103 research outputs found


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    The world consumption of plastics in agriculture amounts yearly to 6.5 million tons. In addition to conventional polymers used in agriculture for greenhouses and mulches such as PE, PVC, EVA, photo-selective and luminescent polymers have been used, in order to improve the quality of crops. For the same reason plastic nets are used mainly in countries with tropical and Mediterranean climates. For an environmentally friendly agricultural activity, an alternative strategy can be represented by bio-based agricultural raw materials. For low environmental impact applications, biodegradable materials for agricultural films are nowadays produced. An overview of the main methods for the disposal and recycling of plastic materials are presented with the results of mechanical and radiometric tests on recycled plastics. The strategies to reduce the burden of plastics in agriculture are: a correct procedure for the collection, disposal and recycling of post-consumption plastics; the increase of lifetime duration and performance; and the introduction and promotion of bio-based materials

    Mehaničke i optičke karakteristike recikliranih plastičnih materijala dobijenih iz poljoprivrede

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    Intensive use of plastic in horticulture around Europe is causing the creation of the large amount of plastic waste that need to be dealt with. One possible way to control the amount of this waste is its proper management and recycling. In this paper the results of a survey investigating the possibilities to producing new regenerated films through mechanical recycling, from post-consume agricultural plastic films are analyzed. Four recycled films, different in composition, have been extruded and subsequently characterized by mechanical tests and spectro-radiometric analysis. Tensile tests were done in order to define the maximum strength and percentage elongation at break of these new materials while spectro-radiometric analysis allowed the definition of the optical properties, specifically with regard to the transmittance of radiation in the PAR and long IR radiation. The results allow the definition of the main engineering properties of these materials, and the possibilities for further investigation in order to have new products as an economic efficient and environmentally friendly alternative.Savremena i intenzivna poljoprivredna proizvodnja u kontrolisanim i delimično kontrolisanim uslovima ima za posledicu velike količine plastičnog otpada koji predstavlja ekološki i ekonomski balast poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Jedan od načina da se kontroliše količina plastičnog otpada je njegova reciklaža. U radu su dati rezultati ispitivanja četiri tipa recikliranih folija nastalih od folija korišćenih za plastenike, niske tunele i mulčiranje zemljišta kao i od plastike od plastičnih bočica korišćenih u poljoprivredi. Nakon ekstrudiranja reciklirane folije su analizirane sa aspekta mehaničkih i spektro-radiometrijskih osobina. Dobijeni rezultati se mogu iskoristiti za definisanje osnovnih inžinjerskih karakteristika novodobijenih materijala i mogu ukazati na mogućnosti njihovog daljeg korišćenja

    Korišćenje staklenih vlakana pri reciklaži plastičnog otpada iz poljoprivrede

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    The wide-spread presence of plastic material in municipal and agricultural waste has significantly raised the ecology concern in Europe leading to laws and regulations aimed at controlling and reducing waste production, encouraging recycling and reuse as well. Recycling of plastic waste is not new but is a slowly developing process because using recycled materials is limited due to worse properties of recycled plastics if compared to virgin ones. The mechanical recycling of polymers determines a loss of some of their original chemical, physical and mechanical properties due to the role played by some of the degradation factors they were subjected to during their working life. One of the possibilities to improve the properties of plastic products is using diverse fillers like glass or carbon fibres. In this paper, the properties of plastic profiles obtained through mechanical recycling of agricultural plastic material mixed with glass fibres (70% LDPE + 30% glass fibres) were analyzed. The results of the tensile, bending and compression tests here reported show that the mixture of recycled plastic from agricultural application with a suitable different material could be considered as an interesting option for the improvement of the mechanical characteristics of these new regenerated products, paving the way to an increase in the sustainability of the agricultural applications.Intenzivno korišćenje PE i LDPE u poljoprivredi, u poslednjih par decenija, dovelo je u pitanje ekološku održivost poljoprivredne proizvodnje ali je i iniciralo uvođenje i stavljanje na snagu regulatva i zakona kojima se kontroliše i smanjuje generisanje plastičnog otpada uz istovremenu stimulaciju uvođenje procesa reciklaže. Reciklaža kompleksnog plastičnog otpada iz poljoprivrede nije nova tehnologija ali je tehnologija čije su usvajanje i primena veoma spori obzirom na činjenicu da je njihova reciklaža ograničena mehaničkim karakteristikama recikliranih materijala koje su znatno lošije od karakteristika izvornih materijala. Reciklirani polimeri se karakterišu gubitkom određenih hemijskih, fizičkih i mehaničkih osobina nastalim usled degradabilnih faktora kojima su materijali bili izloženi tokom svog perioda eksploatacije neposredno pred reciklažu. Jedan od načina da se osobine recikliranih materijala poprave je i dodatak određenih aditiva kao što su čestice drveta, stakla, kalcijum-karbonata i dr. U ovom radu su date karakteristike materijala nastalog reciklažom plastike iz poljoprivrede i njenom kombinacijom sa staklenim vlaknima u količini od 30%. Rezultati testova na istezanje, sabijanje i savijanje ukazuju da se dodavanjem aditiva u vidu staklenih vlakana u plastični otpad iz poljoprivrede, mehaničke karakteristike ovako reciklirane mešavine mogu poboljšati dajući novi materijal koji bi ponovo moga naći svoje mesto u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji

    ERAS program adherence-institutionalization, major morbidity and anastomotic leakage after elective colorectal surgery: the iCral2 multicenter prospective study

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    Background Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs influence morbidity rates and length of stay after colorectal surgery (CRS), and may also impact major complications and anastomotic leakage rates. A prospective multicenter observational study to investigate the interactions between ERAS program adherence and early outcomes after elective CRS was carried out. Methods Prospective enrolment of patients submitted to elective CRS with anastomosis in 18 months. Adherence to 21 items of ERAS program was measured upon explicit criteria in every case. After univariate analysis, independent predictors of primary endpoints [major morbidity (MM) and anastomotic leakage (AL) rates] were identified through logistic regression analyses including all significant variables, presenting odds ratios (OR). Results Institutional ERAS protocol was declared by 27 out of 38 (71.0%) participating centers. Median overall adherence to ERAS program items was 71.4%. Among 3830 patients included in the study, MM and AL rates were 4.7% and 4.2%, respectively. MM rates were independently influenced by intra- and/or postoperative blood transfusions (OR 7.79, 95% CI 5.46-11.10; p < 0.0001) and standard anesthesia protocol (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.48-0.96; p = 0.028). AL rates were independently influenced by male gender (OR 1.48, 95% CI 1.06-2.07; p = 0.021), intra- and/or postoperative blood transfusions (OR 4.29, 95% CI 2.93-6.50; p < 0.0001) and non-standard resections (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.01-2.22; p = 0.049). Conclusions This study disclosed wide room for improvement in compliance to several ERAS program items. It failed to detect any significant association between institutionalization and/or adherence rates to ERAS program with primary endpoints. These outcomes were independently influenced by gender, intra- and postoperative blood transfusions, non-standard resections, and standard anesthesia protocol

    Scientific Status Quo of Small Renal Lesions: Diagnostic Assessment and Radiomics

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    Background: Small renal masses (SRMs) are defined as contrast-enhanced renal lesions less than or equal to 4 cm in maximal diameter, which can be compatible with stage T1a renal cell carcinomas (RCCs). Currently, 50-61% of all renal tumors are found incidentally. Methods: The characteristics of the lesion influence the choice of the type of management, which include several methods SRM of management, including nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, ablation, observation, and also stereotactic body radiotherapy. Typical imaging methods available for differentiating benign from malignant renal lesions include ultrasound (US), contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results: Although ultrasound is the first imaging technique used to detect small renal lesions, it has several limitations. CT is the main and most widely used imaging technique for SRM characterization. The main advantages of MRI compared to CT are the better contrast resolution and tissue characterization, the use of functional imaging sequences, the possibility of performing the examination in patients allergic to iodine-containing contrast medium, and the absence of exposure to ionizing radiation. For a correct evaluation during imaging follow-up, it is necessary to use a reliable method for the assessment of renal lesions, represented by the Bosniak classification system. This classification was initially developed based on contrast-enhanced CT imaging findings, and the 2019 revision proposed the inclusion of MRI features; however, the latest classification has not yet received widespread validation. Conclusions: The use of radiomics in the evaluation of renal masses is an emerging and increasingly central field with several applications such as characterizing renal masses, distinguishing RCC subtypes, monitoring response to targeted therapeutic agents, and prognosis in a metastatic context

    Lesson by SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19): whole-body CT angiography detection of "relevant" and "other/incidental" systemic vascular findings

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    Objectives: Increasing evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection may lead to severe and multi-site vascular involvement. Our study aimed at assessing the frequency of vascular and extravascular events' distribution in a retrospective cohort of 42 COVID-19 patients. Methods: Patients were evaluated by whole-body CT angiography between March 16 and April 30, 2020. Twenty-three out of the 42 patients evaluated were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Vascular and extravascular findings were categorized into "relevant" or "other/incidental," first referring to the need for immediate patient care and management. Student T-test, Mann-Whitney U test, or Fisher exact test was used to compare study groups, where appropriate. Results: Relevant vascular events were recorded in 71.4% of cases (n = 30). Pulmonary embolism was the most frequent in both ICU and non-ICU cases (56.5% vs. 10.5%, p = 0.002). Ischemic infarctions at several sites such as the gut, spleen, liver, brain, and kidney were detected (n = 20), with multi-site involvement in some cases. Systemic venous thrombosis occurred in 30.9% of cases compared to 7.1% of systemic arterial events, the first being significantly higher in ICU patients (p = 0.002). Among incidental findings, small-sized splanchnic arterial aneurysms were reported in 21.4% of the study population, with no significant differences in ICU and non-ICU patients. Conclusions: Vascular involvement is not negligible in COVID-19 and should be carefully investigated as it may significantly affect disease behavior and prognosis. Key points: • Relevant vascular events were recorded in 71.4% of the study population, with pulmonary embolism being the most frequent event in ICU and non-ICU cases. • Apart from the lung, other organs such as the gut, spleen, liver, brain, and kidneys were involved with episodes of ischemic infarction. Systemic venous and arterial thrombosis occurred in 30.9% and 7.1% of cases, respectively, with venous events being significantly higher in ICU patients (p = 0.002). • Among incidental findings, small-sized splanchnic arterial aneurysms were reported in 21.4% of the whole population

    Senescence atlas reveals an aged-like inflamed niche that blunts muscle regeneration.

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    Tissue regeneration requires coordination between resident stem cells and local niche cells1,2. Here we identify that senescent cells are integral components of the skeletal muscle regenerative niche that repress regeneration at all stages of life. The technical limitation of senescent-cell scarcity3 was overcome by combining single-cell transcriptomics and a senescent-cell enrichment sorting protocol. We identified and isolated different senescent cell types from damaged muscles of young and old mice. Deeper transcriptome, chromatin and pathway analyses revealed conservation of cell identity traits as well as two universal senescence hallmarks (inflammation and fibrosis) across cell type, regeneration time and ageing. Senescent cells create an aged-like inflamed niche that mirrors inflammation associated with ageing (inflammageing4) and arrests stem cell proliferation and regeneration. Reducing the burden of senescent cells, or reducing their inflammatory secretome through CD36 neutralization, accelerates regeneration in young and old mice. By contrast, transplantation of senescent cells delays regeneration. Our results provide a technique for isolating in vivo senescent cells, define a senescence blueprint for muscle, and uncover unproductive functional interactions between senescent cells and stem cells in regenerative niches that can be overcome. As senescent cells also accumulate in human muscles, our findings open potential paths for improving muscle repair throughout life.We thank M. Jardí, A. Navarro, J. M. Ballestero, K. Slobodnyuk, M. González, J. López and M. Raya for their technical contributions; A. Harada and K. Tanaka for assistance in ATAC-seq; all of the members of the P.M.-C. laboratory for discussions; J. Campisi for p16-3MR mice; J. A. Fernández-Blanco (PRBB Animal Facility); O. Fornas (UPF/CRG FACS Facility); E. Rebollo (IBMB Molecular Imaging Platform); V. A. Raker for manuscript editing; and the members of the Myoage network (A. Maier) for human material. We acknowledge funding from MINECO-Spain (RTI2018-096068, to P.M.-C. and E.P.); ERC-2016-AdG-741966, LaCaixa-HEALTHHR17-00040, MDA, UPGRADE-H2020-825825, AFM, DPP-Spain, Fundació La MaratóTV3-80/19- 202021 and MWRF to P.M.-C.; Fundació La MaratóTV3-137/38-202033 to A.L.S.; Maria-de-Maeztu ́ Program for Units of Excellence to UPF (MDM-2014-0370) and Severo-Ochoa Program for Centers of Excellence to CNIC (SEV-2015-0505). This work was also supported by JST-CREST JPMJCR16G1 and MEXT/JSPS JP20H00456/18H05527 to Y.O.; the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA16030502) to M.A.E.; V.M. and A.C. were supported by FPI and Maria-de-Maeztu predoctoral fellowships, respectively, and V.S. by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowship. Parts of the figures were drawn using pictures from Servier Medical Art. Servier Medical Art by Servier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (https://creativecommons.org/licences/by/3.0/).S

    ICG fluorescence imaging in colorectal surgery: a snapshot from the ICRAL study group

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    Background: Fluorescence-guided visualization is a recently proposed technology in colorectal surgery. Possible uses include evaluating perfusion, navigating lymph nodes and searching for hepatic metastases and peritoneal spread. Despite the absence of high-level evidence, this technique has gained considerable popularity among colorectal surgeons due to its significant reliability, safety, ease of use and relatively low cost. However, the actual use of this technique in daily clinical practice has not been reported to date. Methods: This survey was conducted on April 2020 among 44 centers dealing with colorectal diseases and participating in the Italian ColoRectal Anastomotic Leakage (iCral) study group. Surgeons were approximately equally divided based on geographical criteria from multiple Italian regions, with a large proportion based in public (89.1%) and nonacademic (75.7%) centers. They were invited to answer an online survey to snapshot their current behaviors regarding the use of fluorescence-guided visualization in colorectal surgery. Questions regarding technological availability, indications and techniques, personal approaches and feelings were collected in a 23-item questionnaire. Results: Questionnaire replies were received from 37 institutions and partially answered by 8, as this latter group of centers do not implement fluorescence technology (21.6%). Out of the remaining 29 centers (78,4%), fluorescence is utilized in all laparoscopic colorectal resections by 72.4% of surgeons and only for selected cases by the remaining 27.6%, while 62.1% of respondents do not use fluorescence in open surgery (unless the perfusion is macroscopically uncertain with the naked eye, in which case 41.4% of them do). The survey also suggests that there is no agreement on dilution, dosing and timing, as many different practices are adopted based on personal judgment. Only approximately half of the surgeons reported a reduced leak rate with fluorescence perfusion assessment, but 65.5% of them strongly believe that this technique will become a minimum requirement for colorectal surgery in the future. Conclusion: The survey confirms that fluorescence is becoming a widely used technique in colorectal surgery. However, both the indications and methods still vary considerably; furthermore, the surgeons' perceptions of the results are insufficient to consider this technology essential. This survey emphasizes the need for further research to reach recommendations based on solid scientific evidence. Keywords: Colon cancer; Fluorescence guided surgery; ICG; Laparoscopy; Rectal cancer

    Colorectal surgery in Italy during the Covid19 outbreak: a survey from the iCral study group

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    Background The COVID19 pandemic had a deep impact on healthcare facilities in Italy, with profound reorganization of surgical activities. The Italian ColoRectal Anastomotic Leakage (iCral) study group collecting 43 Italian surgical centers experienced in colorectal surgery from multiple regions performed a quick survey to make a snapshot of the current situation. Methods A 25-items questionnaire was sent to the 43 principal investigators of the iCral study group, with questions regard- ing qualitative and quantitative aspects of the surgical activity before and after the COVID19 outbreak. Results Two-thirds of the centers were involved in the treatment of COVID19 cases. Intensive care units (ICU) beds were partially or totally reallocated for the treatment of COVID19 cases in 72% of the hospitals. Elective colorectal surgery for malignancy was stopped or delayed in nearly 30% of the centers, with less than 20% of them still scheduling elective colo- rectal resections for frail and comorbid patients needing postoperative ICU care. A significant reduction of the number of colorectal resections during the time span from January to March 2020 was recorded, with significant delay in treatment in more than 50% of the centers. Discussion Our survey confirms that COVID19 outbreak is severely affecting the activity of colorectal surgery centers partici- pating to iCral study group. This could impact the activity of surgical centers for many months after the end of the emergency

    Anastomosis configuration and technique following ileocaecal resection for Crohn's disease: a multicentre study

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    A limited ileocaecal resection is the most frequently performed procedure for ileocaecal CD and different anastomotic configurations and techniques have been described. This manuscript audited the different anastomotic techniques used in a national study and evaluated their influence on postoperative outcomes following ileocaecal resection for primary CD. This is a retrospective, multicentre, observational study promoted by the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR), including all adults undergoing elective ileocaecal resection for primary CD from June 2018 May 2019. Postoperative morbidity within 30 days of surgery was the primary endpoint. Postoperative length of hospital stay (LOS) and anastomotic leak rate were the secondary outcomes. 427 patients were included. The side to side anastomosis was the chosen configuration in 380 patients (89%). The stapled anastomotic (n = 286; 67%), techniques were preferred to hand-sewn (n = 141; 33%). Postoperative morbidity was 20.3% and anastomotic leak 3.7%. Anastomotic leak was independent of the type of anastomosis performed, while was associated with an ASA grade ≥ 3, presence of perianal disease and ileocolonic localization of disease. Four predictors of LOS were identified after multivariate analysis. The laparoscopic approach was the only associated with a reduced LOS (p = 0.017), while age, ASA grade ≥ 3 or administration of preoperative TPN were associated with increased LOS. The side to side was the most commonly used anastomotic configuration for ileocolic reconstruction following primary CD resection. There was no difference in postoperative morbidity according to anastomotic technique and configuration. Anastomotic leak was associated with ASA grade ≥ 3, a penetrating phenotype of disease and ileo-colonic distribution of CD