39 research outputs found

    Observation of the aurora on February 11, 1958, at the Roshchino station

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    Electrophotometric observation of aurora displa

    Relative populations of the upper vibrational levels of 2PGN sub 2 bands in aurorae at various latitudes

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    Relative populations of second positive nitrogen band system vibrations in auroras at various latitude

    Clip Thinking and Its Influence the Teaching Methodology

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    The research is devoted to the issues of the so-called clip thinking impact on teaching methods in modern higher education. The survey was conducted among teachers of the Institute of Foreign Languages of the People Friendship University of Russia, Moscow. Teachers, teaching both full-time and evening students (n = 24) were interviewed. Clip thinking is one of the results of widespread digitalization and is expressed in the inability to focus on the same subject for more than a minute or two. This feature is inextricably linked with the multi-tasking of a modern person who constantly checks for new messages on social networks, is distracted by online messenges, news and other information that appears in his / her smartphone or computer, while maintaining focus on the main issue (work, study) in the “background”. Clip thinking features are taken into account by television, cinema and animation: if in films and television programs created before the ubiquitous distribution of the Internet, the same scene could last 5–10 minutes, then in modern films switching between scenes is much more frequent, and when editing TV programs one the frame does not hold on the screen for longer than 10–20 seconds. Teaching in the conditions of clip thinking should and can, on the one hand, adapt to the audience’s characteristics, and on the other hand, try to develop the student and instill in him / her the ability to focus for a longer period of time. In the context of teaching a foreign language, which implies an emphasis on practical work, it is quite simple to maintain a balance: since a different type of speech activity is used in the work of a foreign language teacher, various types of texts and visual material can be offered for students to work, it’s enough to provide the teacher with relatively quick switching between these activities. Keywords: teaching, teaching methods, digitalization, clip thinking, discrete teachin

    Syntactic Means of Forming the Image of a Politician in Headlines of Leading American Newspapers

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    Syntactic means of forming the image of a politician in the headlines of English-language newspapers on the material of the websites of the corresponding publications are considered in the article. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in 2020—2021 online media acquired particular importance: in the conditions of isolation associated with the pandemic, many readers, instead of the printed version of the newspaper, began to read the online version, the design of which allows you to read the headline and lead without seeing the main text of the titled material. The question is raised about the order of words and the position of the leader’s sur-name in the sentence as a means of positioning the figure of a political leader. The results of a comparative analysis of the headlines of “The New York Times” and “The Washington Post” for the period January 20, 2009 — February 20, 2009, Jan-uary 20, 2017 — February 20, 2017, January 20, 2021 — February 20, 2021 are presented. These periods correspond to the first month in office of US President Barack Obama (2009], Donald Trump (2017) and Joseph Biden (2021]. It has been proven that news-papers use manipulative technologies in headlines, relying on the communicative role of the subject and its place in the structure of the sentence. In particular, the president supported by this media is positioned as an active politician and the main character, while the unsupported president is positioned as a secondary and inactive one

    Threshold Tolerance of New Genotypes of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. to Salinity and Drought

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    With continued population growth, increasing staple crop production is necessary. However, in dryland areas, this is negatively affected by various abiotic stresses, such as drought and salinity. The field screening of 10 improved genetic lines of pear millet originating from African dryland areas was conducted based on a set of agrobiological traits (i.e., germination rate, plant density, plant maturity rate, forage, and grain yields) in order to understand plant growth and its yield potential responses under saline environments. Our findings demonstrated that genotype had a significant impact on the accumulation of green biomass (64.4% based on two-way ANOVA), while salinity caused reduction in grain yield value. HHVBC Tall and IP 19586 were selected as the best-performing and high-yielding genotypes. HHVBC Tall is a dual purpose (i.e., forage and grain) line which produced high grain yields on marginal lands, with soil salinization up to electrical conductivity (EC) 6–8 dS m−1 (approximately 60–80 mM NaCl). Meanwhile, IP 19586, grown under similar conditions, showed a rapid accumulation of green biomass with a significant decrease in grain yield. Both lines were tolerant to drought and sensitive to high salinity (above 200 mM NaCl). The threshold salinity of HHVBC Tall calculated at the seedling stage was lower than that of IP 19586. Seedling viability of these lines was affected by oxidative stress and membrane peroxidation, and they had decreased chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis. This study demonstrated that ionic stress is more detrimental for the accumulation of green and dry biomass, in combination with increasing the proline and malonic dialdehyde (MDA) contents of both best-performing pearl millet lines, as compared with osmotic stress

    Micromorphological features of soils of semidesertic solonetzic complexes under different herbaceous communities with the participation of fodder plant Kochia prostrata (Caspian lowland)

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    The aim of the study was to research the relationship of chemical and micromorphological properties of soils with the growth of Kochia prostrata. The objects of study were the soils on natural pastures of the North-Western part of the Caspian lowland. It was laid 4 soil pits (soils – light solonetz, solonetzic chestnut) with the maximum penetration depth of the main mass of roots of the studied plants. K. prostratais a very plastic forage species that can grow on soils with a wide range of morphological properties, different salt content and their chemical composition. It is revealed that on the background of almost the same content of humus and high content of exchangeable magnesium micromorphological features represent the different degree of manifestation of primary pedogenic processes – humus accumulation, leaching of soluble salts, gypsum accumulation, carbonate enrichment, solonetzization. Despite the different content of exchangeable sodium, in all soils there are fresh clay or humus-clay illuvial coatings, indicating the manifestation of the modern eluvial-illuvial redistribution of fine matter (lessivage or illimerization)

    Threshold Tolerance of New Genotypes of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. to Salinity and Drought

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    With continued population growth, increasing staple crop production is necessary. However, in dryland areas, this is negatively affected by various abiotic stresses, such as drought and salinity. The field screening of 10 improved genetic lines of pear millet originating from African dryland areas was conducted based on a set of agrobiological traits (i.e., germination rate, plant density, plant maturity rate, forage, and grain yields) in order to understand plant growth and its yield potential responses under saline environments. Our findings demonstrated that genotype had a significant impact on the accumulation of green biomass (64.4% based on two-way ANOVA), while salinity caused reduction in grain yield value. HHVBC Tall and IP 19586 were selected as the best-performing and high-yielding genotypes. HHVBC Tall is a dual purpose (i.e., forage and grain) line which produced high grain yields on marginal lands, with soil salinization up to electrical conductivity (EC) 6–8 dS m−1 (approximately 60–80 mM NaCl). Meanwhile, IP 19586, grown under similar conditions, showed a rapid accumulation of green biomass with a significant decrease in grain yield. Both lines were tolerant to drought and sensitive to high salinity (above 200 mM NaCl). The threshold salinity of HHVBC Tall calculated at the seedling stage was lower than that of IP 19586. Seedling viability of these lines was affected by oxidative stress and membrane peroxidation, and they had decreased chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis. This study demonstrated that ionic stress is more detrimental for the accumulation of green and dry biomass, in combination with increasing the proline and malonic dialdehyde (MDA) contents of both best-performing pearl millet lines, as compared with osmotic stress

    Effects of Vertically Heterogeneous Soil Salinity on Genetic Polymorphism and Productivity of the Widespread Halophyte Bassia prostrata

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    Salinity is one of the environmental factors that affects both productivity and genetic diversity in plant species. Within the soil profile, salinity is a dynamic indicator and significantly changes with depth. The present study examined the effects of the vertical heterogeneity of soil salinity chemistry on the plant height, fresh and dry biomass accumulation, water content, level of genetic polymorphism, and observed and expected heterozygosity in seven populations of halophyte Bassia prostrata in natural habitats. Soil salinity ranged from slight (Ssalts = 0.11–0.25%) to extreme (Ssalts = 1.35–2.57%). The main contributors to salinity were Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. Multivariate analysis revealed that biomass accumulation is positively affected by moderate/high salinity in 20–60 cm soil layers, which may be associated with the salt required for the optimal growth of the halophyte B. prostrata. The formation of seed genetic diversity is negatively affected by slight/moderate salinity in the 0–40 cm layers. An increase in divalent ion content can reduce genetic diversity and increase the local adaptation of B. prostrata to magnesium–calcium sulfate salinity. The effect of the in-depth distribution of soil salinity on productivity and genetic diversity may be related to seasonal variables during biomass accumulation (summer) and seed formation (autumn)


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    The article is devoted to the Charles Dickens’ book “Sketches by Boz”, one of the first author’s books which collects the traits of journalism and literature. The hypothesis that Charles Dickens used for attracting and prolongation of audience’s attention the rhetoric tricks is analyzed in the article.The schemes of constructing the text which are used in the modern rhetoric are the generalization of the experience of successful texts and popular speeches, so Dickens could have used the composition schemes since he had the great experience of creating the court sketches and knew many variants of composition schemes and speech practice. The fact that he used these composition schemes helped his sketches to become popular and gave them the interest of key audience. The intuitive usage of these tricks was a great solution for the sketches firstly published one by one in periodical journals then came as a whole book

    Growth and photosynthetic reactions of different species of wheat seedlings under drought and salt stress

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    Background and Purpose: Comprehension of how the different representatives of the tribe Triticeae tolerate to abiotic stresses is essential for the discovery of new resistance sources and therefore for the development of breeding and genetic researches in stress resistance improvement of such important crops as wheat. The aim of the study was to identify growth reactions and associated changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of different wheat species in response to drought and salt stress.Materials and Methods The changes of seedlings growth parameters of 6 wheat species under the influence of the drought and salt stress under laboratory conditions were investigated. Content chlorophyll a and b was determined. The fluorescence quantum yield of photosystem II and electron transport rate through the photosystem II (ETR) was studied.Results: The relationship between changes in growth activity of seedlings of different wheat species under abiotic stresses and the work of the photosynthetic apparatus was showed. The tetraploid species T. dicoccum Schuebl. and T. aethiopicum Jakubz. were marked because they possess the most stable root system development indicators and a relatively high photosynthetic activity under stress.Conclusions: The results of this research are very promising. They showed a variety of evolutionarily developed physiological mechanisms of protection from the effects of abiotic stresses. They allowed identifying the species as possessing the most stable indicators of growth and a relatively high photosynthetic activity under drought and salt stress. These species can be recommended as salinity and drought tolerance sources for interspecific crosses for different genetic programs.</p