541 research outputs found

    The effect of Social Economic Factors on Ability to Save of Farmers: the role of Income Supply, Education Supply, Experience, Age, Land Area Distribution, Piece, Consumption and Family

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    The ability of farmers in the village's economic life is very varied and tends to be in a weak position, especially in terms of saving skills. This study aims to determine the influence of socioeconomic factors on the ability to save, pull, and push elements of farmers to keep and resource savings fund farmers. This research is a case study in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatera, where 60 people from 312 populations of paddy rice farmers were sampled purposively. The results showed that simultaneously social factors: the number of dependents, education supply, experience, and age of farmers significantly affected the ability to save. While partially, the number of dependents and skills influence substantially the ability to save, while the education supply and age of the farmer have no significant effect on the ability to save. Simultaneously economic factors: land area distribution, income supply, price, and consumption have a substantial impact on the ability to save. Partially, use has a significant effect on the ability to save, while land area distribution, income supply, and the price has no significant impact on the ability to save. The factors attracting farmers to keep are security, the interest of money, prizes, proximity to their homes, and familiarity with bank officers. While the elements are driving farmers to save the desire to change lives, children's education supply expands the business, supplies sudden necessities, and insurance. Source of farmers' savings comes from farm income supply, off-farm income supply, and other family income supply. The study recommends that farmers increase their farming skills to better earnings so that the ability to save the better. Farmers can utilize existing financial institutions as much as possible for farming needs

    Review: Kajian Manfaat Makanan Fungsional di Saat Pandemi Covid-19

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    Belangan ini ada tiga hal mengkhawatirkan terkait dengan pandemi Covid-19. Dimulai dari tingginya mobilitas masyarakat pada periode liburan, turunnya kepatuhan terhadap protokol kesehatan, dan peningkatan kasus harian di beberapa provinsi. Jumlah kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia pernah meningkat secara signifikan. Saat ini, ketika kondisi ancaman kesehatan yang serius akibat covid-19, upaya menjaga kekebalan tubuh menjadi sangat penting. Untuk menangkal infeksi virus corona, seseorang harus mempunyai sistem kekebalan tubuh yang baik. Sistem kekebalan tubuh dipengaruhi oleh pola konsumsi pangan dan asupan sejumlah vitamin antioksidan dan makanan fungsional.  Anjuran meningkatkan konsumsi makanan fungsional dan makan sayur dan buah sebagai sumber vitamin antioksidan menjadi  sangat penting dilakukan

    Review:Oksigen Singlet (1O2) dan Efek Fotooksidasi pada Produk Pangan

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    Dari sejumlah penelitian yang dilakukan secara intensif, terungkap oksigen singlet menjadi ancaman baru keamanan pangan. Oksigen singlet, yang merupakan komponen bukan radikal, bereaksi langsung dengan nonradikal, dan komponen kaya elektron dengan ikatan rangkap tanpa pembentukan radikal bebas. Reaksi fotoksidasi yang didorong oleh oksigen singlet sangat cepat pada makanan akibat rendahnya energi aktivasi yang dibutuhkan untuk terjadinya reaksi kimia. Secara berurutan, laju reaksi oksigen singlet dan oksigen triplet (3O2) dengan asam linoleat adalah 1,3 x 105 M-1S-1 dan 8,9 x 101 M-1S-. Dengan demikian, laju reaksi oksigen singlet dengan asam linoleat sekitar 1450 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan oksigen triplet dengan asam linoleat. Pentingnya peran oksigen singlet terhadap penurunan kualitas makanan telah banyak diketahui belakangan ini, terutama menyangkut oksidasi lemak, vitamin dan protein, yang sensitif terhadap kerusakan oksidatif.&nbsp


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    Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar-mengajar di sekolah dasar adalah relatif masih rendahnya mutu pembelajaran. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh fakta bahwa hasil pembelajaran belum didukung oleh sistem pengujian dan penilaian yang baku. Akibatnya, hasil penilaian pembelajaran belum berfungsi sebagai sarana umpan balik. Salah satu metode mengajar yang dapat mendorong peserta didik mengingat kembali materi pelajaran yang telah mereka terima adalah cara belajar aktif model pembelajaran “meninjau kembali materi pelajaran yang sulit dipahami”


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    Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar-mengajar di sekolah dasar adalah relatif masih rendahnya mutu pembelajaran. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh fakta bahwa hasil pembelajaran belum didukung oleh sistem pengujian dan penilaian yang baku. Akibatnya, hasil penilaian pembelajaran belum berfungsi sebagai sarana umpan balik. Salah satu metode mengajar yang dapat mendorong peserta didik mengingat kembali materi pelajaran yang telah mereka terima adalah cara belajar aktif model pembelajaran “meninjau kembali materi pelajaran yang sulit dipahami”


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana Pengaturan Pelaksanaan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN di Indonesia dan apa dampak Yang Mempengaruhi Pelaksanaan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN di Indonesia, di mana dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Peraturan pelaksanaan masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN dari sisi perdagangan dapat dilandaskan dengan Landasan Moral atau kemanusiaan sebagai dasar mewujudkan keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia . 2. Dampak yang mempengaruhi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN  di Indonesia dilihat dari dua sisi yakni sisi positif dan sisi negatif. Dimana dampak positif tersebut dapat memberikan dampak kepada aspek perdagangan, aspek Investasi dan aspek ketenagakerjaan. Dan dampak disisi negatif juga dapat mempengaruhi Eksploitasi SDA di Negara Indonesia, bebasnya produk luas memasuki kawasan Negara Indonesia dan Masyarakat lebih kondusif dengan barang luar negeriKata kunci: asean; masyarakat ekonomi


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    ABSTRACTBanda Aceh is a ring of disaster earthquake, because it is located on faultlines and fractures Seulimum Semangko. The devastating earthquake followed bytsunami on December 26, 2004 claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and levelednearly all existing buildings. Meuraxa, especially the village of Ulee Lheue arecoastal areas that suffered the worst damage. Earthquake which occurred on 11April 2012 a magnitude 8.5 magnitude at 15:38 pm with a depth of 10 km inSimeulue Aceh province. According to the Rapid Assessment Team (BMKG,PUSDATIN National/BNPB, national media, PUSDALOPS regional andcommunity responses, the results of the evaluation are still visible chaos and panicin the people of Aceh when the earthquake happened. People do disaster mitigationactions spontaneously, when it happens there are traffic jams people who died of aheart attack because of panic and fear.This study was conducted to determine and analyze the process of sorting,structuring of perception and interpretation as a process carried out in an effort tocommunities facing the earthquake disaster and the relation of perception with theability of people in earthquake disaster mitigation efforts. This study usesfenomenalogi types of qualitative approach, the data collection methods within-depth interviews, observation and triangulation. yanag public perception isanalyzed in this study include: (1) the sorting process, (2) the arrangement, (3)interpretation, the concept of disaster mitigation include: (1 ) physical development,(2) awareness, (3) Increased capacity to deal with disasters.The results showed that the perception whereby the community is veryproactive mitigation with the desire for socialization or training shall earthquakedisaster mitigation efforts of government agencies. The ability of the community ofearthquake disaster risk reduction efforts by Regulation 33 of 2006 carried out onlybased on previous community experience or experience other people heard.Linkages with the public perception is very significant mitigation efforts, wherepeople who give a good perception / proactive mitigation then, active andenthusiastic community will further enhance the ability of earthquake disastermitigation, by following the socialization or training. Expectations on thegovernment to assist communities in improving the ability of earthquake disastermitigation.Keywords: society, earthquake, disaster mitigation, perception, ability, Aceh

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Mendengarkan Siswa SMK Negeri 1 Air Putih Melalui Media Audio Visual

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    Learning English, there are four language components, including: listening, reading, writing, and speaking, where these four components are the main factors in teaching English as a foreign language. These components will develop students' communication skills either orally or in writing. This research was conducted using classroom action research in 5 meetings. 1 initial meeting is used for the initial ability test, then 4 meetings are used for the learning process which consists of two cycles of learning in the classroom. The population in this study were all students of class X KI SMK Negeri 1 Air Putih, totaling 36 people, consisting of 28 female students and 8 male students. 9 students have relatively good ability in listening to English, 22 students have medium ability, and 5 students have less ability. The results of this study were 1) from the initial data, almost all students scored below the KKM, then in the first cycle it decreased to 8 students and in the second cycle, all students' scores were above the standards set at the school; 2) from the initial average of 48 it rose to 63 in cycle I and in cycle II it rose to 79; 3) from the initial data there were no students who passed while in the first cycle there were more, namely 4 students and in the second cycle all students achieved completeness


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    Abstrak Brushless Motor Direct Current (Brushless DC) membutuhkan suatu pengendali untuk menggerakkan dan mengendalikan putaran Brushless Motor DC. Juga penggerak daya atau Driver Brushless Motor DC agar motor dapat dikendalikan secara akurat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang dan mengimplementasikan logika fuzzy untuk pengendali kecepatan Brushless Motor DC. Rancang bangun sistem menggunakan perangkat akuisisi data NI Elvis II+ dan perangkat lunak NI LabView 2014 sebagai unit pengendali. Selain itu, tacho digunakan sebagai tranduser untuk mengukur kecepatan motor. Brushless Motor DC digunakan sebagai perangkat aktuasi untuk memanipulasi keadaan sistem. Sistem logika fuzzy digunakan untuk mengatur kecepatan Brushless Motor DC dan menjaga kestabilan putarannya. Pada perancangan pengendali dengan 5 fungsi keanggotaan diperoleh nilai masukan error dan derror -5 sampai dengan 5 dan nilai keluaran -7,5 sampai dengan 7,5. Menggunakan 2 representasi yaitu segitiga dan trapesium dalam penyusunannya. Digunakan 25 aturan basis yang berfokus pada titik positif sesuai dengan kebutuhan plant. Jenis defuzzifikasi yang digunakan adalah COA/centroid. Implementasi pengendali pada sistem fisik diketahui bahwa logika fuzzy yang dirancang memiliki kemampuan menstabilkan sistem dan ketahanan terhadap beban yang baik, berhasil mencapai nilai setpoint dan mengurangi Ess (Error Steady State) pada respon sistem riil menjadi 2,50% (tanpa beban) dari kondisi semula tanpa logika yaitu 224%, serta memiliki respon dengan tr (rise time) pada logika fuzzy 5 fungsi keanggotaan sebesar 0,588 detik dan Maximum Overshoot (MO) sebesar 13,8%. Kata Kunci : Brushless Motor DC, Logika Fuzzy, LabVIEW 2014 Abstract Brushless Direct Current (Brushless DC) motor requires a controller to drive and control the Brushless Motor DC rotation. Also a power drive or Brushless Motor DC Driver for the motor can be controlled accurately. The purpose of this research is to design and implement fuzzy controller for speed control of Brushless Motor DC. System design using NI Elvis II + data acquisition device and NI LabView 2014 software as control unit. In addition, the tacho is used as a transducer to measure motor speed. Brushless Motor DC is used as an actuation device to manipulate the state of the system. The fuzzy controller system is used to adjust the Brushless Motor DC speed and maintain the stability of the rotation. Designing the controller with 5 membership functions obtained the value of input error and derror -5 to 5 and the output value -7,5 up to 7.5. Using 2 representations of triangle and trapezium in the preparation. 25 base rules are used that focus on positive points in accordance with the needs of the plant. The defuzzification type used is COA / centroid. Implementation of the controller on the physical system is known that the designed fuzzy controller has the ability to stabilize the system and good load resistance, managed to reach the setpoint value and reduce the Ess (Error Steady State) in the real system response to 2.50% (without load) from the original condition without controller that is 224%, and has a response with tr (rise time) on the fuzzy controller 5 membership function of 0.588 seconds and Maximum Overshoot (MO) of 13.8%. Keywords : Brushless Motor DC, Fuzzy Controller, LabVIEW 201
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