533 research outputs found

    Productivity levels of some Iowa soils

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    This report presents crop yield estimates for corn, soybeans, oats, and hay on 290 selected soil types and phases. These yield estimates are believed attainable as a 5-year average with the technology available in 1971 and average weather conditions.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/specialreports/1063/thumbnail.jp

    Response of corn yields in a Planosol soil to surface drainage, cropping system and variable fertilizer treatments

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    The Edina soil series of southeastern Iowa and northern Missouri are areas of relatively flat topography and poor internal drainage. For these areas, where the topography and soils permit, surface drainage is the most practical method of removing excess water from the land. One method of surface drainage that has been used on the Edina soils is bedding, in which the field is divided into narrow-width plow lands with the deadfurrows running parallel to the prevailing land slope. Little is known about the relative returns from investment in a bedding system in comparison with other surface or subsurface drainage methods. Bedding requires that some topsoil be moved to obtain the desired grade for drainage. The effect on crop yields of topsoil removal and movement in land-forming operations such as bedding, however, is not quantitatively understood. It is the general purpose of this bulletin to present and analyze 6 years of corn-yield data involving drainage (bedded versus level), cropping and fertilizer variables from a study on the Southern Iowa Experimental Farm near Bloomfield

    The Nature of the Secondary Star in the Black Hole X-Ray Transient V616 Mon (=A0620-00)

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    We have used NIRSPEC on Keck II to obtain KK-band spectroscopy of the low mass X-ray binary V616 Mon (= A0620−-00). V616 Mon is the proto-typical soft x-ray transient containing a black hole primary. As such it is important to constrain the masses of the binary components. The modeling of the infrared observations of ellipsoidal variations in this system lead to a derived mass of 11.0 M_{\sun} for the black hole. The validity of this derivation has been called into question due to the possiblity that the secondary star's spectral energy distribution is contaminated by accretion disk emission (acting to dilute the variations). Our new KK-band spectrum of V616 Mon reveals a late-type K dwarf secondary star, but one that has very weak 12^{\rm 12}CO absorption features. Comparison of V616 Mon with SS Cyg leads us to estimate that the accretion disk supplies only a small amount of KK-band flux, and the ellipsoidal variations are not seriously contaminated. If true, the derived orbital inclination of V616 Mon is not greatly altered, and the mass of the black hole remains large. A preliminary stellar atmosphere model for the KK-band spectrum of V616 Mon reveals that the carbon abundance is approximately 50% of the solar value. We conclude that the secondary star in V616 Mon has either suffered serious contamination from the accretion of supernova ejecta that created the black hole primary, or it is the stripped remains of a formerly more massive secondary star, one in which the CNO cycle had been active.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Multi-Wavelength Monitoring of GRS 1915+105

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    Since its discovery in 1992, the superluminal X-ray transient GRS 1915+105 has been extensively observed in an attempt to understand its behaviour. We present here first results from a multi-wavelength campaign undertaken from July to September 1996. This study includes X-ray data from the RXTE All Sky Monitor and BATSE, two-frequency data from the Nancay radio telescope, and infrared photometry from the 1.8m Perkins telescope at Lowell Observatory. The first long-term well-sampled IR light curve of GRS 1915+105 is presented herein and is consistent with the interpretation of this source as a long-period binary. We compare the various light curves, searching for correlations in the behaviour of the source at differing wavelengths and for possible periodicities

    Optical Variability of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We present results of a broad-band photometric study of the optical variability of six Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies observed at 172 epochs. We searched for microvariability on 33 nights. Strong evidence for microvariability was found only for our lowest luminosity object, NGC 4051, on one night. Weaker evidence suggests such variability on a few other nights for two other objects, but the data are not as convincing. Intra-night variability in NLS1s is thus concluded to be rare and of low amplitude. We give illustrations of how variable image quality can produce spurious variability. We find that for well-studied non-NLS1s there is a spread in the amplitude of seasonal variability (i.e., in some years an AGN is more variable than in others). We find that the means of the variability amplitudes of non-NLS1s over several seasons vary from object to object (i.e., some AGNs are, on average, more variable than others). NLS1s also show a spread in seasonal variabilities. The best-studied NLS1, Ark 564, shows a range of amplitudes of variability from season to season that is comparable to the range found in BLS1s, and in one season Ark 564 was as variable as the most variable non-NLS1. The seasonal amplitudes of variability for NLS1s are mostly in the lower half of the range of non-BLS1 seasonal amplitudes, but the absence of a suitable control sample makes a precise comparison difficult. However, on long timescales (weeks to years), NLS1s as a class are not more variable than non-NLS1s. The extreme variability seen in the X-rays was not seen in the optical. This has consequences for the models of AGNs in general as well as NLS1s in particular.Comment: Astrophysical Journal in press (tentatively scheduled for Vol. 608, June 2004 issue);47 pages; 19 figures. Electronic tables not included (contact first author if needed

    Positron Annihilation in the Galaxy

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    The 511 keV line from positron annihilation in the Galaxy was the first Îł-ray line detected to originate from outside our solar system. Going into the fifth decade since the discovery, the source of positrons is still unconfirmed and remains one of the enduring mysteries in Îł-ray astronomy. With a large flux of ∌10−3 Îł/cm2/s, after 15 years in operation INTEGRAL/SPI has detected the 511 keV line at >50σ and has performed high-resolution spectral studies which conclude that Galactic positrons predominantly annihilate at low energies in warm phases of the interstellar medium. The results from imaging are less certain, but show a spatial distribution with a strong concentration in the center of the Galaxy. The observed emission from the Galactic disk has low surface brightness and the scale height is poorly constrained, therefore, the shear number of annihilating positrons in our Galaxy is still not well know. Positrons produced in ÎČ+-decay of nucleosynthesis products, such as 26Al, can account for some of the annihilation emission in the disk, but the observed spatial distribution, in particular the excess in the Galactic bulge, remains difficult to explain. Additionally, one of the largest uncertainties in these studies is the unknown distance that positrons propagate before annihilation. In this paper, we will summarize the current knowledge base of Galactic positrons, and discuss how next-generation instruments could finally provide the answers.Non peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    The Concordance Cosmic Star Formation Rate: Implications from and for the Supernova Neutrino and Gamma Ray Backgrounds

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    We constrain the Cosmic Star Formation Rate (CSFR) by requiring that massive stars produce the observed UV, optical, and IR light while at the same time not overproduce the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background as bounded by Super-Kamiokande. With the massive star component so constrained we then show that a reasonable choice of stellar Initial Mass Function and other parameters results in SNIa rates and iron yields in good agreement with data. In this way we define a `concordance' CSFR that predicts the optical SNII rate and the SNIa contribution to the MeV Cosmic Gamma-Ray Background. The CSFR constrained to reproduce these and other proxies of intermediate and massive star formation is more clearly delineated than if it were measured by any one technique and has the following testable consequences: (1) SNIa contribute only a small fraction of the MeV Cosmic Gamma-Ray Background, (2) massive star core-collapse is nearly always accompanied by a successful optical SNII, and (3) the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background is tantalizingly close to detectability.Comment: Improved discussion. Version accepted for publication in JCA

    Autonomy of Nations and Indigenous Peoples and the Environmental Release of Genetically Engineered Animals with Gene Drives

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    This article contends that the environmental release of genetically engineered (GE) animals with heritable traits that are patented will present a challenge to the efforts of nations and indigenous peoples to engage in self‐determination. The environmental release of such animals has been proposed on the grounds that they could function as public health tools or as solutions to the problem of agricultural insect pests. This article brings into focus two political‐economic‐legal problems that would arise with the environmental release of such organisms. To address those challenges, it is proposed that nations considering the environmental release of GE animals must take into account the underlying circumstances and policy failures that motivate arguments for the use of the modified animals. Moreover, countries must recognize that the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights place on them an obligation to ensure that GE animals with patented heritable traits are not released without the substantive consent of the nations or indigenous peoples that could be affected

    Multiwavelength observations revealing the outbursts of the two soft X-ray transients XTE J1859+226 and XTE J1118+480

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    We report here on multiwavelength observations of the two new soft X-ray transients (SXTs) XTE J1859+226 and XTE J1118+480, which we observed with HST/RXTE/UKIRT. For XTE J1118+480 we also used EUVE since it is located at a very high galactic latitude and suffers from very low extinction. The two sources exhibited very different behaviour. XTE J1859+226 seems quite normal and therefore a good object for testing the accretion mechanisms in place during the outbursts, XTE J1118+480 is much more unusual because it exhibits i) a low X-ray to optical ratio and ii) a strong non-thermal contribution in the radio to optical domain, which is likely to be due to synchrotron emission. We concentrate here on the near-infrared (NIR) and optical observations of these two systems.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, conference, Proceedings of the 4th INTEGRAL Workshop (Alicante 2000), to be published in ESA-SP (2001
