10,269 research outputs found

    Production rates for hadrons, pentaquarks Θ+\Theta ^+ and Θ∗++\Theta ^{*++}, and di-baryon (ΩΩ)0+(\Omega\Omega)_{0^{+}} in relativistic heavy ion collisions by a quark combination model

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    The hadron production in relativistic heavy ion collisions is well described by the quark combination model. The mixed ratios for various hadrons and the transverse momentum spectra for long-life hadrons are predicted and agree with recent RHIC data. The production rates for the pentaquarks Θ+\Theta ^+, Θ∗++\Theta ^{*++} and the di-baryon (ΩΩ)0+(\Omega\Omega)_{0^{+}} are estimated, neglecting the effect from the transition amplitude for constituent quarks to form an exotic state.Comment: The difference between our model and other combination models is clarified. The scaled transverse momentum spectra for pions, kaons and protoms at both 130 AGeV and 200 AGeV are given, replacing the previous results in transverse momentum spectr

    Multidimensional entropy landscape of quantum criticality

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    The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of any system in equilibrium has to vanish at absolute zero temperature. At nonzero temperatures, on the other hand, matter is expected to accumulate entropy near a quantum critical point (QCP), where it undergoes a continuous transition from one ground state to another. Here, we determine, based on general thermodynamic principles, the spatial-dimensional profile of the entropy S near a QCP and its steepest descent in the corresponding multidimensional stress space. We demonstrate this approach for the canonical quantum critical compound CeCu6-xAux near its onset of antiferromagnetic order. We are able to link the directional stress dependence of S to the previously determined geometry of quantum critical fluctuations. Our demonstration of the multidimensional entropy landscape provides the foundation to understand how quantum criticality nucleates novel phases such as high-temperature superconductivity.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Semiclassical Analysis of Extended Dynamical Mean Field Equations

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    The extended Dynamical Mean Field Equations (EDMFT) are analyzed using semiclassical methods for a model describing an interacting fermi-bose system. We compare the semiclassical approach with the exact QMC (Quantum Montecarlo) method. We found the transition to an ordered state to be of the first order for any dimension below four.Comment: RevTex, 39 pages, 16 figures; Appendix C added, typos correcte

    Quantum criticality in spin chains with non-ohmic dissipation

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    We investigate the critical behavior of a spin chain coupled to bosonic baths characterized by a spectral density proportional to ωs\omega^s, with s>1s>1. Varying ss changes the effective dimension deff=d+zd_\text{eff} = d + z of the system, where zz is the dynamical critical exponent and the number of spatial dimensions dd is set to one. We consider two extreme cases of clock models, namely Ising-like and U(1)-symmetric ones, and find the critical exponents using Monte Carlo methods. The dynamical critical exponent and the anomalous scaling dimension η\eta are independent of the order parameter symmetry for all values of ss. The dynamical critical exponent varies continuously from z≈2z \approx 2 for s=1s=1 to z=1z=1 for s=2s=2, and the anomalous scaling dimension evolves correspondingly from η≳0\eta \gtrsim 0 to η=1/4\eta = 1/4. The latter exponent values are readily understood from the effective dimensionality of the system being deff≈3d_\text{eff} \approx 3 for s=1s=1, while for s=2s=2 the anomalous dimension takes the well-known exact value for the 2D Ising and XY models, since then deff=2d_{\rm{eff}}=2. A noteworthy feature is, however, that zz approaches unity and η\eta approaches 1/4 for values of s<2s < 2, while naive scaling would predict the dissipation to become irrelevant for s=2s=2. Instead, we find that z=1,η=1/4z=1,\eta=1/4 for s≈1.75s \approx 1.75 for both Ising-like and U(1) order parameter symmetry. These results lead us to conjecture that for all site-dissipative ZqZ_q chains, these two exponents are related by the scaling relation z=max(2−η)/s,1z = \text{max} {(2-\eta)/s, 1}. We also connect our results to quantum criticality in nondissipative spin chains with long-range spatial interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Hall effect in heavy-fermion metals

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    The heavy fermion systems present a unique platform in which strong electronic correlations give rise to a host of novel, and often competing, electronic and magnetic ground states. Amongst a number of potential experimental tools at our disposal, measurements of the Hall effect have emerged as a particularly important one in discerning the nature and evolution of the Fermi surfaces of these enigmatic metals. In this article, we present a comprehensive review of Hall effect measurements in the heavy-fermion materials, and examine the success it has had in contributing to our current understanding of strongly correlated matter. Particular emphasis is placed on its utility in the investigation of quantum critical phenomena which are thought to drive many of the exotic electronic ground states in these systems. This is achieved by the description of measurements of the Hall effect across the putative zero-temperature instability in the archetypal heavy-fermion metal YbRh2_2Si2_2. Using the CeMMIn5_5 (with M=M = Co, Ir) family of systems as a paradigm, the influence of (antiferro-)magnetic fluctuations on the Hall effect is also illustrated. This is compared to prior Hall effect measurements in the cuprates and other strongly correlated systems to emphasize on the generality of the unusual magnetotransport in materials with non-Fermi liquid behavior.Comment: manuscript accepted in Adv. Phy

    Global Phase Diagram of the Kondo Lattice: From Heavy Fermion Metals to Kondo Insulators

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    We discuss the general theoretical arguments advanced earlier for the T=0 global phase diagram of antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice systems, distinguishing between the established and the conjectured. In addition to the well-known phase of a paramagnetic metal with a "large" Fermi surface (P_L), there is also an antiferromagnetic phase with a "small" Fermi surface (AF_S). We provide the details of the derivation of a quantum non-linear sigma-model (QNLsM) representation of the Kondo lattice Hamiltonian, which leads to an effective field theory containing both low-energy fermions in the vicinity of a Fermi surface and low-energy bosons near zero momentum. An asymptotically exact analysis of this effective field theory is made possible through the development of a renormalization group procedure for mixed fermion-boson systems. Considerations on how to connect the AF_S and P_L phases lead to a global phase diagram, which not only puts into perspective the theory of local quantum criticality for antiferromagnetic heavy fermion metals, but also provides the basis to understand the surprising recent experiments in chemically-doped as well as pressurized YbRh2Si2. We point out that the AF_S phase still occurs for the case of an equal number of spin-1/2 local moments and conduction electrons. This observation raises the prospect for a global phase diagram of heavy fermion systems in the Kondo-insulator regime. Finally, we discuss the connection between the Kondo breakdown physics discussed here for the Kondo lattice systems and the non-Fermi liquid behavior recently studied from a holographic perspective.Comment: (v3) leftover typos corrected. (v2) Published version. 32 pages, 4 figures. Section 7, on the connection between the Kondo lattice systems and the holographic models of non-Fermi liquid, is expanded. (v1) special issue of JLTP on quantum criticalit

    Advancing Solar Irradiance Measurement for Climate-Related Studies: Accurate Constraint on Direct Aerosol Radiative Effect (DARE)

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    Earth's climate is driven primarily by solar radiation. As summarized in various IPCC reports, the global average of radiative forcing for different agents and mechanisms, such as aerosols or CO2 doubling, is in the range of a few W/sq m. However, when solar irradiance is measured by broadband radiometers, such as the fleet of Eppley Precision Solar Pyranometers (PSP) and equivalent instrumentation employed worldwide, the measurement uncertainty is larger than 2% (e.g., WMO specification of pyranometer, 2008). Thus, out of the approx. 184 W/sq m (approx.263 W/sq m if cloud-free) surface solar insolation (Trenberth et al. 2009), the measurement uncertainty is greater than +/-3.6 W/sq m, overwhelming the climate change signals. To discern these signals, less than a 1 % measurement uncertainty is required and is currently achievable only by means of a newly developed methodology employing a modified PSP-like pyranometer and an updated calibration equation to account for its thermal effects (li and Tsay, 2010). In this talk, we will show that some auxiliary measurements, such as those from a collocated pyrgeometer or air temperature sensors, can help correct historical datasets. Additionally, we will also demonstrate that a pyrheliometer is not free of the thermal effect; therefore, comparing to a high cost yet still not thermal-effect-free "direct + diffuse" approach in measuring surface solar irradiance, our new method is more economical, and more likely to be suitable for correcting a wide variety of historical datasets. Modeling simulations will be presented that a corrected solar irradiance measurement has a significant impact on aerosol forcing, and thus plays an important role in climate studies

    Correlation Induced Insulator to Metal Transitions

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    We study a spinless two-band model at half-filling in the limit of infinite dimensions. The ground state of this model in the non-interacting limit is a band-insulator. We identify transitions to a metal and to a charge-Mott insulator, using a combination of analytical, Quantum Monte Carlo, and zero temperature recursion methods. The metallic phase is a non-Fermi liquid state with algebraic local correlation functions with universal exponents over a range of parameters.Comment: 12 pages, REVTE

    Heavy Fermions and Quantum Phase Transitions

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    Quantum phase transitions arise in many-body systems due to competing interactions that promote rivaling ground states. Recent years have seen the identification of continuous quantum phase transitions, or quantum critical points, in a host of antiferromagnetic heavy-fermion compounds. Studies of the interplay between the various effects have revealed new classes of quantum critical points, and are uncovering a plethora of new quantum phases. At the same time, quantum criticality has provided fresh insights into the electronic, magnetic, and superconducting properties of the heavy-fermion metals. We review these developments, discuss the open issues, and outline some directions for future research.Comment: review article, 26 pages, 4 figure
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