54 research outputs found

    Kliniğimize Başvuran Mol Gebelik Olgularının Retrospektif İncelenmesi

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda kliniğimizde parsiyel ve komplet mol hidatiform tanısı alan olguların retrospektif olarak analizini amaçladık. Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada, Ocak 2015 - Ocak 2018 tarihleri arasında gestasyonel trofoblastik hastalık tanısı alan 89 hastanın dosya bilgisine ulaşıldı ve retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Toplam 89 hastanın kayıtları incelendi. Hastalardan 76 komplet molar ve 13 parsiyel molar gebelik olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. Mevcut kayıtlardan hastaların yaş, gravida, parite, abortus, kan grupları, β HCG, vakum küretaj öncesi ß-HCG değerleri, serum tiroid uyarıcı hormon (TSH), serbest tiroksin (T4) ve serbest tri-iyodotironin (T3) ve histopatoloji ile ilgili sonuçları kayıt edildi. Bulgular: Ocak 2015 - Ocak 2018 tarihleri arasında toplam doğum sayısı 3927 olarak tespit edildi. Gestasyonel trofoblastik hastalık insidansı 22.6/1000 doğum olarak tespit edildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen kadınların yaş dağılımı incelendiğinde; yaş ortalaması 29.55±9.79 olarak bulundu. Çalışmada parsiyel mol tanısı alan olguların beta HCG ortalama değeri 229082±354929.69 mIU/ml, komplet mol tanısı alan olguların ise 258017.47±379942 mIU/ml olarak bulundu. Beta HCG değerleri açısından iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmadı (P=0.784). Olguların tiroid fonksiyon testleri incelendiğinde, %13,4 (12)’ünün hipertiroidi olduğu bulundu. Hastaların vakumküretaj materyallerinin histopatoloji sonuçları incelendiğinde, olguların %85,4 (76)’ ünün komplet mol iken %14,6 (13)’sının parsiyel mol olduğu izlendi. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda sonuç olarak, molar gebelik vakalarında tetkik ve tedavileri göz önüne alındığında tiroid fonksiyon testi etkilendiği gözlenmektedir. Bu olgularda anestezi öncesi mutlaka tiroid fonksiyon testleri değerlendirmek gerekir. Bu olgulara küretaj sonrasında β- hCG takiplerinin yapılması hususunda hastalar bilgilendirilmeli ve herhangi bir takip yapılmaması halinde hayati tehlike oluşturabileceği açıklanmalıdır

    Clinicopathological significance of fascin and CD44v6 expression in endometrioid carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Fascin and CD44v6 may have significant roles as biomarkers in tumour progression and metastasis. In endometrioid carcinomas, the fascin expression profile is less defined, and the significance of CD44v6 is uncertain. We aimed to investigate the expressions of both fascin and CD44v6 in endometrioid carcinomas and to evaluate their inter-relation with clinicopathological parameters. METHODS: Fascin and CD44v6 expressions were evaluated, individually and in combination, in a series of 47 endometrioid carcinomas and 10 proliferative endometrium samples. The staining extent and intensity of both markers in tumour cells were scored semiquantitatively. The relationship between immunoexpressions and clinicopathological variables was assessed. RESULTS: The expression rates of fascin and CD44v6 in endometrioid carcinoma were 72.34% and 46.80%, respectively. Although these expression rates were higher than those in proliferative endometrial samples, fascin expression showed a statistically significant difference from the normal group (p = 0.02), but CD44v6 did not differ (p = 0.54). Fascin expression was significantly correlated with tumour grade (p = 0.003) and neural invasion (p = 0.036) in a univariate analysis. In contrast, no significant correlation was found between CD44v6 and any of the clinicopathological parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that fascin might be an independent prognostic indicator in the different steps of extracellular matrix invasion. On the other hand, CD44v6 was not a predictive factor in endometrioid cancer. VIRTUAL SLIDES: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/8511594927206899

    Histological Subgroups in Classic Kaposi Sarcoma: A Preliminary Study

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    Background and Design: Kaposi sarcomas (KS) are vascular tumors with a low malignant potential which include overlapping infectious, immunologic, and neoplastic processes. Recently, many histological subtypes have been defined. Material and Method: In the present study, 151 cutaneous classic KS lesions in 56 patients were retrospectively evaluated with regard to histological subtypes. Determination of the subtypes was based on the predominant histopathological component in the lesion. We examined changes in epidermis and dermis along with intratumoral inflammatory response characteristics in the lesions. By defining histopathological variants of the cases, differences regarding subtypes were investigated. Results: Cases that bear the ordinary characteristics of KS and those that can not be classified otherwise, comprised 82..8% of the study group. Twenty-six cases showed consistency with the subtypes outlined in the literature in terms of their histopathological properties. The most common histological subtype was the lymphangiectatic variant in 7.3% of the cases. Bullous (2.6%), lymphangioma like (2.6%), intravascular (2%), and pyogenic granuloma like (2%) variants were less common. The most uncommon histological subtype was micronodular (0.6%) type. Lymphangiectatic, bullous, intravascular, and pyogenic granuloma like variants were frequently observed in the nodular stage of KSs. Lympangioma like changes were seen to be present in the early KS lesions. Lymphangiectatic type was oftenly associated with bullous component, whereas pyogenic granuloma like type demonstrated superficial ulceration and intense inflammatory response. Lymphangioma like and intravascular types exhibited a characteristic appearance, while other variants were accompanied by components belonging to different subtypes. Conclusion: In KS, histopathological subtypes can develop as a result of different pathological processes. The next stage of the current study, which is one of the largest case series in the literature, will be investigation of the clinical and prognostic characteristics of the variants

    In a real-life setting, direct-acting antivirals to people who inject drugs with chronic hepatitis c in Turkey

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    Background: People who inject drugs (PWID) should be treated in order to eliminate hepatitis C virus in the world. The aim of this study was to compare direct-acting antivirals treatment of hepatitis C virus for PWID and non-PWID in a real-life setting. Methods: We performed a prospective, non-randomized, observational multicenter cohort study in 37 centers. All patients treated with direct-acting antivirals between April 1, 2017, and February 28, 2019, were included. In total, 2713 patients were included in the study among which 250 were PWID and 2463 were non-PWID. Besides patient characteristics, treatment response, follow-up, and side effects of treatment were also analyzed. Results: Genotype 1a and 3 were more prevalent in PWID-infected patients (20.4% vs 9.9% and 46.8% vs 5.3%). The number of naïve patients was higher in PWID (90.7% vs 60.0%), while the number of patients with cirrhosis was higher in non-PWID (14.1% vs 3.7%). The loss of follow-up was higher in PWID (29.6% vs 13.6%). There was no difference in the sustained virologic response at 12 weeks after treatment (98.3% vs 98.4%), but the end of treatment response was lower in PWID (96.2% vs 99.0%). In addition, the rate of treatment completion was lower in PWID (74% vs 94.4%). Conclusion: Direct-acting antivirals were safe and effective in PWID. Primary measures should be taken to prevent the loss of follow-up and poor adherence in PWID patients in order to achieve World Health Organization’s objective of eliminating viral hepatitis

    Later Stone Age Lithic Raw Material Use at Lukenya Hill, Kenya

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    354 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997.Excavations carried out at GvJm62 in 1994 are reported and the site's formation processes are examined through stratigraphic and sedimentological study. Raw material and typology in lithic assemblages from GvJm62 and from sites GvJm16, GvJm19, GvJm22, and GvJm46 are described and compared. Electron microprobe analysis of obsidian artifacts from GvJm62 identified the source localities of raw materials. Differences in typology and raw material source use among the Lukenya Hill sites show that the sites differed in function, size, and duration of occupation. Earlier assemblages are based on the expedient production of local quartz flakes and scrapers. They were longer-term occupations and part of less mobile adaptations. Later assemblages include larger amounts of chert and exotic obsidian used to manufacture microliths. These occupations were shorter-term and part of more mobile settlement patterns. Settlement pattern changes may have been related to changing population densities, inter-band social relationships, or environmental change.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD

    The linguistic comparison of two novel which are “Çiçekler Büyür” by Emine Işınsu and “Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları” by Orhan Pamuk

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    Dil insanların iletişim kurmalarını, duygu ve düşüncelerini anlatmalarını sağlayan en önemli araçlardan biridir. Her bireyin karakteri farklı olduğundan dili kullanış biçimleri de farklıdır. İşte bireylerin fikirlerini, hissettiklerini anlatmak için kullandığı bu özel ve kişisel anlatış tarzına üslup diyoruz. Kadın ve erkeğin karakterlerinin farklı olmasından dolayı, üslupları da farklıdır. Bu güne kadar yapılan araştırmalarda bir kadın ve bir erkeğin dil kullanımındaki farklılıklar karşılaştırılmadığı için bu çalışmayı hazırladık. Bu çalışmada çağdaş yazarlarımızdan Emine Işınsu’nun “Çiçekler Büyür” kitabını ve Orhan Pamuk’un “Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları” kitabını seçtik. Seçtiğimiz bu kitaplardan her biri otuzar sayfa olmak üzere Emine Işınsu ve Orhan Pamuk’un üslup özelliklerini iyi yansıtması açısından seçici olduğunu düşündüğümüz isim tamlamalarını, sıfat tamlamalarını, zaman zarflarını, fiilimsileri, fiilde çatıyı, birleşik fiilleri, birleşik kipli fiilleri, tasarlama kiplerini, cümle başı bağlama edatlarını, devrik cümleyi, nasıl kullandıklarını inceledik. Bu incelemeler doğrultusunda yazarlarımızın karakterleri ve kullandıkları üslupları hakkında sosyolojik ve psikolojik tahminlerde bulunarak karşılaştırma yapmaya çalıştıkLanguage is one of the most important tools that provide an opportunity to people express their feelings and thoughts. Since each individual's character is different, the way they use the language is different. Thus, the different way of language usage is used by individuals personally and is called the style. As the characters of men and women are different, their choice of word and style are also different. We have prepared this study aiming to demonstrate the distinct language usage of a woman and a man that will guide the newest comparison in the reasearches. In this study, we have chosen the books which are "Çiçekler Büyür" by Emine Işınsu and "Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları" by Orhan Pamuk. This study is prepared by the books that we have chosen which are "Çiçekler Büyür" and "Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları" including thirty pages each of them, and therefore, is analyzed through the headings respectively; noun phrases, adjective phrases, time envelopes, verbs, verb roof, compound verbs, compound verbs, and transpose sentences. In line with these investigations, we tried to make comparisons by making sociological and psychological predictions about the characters and the styles used by our authors

    2001 ve 2007 arası Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi Hastanesi ovaryan tümör dağılımı

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    Hem benign hem de malign olmak üzere çok sayıda ovaryan tümör tipleri mevcuttur. Çalışmanın amacı, Zonguldak ve çevre şehirlerdeki ovaryan tümörlerin epidemiyolojisini retrospektif olarak değerlendirmektir. Patoloji ^bölümünde Mayıs 2001 ve Mart 2007 arası, değişik sebeplerden operasyona gitmiş 494 olgudan elde edilen 769 ooferektomi materyali gözden geçirilmiştir. Tümörler sınıflandırılmıştır. Ovaryan tümörlerin oranı tüm olgularda %16.0' (n:123) dır. 123 ovaryan tümörün dağılımı: %73,2'si (90) benign, %7,3'ü (9) borderline ve %19,5'i (24) ise malign tümörlerdir. Olguların 68'si (%55,3) yüzey epi-telyal-stromal tümörler; 34'ü (%27,7) germ hücreli tümörler; 10'u (%8,1) seks kord-stromal tümörler; biri (%0,8) vasküler tümör ve 10'u (%8,1) metastatik tümörlerdir. Bizim çalışmamızda retrospektif olarak, kistadenom ve kista-denokarsinom, en sık görülen benign ve malign tümörler olup, bunların çoğunluğuda serözdür. Literatürlerle kıyaslandığında, överin yüzey epitelyal-stromal tümörleri daha az sıklıkla, fakat metastatik tümörleri hem over tümörleri içerisinde hem de malign grupta daha sık izlenmiştir.OBJECTIVE: There are numerous types of ovarian tumors, both benign and malignant. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology of ovarian tumors in Zonguldak and surrounding cities, retrospectively. STUDY DESIGN: Between May 2001 and March 2007, 769 oophorectomy materials from 494 cases which undergo operation for variable cause were reviewed in Department of Pathology. Tumors were classified. RESULTS: Ovarian tumor’s ratio was (n: 123) 16.0% in all cases. Distribution of 123 ovarian tumors: 73.2% (90) were benign, 7.3% (9) were borderline tumors and 19.5% (24) were malignant. 68 of the cases (55.3%) were surface epithelial-stromal tumor; 34 of the cases (27.7%) were germ cell tumors; 10 of the cases (8.1%) were sex cord-stromal tumors; one of the cases (0.8%) was vascular tumor and 10 of the cases (8.1%) were metastatic tumors. CONCLUSION: In our study cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma were the most frequent benign and malignant tumors respectively and most of them were serous. When compared with the literature, surface epithelial-stromal tumor of the ovary were less frequent, but metastatic tumors to ovary were more frequent in both whole and malignant groups

    Endometrial seröz karsinomun servikovajinal yayma bulguları: Olgu sunumu

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    Servikovajinal yaymada saptadığımız endometrial karsinomun agresif klinik seyir gösteren varyantı olan endometrial seröz karsinom olgusu, literatür bilgileri ışığında sunulmaktadır. Vajinal akıntı ve perineal kaşıntı şikayetiyle hastanemize başvuran 77 yaşındaki hastanın jinekolojik muayenesinde bir özellik izlenmemiştir. Servikovajinal yaymada; nekrotik zeminde, yer yer çıplak nükleuslu, çoğu alanda papiller kümeler oluşturan atipik glandüler hücreler izlendi. Bu sitopatolojik bulgularla "Epitelyal hücre anomalisi: atipik glandüler hücreler (AGC), neoplazi lehine ve önemi belirlenemeyen atipik skua-möz hücreler (ASCUS) tanısı verildi ve "olası adenokarsinom" nedeniyle olguya servikal ve/veya endometrial biyopsi önerildi. Endometrial biyopsi sonucu "seröz papiller adenokarsinom"olarak rapor edildi. Operasyon sonrası histerektomi materyalinde; endometrial kaviteyi tamamen dolduran, servikse, miyo-metriuma ve serozaya doğru uzanım gösteren "endometrial seröz karsinom" infiltrasyonu gözlendi. Evre-İV olarak kabul edilen olgu, postoperatif 13. günde eksitus olmuştur. Servikovajinal yayma genel olarak endometrial karsinomlar için duyarlı bir tarama testi olmamasına rağmen seröz karsinom olgusunun saptanmasında önemli rol oynamıştır. Bu durum neoplastik sürecin ileri evrede olmasına ve/veya agresif niteliğine bağlanabilir.An endometrial serous carcinoma case which is a variant of endometrial carcinoma exhibiting an agressive course that has been detected by cervicovaginal smear, is presented in this report in light of the datas of the related literature. No particular sign has been observed during the gynecological examination of the 77-year-old patient who applied to university hospital with the complaints of vaginal discharge and perineal pruritus. Cervicovaginal smear showed atypical glandular cells, exhibiting seldom bare nuclei and papillary clusters in most of the areas with a necrotic background. By the help of those cytopathological findings, the diagnosis was “Epithelial cell abnormality: atypical glandular cells (AGC) in favour of neoplasia and atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) and due to “possiblity of an adenocarcinoma”, cervical and/or endometrial biopsy was recommended. The result of the endometrial biopsy was reported as “serous papillary adenocarcinoma”. Postoperatively, examination of hysterectomy material revealed an infiltration of “endometrial serous carcinoma” extending towards cervix, myometrium, and serosa, and full filling the endometrial cavity. The case, regarded as Stage IV died on postoperative 13th day. Although cervicovaginal smear generally is not a sensitive screening test for endometrial carcinomas, it played an important role in determining serous carcinoma. This may be related with advanced stage and/or aggressive features of the neoplastic process

    Cervicovaginal Smear Findings of Endometrial Serous Carcinoma: A Case Report

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    An endometrial serous carcinoma case which is a variant of endometrial carcinoma exhibiting an agressive course that has been detected by cervicovaginal smear, is presented in this report in light of the datas of the related literature. No particular sign has been observed during the gynecological examination of the 77-year-old patient who applied to university hospital with the complaints of vaginal discharge and perineal pruritus. Cervicovaginal smear showed atypical glandular cells, exhibiting seldom bare nuclei and papillary clusters in most of the areas with a necrotic background. By the help of those cytopathological findings, the diagnosis was “Epithelial cell abnormality: atypical glandular cells (AGC) in favour of neoplasia and atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) and due to “possiblity of an adenocarcinoma”, cervical and/or endometrial biopsy was recommended. The result of the endometrial biopsy was reported as “serous papillary adenocarcinoma”. Postoperatively, examination of hysterectomy material revealed an infiltration of “endometrial serous carcinoma” extending towards cervix, myometrium, and serosa, and full filling the endometrial cavity. The case, regarded as Stage IV died on postoperative 13th day. Although cervicovaginal smear generally is not a sensitive screening test for endometrial carcinomas, it played an important role in determining serous carcinoma. This may be related with advanced stage and/or aggressive features of the neoplastic process