29 research outputs found

    Equilibrium and metastable solidification in Ti-Al-Nb and Al-Ni systems

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    The presented work reports on the solidification studies in two alloy systems: the niobium bearing γ-TiAl, relevant for the automotive and aero-engine applications, and aluminium rich Raney-Ni, precursor alloys for catalyses used in the chemical industry. The time-resolved observations of equilibrium liquid-solid phase transformations, as well as non-equilibrium solidification from the undercooled melt, are performed by combination of in situ structural studies using high-energy X-rays at a synchrotron source and the electromagnetic levitation technique. Containerless processing assured the contamination-free environment leading to high undercooling levels even at moderate cooling rates. For the critical part of the Ti-Al-Nb phase diagram an equilibrium involving the liquid phase is deduced from the phase transformations gathered on heating periods of levitation experiment. New experimental data on the partial liquidus and solidus surfaces are delivered as well as the information on the nature of the reactions along the univariant lines. These data provide a valuable contribution to the reassessment of the thermodynamic description. The primary phase selection as function of undercooling is studied in ternary Ti-Al-Nb alloys. The metastable formation of the cubic β phase within the primary solidification region of the hexagonal α phase is observed with increasing melt undercooling. Furthermore, the microstructure evolution of the β solidifying Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy discloses the transition to the thermal growth mode for ∆T>200−250 K, accompanied by complete solute trapping. Supplemented with the data on the solidification velocity determined as function of melt undercooling, this results are discussed within the local non-equilibrium model of the free dendrite growth. The in situ observations of the non-equilibrium solidification of the binary Al-Ni system give insight into multiple phase transformation sequence. The achieved undercooling levels up to 320 K for the aluminium alloys containing 18–31.5 at.% Ni did not alter the primary phase selection. However, during further cooling of L+Al3Ni2 semisolid samples the peritectic formation of a metastable decagonal quasicrystalline phase is observed providing a critical undercooling below the peritectic temperature of Al3Ni phase is reached. On further cooling the metastable phase subsequently transforms into the equilibrium Al3Ni. A similar solidification pathways are expected for the Raney-Ni alloys produced by gas atomisation, where the associated high cooling rates allowed to retain the metastable phase at room temperature

    Latin Loans in French Contemporary Advertising: Socio-Cultural, Linguistic and Psychological Aspects

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    The article deals with the Latin language borrowings in the modern French language. The functioning of Latin borrowings in French advertising is analyzed. The attention is drown to the socio-cultural, linguistic and psychological aspects of this functioning. General trends concerning latinisms in French language are the clear proof of the importance and vitality of Latin into French society. It was shown that the Latin language has greatly influenced the French cultural memory and common European culture.

    Retained Free Energy with Enhanced Nucleation during Electrostatic Levitation of Undercooled Fe-Co Alloys

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    Double recalescence in many ferrous alloy systems involves rapid solidification of metastable ferrite from the undercooled melt with subsequent transformation to stable austenite. Containerless processing is used to monitor the process using pyrometry and high-speed cinematography such that delay behavior can be predicted based on the application of the retained damage model (RDM). When comparing Fe-Cr-Ni alloys to Fe-Co alloys, the cluster attachment rate is enhanced while free energy retention is reduced. These trends are tied to specific alloy properties. A retained free energy criterion is proposed based on the ratio of thermophysical properties used to define the transformation driving force such that the thermodynamic limit for energy retention may be predicted. Surprisingly, at long delay times, healing occurs such that much of the retained free energy is not available to enhance the transition from metastable to stable phases. At delay times less than one second, no healing is observed and the RDM correctly predicts transformation delay behavior over a wide range of alloy compositions

    Equilibrium and metastable solidification in Ti-Al-Nb and Al-Ni systems

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    The presented work reports on the solidification studies in two alloy systems: the niobium bearing γ-TiAl, relevant for the automotive and aero-engine applications, and aluminium rich Raney-Ni, precursor alloys for catalyses used in the chemical industry. The time-resolved observations of equilibrium liquid-solid phase transformations, as well as non-equilibrium solidification from the undercooled melt, are performed by combination of in situ structural studies using high-energy X-rays at a synchrotron source and the electromagnetic levitation technique. Containerless processing assured the contamination-free environment leading to high undercooling levels even at moderate cooling rates. For the critical part of the Ti-Al-Nb phase diagram an equilibrium involving the liquid phase is deduced from the phase transformations gathered on heating periods of levitation experiment. New experimental data on the partial liquidus and solidus surfaces are delivered as well as the information on the nature of the reactions along the univariant lines. These data provide a valuable contribution to the reassessment of the thermodynamic description. The primary phase selection as function of undercooling is studied in ternary Ti-Al-Nb alloys. The metastable formation of the cubic β phase within the primary solidification region of the hexagonal α phase is observed with increasing melt undercooling. Furthermore, the microstructure evolution of the β solidifying Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy discloses the transition to the thermal growth mode for ∆T>200−250 K, accompanied by complete solute trapping. Supplemented with the data on the solidification velocity determined as function of melt undercooling, this results are discussed within the local non-equilibrium model of the free dendrite growth. The in situ observations of the non-equilibrium solidification of the binary Al-Ni system give insight into multiple phase transformation sequence. The achieved undercooling levels up to 320 K for the aluminium alloys containing 18–31.5 at.% Ni did not alter the primary phase selection. However, during further cooling of L+Al3Ni2 semisolid samples the peritectic formation of a metastable decagonal quasicrystalline phase is observed providing a critical undercooling below the peritectic temperature of Al3Ni phase is reached. On further cooling the metastable phase subsequently transforms into the equilibrium Al3Ni. A similar solidification pathways are expected for the Raney-Ni alloys produced by gas atomisation, where the associated high cooling rates allowed to retain the metastable phase at room temperature

    Equilibrium and metastable solidification in Ti-Al-Nb and Al-Ni systems

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    The presented work reports on the solidification studies in two alloy systems: the niobium bearing γ-TiAl, relevant for the automotive and aero-engine applications, and aluminium rich Raney-Ni, precursor alloys for catalyses used in the chemical industry. The time-resolved observations of equilibrium liquid-solid phase transformations, as well as non-equilibrium solidification from the undercooled melt, are performed by combination of in situ structural studies using high-energy X-rays at a synchrotron source and the electromagnetic levitation technique. Containerless processing assured the contamination-free environment leading to high undercooling levels even at moderate cooling rates. For the critical part of the Ti-Al-Nb phase diagram an equilibrium involving the liquid phase is deduced from the phase transformations gathered on heating periods of levitation experiment. New experimental data on the partial liquidus and solidus surfaces are delivered as well as the information on the nature of the reactions along the univariant lines. These data provide a valuable contribution to the reassessment of the thermodynamic description. The primary phase selection as function of undercooling is studied in ternary Ti-Al-Nb alloys. The metastable formation of the cubic β phase within the primary solidification region of the hexagonal α phase is observed with increasing melt undercooling. Furthermore, the microstructure evolution of the β solidifying Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy discloses the transition to the thermal growth mode for ∆T>200−250 K, accompanied by complete solute trapping. Supplemented with the data on the solidification velocity determined as function of melt undercooling, this results are discussed within the local non-equilibrium model of the free dendrite growth. The in situ observations of the non-equilibrium solidification of the binary Al-Ni system give insight into multiple phase transformation sequence. The achieved undercooling levels up to 320 K for the aluminium alloys containing 18–31.5 at.% Ni did not alter the primary phase selection. However, during further cooling of L+Al3Ni2 semisolid samples the peritectic formation of a metastable decagonal quasicrystalline phase is observed providing a critical undercooling below the peritectic temperature of Al3Ni phase is reached. On further cooling the metastable phase subsequently transforms into the equilibrium Al3Ni. A similar solidification pathways are expected for the Raney-Ni alloys produced by gas atomisation, where the associated high cooling rates allowed to retain the metastable phase at room temperature

    Solidification and melting of high temperature materials: in situ observations by synchrotron radiation

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    Until recently understanding the solidification behavior of high temperature materials, including many intermetallic systems, required evaluation of a great number of individual solidification experimental results. An additional challenge was the reactivity of metallic melts at elevated temperatures. Alternative methods for in situ observation of solidification processes using the highenergy synchrotron X-ray diffraction, which came up in the last decade, are reviewed in the present work. Here, solidifying phases and transformation sequences are directly related to their X-ray diffraction pattern, which avoids any confusion caused by subsequent phase transformations especially in complex systems. By containerless processing with aerodynamic, electrostatic and electromagnetic levitation methods, adapted to the application at the synchrotron beamline, contamination of the melt with impurities is avoided, which can corrupt the results of solidification studies by conventional methods. To date, the majority of the studies is focused on metastable phase formation and the structure of undercooled melts. Current efforts on liquid–solid phase transformations under conditions close to the equilibrium, which provide a great potential for acquisition of phase diagram data of refractory and reactive alloys, are also addressed