7 research outputs found

    Культурно-цивилизационный феномен интеллигенции: историческая и провидческая реальность

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    The article attempts to consider the phenomenon of the Russian intelligentsia in a wide cultural context. We turn to the works of Russian philosophers, to the works of art by Russian writers. Philosophy, literature and art in Russian culture form a synthesis through which you can understand the uniqueness of the national image of the world. The material for the study is the treatise S.A. Yesenin "The keys of Mary”. In this treatise, the poet reflects not only on the laws of art, but also gives ideas about the Russian man, his connection with archaic knowledge, expressed through ornament, embroidery, and applied art. The comparative-typological, structural-functional and systematic analysis method is applied.El artículo intenta considerar el fenómeno de la intelectualidad rusa en un amplio contexto cultural. Pasamos a las obras de filósofos rusos, a las obras de arte de escritores rusos. La filosofía, la literatura y el arte en la cultura rusa forman una síntesis a través de la cual puedes entender la singularidad de la imagen nacional del mundo. El material para el estudio es el tratado SA Yesenin "Las llaves de María". En este tratado, el poeta no solo reflexiona sobre las leyes del arte, sino que también da ideas sobre el hombre ruso, su conexión con el conocimiento arcaico, expresada a través del ornamento. , bordado y arte aplicado Se aplica el método de análisis comparativo-tipológico, estructural-funcional y sistemático.В статье предпринимается попытка рассмотреть феномен русской интеллигенции в широком культурном контексте. Обращаемся к трудам русских философов, к художественным произведениям русских писателей. Философия, литература и искусство в русской культуре образуют синтез, через который можно понять своеобразие национального образа мира. Материалом для исследования выступает трактат С.А. Есенина «Ключи Марии». В этом трактате поэт размышляет не только о законах искусства, но и дает представления о русском человеке, его связи с архаическими знаниями, выразившейся через орнамент, вышивку, прикладное искусство. Применен сравнительно-типологический, структурно-функциональный и системный метод анализа

    The link between language and culture on the lessons of Russian as a foreign language

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    The main aim of a foreign language teacher is to form a student’s communicative competence, which is a complex of other competencies such as linguistic, discursive and linguocultural.  For successful psychological and social adaptation in a new cultural and linguistic space for a foreign student is extremely important at the initial level of education begin to master the basic linguistic and cultural concepts that reflect the culture of the speakers of the studied language and leads to the adoption of a different worldview.  Thus, for successful communication, you need not only use phonetic, grammatical, syntactic and pragmatic rules of the language, but also you should have a clear idea of the conceptual picture of the world of the people, who speaks this language.  It follows that the study of any foreign language should occur inextricably linked with the knowledge of culture, values and understanding of the native people of this language. The objective of the work is to formulate the key linguocultural principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language. To achieve this objective, the works of leading researchers in the field of linguistics, didactics, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language have been analyzed. The research object is an inextricable link between learning a foreign language and the culture of its speakers. The research result is the proof of the need to learn a foreign language as being inextricably linked with knowledge of the culture, values and world outlook of the people - speakers of this language, as well as a list of basic linguocultural principles, on which teaching a foreign language, including Russian as a foreign language, should be based

    Development prospects of the brand of Tomsk

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    The importance of territory branding is connected with the necessity of elaboration of new strategic approaches to brand creation of a country, a region, a city, along with the restatement of existent types of territory positioning in a view of harden competition between the cities for attracting of investments, opportunities and tourists. Creation of a strong, sustainable brand which can represent the city not only in Russia, but also abroad becomes topical. The modern reality is such that economic and demographic crisis reduces the amount of available financial and human capital assets. Under such conditions, the territories compete severely for any available resources. The winner of the competition is the one which can adapt to the changing situation and apply maximum tools for it. The territory branding is the main instrument for visitors’ attraction and most significantly for investors’ attraction as well as it is an important way of people’s loyalty forming. An increasing number of countries, regions and cities use territory branding. This way of attractiveness forming is especially developed abroad, but Russian cities and regions are mastering actively the territory branding. They don’t always succeed. The efficiency of this marketing instrument depends on many factors. The main issue the brand developers face is that they are mistaken in the understanding of territory brand as a beautiful image for tourist attraction. Tomsk is one of those cities which have enough peculiarities to be distinguished from others by means of creation of a strong and sustainable brand for representing the city outside it

    The origins of Japanese national symbols

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    From the point of view of constructivism, the image of national and ethnical identity – the image of a nation as an “imaginary political community” – supposes the inclusion of the specially created symbolic signs, which are recognized by the whole community in general. First of all, these signs encompass national symbols. This article is dedicated to revealing specific aspects of forming of such national symbols as the flag and the anthem of Japan. Analyzing these symbols through the prism of political culture, the authors indicate the stable continuity in symbolism of national tradition modern expression within the historical constituent of Japan

    Leo Tolstoy's moralizing in context of ethical and aesthetic synthesis

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    The article examines the moralizing of Leo Tolstoy on the example of his theoretical ideas.  The authors, examining their genesis, come to the conclusion that the writer formed his ideas under the influence of French enlighteners and sentimentalists, on the one hand, and absorbed the ethical dominant of Russian culture, on the other hand.  The article analyzes the idea of absolutizing good, which runs through Tolstoy's entire aesthetic theory as a leitmotif.  As a result of the study of the aesthetic views of the writer, it is concluded that Tolstoy understood the role of art solely as a translation of feelings and a means of communication.  The writer deprives art of its aura of mystery and does not recognize the latter as a source of aesthetic pleasure and spiritual enrichment.  The article analyzes the worldview of the writer, reveals the influence on him of the experience acquired by Tolstoy in childhood and adolescence.  Tolstoy's works of art and theoretical views are another example of the fact that the artist's worldview does not always coincide with his work

    Development prospects of the brand of Tomsk

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    The importance of territory branding is connected with the necessity of elaboration of new strategic approaches to brand creation of a country, a region, a city, along with the restatement of existent types of territory positioning in a view of harden competition between the cities for attracting of investments, opportunities and tourists. Creation of a strong, sustainable brand which can represent the city not only in Russia, but also abroad becomes topical. The modern reality is such that economic and demographic crisis reduces the amount of available financial and human capital assets. Under such conditions, the territories compete severely for any available resources. The winner of the competition is the one which can adapt to the changing situation and apply maximum tools for it. The territory branding is the main instrument for visitors’ attraction and most significantly for investors’ attraction as well as it is an important way of people’s loyalty forming. An increasing number of countries, regions and cities use territory branding. This way of attractiveness forming is especially developed abroad, but Russian cities and regions are mastering actively the territory branding. They don’t always succeed. The efficiency of this marketing instrument depends on many factors. The main issue the brand developers face is that they are mistaken in the understanding of territory brand as a beautiful image for tourist attraction. Tomsk is one of those cities which have enough peculiarities to be distinguished from others by means of creation of a strong and sustainable brand for representing the city outside it

    “Distant death” in Maxim Gorky's short story “Obsession”

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    The paper analyzes the short story “Obsession” written by Maxim Gorky in the Nizhny Novgorod period of his work, which has been given little attention in philological works. On the one hand, the author himself defined its genre as a Christmas tale; on the other hand, this work cannot be brought into line with Christmas tales and short novels by Gogol and Dostoyevsky, since in Gorky’s story, no miracle occurs. However, this small text still deserves literary scholars’ attention. The short story introduces an interesting paradox of artistic space and time: in outward appearance, the action takes place within one room, on the couch, but the hero’s internal experiences, his conflict with the alter ego carry the reader into the distant past, the Christmas days of the main character’s family, and then the imagination, vision that visited Foma Mironovich come to the fore and become a plot-forming feature. The form in which the story content is presented (obsession, dream, delusion) is typologically similar to the structure of Russian folklore tales telling about encountering the phenomena of the “other world”. The results of the study may be of interest to both literary and cultural scholars