6 research outputs found

    Cross-Species Network Analysis Uncovers Conserved Nitrogen-Regulated Network Modules in Rice

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    In this study, we used a cross-species network approach to uncover nitrogen-regulated network modules conserved across a model and a crop species. By translating gene “network knowledge” from the data-rich model Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) to a crop (Oryza sativa), we identified evolutionarily conserved N-regulatory modules as targets for translational studies to improve N-use efficiency in transgenic plants. To uncover such conserved N-regulatory network modules, we first generated a N-regulatory network based solely on rice (O. sativa) transcriptome and gene interaction data. Next, we enhanced the “network knowledge” in the rice N-regulatory network using transcriptome and gene interaction data from Arabidopsis and new data from Arabidopsis and rice plants exposed to the same N-treatment conditions. This cross-species network analysis uncovered a set of N-regulated transcription factors (TFs) predicted to target the same genes and network modules in both species. Supernode analysis of the TFs and their targets in these conserved network modules uncovered genes directly related to nitrogen use (e.g. N-assimilation) and to other shared biological processes indirectly related to nitrogen. This cross-species network approach was validated with members of two TF families in the supernode network, bZIP-TGA and HRS1/HHO family, have recently been experimentally validated to mediate the N-response in Arabidopsis.Fil: Obertello, Mariana. University of New York; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en IngenierĂ­a GenĂ©tica y BiologĂ­a Molecular ; ArgentinaFil: Shrivastava, Stuti. University of New York; Estados UnidosFil: Katari, Manpreet S.. University of New York; Estados UnidosFil: Coruzzi, Gloria M.. University of New York; Estados Unido

    Tyrosine-610 in the receptor kinase BAK1 does not play a major role in brassinosteroid signaling or innate immunity

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    The plasma membrane-localized BRI1-ASSOCIATED KINASE1 (BAK1) functions as a co-receptor with several receptor kinases including the brassinosteroid (BR) receptor BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1), which is involved in growth, and the receptors for bacterial flagellin and EF-Tu, FLAGELLIN-SENSING 2 (FLS2) and EF-TU RECEPTOR (EFR), respectively, which are involved in immunity. BAK1 is a dual specificity protein kinase that can autophosphorylate on serine, threonine and tyrosine residues. It was previously reported that phosphorylation of Tyr-610 in the carboxy-terminal domain of BAK1 is required for its function in BR signaling and immunity. However, the functional role of Tyr-610 in vivo has recently come under scrutiny. Therefore, we have generated new BAK1 (Y610F) transgenic plants for functional studies. We first produced transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing BAK1 (Y610F)-Flag in the homozygous bak1-4 bkk1-1 double null background. In a complementary approach, we expressed untagged BAK1 and BAK1 (Y610F) in the bak1-4 null mutant. Neither BAK1 (Y610F) transgenic line had any obvious growth phenotype when compared to wild-type BAK1 expressed in the same background. In addition, the BAK1 (Y610F)-Flag plants responded similarly to plants expressing BAK1-Flag in terms of brassinolide (BL) inhibition of root elongation, and there were only minor changes in gene expression between the two transgenic lines as monitored by microarray analysis and quantitative real-time PCR. In terms of plant immunity, there were no significant differences between plants expressing BAK1 (Y610F)-Flag and BAK1-Flag in the growth of the non-pathogenic hrpA- mutant of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. Furthermore, untagged BAK1 (Y610F) transgenic plants were as responsive as plants expressing BAK1 (in the bak1-4 background) and wild-type Col-0 plants toward treatment with the EF-Tu- and flagellin-derived peptide epitopes elf18- and flg22, respectively, as measured by reactive oxygen species production, mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, and seedling growth inhibition. These new results do not support any involvement of Tyr-610 phosphorylation in either BR or immune signaling.This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (IOS-1022177 and MCB-1021363) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) (SH), as well as by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and the European Research Council (grant ‘PHOSPHinnATE’) (CZ)

    Regulation of nitrate uptake and calcium signaling in arabidopsis

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    Nitrogen (N) is one of the key nutrients required by plants, and its most abundant form, nitrate (NO3-), has been extensively used in fertilizers to improve crop yield. However, this has also led to increased environmental pollution due to leaching and volatilization. Improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is one of the ways to reduce this environmental impact. Nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) is a key component of NUE. The first step in NO3- uptake is the sensing of NO3- signal which was captured through the use of fluorescence imaging. The calcium responses to NO3- as a signal were captured for the two uptake kinetic systems, high-affinity transporter system (HATS) and low-affinity transporter system (LATS). A unique calcium signature was identified in root epidermal cells and root hair cell-specific responses were captured in response to low NO3-. Two potential transcriptional regulators (TFs) were identified through gene regulatory network analysis of NO3--responsive time-series datasets, DIV1 and MYB28, which play an antagonistic role in regulating the expression of the NO3- transporters, NPF6.3 and NRT2.1, and few NO3- assimilation genes. Further characterization revealed the role of DIV1 and MYB28 in altering the functional NO3- transporter activity, highlighting their role as potential candidates for improving NUpE. The regulation of the transporters occurs at the levels of transcription and post-translation. These regulatory processes were captured through individual models, which were combined into an integrated multiscale model describing the NO3- uptake dynamics for NPF6.3. The integrated model confirmed the switch between the uptake kinetic systems, HATS and LATS, to occur at NO3- concentrations above 1 mM and the threshold without incorporating the regulatory aspects was much lower, close to 0.4 mM. Further, at lower external NO3- concentrations, < 0.5 mM, the total assimilated N was more than 50% of the total predicted internal cellular N when using HATS kinetics, compared to only 30% to 40% assimilation when employing LATS mode for NPF6.3. These findings validate the existing knowledge about the NO3- uptake dynamics and open up avenues to study the impact of perturbations in the regulatory mechanisms on NO3- uptake, leading to novel possibilities of improving NUpE.U of I OnlyAuthor requested U of Illinois access only (OA after 2yrs) in Vireo ETD syste

    A Case of Primary EAC Cholesteatoma Extending into Antrum with Normal Middle Ear

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    Introduction A cholesteatoma is a three-dimensional sac lined by keratinized squamous epithelium containing desquamated keratinized epithelial cell which secretes enzymes that have the tendency to expand and erode the bony structure underlying it and cause intracranial and extracranial complications. This cystic mass is in an abnormal location such as the middle ear, the petrous apex, or the external auditory canal (EAC). It is mostly found in the middle ear and rarely in the EAC. Here we have reported a rare case of unilateral primary EAC cholesteatoma with mild hearing loss in a middle-aged male. Case Report We have reported a case of a 34-year-old male with complaints of right-sided ear discharge and right-sided decreased hearing for the last 5 to 6 years. On examination, right ear EAC was found to be dry, and a sac was observed in posterior wall extending to mastoid present with clear attic, and intact retracted tympanic membrane that was then followed by radiological evaluation to establish the diagnosis of EAC cholesteatoma. This was surgically treated and ear was cleared of all disease. Patient's symptoms improved postoperatively. Conclusion Primary EAC cholesteatoma with disease-free middle ear is a rare finding and there is very less definitive literature available on the pathogenesis of the same

    Heat reflective layered garment system

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    Heat-reflective layered apparel or footwear constructed from various combinations of layers of materials having selected thermal and moisture transfer properties to provide improved performance characteristics. Within these various combinations, the addition of a very thin heat reflective layer, made with a metallic material such as aluminum, applied using a vacuum plasma vapor deposition method, provides a coating that will reflect infra red heat energy either back to the body or away from the body. This heat reflective coating is so thin that is does not adversely alter the original suppporting fabrics hand feel, drape,weight , strectch or breathability. Various layers manage the body heat of an individual by reflection or thermal retention while also providing moisture wicking and antimicrobial function. Other layers manage thermal isolation from the external temperatures by using materials with very low thermal conductivity in combination with waterproof layers that can also be breathable