186 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of transformation of out-of-school education in ukraine in the conditions of a pandemic

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    Components of network communication integrated in the base of the chair and of the social partners

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    This article discusses basic components of networking between higher and secondary education. This approach contributes to the graduates of the educational organization of higher education of high quality training. Networking is dictated by the high level of autonomy pedagogical collectives of professional educational organizations: colleges, universitiesВ статье рассматриваются основные составляющие сетевого взаимодействия между организацией высшего и среднего образования. Данный подход способствует обеспечению выпускникам образовательной организации высшего образования высокого качества профессиональной подготовк

    Professional quality of teacher in the context of networking

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    This article discusses the issues of the formation of professional competences of teacher in the context of networking, social partnership in the field of vocational education as implementation of State policy in vocational and higher education, training to ensure labour market the necessary expertise required profilesВ статье рассматриваются вопросы формирования профессиональных компетенций педагога в условиях сетевого взаимодействия, социального партнерства в сфере профессионального образования как реализация государственной политики в профессиональном и высшем образовании, подготовка кадров для обеспечения развивающегося рынка труда необходимыми специалистами требуемых профиле


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    A computing scheme for identification and restoration of distribution from normal distribution class is offered. It is notable for identification of a spline-normal distribution by automatic search of spline nodes on a probability paper.Предложена вычислительная схема идентификации распределений из класса нормального, которая отличается от существующих возможностью идентификации сплайн-распределения путем автоматизированного поиска узлов сплайна на вероятностной бумаге.Запропоновано обчислювальну схему ідентифікації розподілів з класу нормального, яка відрізняється від існуючих можливістю ідентифікації сплайн-розподілу шляхом автоматизованого пошуку вузлів сплайна на ймовірнісному папері

    Low-resolution spectrum of comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)

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    We analysed the spectroscopic data for comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz), obtained on the Zeiss-600 telescope in Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory on January 29, 2005. The observed spectrum covers a wavelength range 3600-9200 Å with a spectral resolution of 6.2 Å. The molecular-line features of C₂, C₃, CN, NH₂, CH, H₂O⁺, and CH⁺ were found in the spectrum

    Comparative Analysis of the Legal Regulation of Civil Liability for Harm Caused to Human Life and Health

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    The purpose of this article is a comparative analysis of the legal regulation of civil liability for harm caused to human life and health by activities that create an increased danger to others in Russia and foreign countries. Due to the intensive development of new technologies and the emergence of new sources of increased danger, there is a need to specify the concept of «activities that create increased danger to others» in Russian legislation. The subject of the article is the norms of law of Russian and foreign legislation regulating the institution of civil liability for harm caused to human life and health by activities that create an increased danger to others. The article is written using General scientific, philosophical and special legal methods of cognition. Based on the results, the article assesses the specifics of regulating harm caused by activities that create an increased danger to others in foreign legislation. Based on the research, it is proposed to distinguish the concepts of «source of increased danger» and «activities that are associated with increased danger to others» in Russian legislation, adding a note to article 1079 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, as well as to specify the list of sources of increased danger, including unmanned vehicles and fighting dogs