4,168 research outputs found

    Pulse-driven near-resonant quantum adiabatic dynamics: lifting of quasi-degeneracy

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a two-level system driven by a pulse that starts near-resonant for small amplitudes, yielding nonadiabatic evolution, and induces an adiabatic evolution for larger amplitudes. This problem is analyzed in terms of lifting of degeneracy for rising amplitudes. It is solved exactly for the case of linear and exponential rising. Approximate solutions are given in the case of power law rising. This allows us to determine approximative formulas for the lineshape of resonant excitation by various forms of pulses such as truncated trig-pulses. We also analyze and explain the various superpositions of states that can be obtained by the Half Stark Chirped Rapid Adiabatic Passage (Half-SCRAP) process.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    A Dynamical Study of the Non-Star Forming Translucent Molecular Cloud MBM16: Evidence for Shear Driven Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium

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    We present the results of a velocity correlation study of the high latitude cloud MBM16 using a fully sampled 12^{12}CO map, supplemented by new 13^{13}CO data. We find a correlation length of 0.4 pc. This is similar in size to the formaldehyde clumps described in our previous study. We associate this correlated motion with coherent structures within the turbulent flow. Such structures are generated by free shear flows. Their presence in this non-star forming cloud indicates that kinetic energy is being supplied to the internal turbulence by an external shear flow. Such large scale driving over long times is a possible solution to the dissipation problem for molecular cloud turbulence.Comment: Uses AAS aasms4.sty macros. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Time Minimal Trajectories for a Spin 1/2 Particle in a Magnetic Field

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    In this paper we consider the minimum time population transfer problem for the zz-component of the spin of a (spin 1/2) particle driven by a magnetic field, controlled along the x axis, with bounded amplitude. On the Bloch sphere (i.e. after a suitable Hopf projection), this problem can be attacked with techniques of optimal syntheses on 2-D manifolds. Let (E,E)(-E,E) be the two energy levels, and Ω(t)M|\Omega(t)|\leq M the bound on the field amplitude. For each couple of values EE and MM, we determine the time optimal synthesis starting from the level E-E and we provide the explicit expression of the time optimal trajectories steering the state one to the state two, in terms of a parameter that can be computed solving numerically a suitable equation. For M/E<<1M/E<<1, every time optimal trajectory is bang-bang and in particular the corresponding control is periodic with frequency of the order of the resonance frequency ωR=2E\omega_R=2E. On the other side, for M/E>1M/E>1, the time optimal trajectory steering the state one to the state two is bang-bang with exactly one switching. Fixed EE we also prove that for MM\to\infty the time needed to reach the state two tends to zero. In the case M/E>1M/E>1 there are time optimal trajectories containing a singular arc. Finally we compare these results with some known results of Khaneja, Brockett and Glaser and with those obtained by controlling the magnetic field both on the xx and yy directions (or with one external field, but in the rotating wave approximation). As byproduct we prove that the qualitative shape of the time optimal synthesis presents different patterns, that cyclically alternate as M/E0M/E\to0, giving a partial proof of a conjecture formulated in a previous paper.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, typos correcte

    Time Averaged Quantum Dynamics and the Validity of the Effective Hamiltonian Model

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    We develop a technique for finding the dynamical evolution in time of an averaged density matrix. The result is an equation of evolution that includes an Effective Hamiltonian, as well as decoherence terms in Lindblad form. Applying the general equation to harmonic Hamiltonians, we confirm a previous formula for the Effective Hamiltonian together with a new decoherence term which should in general be included, and whose vanishing provides the criteria for validity of the Effective Hamiltonian approach. Finally, we apply the theory to examples of the AC Stark Shift and Three- Level Raman Transitions, recovering a new decoherence effect in the latter.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Fermi LAT Gamma-ray Detections of Classical Novae V1369 Centauri 2013 and V5668 Sagittarii 2015

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    We report the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) detections of high-energy (>100 MeV) gamma-ray emission from two recent optically bright classical novae, V1369 Centauri 2013 and V5668 Sagittarii 2015. At early times, Fermi target-of-opportunity observations prompted by their optical discoveries provided enhanced LAT exposure that enabled the detections of gamma-ray onsets beginning ~2 days after their first optical peaks. Significant gamma-ray emission was found extending to 39-55 days after their initial LAT detections, with systematically fainter and longer duration emission compared to previous gamma-ray detected classical novae. These novae were distinguished by multiple bright optical peaks that encompassed the timespans of the observed gamma rays. The gamma-ray light curves and spectra of the two novae are presented along with representative hadronic and leptonic models, and comparisons to other novae detected by the LAT are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, ApJ accepte

    Activation of murine c-abl protooncogene: effect of a point mutation on oncogenic activation.

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    Degenerate Landau-Zener model: Exact analytical solution

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    The exact analytical solution of the degenerate Landau-Zener model, wherein two bands of degenerate energies cross in time, is presented. The solution is derived by using the Morris-Shore transformation, which reduces the fully coupled system to a set of independent nondegenerate two-state systems and a set of decoupled states. Due to the divergence of the phase of the off-diagonal element of the propagator in the original Landau-Zener model, not all transition probabilities exist for infinite time duration. In general, apart from some special cases, only the transition probabilities between states within the same degenerate set exist, but not between states of different sets. An illustration is presented for the transition between the magnetic sublevels of two atomic levels with total angular momenta J=2 and 1

    Physical realization of coupled Hilbert-space mirrors for quantum-state engineering

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    Manipulation of superpositions of discrete quantum states has a mathematical counterpart in the motion of a unit-length statevector in an N-dimensional Hilbert space. Any such statevector motion can be regarded as a succession of two-dimensional rotations. But the desired statevector change can also be treated as a succession of reflections, the generalization of Householder transformations. In multidimensional Hilbert space such reflection sequences offer more efficient procedures for statevector manipulation than do sequences of rotations. We here show how such reflections can be designed for a system with two degenerate levels - a generalization of the traditional two-state atom - that allows the construction of propagators for angular momentum states. We use the Morris-Shore transformation to express the propagator in terms of Morris-Shore basis states and Cayley-Klein parameters, which allows us to connect properties of laser pulses to Hilbert-space motion. Under suitable conditions on the couplings and the common detuning, the propagators within each set of degenerate states represent products of generalized Householder reflections, with orthogonal vectors. We propose physical realizations of this novel geometrical object with resonant, near-resonant and far-off-resonant laser pulses. We give several examples of implementations in real atoms or molecules.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure