111 research outputs found

    Using online constructor as a means of increasing motivation to study literature

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    The aim of this paper - presents the experience in creating a layout of an electronic literature textbook using an online constructor. The “Arctic Robinsonade” plot served as the material for the textbook. The methodological apparatus of the research involves the synthesis of such approaches as hermeneutics and comparative studies. The present investigation is of teaching theory and techniques and digital technologies. The questionnaire surveying method was used to collect the empirical material. Mathematical methods of processing, analysis and interpretation of the pedagogical experiment results were applied in the course of the work. The methods of analyzing differences between independent samples, ranking method, method of testing significance of zero and alternative hypotheses were used for statistic information processing in MS Excel. The results: the capabilities of online constructor Tilda to work on the design of multimedia study aid are determined and described; the model of the chapter in multimedia textbook in native literature is developed; the sections of multimedia study aid are described, the examples of the tasks are given, the efficiency of applying the service of creating websites (online constructor) is established. The developed multimedia product is useful for school teachers and students

    New Technologies and Innovative Solutions in the Development of Multimedia Corpus of Mezen Robinsons Texts

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    Objective: New Technologies and Innovative Solutions in creating a multimedia corpus of texts about the "Mezen Robinsons" aims to preserve the memory of an event that occurred in the 18th century and to study the history of Spitsbergen development. This article presents a multimedia corpus of Russian-language texts about the "Mezen Robinsons" written in 1766–2022. Observations show that the history of the survival of the Mezen hunters on Edge Island in 1743–1749 has repeatedly attracted the attention of specialists from various fields of knowledge: historians, archaeologists, publicists, professional writers, translators, etc. The corpus unites texts, audio, video, and multimedia resources. Methods: continuous sampling was used to collect the material; when analyzing and describing the data, we applied a descriptive method, a biographical method of studying literature, statistical data processing, philological analysis, observation, assessment, and corpus modeling methods. Findings: the methodology and technology of building an independent multimedia corpus, its architecture, and its design are described. Novelty: the multimedia corpus is a contribution to the development of a new approach to studying the subjectology of Russian literature. Practical significance:the findings can become the basis for studying the biographies and creativity of various authors who built their works on the plot of the Mezen industrialists and for further comparison of various interpretations of one event from the history of the development of the Arctic. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-07 Full Text: PD

    Modern educational technologies in teaching senior secondary pupils' communication in the form of a monologue and in generating their cognitive interest

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    © 2016 Shvetsova.The need to address the above problem arises from the fact that school foreign language education tradition has not developed any theory based and experimentally confirmed algorithm aimed at teaching communication in the form of a monologue, although the standards of the pupils' level of proficiency in oral and written communication in a foreign language are constantly increasing. The research is intended to determine the connection between using modern educational technologies for teaching senior secondary pupils how to communicate in the form of a monologue in a foreign language and developing the pupils' cognitive interest. The research applies the personality-centered and the technology-centered approaches which allow to present current branches in pedagogy which study and develop effective means and ways of achieving the goals of education. The article deals with peculiar characteristics and methods of teaching communication in the form of a monologue. It also investigates the problem of using the Project Technology and the Collaboration Technology and establishes a close relationship between modern educational technologies for teaching communication in the form of a monologue to senior secondary pupils and developing pupils' cognitive interest in the process of their learning a foreign language. The article can be of interest to specialists who train student teachers of foreign languages, as well as to those who intend to raise their level of proficiency in teaching a first and a second foreign languages

    Chronotope of Russian Works about Robinson

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    The results of the study of the chronotope in Russian-language compositions based on the novel about Robinson’s adventures are presented. The material for the work was A. E. Razin’s novel “The Real Robinson” (1860) and Lev Tolstoy’s story “Robinson” (1862). The issues of the specifics of the representation of the chronotopic in the works of Russian writers are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the appeal to the universal of the chronotope, which contains an exhaustive toolkit for the artistic embodiment of images of space and time; as well as the search for new methods of literary analysis of the text. It is shown that in the analyzed texts, a kind of fusion of Russianlanguage compositions with a foreigncultural text in the aspect of a chronotope is realized. The similarities and differences in the rethinking of the story of Robinson are shown on the example of the model of textual connexity, the national specifics of the representation of the image of Robinson are indicated. It is noted that the external and internal chronotopes are retransmitted from work to work and create the basis for the emergence of the author’s intentions. It is proved that chronotopic analysis allows one to form an idea of the peculiarities of the Russian-language interpretation of the story of Robinson

    The use of logistics n the quality parameters control system of material flow

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    The relevance of the research problem is conditioned on the need to justify the use of the logistics methodologies in the quality parameters control process of material flows. The goal of the article is to develop theoretical principles and practical recommendations for logistical system control in material flows quality parameters. A leading approach to study this problem is a set of scientific knowledge and special methods, allowing identifying the main trends and features for the quality parameters control of material flows. The main results of the research with the scientific novelty are the following: - grounded conceptual framework for the qualitative parameters management of material flows and business processes; - defined the relationship of the evaluation criteria to characterize products and processes, and to highlight typical and assigned material flow characteristics; - proved the necessity of quality parameters logistical system control of material flows. The article can be useful to set up the quality parameters control system of material flow in the micro – mesa-logistics systems to optimize total costs, improve quality, material flow and processes and, as a consequence, improve the products competitiveness. © 2016 Karpova et al


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    Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам антимонопольного регулирования российского страхового рынка. На основе анализа ситуации, сложившейся на страховом рынке, выявлены противоречия участников страховых отношений, которые в настоящее время обостряются в результате монополизации страхового рынка. Обоснована возможность достижения локального компромисса между страховщиком и страхователем в условиях конкурентного предложения страховой защиты на страховом рынке.The article is devoted to topical issues of antimonopoly regulation of the Russian insurance market. Based on the analysis of the situation in the insurance market, revealed contradictions participants of insurance relations, which are now exacerbated as a result of the monopolization of the insurance market. The possibility of achieving local compromise between the insurer and the insured in a competitive offer insurance protection in the insurance market

    Determination of zinc content in insulin products by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

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    Scientific relevance. Zinc content is a quality attribute of insulin products. The State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation requires that it should be determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). However, many pharmaceutical manufacturers currently prefer inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which is considered the most promising method for pharmaceutical and biomedical elemental analysis.Aim. The study aimed to develop and validate an ICP-MS-based analytical procedure for zinc content determination in insulin products.Materials and methods. The study focused on human insulin, insulin lispro, insulin aspart, and insulin glargine in the form of active substances, suspensions for subcutaneous injection, and solutions for injection from different manufacturers. Zinc content was determined on an Agilent 7900 ICP-MS; the analysis included 66Zn signal intensity registration.Results. The study compared the results of zinc content determination in test samples with either hydrochloric or nitric acid used as the solvent for sample preparation. The authors selected the experimental conditions to achieve relative standard deviations (RSDs) of not more than 2.5% for the measurements. The ICP-MSbased analytical procedure was validated for its specificity, linearity, accuracy, and precision in the range of 0.4–1.6 mg/L. The authors compared the measurements of zinc content made using FAAS and ICP-MS.Conclusions. The ICP-MS-based analytical procedure for zinc content determination in insulin products meets the validation criteria. This analytical procedure, as developed and validated, may be used in the quality control of medicinal products in the Russian healthcare system and at the batch release stage of pharmaceutical manufacturing

    Development and Validation of Procedures for Determination of Elemental Toxicants in Herbal Substances and Herbal Medicinal Products

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    When the approach to quality control of herbal substances (HSs) and herbal medicinal products (HMPs) changed from determination of the total content of heavy metals by calorimetry to selective determination by spectrometric techniques, many manufacturers of such products failed to meet the new requirements in their registration dossiers. Test procedures submitted by manufacturers often need to be clarified, and validation protocols often lack data.The aim of the study was to provide recommendations to HS and HMP manufacturers on the choice of test methods, materials, reagents, methods of organic matrix mineralisation, and main validation parameters, as well as recommendations on validation of the procedure for elemental toxicants determination, and preparation of the “Heavy metals and arsenic” part of the regulatory submission.Materials and methods: the study included analysis and systematisation of scientific literature, requirements of the Russian and foreign pharmacopoeias, guidelines, manuals on instrumental methods of analysis, and first-hand experience in elemental analysis of various types of HSs and HMPs.Results: the authors formulated recommendations on the choice of sample mineralisation conditions for quantification of elemental impurities in biological products, and substantiated requirements for the reagents, materials, and equipment. The paper compares different methods of elemental analysis. It was demonstrated that the main mistakes made by manufacturers stem from disregard to the organic matrix effect on the measurement results and lack of agreement between the impurity concentration being determined and the range of the calibration curve used. The paper gives acceptance criteria for validation parameters of test procedures for heavy metals and arsenic determination in HSs and HMPs.Conclusions: it is not correct to use reference standards containing heavy metals as inorganic salts not bound to organic compounds, for HS and HMP analysis. The criteria given in the European Pharmacopoeia and the United State Pharmacopoeia can be used for a number of validation parameters, when they are not included in the Russian Pharmacopoeia

    The model of formation of patriotism at schoolchildren by means of folk pedagogics

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The topicality of the study of the problem is due to the fact that the sharp change in the hierarchy of values, priorities, ideals, lack of spirituality, lack of morality, the unleashing of military conflicts, extremism and clash of religious trends have highlighted the need to strengthen the integrity and diversity of the modern world, the actualization of the problems associated with the formation of philosophical, civil and patriotic beliefs of the younger generation. In this regard, this article devotes on the development of structural and functional model of formation of patriotism at schoolchildren by means of folk pedagogy. The leading approaches to the study of this problem were the student-centered and axiological approaches to comprehensively cover this problem. The article presents a model of patriotic qualities of schoolchildren by means of folk pedagogy, which includes the target, procedural, substantive, organizational and methodical, efficiently-evaluative components that together provide effective formation of patriotic qualities of schoolchildren. This model can be applied in the practice of primary school teachers in the preparation of students of pedagogical high schools to perform the functions of primary school teachers, as well as in-service teacher training system

    Selective Quantification of Organic and Inorganic Arsenic in Kelp Thalli and Kelp-Based Products

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    Kelp can accumulate large quantities of arsenic compounds even in the absence of considerable environmental pollution. A substantial difference in toxicity between organic and inorganic arsenic compounds makes the form of arsenic relevant for the risk assessment of consuming kelp thalli and kelp-based products.The aim of the study was to develop an analytical procedure for the selective quantification of organic and inorganic arsenic in kelp thalli by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and solid-phase extraction without scheduled precursors.Materials and methods. The authors studied samples of Laminaria saccharina and Laminaria japonica, spiking mixtures of chemical compounds containing arsenic in different oxidation states, and bioactive dietary supplements based on kelp thalli. Solid-phase extraction was performed using Maxi-Clean SAX cartridges. The arsenic content was determined using an Agilent 7900 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer.Results. Microwave-assisted extraction with deionised water ensures 91% recovery of arsenic-containing compounds from kelp thalli, and the addition of hydrogen peroxide to the extractant provides complete extraction. Solid-phase extraction with an eluent based on 3% H2O2 can extract the organic fraction from a mixture of organic and inorganic arsenic compounds without washing the inorganic fraction off the cartridge.Conclusions. The authors offer an effective analytical procedure for the selective quantification of organic and inorganic arsenic in kelp thalli and kelp-based products. This procedure allows for the isolation of arsenic-containing compounds from the organic matrix of kelp with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Solid-phase extraction with this extractant can effectively separate organic and inorganic fractions without prior neutralisation of the test solution