670 research outputs found
Soft Water of Central New York
The sample of water was taken from a well in the town of Sangerfield, Oneida County, New York, about a mile and a half south of the village of Waterville. It is located on the flat land in the bottom of the Sangerfield valley near the headwaters of Chenango River
Evaluation of Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility Using Fracture Mechanics Techniques, Part 1
Stress corrosion cracking (SSC) tests were performed on 13 aluminum alloys, 13 precipitation hardening stainless steels, and two titanium 6Al-4V alloy forgings to compare fracture mechanics techniques with the conventional smooth specimen procedures. Commercially fabricated plate and rolled or forged bars 2 to 2.5-in. thick were tested. Exposures were conducted outdoors in a seacoast atmosphere and in an inland industrial atmosphere to relate the accelerated tests with service type environments. With the fracture mechanics technique tests were made chiefly on bolt loaded fatigue precracked compact tension specimens of the type used for plane-strain fracture toughness tests. Additional tests of the aluminum alloy were performed on ring loaded compact tension specimens and on bolt loaded double cantilever beams. For the smooth specimen procedure 0.125-in. dia. tensile specimens were loaded axially in constant deformation type frames. For both aluminum and steel alloys comparative SCC growth rates obtained from tests of precracked specimens provide an additional useful characterization of the SCC behavior of an alloy
Spacecraft design sensitivity for a disaster warning satellite system
A disaster warning satellite (DWS) is described for warning the general public of impending natural catastrophes. The concept is responsive to NOAA requirements and maximizes the use of ATS-6 technology. Upon completion of concept development, the study was extended to establishing the sensitivity of the DWSS spacecraft power, weight, and cost to variations in both warning and conventional communications functions. The results of this sensitivity analysis are presented
The Ursinus Weekly, June 26, 1944
Fifty-eight sailors get transfer orders to premidshipman school and colleges • Graduates hear Dr. George W. McClelland; Schonfeld, Snyder take top scholastic honors • Two new prizes given at graduation today • Alumni re-elect Johnson as head • Baccalaureate sermon explains war words • Directors announce loyalty fund boost • Phys-edders choose Peg Hudson to lead activities next year • Marion is awarded first prize in nation-wide church contest • Miss Eleanor Norris married to Clark Moore in Ambler church • Betty Bradway receives award as outstanding junior athlete • Alumni of Cub and Key meet • Rosicrucians add 21 to club membership • Girls undefeated in hockey and softball in all-round successful \u2743-\u2744 season • Ball team wins nine to close good season • Teddy leaves record as faithful phys-edder • Dr. McClure speaks at Baldwin • Salute to the phys-edders: bless \u27em • Will and testament • Thru the crystal ball • Majority of graduates accept positions in field of teachinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1738/thumbnail.jp
Quantum Mechanics and Linearized Gravitational Waves
The interaction of classical gravitational waves (GW) with matter is studied
within a quantum mechanical framework. The classical equations of motion in the
long wave-length limit is quantized and a Schroedinger equation for the
interaction of GW with matter is proposed. Due to its quadrapole nature, the GW
interacts with matter by producing squeezed quantum states. The resultant
hamiltonian is quite different from one would expect from general principles,
however. The interaction of GW with the free particle, the harmonic oscillator
and the hydrogen atom is then studied using this hamiltonian.Comment: 24 pages, written in REVTE
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Characterization of the chemical signatures of air masses observed during the PEM experiments over the western Pacific
Extensive observations of tropospheric trace species during the second NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment Western Pacific Exploratory Mission (PEM-West B) in February-March 1994 showed significant seasonal variability in comparison with the first mission (PEM-West A), conducted in September-October 1991. In this study we adopt a previously established analytical method, i.e., the ratio C2H2/CO as a measure of the relative degree of atmospheric processing, to elucidate the key similarities and variations between the two missions. In addition, the C2H2/CO ratio scheme is combined with the back-trajectory-based and the LIDAR-based air mass classification schemes, respectively, to make in-depth analysis of the seasonal variation between PEM-West A and PEM-West B (hereinafter referred to as PEM-WA and PEM-WB). A large number of compounds, including long-lived NMHCs, CH4, and CO2, are, as expected, well correlated with the ratio C2H2/CO. In comparison with PEM-WA, a significantly larger range of observed C2H2/CO values at the high end for the PEM-WB period indicates that the western Pacific was more impacted by "fresher" source emissions, i.e., faster or more efficient continental outflow. As in the case of PEM-WA, the C2H2/CO scheme complements the back-trajectory air mass classification scheme very well. By combining the two schemes, we found that the atmospheric processing in the region is dominated by atmospheric mixing for the trace species analyzed. This PEM-WB wintertime result is similar to that found in PEM-WA for the autumn. In both cases, photochemical reactions are found to play a significant role in determining the background mixing ratios of trace gases, and in this way the two processes are directly related and dependent upon each other. This analysis also indicates that many of the upper tropospheric air masses encountered over the western Pacific during PEM-WB may have had little impact from eastern Asia's continental surface sources. NOx mixing ratios were significantly enhanced during PEM-WB when compared with PEM-WA, in the upper troposphere's more atmospherically processed air masses. These high levels of NOx resulted in a substantial amount of photochemical production of O3. A lack of corresponding enhancements in surface emission tracers strongly implies that in situ atmospheric sources such as lightning are responsible for the enhanced upper tropospheric NOx. The similarity in NOx values between the northern (higher air traffic) and southern continental air masses together with the indications of a large seasonal shift suggests that aircraft emissions are not the dominant source. However, photochemical recycling cannot be ruled out as this in situ source of NOx. Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union
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Numerical simulation of the Beta II experiment
The transport code FRT which is a 1-1/2-D transport-equilibrium code for an axisymmetric plasma was used to simulate the decay of the plasma and magnetic fields of the Beta II experiment. A comparison is made between the experimentally determined decay times for the magnetic fields and particle confinement times and the computed decay times. It is found that 1% oxygen impurity is enough to clamp the electron temperature below the radiation barrier, which is in agreement with the experiment
Створення та діяльність УПА в період Другої світової війни в світлі північноамериканської історіографії
У статті здійснено комплексний аналіз північноамериканської історіографії діяльності УПА. Виходячи з методологічних підходів, дослідницьких технік та світоглядних позицій було виокремлено три групи північноамериканських дослідників: емігрантську, діаспорну та американську. Автор зосереджується на детальному аналізі часу створення і чисельності УПА та Волинській трагедії.The article is dedicated to the complex analysis of the North-American historiography of the UPA activity. According to methodological approaches, investigation technique, and world outlook of the authors, the three groups of North-American researchers were singled out: the emigrant, the diaspora and the American one. The author analyzes in detailed the time of creation and number of the UPA troops as well as the Volynian tragedy
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