24 research outputs found
Exploring the Relationships among Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Store Loyalty among Retail Customers
The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationships among service quality, satisfaction, trust, and store loyalty in a retailing context. All these variables have considerable importance on store performance, measured by financial indicators or market ones. The data were collected from a sample of 258 students at two universities in Albania, during the first quarter of 2012. The items included in the survey measured the variables of the study as well as demographic characteristics of the sample. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to evaluate the hypotheses regarding relationships among model constructs. All the hypotheses developed in the study were positively confirmed, reinforcing the theory and previous research on this field. The study also reveals interesting implications in service quality, satisfaction, trust, and store loyalty, useful to both academics and practitioners. Managers will find this research helpful in better understanding these variables and their roles on their companies’ performance
The purpose of this study is to provide a detailed analysis of parent-teacher-student communication relationships in school, as well as their importance during the educational process. The parent and the teacher are two partners that have the same goal in child education, having a mutual purpose. As such, they should cooperate, exchange information, discuss, and debate with each other. Both parties contribute to the development, growth, and advancement of the child. The parent the child's first teacher with a lifelong experience gained over the years; while the teacher is a professional educator who possesses a special preparation, training, and experience. He is a well-trained expert, trained on theoretical and practical scientific basis. They both know the child very well; first the parent and later the teacher also. Their knowledge must complement each other. They cannot be formal, general, and unified. Every child has his own individuality in development, formation, education, his psychological traits, his personality and dignity, and his social problems, and thus every child is a specific case. All children should be respected regardless of their gender, race, religion, and their needs. Integration into a new society requires maximum commitment of the whole society. Preparing the new generation to cope with the challenges of the unknown requires a reformed and quality education. An advanced and qualitative European-wide education is the main pillar of the empowerment of our new state. In this context, our society has seen the need for radical reforms in education at all levels. Reforms in education are focused on the whole society for the purpose of its progress. Article visualizations
Today brands and branding have gained a lot of attention among academics and practitioners as well, since they are considered crucial for the success of a company. The branding literature, however, has been more focused on goods branding, relatively neglecting the services branding. Branding equity in services, as an important concept of services branding, also has not received the deserved attention from academics and services companies’ managers.The study aims to measure the brand equity in services sector, since brand equity is very important for monitoring of the health of services brands. It has been focused in the banking sector, a well-developed and consolidated sector which employs hundreds of individuals and has a very important role in Albanian economy. Nine banks, which make up more than 98 per cent of the domestic market in banking services (according to the official data of the Bank of Albania), were chosen to be included in the study. 250 bank customers were interviewed, using direct interviews. After an extensive literature review about the branding and services branding, seven measures were chosen and used to measure the services brand equity. The findings of the study gave interesting insights about services branding equity and services branding in general. It has important and useful implications for banks’ managers as well as for academics
This paper seeks to analyze the prose of Jewish-American writer Bernard Malamud (1914-1986) from a perspective of Martin Buber’s I-You philosophy, which aims toward a transition from I-It to I-You. The I-It connection entails a subject-to-object connection with the world, whereas I-You refers to a subject-to-subject relationship with another human being, including an animal or inanimate object. This sort of relation entails responsibility and is best manifested through love. The study sheds light on the transformation of the Malamudian hero from an egotistical individual who first treats others as merely objects to regarding them as equally important human beings. This moral evolution occurs in the mode of Buberian I-You philosophy. This transition whereby both participating entities are transformed does not occur easily because the protagonist’s past is considerably dark and he is initially distrustful of the world. This way, on his road to redemption the male character is generally encouraged and guided by the female counterpart, serving as an alter ego that reminds him of his responsibility and humanism as a human being. The analysis begins with a short introduction into Buber’s philosophical ideas, which are then illustrated through Malamud’s major works.  
Features of Personal Pronouns in Cuneus Prophetarum of Pjetër Bogdani
This paper describes in full the systematic features of the personal pronounced in one of the old Albanian texts of the XVII century, such as the Cuneus Prophetarum of Pjetër Bogdani. Specifically, through the descriptive method, the grammatical features of the personal pronouns of the first two persons, singular and plural, are described: unë, ti, ne, ju, (I, you, we, you) which are also real pronouns in the period of documented Albanian. While the complete paradigm of their declination in this old Albanian text is reflected, cases appearing in Bogdani are also viewed in comparison with the pronoun forms found in forerunning authors, thus proving to give a general picture of their use of Albanian in this period. Thus, the paper deals with a grammatical problem like this of the original pronoun in this old Albanian text from the synchronic perspective. This view of the grammatical categories of pronouns in Bogdani's work is of interest in the field of historical morphology and old texts of the Albanian language
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship that exists between supply chain integration and commitment in business-to-business relationships. Already supply chain integration is a widely studied topic, but there are few studies that examine its impact organizational commitment. In this study, supply chain integration is conceptualized as comprised of six dimensions: customer integration, internal integration, supplier integration, technology and planning integration, measurement systems integration, and relationship integration. Employing a hierarchical linear modelling approach, it tests the effect of each of these six dimensions on organizational commitment. The testing results confirm the positive influence of supply chain integration dimensions on organizational commitment.Keywords: Supply chain integration, Commitment, Hierarchical linear modelling, Albania
Mentor: Prof. Ass. Dr. Refik Kryezi
Ka një mungesë të studimeve në lidhje me sistemin bankar Islam dhe performoncën e tyre në ekonominë aktuale. Ky punim bën përpjekje për të mbushur atë zbrastinë në një masë të arsyeshme dhe të dobishme. Duke përdorur të dhënat për periudhën e kaluar, kryesisht periudhën e viteve 2014 - 2016,janë nxjerrë hipoteza në lidhje me praktikën dhe performancën e bankave Islame, të cilat janë testuar dhe vlerësuar. Performanca dhe funksionaliteti i bankave Islame eshtë vlerësuar duke përdorur analizat e detajuara.Për me tepër, unë u përpoqa të shpalos menaxhimin e bankave me anë të tabelave dhe grafikëve. Si të gjeturat kryesore janë përdorur raportet zyrtare të punës dhe statistikat e bankave Islame në periudhën e kohës 1998 prej autorëve tëfamshëm.Punimi reflekton të gjetura oficionale të instuticioneve hulumtuse dhe autorëve të besueshëm siq janë Hamm,Iqbal edhe Wilson.Për këtë ,disa standarde për analizim janë zhvilluar për herë të parë. Jam munduar të bëjë krahasiminstatistikorë midis bankave Islame dhe bankave konvencionale (përmes analizave dhe materialeve nga hulumtimet e ndryshme që kam trajtuar). Në këtë punim jam përpjekur që sadopak të vë në pah përparsitë dhe mangësitë e këtyre dy sistemeve bankarenë raport me njëra tjetrën, duke ditur rëndësinë e sistemit bankar në kuadër të ekonomisë së një shteti si dhe faktin se ekonomia është një nga shtyllat kryesore të cilido shtet. Prandaj, besoj se ky punim si dhe qështjet e trajtuara në të e bëjnë tërheqës për qdo studiues të apasionuar