5 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: Interface management plays an important role in construction management due to construction projects tend to be complex. A lot of organizations are joined and implement their own responsible activities. Furthermore, interfacerelated information is usually distributed in individual participants and not shared with others, and the information about interface problems that occur is also recorded in the large meeting minutes, causing the management of interfaces is more difficult for managers in this situation. This study presents a Construction Interface Matrix (CIM) approach to represent the interface issue-related information for project participants. This approach enables project participants and managers to directly acquire available information for managing interfaces efficiently without other data supporting. Overall, through utilizing the CIM approach, users can directly and efficiently acquire information related to the interface relationships among participants and interface conditions throughout a project. This study develops a Construction Interface Information Management (CIIM) system by integrating the proposed CIM approach and web technology for the construction phase of construction project. The test of the CIIM system is then conducted to illustrate how to support interface management during the construction project. Finally, based on the system test, results indicate the CIIM system can improve the interface management for project participants manage interfaces in the construction phase

    Enhancing construction interface management using multilevel interface matrix approach / Ryšių vadybos statyboje gerinimas taikant įvairialygių ryšių matricos metodą

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    Many interfaces typically exist in the construction phase of a project. Since project participants usually fail to share interface information, most interfaces are difficult to solve effectively during that phase. Furthermore, future activities might not be implemented based on changes made by predecessors. In practice, failure to manage interfaces may result in additional work or in low project performance. In order to manage construction interfaces effectively, this study proposes the novel Multilevel Interface (MI) Matrix approach to enhance interface management during the construction phase of construction projects. By using the MI matrix approach, construction interface issues will be tracked and man-aged easily and effectively. Furthermore, this study develops a construction web matrix-based interface management (WMIM) system integrated with the proposed MI Matrix approach. The MI matrix approach and WMIM system are applied to a pilot test to illustrate how to support interface management during the construction project. As results of the pilot test indicate, the MI matrix approach and WMIM system provide an effective interface management tool for the construction phase. Santrauka Statybos projekto statybos darbų etapui būdinga tai, kad su įvairiais subjektais palaikoma gausybė ryšių. Daugumą jų šiame etape veiksmingai palaikyti dažniausiai ne itin lengva, nes projekto dalyviai paprastai informacija apie juos nesidalija. Be to, perimantys darbą gali ir nesiremti savo pirmtakų padarytais pakeitimais. Praktine prasme nesugebant valdyti ryšių, gali tekti darbus perdaryti arba projekto efektyvumas gali sumažėti. Efektyviam su statyba susijusių ryšių valdymui šiame darbe siūlomas novatoriškas įvairialygių ryšių (ĮR) matricos metodas, leidžiantis pagerinti ryšių valdymą statybos projekto statybos darbų etape. Taikant ĮR matricos metodą lengva veiksmingai sekti ir valdyti statybų ryšių klausimus. Be to, atliekant tyrimą sukuriama projekto dalyviams skirta internetinė matricinė statybų ryšių valdymo (WMIM) sistema, į kurią įtrauktas siūlomas ĮR matricos metodas. Taip pat, taikant ĮR matricos metodą ir WMIM sistemą, atliekamas bandymas, rodantis, kaip jie padeda valdyti statybos projekto ryšius. Bandymo rezultatai rodo, kad ĮR matricos metodas ir WMIM sistema – tai efektyvi ryšių valdymo priemonė statybos darbų etape. Reikšminiai žodžiai: ryšių valdymas, projekto valdymas, internetinė sistema, informacijos valdymas, ryšių matric


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    The Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13), September 11-13, 2013, Sapporo, Japan