25 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model of Limestone Calcining in the Shaft Furnace

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    The article reviews the operation principle of the shaft furnace for calcination of carbonate materials and the options for description of thermophysical processes occurring in these furnaces. It provides equations of heat transfer by radiation and convection, special features of thermal interaction between the gas flow and surfaceof solid particles, influence of thermophysical properties and content of particles on efficiency of furnace performance as well as the possible chemistry of reactions to lime dissociation parameters. Keywords: dissociation of carbonate materials, thermophysical processes, radiation, convection, dissociation chemistr

    Improvement of Calculation Methods for Heat Transfer Factor in Iron Ore Pellet Bed

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    For the sake of improving the calculation procedure for heat transfer in metallurgical unit dense beds a number of experiments has been carried out that allow adjustment of the heat transfer factor between the gas flow and the pellets in the course of heating. In the course of analysis, a permanent channeling flow was detected in thepellet bed at Re = 100 – 1400. The heat transfer factor was calculated and the pellet temperature was determined in the course of heating within ± 11.4∘C. Keywords: heat transfer in bed, pellet firing, dense bed, heat transfer factor, hydrodynamic resistance, gas flo

    Mathematical modeling of radiant heat transfer in the melting furnace working space

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    The paper provides mathematical modelling results of radiation flow formation in the work space of the smelting (glassmaking, open-hearth) furnace with different heating patterns and flow distribution over the surface of the bath and enclosing structures. A significant influence of the flame length upon technical and economic parameters of furnace operation was found out. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Modeling of the thermal operation of a high-capacity glassmaking furnace

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    The results of mathematical modeling of the thermal operation of a 280 tons/day glassmaking furnace with a horseshoe flame are presented. It is shown that specific extraction of molten glass 2.5 tons/(m 2в̂™day) and specific heat flow 4563.8 kJ/kg with gas heating of the furnace can be attained without additional electric heating of the melting tank. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Mathematical modeling of the hydrodynamics of the bubble mode during the bottom blowing of the ladle furnace: Report III

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    The formation and motion of gas bubbles in the melt substantially affect the heat exchange and kinetics of chemical transformations when performing the fire refining of copper in the ladle furnace. The variation in the bubble velocity, as well as of the volume and surface of the moving gas bubble over the melt height, is considered in the presented mathematical model. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Development of an Information Modeling System of Coal-Dust Fuel Injection into Tuyeres of a Blast Furnace

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    Abstract: The article considers a mathematical model of the combustion zone of a blast furnace working with the use of the injection of coal-dust fuel. In this model, two subsystems were identified: (1) subsystem of heating the particles of coal dust and volatiles released in the combustion zone; (2) subsystem of heat exchange and combustion processes in the tuyere. A two-dimensional velocity field of gas in the combustion zone was investigated. The combustion processes are considered as a set of simultaneously developing phenomena of coke burning in a layer, single pieces of coke and particles of coal dust. The model includes the following equations: total gas mass balance, gas component mass balance, gas heat balance, movement of coal dust particles, and heat balance of coal dust particles. The model calculates maximum burning temperature in the combustion zone, the distance from the cut of the tuyere to the focus of combustion, the length of the oxygen combustion zone, gas temperature, the content of gas phase components, and the degree of carbon burnout of pulverized coal at the outlet of the tuyere combustion zone. An information-modeling system has been developed. It allows for the investigation of the influence of combined blast characteristics, the properties of coke and coal-dust fuel, the geometric dimensions of tuyeres, and other factors on the temperature fields and concentrations of components of the gas phase in the combustion zone. The model also helps to select a rational mode of pulverized coal that will ensure completeness of its combustion in the tuyere combustion zone. The main functions of the program are as follows: representation of results of calculation in form of tables and diagrams, storage of options of basic data in a database, and export of results of calculation to Microsoft Excel. Conclusions were made on the reduction of the combustion temperature in the combustion zone and the approach of the focus of combustion to the tuyere when pulverized coal was injected. The authors also have established the need to use coals with certain quality characteristics and place where coal dust was introduced into the blast stream. © 2019, Allerton Press, Inc

    Modeling of the thermal operation of a high-capacity glassmaking furnace

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    A significant effect on heat transfer during copper fire refining in a ladle furnace is caused not only by forming and motion of gas bubbles in a melt, but also by the volume content of gas bubbles. The presented mathematical model analyzes the effect of melt gas fullness during blowing and gas temperature under the cover on an average temperature of the melt being refined.Значительное влияние на теплообмен при проведении огневого рафинирования меди в печи-ковше оказывают не только формирование и движение газовых пузырей в расплаве, но и объемное содержание в нем газа в виде пузырей. В представленной математической модели рассмотрено влияние газонаполненности расплава при продувке и температуры газов под крышкой на среднюю температуру рафинируемого расплава