. There were two distinct periods at ~8.9–8.8 and ~8.2–7.6 ka when Chesapeake marshes were drown as sea level rose rapidly at least ~12 mm yr−1. The latter event occurred after the 8.6–8.2 ka cooling event, coincided with extreme warming and vigorous AMOC centered on 7.9 ka, and may have been due to Antarctic Ice Sheet decay.Cronin, Willard, Thunell, Berke supported by USGS Earth Surface Dynamics Program; Vogt and Pohlman by Office of Naval Research; Halka by MGS

    Increased Expression of Musashi-1 Evidences Mesenchymal Repair in Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation

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    This study aimed to analyze the expression of Musashi-1 (MSI1) in maxillary native bone and grafted bone after maxillary sinus floor elevation. To do so, fifty-seven bone biopsies from 45 participants were studied. Eighteen samples were collected from native bone while 39 were obtained 6 months after maxillary sinus grafting procedures. Musashi-1 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. MSI1 was detected in osteoblasts and osteocytes in 97.4% (38/39) of grafted areas. In native bone, MSI1 was detected in only 66.6% (12/18) of the biopsies, mainly in osteocytes. Detection of MSI1 was significantly higher in osteoprogenitor mesenchymal cells of grafted biopsies (p < 0.001) but minor in smooth muscle and endothelial cells; no expression was detected in adipocytes. The mesenchymal cells of the non-mineralized tissue of native bone showed very low nuclear expression of MSI1, in comparison to fusiform cells in grafted areas (0.28(0.13) vs. 2.10(0.14), respectively; p < 0.001). Additionally, the detection of MSI1 mRNA was significantly higher in biopsies from grafted areas than those from native bone (1.00(0.51) vs. 60.34(35.2), respectively; p = 0.029). Thus, our results regardig the significantly higher detection of Musashi-1 in grafted sites than in native bone reflects its importance in the remodeling/repair events that occur after maxillary sinus floor elevation in humans.This investigation was partially supported by Research Groups #CTS-138 and #CTS-1028 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain). MPM was supported by the Andalucía Talent Hub Program from the Andalusian Knowledge Agency (co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, Marie SkƂodowska-Curie actions (COFUND – Grant Agreement n° 291780) and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Junta de Andalucía)
