354 research outputs found

    Label-free shotgun proteomics and metabolite analysis reveal a significant metabolic shift during citrus fruit development.

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    Label-free LC-MS/MS-based shot-gun proteomics was used to quantify the differential protein synthesis and metabolite profiling in order to assess metabolic changes during the development of citrus fruits. Our results suggested the occurrence of a metabolic change during citrus fruit maturation, where the organic acid and amino acid accumulation seen during the early stages of development shifted into sugar synthesis during the later stage of citrus fruit development. The expression of invertases remained unchanged, while an invertase inhibitor was up-regulated towards maturation. The increased expression of sucrose-phosphate synthase and sucrose-6-phosphate phosphatase and the rapid sugar accumulation suggest that sucrose is also being synthesized in citrus juice sac cells during the later stage of fruit development

    Epidemiological analysis of the incidence of urolithiasis among the adult population of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2012−2021

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the dynamics of urolithiasis morbidity in the Republic of Tatarstan and to identify the territories endemic for this pathology.Цель работы − оценка динамики заболеваемости мочекаменной болезнью в Республике Татарстан и выявление территорий, эндемичных по этой патологии

    Complex microwave processing of high-ash brown coal in relation to the energy and metallurgical industries

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    Relevance. The need of the Tomsk region for valuable energy resources obtained from local low-grade resources to develop iron ore deposits available in the region and cover energy needs. Aim. To study gaseous and solid products obtained from low-grade brown coal of the Talovsky deposit (Tomsk region) under microwave pyrolysis conditions in relation to the energy and metallurgical industries. Objects. Brown coal of the Talovsky deposit (Tomsk region). Methods. Certified SS methods to determine thermal characteristics and elemental composition of coal organic and mineral parts, the "transmission-reflection" method for measuring imaginary (ε'') and real (ε') components of the complex dielectric permittivity, physical experiment, gas analysis, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method for measuring texture characteristics. Results. Brown coal of the Talovsky deposit has high values of moisture and ash contents for operating conditions, which leads to a low calorific value. Such characteristics make it possible to classify coal as a low-grade fuel, which indicates the inexpediency of its use as a raw material for the energy and metallurgical industries. Thermal processing by means of microwave pyrolysis makes it possible to obtain a high-calorie (heat of combustion over 21 MJ/m3) and environmentally friendly (hydrogen content over 29%) gaseous fuel from the low-grade brown coal of the Talovsky deposit. The resulting solid carbonaceous residue has an ash content of over 48%, which required its chemical treatment in a solution of HF and HCl. As a result of the solid carbonaceous residue treatment, its ash content decreased by more than 38%, the sulfur content – by more than 1.5 times. According to its characteristics, the resulting product corresponds to the currently available carbonaceous products – semi-coke, coke and carbon reducing agent for ferroalloy production

    The impact of production factors on dontai morbidity (review of literature)

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    The article presents a review of the scientific literature containing data on the characteristics of the influence of various production factors on the state of hard tissues of the teeth and oral mucosa in persons in direct contact with these factors. The pathogenesis in the development of caries and non-carious lesions, inflammatory periodontal diseases and diseases of the oral mucosa was described. The symptoms of these diseases often caused marked sensitization of the organism to harmful production factors, in the oral cavity originates the change of local immune homeostasis with the manifestation of dysbiosis, resulting in change of characteristics of their clinical manifestations. The features of the mechanisms of development of chronic inflammation in response to the tension of the adaptive mechanisms of the immune defense of the oral cavity and organism as a whole were shown. The influence of different unfavorable factors of production leads to difficulty not only in early diagnosis of these diseases, but also alienate planning quality of treatment and preventive measures. The study of the influence of production factors will allow not only to clarify etiological and pathogenetic triggers and contribute to their early diagnosis will allow to develop a complex of measures to reduce intensity and enhance efficiency of preventive measures in this category.В статье представлен обзор научной литературы, содержащий данные об особенностях влияния различных производственных факторов на состояние твердых тканей зубов и слизистой оболочки рта у лиц, непосредственно контактирующих с данными факторами. Описан патогенез в развитии кариеса и некариозных поражений, воспалительных заболеваний пародонта и заболеваний слизистой оболочки рта. Проявления данных заболеваний обусловлены чаще всего выраженной сенсибилизацией организма к вредным производственным факторам, в полости рта происходит выраженное изменение местного иммунитета, гомеостаза с проявлением дисбиоза, в результате чего изменяются особенности их клинических проявлений. Показаны особенности механизмов развития хронического воспаления в ответ на напряжение адаптационных механизмов иммунной защиты полости рта и организма в целом. Влияние различных неблагоприятных производственных факторов приводят к сложности не только ранней диагностики данных заболеваний, но и отдаляют планирование качественных лечебно-профилактических мероприятий. Изучение влияния производственных факторов позволят прояснить не только этиологические и патогенетические пусковые механизмы, а также будут способствовать их ранней диагностике, позволят разработать комплекс мер для снижения их интенсивности и повышения эффективности лечебно-профилактических мероприятий у данной категории лиц

    Совершенствование оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с ОНМК с применением стандартов JCI. Первые результаты

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    AIM OF THE STUDY To compare the dynamics of thrombolytic therapy effectiveness in patients with stroke after the reorganization of medical care using JCI standards.MATERIAL AND METHODS In 2022, a new system for routing patients with stroke at the level of the emergency department was introduced in the Emergency Care Hospital; and 976 patients with the diagnosis of brain infarction were treated. The analysis of the results was carried out by comparing the mortality rates from ischemic stroke, the number of thrombolytic therapies and procedures of mechanical methods of revascularization, as well as the indicators “Door-CT”, “DoorNeedle”, “Door-Opening” for 2021 and 10 months of 2022.RESULTS After the introduction of the new routing system for patients with stroke at the emergency department level, there appeared the first positive results. Thus, the mortality rate from brain infarction in 10 months of 2022 decreased by 5.6% compared to 2021. The number of thrombolytic therapies performed increased by 5.2%, and mechanical revascularization procedures by 1.62% over the same period, while the “Door-CT” indicator decreased by 27 minutes, “DoorNeedle” by 22 minutes, “Door-Opening” by 31.6 minutes.CONCLUSIONS The immediate results of the introduction of the new patient routing system at the level of the emergency department have proved successful, primarily due to the significant reduction in the mortality rate of patients with cerebral infarction by 5.6%. However, the process requires further investigation and has application points for further improvement.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Сравнить динамику эффективности проведения тромболитической терапии у пациентов с острым нарушением мозгового кровообращения (ОНМК) после реорганизации медицинской помощи с применением стандартов JCI.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ В ГАУЗ РТ «БСМП» в 2022 г. внедрена новая система маршрутизации пациентов с ОНМК на уровне приемного отделения и пролечены 976 пациентов с диагнозом «Инфаркт мозга». Анализ полученных результатов проводили путем сравнения показателей летальности от ишемического инсульта, количества проведенных тромболитических терапий и процедур механических методов реваскуляризации, а также показателей «Дверь–КТ», «Дверь–Игла», «Дверь–Раскрытие» за 2021 г. и 10 месяцев 2022 г.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ После внедрения новой системы маршрутизации пациентов с ОНМК на уровне приемного отделения с применением стандартов JCI имеются первые положительные результаты. Так, летальность от инфаркта мозга за 10 месяцев 2022 г. снизилась на 5,6% в сравнении с 2021 г. Количество проведенных тромболитических терапий увеличилось на 5,2%, а процедур механических методов реваскуляризации — на 1,62% за аналогичный период, в то время как показатель «Дверь–КТ» снизился на 27 минут, «Дверь–Игла» — на 22 минуты, а «Дверь–Раскрытие» — на 31,6 минуты.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Непосредственные результаты внедрения новой системы маршрутизации пациентов на уровне приемного отделения являются успешными, в первую очередь за счет значимого снижения летальности пациентов с инфарктом мозга на 5,6%. Однако процесс требует дальнейшего исследования и имеет точки приложения для дальнейшего улучшения

    NAF-1 and mitoNEET are central to human breast cancer proliferation by maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis and promoting tumor growth

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    Mitochondria are emerging as important players in the transformation process of cells, maintaining the biosynthetic and energetic capacities of cancer cells and serving as one of the primary sites of apoptosis and autophagy regulation. Although several avenues of cancer therapy have focused on mitochondria, progress in developing mitochondria-targeting anticancer drugs nonetheless has been slow, owing to the limited number of known mitochondrial target proteins that link metabolism with autophagy or cell death. Recent studies have demonstrated that two members of the newly discovered family of NEET proteins, NAF-1 (CISD2) and mitoNEET (mNT; CISD1), could play such a role in cancer cells. NAF-1 was shown to be a key player in regulating autophagy, and mNT was proposed to mediate iron and reactive oxygen homeostasis in mitochondria. Here we show that the protein levels of NAF-1 and mNT are elevated in human epithelial breast cancer cells, and that suppressing the level of these proteins using shRNA results in significantly reduced cell proliferation and tumor growth, decreased mitochondrial performance, uncontrolled accumulation of iron and reactive oxygen in mitochondria, and activation of autophagy. Our findings highlight NEET proteins as promising mitochondrial targets for cancer therapy

    Integration of physical and genetic maps in apple confirms whole-genome and segmental duplications in the apple genome

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    A total of 355 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed, based on expressed sequence tag (EST) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-end sequence databases, and successfully used to construct an SSR-based genetic linkage map of the apple. The consensus linkage map spanned 1143 cM, with an average density of 2.5 cM per marker. Newly developed SSR markers along with 279 SSR markers previously published by the HiDRAS project were further used to integrate physical and genetic maps of the apple using a PCR-based BAC library screening approach. A total of 470 contigs were unambiguously anchored onto all 17 linkage groups of the apple genome, and 158 contigs contained two or more molecular markers. The genetically mapped contigs spanned ∼421 Mb in cumulative physical length, representing 60.0% of the genome. The sizes of anchored contigs ranged from 97 kb to 4.0 Mb, with an average of 995 kb. The average physical length of anchored contigs on each linkage group was ∼24.8 Mb, ranging from 17.0 Mb to 37.73 Mb. Using BAC DNA as templates, PCR screening of the BAC library amplified fragments of highly homologous sequences from homoeologous chromosomes. Upon integrating physical and genetic maps of the apple, the presence of not only homoeologous chromosome pairs, but also of multiple locus markers mapped to adjacent sites on the same chromosome was detected. These findings demonstrated the presence of both genome-wide and segmental duplications in the apple genome and provided further insights into the complex polyploid ancestral origin of the apple

    The organization of forecasting of major dental diseases among school-age children

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    The article presents a review of the scientific literature containing data on the modern scientific methods of forecasting of development of dental diseases in children of school age. According to the materials of observations, the resulting pattern of various clinical indicators contributing to the intensive development of nosological forms of diseases of hard tissues of teeth was obtained. The analysis shows the necessity of using mathematical and statistical methods in the prediction of major dental diseases in children of school age.В статье представлен обзор научной литературы, содержащий данные о современных научных методах прогнозирования развития стоматологических заболеваний у детей школьного возраста. По материалам наблюдений получена картина разнообразных клинических показателей способствующих интенсивному развитию нозологических форм заболеваний твердых тканей зубов. Проведенный анализ свидетельствует о необходимости использования математических и статистических методов исследования в прогнозировании основных стоматологических заболеваний у детей школьного возраста

    Gene expression atlas of fruit ripening and transcriptome assembly from RNA-seq data in octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)

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    RNA-seq has been used to perform global expression analysis of the achene and the receptacle at four stages of fruit ripening, and of the roots and leaves of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa). About 967 million reads and 191 Gb of sequence were produced, using Illumina sequencing. Mapping the reads in the related genome of the wild diploid Fragaria vesca revealed differences between the achene and receptacle development program, and reinforced the role played by ethylene in the ripening receptacle. For the strawberry transcriptome assembly, a de novo strategy was followed, generating separate assemblies for each of the ten tissues and stages sampled. The Trinity program was used for these assemblies, resulting in over 1.4 M isoforms. Filtering by a threshold of 0.3 FPKM, and doing Blastx (E-value < 1 e-30) against the UniProt database of plants reduced the number to 472,476 isoforms. Their assembly with the MIRA program (90% homology) resulted in 26,087 contigs. From these, 91.34 percent showed high homology to Fragaria vesca genes and 87.30 percent Fragaria iinumae (BlastN E-value < 1 e-100). Mapping back the reads on the MIRA contigs identified polymorphisms at nucleotide level, using FREEBAYES, as well as estimate their relative abundance in each sample

    The significance of immunohistochemical markers in the assessment of the oral mucosa

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    Leukoplakia - the most common lesion of the oral mucosa. Early methods of diagnosis of this disease are the key to successful treatment. With the aim of improving the quality of the diagnostic features of verrucous leukoplakia, immunohistochemical examination was conducted of the buccal mucosa biopsy specimens that were taken from 12 patients who had applied for the purpose of routine inspection in the period 2017-2019 biennium. We present the results of the immunohistochemical method of research, allowing to timely determine the pathological transformation of the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the cheeks in the pathological focus.Лейкоплакия - наиболее распространенное поражение слизистой оболочки рта. Ранние методы диагностики этого заболевания является залогом успешного лечения. С целью повышения качества диагностических особенностей веррукозной лейкоплакии, было проведено иммуногистохимическое исследование биоптатов слизистой оболочки щек взятых у 12 пациентов, которые обратились с целью профилактического осмотра в период 2017-2019 гг. Нами представлены результативные данные иммуногистохимического метода исследования, позволяющие своевременно определить патологическую трансформацию клеток эпителия слизистой оболочки щек в области патологического очага