115 research outputs found


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            The article discusses the main stages in the selection of optimal production technologies that are adapted to environmental and economic constraints in accordance with international regulatory acts on the state of the environment. The boundaries of the selection of optimal solutions and the algorithm for the stages of their assessment based on sustainable development taking into account environmental, economic and social imperatives are presented. On the example of the construction industry, the ways of transition to a new concept of economic development are proposed, in which the priority objectives of the extraction and processing of natural resources are provided by movement in the direction of a "circular" economy with cascading use and minimization of residual products.It also analyzed and proposed promising areas for the use of IT tools and biosphere-compatible technologies to ensure sustainable development.Key words: greening the economy, environmental audit, secondary raw materials, recycling, biosphere-compatible technologies


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    The article deals with the stage of formation of universal indicators of evaluation of biosphere compatible production on the principles of sustainable development. The concept of assessment consists in the universalisation of the assessment criteria adapted to the relevant industry in view of the environmental and economic constraints that operate in accordance with international environmental regulations. The limits of isolation of optimal solutions and algorithm of their estimation are presented. A list of economic and managerial independent factors (indicators) based on commonly accepted accounting indicators is proposed. Factors that impede the spread of best practices for sustainable production in diagnosing environmental and economic compliance are analyzed. On the basis of the analysis of impact factors, a list of coefficients and indicators that integrate the components of the socio-ecological-economic system into a single system of biosphere compatibility assessment and comprehensively characterize production is proposed.Key words: environmental and economic monitoring, sustainable development, green technology indicators, biosphere compatibility of production

    Design and development of a 2D shoot’em up and roguelite hybrid game

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2022/2023This document presents the project report of the Video Game Design and Development Degree Final project by Andriy Kokhan. Bullet Ballet is a 2D top-down shoot’em up game that seeks innovation by mixing this genre with rogue-like elements present in the emerging "survivors-like" sub-genre. The objective is to make the player live a fun and engaging power fantasy with lots of freedom in terms of character building. Moreover, the game is presented in a cute and lighthearted graphical cartoon style aiming to be enjoyed by video game players of all ages and explores appealing visual effects such as particle and trail systems


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    The complication of the environmental situation in the world makes mankind look for new economic models in which sustainable development is provided. With the growing population of the planet and its needs, there is an overconsumption of natural resources. The factors that are formed as a result of polymorphism of the system components «economy»-«ecology»-«society» are considered. It is proposed to replace the linear economy model, implemented in particular in the construction industry, with a model of the circular economy with its main imperatives oriented to biosphere-compatible construction at all stages of product creation while preserving natural resources.Keywords: circular economy, recycling, functional transformation, natural capital, greening, object life cycl

    The role(s) of gamification in knowledge management

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    Gamification is a new, but an increasingly popular approach, which proved to be powerful in many areas, such as education and marketing, and has entered the area of internal corporate applications. This exploratory study is focused on a particular part of corporate environment – gamification being a medium of interactions of knowledge workers with each other. By providing a literature review of gamification and combining it with the exploratory case-study of an online retailer, Zappos, we demonstrate the ways in which gamification helps to identify various types of knowledge workers and influence their dynamics, as well as we open a wide range of areas for further research

    Changing the Game : A Case for Gamifying Knowledge Management

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    Purpose: This exploratory paper investigates gamification as a medium for knowledge workers to interact with each other. The paper aims to open the discussion around the sustaining impact that gamification might have on knowledge management. Design/methodology/approach: The paper employs an exploratory literature review investigating the current state of the art in relation to knowledge management and gamification; this literature review serves as the starting point of subsequent theorizing. Findings: Based on the literature review we theorize that the use of gamification in knowledge management can go far beyond the motivational aspects. To name just a few uses of gamification, it can help in: supporting flexibility, facilitating transparency and therefore improving trust, visualizing skills and competences as well as generating requirements for new competences, and promoting a collaborative environment among the knowledge workers. Research limitations/implications: This paper opens the discussion around knowledge management and gamification and suggests a wide range of areas for further research. Practical implications: In this paper we argue that by looking at gamification as more than just a set of tools for improving motivation and engagement a company can address some pitfalls of a particular type of knowledge workers. Social implications: Originality/value: Gamification is a new, but increasingly popular approach, which has been shown to be to be powerful in many areas. This paper is novel in that it initiates a dialogue around the impact that gamification might have on knowledge management

    Оцінка привабливості будівельних технологій в умовах соціально-екологічних обмежень

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    The article considers the variant indicators of the assessment of production (in particular, construction) technologies used for the production of products on the principles of sustainable development. The greening of the construction industry, aimed at minimizing the use of natural resources, must proceed by replacing the existing linear production model with a circular economic model as the most appropriate resource-saving requirement.Ways of introduction of the strategy of ecological construction for the construction industry of Ukraine are proposed while involving in the process of new construction and modernization by the development companies the mechanisms of recycling of building structures, products and materials.В статті розглядаються варіативні показники оцінки виробничих (зокрема, будівельних) технологій, які застосовуються для випуску продукції на принципах сталого розвитку. Екологізація будівельної галузі, спрямована на мінімізацію використання природних ресурсів, повинна проходити шляхом заміни існуючої лінійної моделі виробництва на циркулярну економічну модель як найбільш відповідну до вимог ресурсозбереження. Пропонуються шляхи впровадження стратегії екологічного будівництва для будівельної галузі України при залученні в процесі нового зведення та модернізації девелоперськими компаніями механізмів рециклінгу будівельних конструкцій, виробів та матеріалів