1,998 research outputs found

    Small business preference for software package

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    Until late 2016, the majority of small business uses QuickBooks and Excel to do their accounting work. However, the functions of these accounting tools are insufficient, and also the demands of companies are increasing. It has become inefficient and antiquated to use the software. A small business looked for new accounting software, but found that choosing an accounting software system is not straightforward, as every software package consists of different functions for users. The aim of this research was to analyse small business’ perceptions and preferences for accounting software systems in New Zealand. This is followed by an analysis of why users might want to replace their previous accounting software systems. In addition, the requirements for selecting accounting software were analysed. The main method used was qualitative research. Three people were interviewed regarding the reason for replacing their previous accounting software system. The first interviewee had not changed their accounting software system previously, but their reason for replacing their current accounting software system was that their previous accounting software system lacked the functionality he wanted. The second interviewee said e she disliked that the system frequently crashed and that it lacked the features she wanted. The reason why the last interviewee changed her previous accounting software system was that MYOB system could not improve her work efficiency

    Repurposing Old Drugs: Substituted Benzodiazepines as New Antibacterial Agents

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    This project aims to develop a greater understanding of how old drugs can be repurposed into new and exciting therapeutic areas. In particular, developing an understanding of the antibacterial mode of action exerted by modified benzodiazepines possessing unique fluoropyridines will be explored. The work described in this thesis was mainly focused on the synthesis of a library of substituted benzodiazepines containing the fluoropyridine moiety and the biological investigation of these compounds. We present an effective synthetic route to the core benzodiazepine framework which was later attached to fluoropyridines. The target benzodiazepines substituted by Cl, Br and F on the aryl rings were synthesized and isolated successfully. Except the N1 substituted benzodiazepine, other target compounds all show great activity to a host of bacteria

    Inferential Procedures for Dominance Analysis Measures in Multiple Regression

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    In order to better interpret a selected multiple regression model, researchers are often interested in whether a predictor is significantly more important than another or not. This study investigates the performance of the Normal-Theory based (asymptotic) confidence interval and bootstrap confidence intervals for predictors\u27 dominance relationships using both normal and non-normal data. The results show that asymptotic confidence interval method is adequate to make inferences for comparing two general dominance measures when the distribution is multivariate normal or slightly non-normal and when the effect size is no less than 0.15 and the sample size is at least 100. However, the bootstrap confidence interval methods are preferred over the asymptotic confidence interval when the data are considerably non-normal (e.g., skew \u3e 0.75, or |kurtosis| \u3e 1.2). The choice among standardized, percentile and bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals is based on the properties of the real data set, like sample size and distribution. An empirical demonstration and appropriate interpretation are also provided

    Performance enhancement of organic photovoltaic cells through nanostructuring and molecular doping

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Leistungssteigerung organischer Solarzellen durch Änderung der Geometrie an der Donor-Akzeptor Grenzfläche und dem Einstellen der elektronischen Eigenschaften von Grenzflächen durch molekulares p-Dotieren. Kristalline und gleichmäßige Nanosäulen aus dem organischen Halbleiter Pentazen wurden durch glancing angle deposition (GLAD) hergestellt, die einen ineinandergreifenden Heteroübergang zu Methanofulleren [6,6]-Phenyl-C61-Butansäure Methylester (PCBM) als Akzeptor ermöglichten. Die Kurzschlussspannung der nanosäulenbasierten Solarzellen war signifikant erhöht im Vergleich zu planaren Heteroübergängen zwischen denselben Materialien. Die Leistungssteigerung der Solarzellen konnte maßgebend der vergrößerten Grenzfläche zugewiesen werden, wegen des verringerten Einflusses der kurzen Exciton Diffusionslänge. Molekulares p-Dotieren mit Tetrafluorotetracyanoquinodimethan (F4TCNQ) als Dotand in polyfuranbasierten Solarzellen wurde für verschiede Dotierkonzentrationen untersucht. Ultraviolettphotoelektronenspektroskopie wurde verwendet, um die Veränderungen der Energieniveaus mit zunehmender Dotierkonzentration zu analysieren, welche zu einer Vergrößerung der 0,2 V Kurzschlussspannung auf bis zu 0,4 V führte. Nach Kombination dieser Beobachtung mit Ergebnissen an dotierten Polymerfilmen, insbesondere bezüglich deren Morphologie und Absorptionsverhalten, wurde vorgeschlagen, dass ein resultierender Dipol an der Donor-Akzeptorgrenzfläche präsent ist. Zusammenfassend zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit das Potential sowohl der GLAD Technik als auch des molekularen, elektrischen Dotierens für die Leistungsverbesserung organischer Solarzellen.The present work mainly focuses on improving the performance of OPVCs by tailoring the donor-acceptor interface geometry and by tuning the electrical properties of interfaces with p-type molecular doping. Crystalline and uniform nanocolumns of pentacene (PEN) and diindenoperylene (DIP) were fabricated by glancing angle deposition (GLAD), forming an interdigitated donor/acceptor heterojunction with [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) and/or fullerene as the electron acceptor. The short circuit current of nanocolumn-based OPVCs increased significantly compared to planar heterojunction OPVCs made from the same materials. The performance improvement of OPVCs had been verified to be contributed decisively by the donor-acceptor interface area enlargement because of reduced impact of short exciton diffusion length in organic materials. P-type molecular doping as applied in polyfuran (PF) based OPVCs was investigated by using tetrafluorotetracyanoquinodimethane (F4-TCNQ) as the dopant for various doping ratios. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) was applied to analyze the energy level shift with increasing doping ratio leading to the enlargement of the open circuit voltage in OPVCs, from 0.2 V to close to 0.4 V. Combining this observation with the results of doped polymer films, their morphology and absorption behavior, a net dipole pointing towards the donor material at the donor-acceptor interface of OPVCs is proposed. Overall, this work demonstrates the potential of both the GLAD technique and molecular electrical doping for improving the performance of OPVCs

    Budowa chińskiego systemu rachunkowości węglowej z perspektywy zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    Carbon Financial Accounting System highlights the importance of carbon finance and carbon accounting in China's efforts towards sustainable development and reducing its carbon footprint. The article discusses the need to manage and trade carbon assets, develop a comprehensive carbon financing system, and account for and report carbon activities. It proposes constructing a carbon accounting framework that includes all key sources of carbon emissions and carbon sequestration capacity. The article emphasizes the need to integrate carbon accounting into a company's operations and establish a comprehensive carbon finance ecosystem as a critical component of national strategic development. To achieve this, the Chinese government must promote CDM initiatives and relevant policies, enhance support to intermediary institutions, centralize the management of CDM projects, and strengthen carbon financing regulations. The article suggests establishing carbon trading and pricing mechanisms and improving the carbon trading system to create an effective carbon finance regulatory structure. Additionally, a carbon accounting system is required for financial and accounting oversight to support green and low-carbon growth, hence strengthening carbon accounting and reporting regulations of companies. The incorporation of carbon exchange, carbon funds, and carbon sinks banks are also essential in enhancing the financial accounting system.System rachunkowości węglowej podkreśla znaczenie finansowania emisji dwutlenku węgla i rozliczania emisji CO2 w wysiłkach Chin na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju i zmniejszenia śladu węglowego. W artykule omówiono potrzebę zarządzania aktywami węglowymi i handlu nimi, opracowania kompleksowego systemu finansowania emisji dwutlenku węgla oraz rozliczania i raportowania działalności związanej z emisjami tego gazu. Proponuje skonstruowanie ram rozliczania emisji dwutlenku węgla, które obejmują wszystkie kluczowe źródła emisji i zdolność do sekwestracji CO2. W artykule podkreślono potrzebę włączenia rachunkowości emisji dwutlenku węgla do działalności przedsiębiorstwa i ustanowienia kompleksowego ekosystemu finansowania emisji CO2 jako kluczowego elementu krajowych strategii. Aby to osiągnąć, chiński rząd musi promować inicjatywy CDM i odpowiednią politykę, zwiększyć wsparcie dla instytucji pośredniczących, scentralizować zarządzanie projektami CDM oraz wzmocnić regulacje dotyczące finansowania emisji. W artykule sugeruje się ustanowienie mechanizmów handlu uprawnieniami do emisji i ustalania cen oraz poprawę handlu uprawnieniami do emisji w celu stworzenia skutecznej struktury regulacyjnej dotyczącej finansowania emisji dwutlenku węgla. Ponadto system rozliczania emisji CO2 jest wymagany do nadzoru finansowego w celu wspierania ekologicznego i niskoemisyjnego wzrostu, a tym samym wzmocnienia przepisów dotyczących rozliczania emisji dwutlenku węgla i raportowania przedsiębiorstw. Włączenie giełd emisji CO2, funduszy węglowych i banków pochłaniających emisję dwutlenku węgla jest również niezbędne dla ulepszenia systemu rachunkowości finansowej


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    Antecedentes: La Tricomoniasis es una enfermedad de transmisión sexual, causada por un protozoo que recibe el nombre de Trichomonas vaginalis, que pertenece a la familia de Phylum Sarcomastigophora. T. vaginalis tiene una distribución geográfica mundial. La incidencia suele ser mayor en personas que viven en áreas urbanas, solteras y jóvenes, aumentando el riesgo de infectarse por este patógeno con el escaso uso de preservativo y con el mayor número de parejas homosexuales. El medicamento más utilizado para el tratamiento de la tricomoniasis es metronidazol, que sirve tanto para adultos como para mujeres embarazadas. Metodología: el método de trabajo ha sido una revisión de la bibliográfica, utilizando bases de datos en inglés, y Scielo, MEDLINE plus, PubMed, etc, como recursos para buscar la información de este trabajo. Objetivo: el objetivo de este trabajo ha sido llevar a cabo una revisión bibliográfica enfocada en la prevalencia mundial de la tricomoniasis y profundizando en la situación actual en España. Resultado: la tasa de prevalencia en África es relativamente alta, siendo Nigeria la que presenta una mayor tasa de prevalencia (37%). La tasa de prevalencia en Oceanía también es alta, sin embargo Vanuatu, Nueva Guinea y Papúa presentan prevalencias de 25,3% y 21,3%. Sudamérica está en tercer lugar, según el estudio sobre tricomoniasis en zonas rurales del Perú su prevalencia es del 16.5%. Asia tiene menor tasa de prevalencia, India tiene 8,5%, China 3,92%. En Europa: Inglaterra tiene 3,6%, y Alemania 0,19%. Dentro de España también varía la tasa de prevalencia, con los años esta tasa se ha disminuido, aunque en la Comunidad Autónoma Catalana ha mostrado un aumento de tricomoniasisUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Farmaci

    Starting from Mushrooms

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