23 research outputs found

    Implementasi Putusan No. 27/PhPu.D-VIII/2010 Mengenai Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Lamongan

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    The objection of petitioner on the recount results by the Election Commission of Lamongan on the orders of the interlocutory injunction of the Court ,was not examined further and be heard simultaneously with the Commission report on the implementation of interlocutory injunction in a hearing open to the public, and thereafter immediately the Constitutional Court considered the objection has no juridical value. The final decision then confirmed the Commission\u27s decision on the result of the recounting. Nonetheless, the function of the interlocutory verdict must be understood as a mechanism to prepare the final verdict. Therefore, the results of the interlocutory verdict must be heard and examined in a session open to the parties and the public, to be used as the basis for a final decision. The hearing process before the final verdict has been decide, does not end with the announcement of the interlocutory verdict. Implementation of the Constitutional Court decision on the district election dispute has been uninhibited, but in one case. Although the number is quantitatively insignificant, it is qualitatively very important as a lesson learned in that the Court is still in need to improve its performance in guarding the consolidation of democracy

    Peran Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Penegakan Hukum Konstitusi

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    The enforcement of constitutional law as stated in the authority of the Indonesian Constitutional Court may will run effectively in the form of equal horizontal-functional based on the doctrine of checks and balances in the separation of power, when the verdict issued by this constitutional court is accepted and implemented by the concerned parties. The Indonesian Constitutional Court may safeguard their verdicts in the form of Conditional Constitutionality and Grace Period in order to implement the verdict which states whether an act in unconstitutional, however this cannot guarantee that the constitutional law will run. All related aspects are actually subject to the political-will of the government (executives) and legislators (law makers)

    Pengakuan dan perlindungan hak ulayat : aspek penting pembangunan Indonesia menuju sebesar besar kemakmuran rakyat

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    Hukum pertanahan nasional meninggalkan sistem kolonial yang dualistis menjadi suatu sistem yang utuh berdasarkan hukum adat. Hukum pertanahan nasional dalam undang undang pokok agraria didasarkan pada hukum adat dan mengakui eksistensi masyarakat hukum adat beserta hak ulayatnya sepanjang masih hidup. Tetapi pengakuan dan perlindungan tersebut mengalami pelemahan dengan lahirnya undang undang sektoral apalagi hak ulayat tersebut tidak secata tegas termuat dalam UUPA dengan merumuskan hak hak atas tanah yang dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan hak ulayat tersebut.Halaman 6

    Implementasi Putusan No. 27/PhPu.D-VIII/2010 Mengenai Perselisihan hasil Pemilihan umum Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Lamongan

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    The objection of petitioner on the recount results by the Election Commission of Lamongan on the orders  of  the  interlocutory  injunction  of  the  Court  ,was  not examined further and be heard simultaneously with  the  Commission  report on the  implementation  of  interlocutory  injunction  in  a  hearing  open  to the public, and thereafter immediately the Constitutional Court considered    the objection has no juridical value. The final decision then confirmed the Commission’s decision on the result of the recounting. Nonetheless, the function of the interlocutory verdict must be understood as a mechanism to prepare the final verdict. Therefore, the results of the interlocutory  verdict  must  be  heard and examined in a session open  to  the  parties  and  the  public,  to  be  used as the basis for a final decision. The hearing process  before  the  final  verdict has been decide, does not end with the announcement of the interlocutory verdict. Implementation of the Constitutional Court decision on   the district election dispute has been uninhibited, but in one case. Although the number is quantitatively insignificant, it is qualitatively very important as a lesson learned in that the Court is still in need to improve its performance in guarding the consolidation of  democracy

    Hukum Acara Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia

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    5 Eksemplarxx.; 382 hal.; ill.; 19 c

    Hukum acara mahkamah konstitusi Republik Indonesia

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    xx, 381 hlm.: 23 cm

    Pendapat Ahli IV

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    Jurnal Ketatanegaraan

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    Meskipun tidak dirumuskan secara jelas, sesungguhnya konsepsi kekuasaan kehakiman yang merdeka dalam UUD NRI Tahun 1945 sebelum Perubahan, merujuk pada standar universal yang disimpulkan dari Penjelasan UUD NRI Tahun 1945, sebagai bagian dari prinsip checks and balance. Perubahan UUD NRI Tahun 1945 yang mendasarkan diri pada paradigma checks and balance untuk menata kembali kekuasaan Negara, terutama karena tidak adanya mekanisme dalam konstitusi untuk mempertahankan konstitusi yang di dasarkan pada pembatasan kekuasaan tersebut. Kekuasaan kehakiman sebagai kekuasaan yang akuntabel, dan diharapkan sebagai bagian dari checks and balances tersebut, juga memerlukan pengawasan. Tidak efektifnya Komisi Yudisial sebagaimana dimaksudkan dalam amandemen UUD NRI Tahun 1945, memerlukan perumusan kembali kewenangan KY tersebut, sehingga dapat dicapai kejelasan dan konsistensi dangan konstitusi