9 research outputs found

    Kompetensi Dan Kedudukan Janji Bagi Pemimpin Publik Dalam Prespektif Hukum Islam

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    Public leaders in practice often make political promises and it is not uncommon for these promises to come without a realization. Promises without realization often cause problems both philosophically, juridically, and sociologically. Philosophically, it will injure the existence that all promises must be kept. In practice, the promises of leaders and future leaders take many forms when it comes to the perspective of Islamic law. The perspective of jumhur Fuqaha states that keeping promises is impossible and breaking the law is makruh. The Qoidah is a public leader who break their promises are included in the category of sinful leaders (fasiq), this simultaneously impacts that the level of the leader's wickedness will affect the level of people's obedience to him. This research aims to describe the position of promises given by public dreamers to society from an Islamic perspective. The results of this study explain that leaders often give promises that are limited to commitments and leaders should not break promises because the law is haram and promises are a debt that must be paid.Keywords: Promise; Leader; Political Abstrak: Pemimpin publik dalam praktiknya sering kali memberikan janji politik dan tidak jarang janji tersebut hadir tanpa sebuah realisasi. Janji tanpa realisasi sering kali menimbulkan problematika baik secara filosofis, yuridis maupun sosiologis. Secara filosofis hal tersebut akan menciderai eksistensi bahwa semua janji pada hakikatnya harus ditepati. Dalam praktiknya, janji-janji pemimpin dan calon pemimpin mengambil banyak ragam jika dikaitkan dengan perspektif hukum Islam. Dalam perspektif jumhur Fuqaha menyatakan bahwa menepati janji itu mustahab dan mengingkarinya hukumnya makruh. Kaidaahnya pemimpin publik yang ingkar janji termasuk kategori pemimpin yang berdosa (fasiq). Hal ini secara simultan berdampak bahwa dari kadar kefasikan pemimpin akan mempengaruhi kadar ketaaatan rakyat kepadanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeksripsikan kedudukan atas janji yang diberikan oleh pemimpin publik kepada masyarakat dalam perspektif Islam. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pemimpin sering memberikan janji yang sebatas komitmen dan pemimpin tidak boleh mengingkari janji karena hukumnya haram dan janji adalah sebuah hutang yang harus dibayar.Kata Kunci: Janji; Pemimpin; Politi

    Political Promises in the Lens of Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence: A Case Study of Surabaya Mayor Election 2020

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    This research studied the status of political promises declared by Mayor candidates of Surabaya election 2020 during their campaigns started from September 26, 2020. It was field-library research with qualitative analysis. Data were collected by observing online media that particularly reports the election's campaign activities. They were then analyzed by using Islamic theology and jurisprudence approaches combined with structural-functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and social contract theories. It found four main remarks: first, Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions as theological underpinnings have definitely guided moral standards of Islamic politics, especially how to make such political promises. Secondly, the political realism of promises is a language of transactional politics and communication practice. Thirdly, political promises could only be legitimated by fulfilling strike pre-requirements and within very urgent conditions. Finally, the legal status of political promises must be contextual and conditional

    The COVID-19 Vaccination: Realization on Halal Vaccines for Benefits

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    Vaccination is one of the alternatives that has been found to overcome the COVID-19 outbreak. The long-awaited discovery of its reality remains a debate among the public. Various issues continue to emerge, both health-based and religious-based. The refusal is wrapped by questions related to doubts about treatment with vaccination or the halalness of vaccine products. MUI as an institution that is trusted by the public in determining the results of its ijtihad, issues a fatwa number 2 of 2021 concerning vaccines. This paper will conduct related studies regarding the permissibility of using the COVID-19 vaccine from the perspective of fiqh and applicable laws in Indonesia. This study uses a normative legal research method with a rule of law approach and a doctrinal approach, In addition, the data obtained by library research. The results of this study explain that the vaccines used are of course required to use halal and holy vaccines. However, immunization with haram and/or unclean vaccines can be permitted under several conditions, namely when used in an emergency; halal and holy vaccine ingredients have not been found, and there is information from competent and trusted medical personnel that there is no halal vaccine

    A Critical Analysis of Islamic Law and Fatwa of MUI (Majlies Ulama Indonesia) & NU (Nahdlatul Ulama’) on A Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency (OneGram)

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    Cryptocurrency is a result of recent development of digitalization in the financial transaction. OneGram is a part of it that uses gold instruments to back up and maintain its value stable. The purpose of this study is to explore how Islamic law and MUI & NU, through their fatwa, percieve the OneGram. This research uses a qualitative approach to gain a deep understanding of the OneGram by using secondary data collected from the Quran, hadith, relevant academic journals according to Islamic law and fatwas from both organization. The results of this study state that OneGram is allowed by Islamic law and the fatwa to be used as digital payment system. OneGram is furthermore supervised by shariah supervisory board to avoid gharar (uncertainty) and maysir (gambling) in maintaining its value. The unique fact from this digital currency is that the use of gold in transaction had been applied in the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW. From this digital development, OneGram as a gold-backed cryptocurrency can revive the function of dinar as currency. OneGram transforms the gold value in dinar coin which physically has no flexibility in today transaction to the gold value in digital platform which has flexibility in digital transaction with broad accesability

    Panduan sekolah dan madrasah ramah anak/ Sholeh

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    xvi, 213 hal.: ill.; 21 cm

    Panduan sekolah dan madrasah ramah anak/ Sholeh

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    xvi, 213 hal.: ill.; 21 cm