562 research outputs found

    Production of biodiesel from palm oil by using calcium oxide (cao) supported on alumina beads / Nurul Aqilah Sham Shul Bahri

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    In this research, the main objectives of this study were to determine the effect of the amount of catalyst loadings on the yield of biodiesel Ca/AI203 catalyst without dopant and Ni/Ca/Al203 catalyst with dopant produced from palm oil. Biodiesel was produced by transesterification of palm oil with methanol catalysed by two types of alumina-supported catalysts. In the view of work, homogenous catalysts have more limitation than heterogeneous catalyst. Homogeneous catalyst has caused great impact to environment and market value. The catalysts were prepared by heating a mixture of alumina beads and calcination in the furnace at 700 °C. Transesterification reactions were carried out at 65 °C using a mixture of palm oil and methanol with various mass of catalyst. Ni/Ca/AI203 gave the highest maximum yield (12.6%) with the optimum mass of catalyst that was 4 g. Followed by Ca/AI203 (4.2%) with the mass of catalyst was 3 g. The optimum percentage FAME result at 12.6% Ni/Ca/AI203 with dopant was higher than to the optimum conversion of percentage FAME for Ca/AI203 without dopant at 4.2%. The types of fatty acid in palm oil were determined by using gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS). The fatty acid that determined was palmitic acid, myristic acid and lauric acid. The palmitic acid at retention time 11.687 min followed by 10.183 min for myristic acid and lauric acid at 8.559 min. It can be concluded the percentage of yield or FAMEs for Ni/Ca/AI203 with dopant higher than Ca/AI203 without dopant

    CST-former: Transformer with Channel-Spectro-Temporal Attention for Sound Event Localization and Detection

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    Sound event localization and detection (SELD) is a task for the classification of sound events and the localization of direction of arrival (DoA) utilizing multichannel acoustic signals. Prior studies employ spectral and channel information as the embedding for temporal attention. However, this usage limits the deep neural network from extracting meaningful features from the spectral or spatial domains. Therefore, our investigation in this paper presents a novel framework termed the Channel-Spectro-Temporal Transformer (CST-former) that bolsters SELD performance through the independent application of attention mechanisms to distinct domains. The CST-former architecture employs distinct attention mechanisms to independently process channel, spectral, and temporal information. In addition, we propose an unfolded local embedding (ULE) technique for channel attention (CA) to generate informative embedding vectors including local spectral and temporal information. Empirical validation through experimentation on the 2022 and 2023 DCASE Challenge task3 datasets affirms the efficacy of employing attention mechanisms separated across each domain and the benefit of ULE, in enhancing SELD performance.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202

    Potensi Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) dalam Upaya Peningkatan Perekonomian Nasional

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    The merger of three BUMN Sharia Banks namely BRI Syariah (BRIS), Mandiri Syariah Mandiri (BSM), and BNI Syariah (BNIS) which became Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) brought new breakthroughs and led the bank to be ranked 7th national bank based on assets. . The government has high hopes for the usefulness of the Indonesian Sharia Bank because it is a momentum that will affect public awareness of the Islamic financial industry, especially Islamic banking. However, behind the opportunities for an industry there is a challenge that must be resolved, as for the challenge is related to increasing financial literacy, how to adapt a new work culture which of course between the three previous Islamic banks has different characteristics, bank management which ensures that integration runs well without sacrificing previous quality resources, and how to create competitive financial services and be able to accommodate and facilitate financing related to MSMEs. Bank Syariah Indonesia can make the Islamic finance industry compete both regionally and internationally so that it can help develop national economy.   Abstrak: Merger yang dilakukan terhadap tiga Bank Syariah BUMN yaitu BRI Syariah (BRIS), Mandiri Syariah Mandiri (BSM), dan BNI Syariah (BNIS) yang menjadi Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) membawa terobosan baru dan mengantarkan bank tersebut menjadi peringkat 7 bank nasional berdasarkan aset. Pemerintah menaruh harapan besar terhadap kebermanfaatan dari Bank Syariah Indonesia karena merupakan sebuah momentum yang akan mempengaruhi kesadaran masyarakat terhadap industri keuangan syariah terutama perbankan syariah. Namun, dibalik peluang suatu industri terdapat sebuah tantangan yang harus diselesaikan, adapun tantangan tersebut ialah berkaitan dengan peningkatan literasi keuangan, bagaimana mengadaptasi budaya kerja baru yang tentu di antara ketiga bank syariah sebelumnya memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, manajamen  bank yang memastikan bahwa integrasi berjalan baik tanpa mengorbankan Sumber Daya berkualiatas sebelumnya, dan bagaimana caranya membuat jasa keuangan yang dapat bersaing serta mampu mengakomodir dan memfasilitasi pembiayaan yang berkaitan dengan UMKM. Bank Syariah Indonesia dapat menjadikan industri keuangan syariah bersaing baik tingkat regional maupun internasional sehingga dapat membantu pembangunan perkonomian nasional.

    [The Concept of Asabiyah According to Ibn Khaldun] Konsep Asabiyah menurut Ibnu Khaldun

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    The understanding of the meaning of asabiyah is often understood as a spirit of racism and oppression against other races.  It is as if the meaning of asabiyah gives a negative connotation in Islam.  However, the famous Islamic sociologist, Ibn Khaldun saw asabiyah in terms of its role in developing Islamic civilization throughout history.  Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze the fact of asabiyah from a positive point of view according to Ibn Khaldun and how it influenced society in the construction of Islamic civilization. The method used in the writing is based on the method of document analysis from sources related to asabiyah.  The results of the study found that Ibn Khaldun has stated that asabiyah should be understood from a positive point of view so that asabiyah can be used for good in the state society.  It is a foundation for unification and unity that has strengthened political power throughout the history of Islam. Pemahaman terhadap pengertian asabiyah seringkali difahami sebagai satu semangat perkauman dan penindasan terhadap bangsa lain. Seolah-olah pengertian asabiyah memberi konotasi  yang negatif dalam Islam.  Namun begitu,  ahli sosiologi Islam yang terkenal, Ibnu Khaldun melihat asabiyah dari sudut peranannya membangunkan ketamadunan Islam sepanjang sejarah. Oleh kerana itu, kertas ini cuba menganalisis hakikat asabiyah dari sudut pandang positif menurut Ibnu Khaldun dan bagaimana ia mempengaruhi masyarakat dalam pembinaan tamadun Islam. Kaedah yang digunakan dalam penulisan adalah berdasarkan metod analisis dokumen daripada sumber-sumber yang berkaitan dangan asabiyah. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Ibnu Khaldun telah menyatakan asabiyah perlu difahami dari sudut pandang positif sehingga asabiyah dapat digunakan ke arah kebaikan dalam masyarakat bernegara. Ia  merupakan satu asas bagi penyatuan dan perpaduan yang mengukuhkan sesuatu kekuasaan politik sepanjang sejarah Islam

    The Effectiveness of Using Movies with Subtitle as a Media to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery“: Quasi-Experimental Study at the 7th Grade of MTs. Banuraja Kab. Bandung Barat

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    Vocabulary learning is an important and indispensable part of any language learning process. Vocabulary becomes the main language element that students should master, because it is the key to understand what they hear and read then communicate fluently with other people. Mastering vocabulary continually will help their ability in four main aspects: listening, speaking, reading and writing. There are several teaching techniques which are available to be applied and teacher should choose the appropriate one for sure. The researcher focuses on the effectiveness of one of the alternative teaching technique by using movies with subtitle. It is kind of the way that students drill their memorization system to remember the words then find another words related to the main words. Therefore they can improve their vocabulary and learn in associating and categorizing the words based on the certain theme. The purposes of this research are a) to know students’ vocabulary mastery before the use of movies with subtitle, b) to identify students’ vocabulary mastery after the use of movie with subtitle, and c) to figure out the effectiveness of using subtitle in a movie to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher used a quasi-experimental method by choosing provided one class as experimental class without random sampling. The students in this class are taught by using movie with subtitle. Four treatments were implemented which consisted of one movie in one treatment. The population was taken from the 7th grade of MTs. Banuraja Kab.Bandung Barat. The total sample was amounted 21 students from 7B. The results show that the mean score of post-test is 61.19 while the mean score pre-test is 36.90. It means that the students’ vocabulary mastery after using movie with subtitle is better than students’ vocabulary mastery before using movie with subtitle. Moreover, the statistical analysis of t-test shows that tcount is 19.31 and ttable is 2.08. It means that tcount is higher than ttable and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that using movie with subtitle is effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Based on the result of the data above, it can be concluded that the use of subtitle in a movie in teaching vocabulary is good because there is a significant improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery

    Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of III-Nitrides in Cl 2

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