456 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la dinámica temporal de la materia orgánica en la cuenca de klyazma utilizando monitoreo remoto y qgis trends.earth

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    El artículo está dedicado al estudio de la dinámica de los procesos biológicos en los paisajes en los limites de la zona de captación. Se eligió como zona modelo la cuenca del río Klyazma (que esta entrando con un afluente de cuarto orden a la cuenca del Volga), que es una combinación bastante compleja de diferentes paisajes. El estudio se basó en datos de teledetección. Se eligieron como parámetros los indicadores de fito-productividad y de carbono del suelo. Se estableció que en los distintos paisajes los procesos biológicos difieren tanto en velocidad como en intensidad y responden de forma ambigua a los cambios en los parámetros climáticos y al cambio en el uso del suelo. Sin embargo, en general, la cuenca hidrográfica, como ecosistema único, mostró suficiente estabilidad en los procesos dinámicos. Esto indica que los ecosistemas naturales holísticos tienen internas propiedades compensatoria

    Influence of the drug Detralex on calcium ion-dependent smooth muscle contractility, function of an endothelium and aggregation of thrombocytes in the conditions of experimental modeling of endothelial dysfunction

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    A venotonic effect was investigated after week administration of drug inside on model of the endoteliumdependent smooth muscle response to increased calcium ion isolated portal vein of rats. In model of endothelial dysfunction rising of sensitivity to the contractile response to Сa2+ the isolated segment of a portal vein after use of the drug Detralex of 500 mg/kg per day, and also elongation of AT and decrease of coefficient of endothelial dysfunction on a background the course reception of the investigated preparatio

    Plasticity of an extra-strong nanocrystalline stainless steel controlled by the "dislocation-segregation'' interaction

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    We study three structurally different states of nanocrystalline 316 steel and show that the state, where boundaries containing excess concentration of alloying elements are combined with mobile dislocations in grain interiors, allows maintaining extraordinarily high strength and remarkably enhanced plasticity. Underlying mechanisms featuring interaction between the segregations and mobile dislocations are discussed

    Prospects of high energy density physics research using the CERN super proton synchrotron (SPS)

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    The Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) will serve as an injector to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN as well as it is used to accelerate and extract proton beams for fixed target experiments. In either case, safety of operation is a very important issue that needs to be carefully addressed. This paper presents detailed numerical simulations of the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic response of solid targets made of copper and tungsten that experience impact of a full SPS beam comprized of 288 bunches of 450 GeV/c protons. These simulations have shown that the material will be seriously damaged if such an accident happens. An interesting outcome of this work is that the SPS can be used to carry out dedicated experiments to study High Energy Density (HED) states in matte