36 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in terrestrial mollusks of Port Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

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     Angiostrongylus cantonensis, also known as the rat lungworm, is a parasitic helminth that infects both rodents and snails as its definitive and intermediate hosts, respectively. In 2012, Sakamoto and Uga found that 46% of examined rodents (19 of 41 infected) on Port Island were infected with A. cantonensis adult worms. Given the extent of infection, we investigated the prevalence of A. cantonensis in terrestrial mollusks of Port Island. Snails and slugs were collected in seven different sites of Port Island between August and September of 2015. These mollusks were then subjected to artificial digestion for nematode larval collection. Nematode larvae were found in 9% of examined snails (24 of 257 infected) and 23% of examined slugs (11 of 48 infected). Allopeas clavulinum and Lehmannia valentinana were positive for nematode larvae. In addition, the site harboring infected mollusks was near universities, residential buildings, and parks, which could lead to the transmission of parasites. Morphological examination revealed that the nematode larvae recovered were different from A. cantonensis. Further identification of the parasite is needed to assess the risks it poses on the environment, humans, and animals

    Experimental Toxocara cati Infection in Gerbils and Rats

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    Mongolian gerbils and Wistar rats were inoculated orally with 240 and 2,500 Toxocara cati embryonated eggs, respectively, to evaluate the larval recovery in different tissues and organs, such as the liver, lungs, heart, kidney, and skeletal muscles after 5, 30, 49, 70, and 92 days post-infection (PI). Larval recovery rates were 1.7-30.0% in Mongolian gerbils on days 5-92 PI and 0.2-3.8% in rats on the same days. These results indicate that Mongolian gerbils and Wistar rats are suitable experimental paratenic hosts for the study of neurological toxocariasis as well as visceral toxocariasis

    Change in Haematuria and Proteinuria Levels in Urinary Schistosomiasis after Treatment with Praziquantel : Population-based Study in a Kenyan Community

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    In order to investigate efficacy of praziquantel (biltricide) on morbidity related to Schistosoma haematobium infection, 300 subjects of which 219 had eggs in the urine were examined for urinary eggs, blood and protein before and three months after treatment. Haematuria and proteinuria disappeared in 80.4% and 75.5% of the studied subjects respectively. The disappearance rates were not related to pre-treatment levels of haematuria and proteinuria. The rates both for haematuria and proteinuria were significantly lower in the age group 15 years and over than in the younger age group. Parasitologically, praziquantel cured 85.3% of the egg positives and reduced the mean egg count by 98.2%

    平成27年度 看護学部FD研修会の報告

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     看護学部FD委員会が平成27年4月より実施した全15回の看護学部FD研修会について,実施した内容や受講者へのアンケート調査の結果と合わせて,検討した今後の課題について報告する.本年度のFD研修会は,教員のニーズを参考に内容を検討しながら,看護学部が開設年度であることや教育経験の短い教員が多いことなどを踏まえて,教員同士の交流の機会を多く持てるように工夫して実施した.FD研修会の出席率は平均96%,受講者アンケートにおける目標達成度は,「かなり達成できた」,「まあまあ達成できた」を合わせて平均90%,1 年間の看護学部FD研修会に対する満足度調査においても,「かなり満足できた」11 件(58%),「まあまあ満足できた」7 件(37%)で,教員の満足度は概ね高かった.しかし満足度調査の結果からは,経験年数が長い教員ほど満足度がやや低くなる傾向が見られた.またそれぞれの調査の自由記載の中には,研修会の運営改善を求める意見も含まれていた.これらの結果から,今後は幅広い経験を持つ教員それぞれが満足できるように更に内容や方法を検討し,研修会の運営方法の改善に努めていくことで,看護学部のFD活性化に貢献していきたいと考える


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     近年,マレーシアの看護教育において,大学のカリキュラム構成に大きな変化が起きている.マレーシアにおける看護教育の進捗状況を研究するために,われわれは,高等教育省看護教育タスクフォースから出版されている「2020 年に向けたマレーシアの看護教育の発展」という論文を用いた.さらに,マラヤ大学看護学科の学士および修士課程のカリキュラムを分析した.2010 年では,看護師の大部分は単科大学や大学の3 年制の教育課程を受けたデイプロマ卒業生であった.看護実践の質を向上させるために,高等教育省は看護教育をデイプロマ課程から大学4 年制の学士課程に移行すべきことを提唱した.2020 年には,高等教育省は看護学士号を有する看護師の多くが臨床で働くことを目指した.高等教育省は専門看護師,看護師長,および看護管理者などの地位は修士課程を修了した看護師に提供されるべきであると提言している.マラヤ大学の看護学科において,学士課程および修士課程の看護教育が急速な進歩を見せていることが分かった.学士課程では,根拠のある看護を実践できる看護師を養成することが目的である.また,マラヤ大学の学部カリキュラムでは,イスラムおよびアジア文明論,民族関係論,および起業家精神文化論などの科目を含んでおり,それらはマレーシアの多民族社会を反映している.修士課程では,看護学研究が主要な構成要素である.また,大学院は看護の分野に関係する研究を行った院生に博士号(Ph.D)を授与している.問題解決型学習,学生中心の教育,根拠のある実践などはマレーシアの看護教育における核心的な論題である.また,看護の専門職性および自律性はマレーシアにおける専門的な看護実践のために大切な論点である

    Cryptosporidium oocyst検出法

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    The protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum has been identified as one of the agents responsible for numerous outbreaks of diarrheal diseases. Detection of C.parvum oocysts in clinical and environmental samples is the key in the diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis in human and in identifying a water-borne and/or food-borne outbreaks. Therfore, it is very important and necessary to have simples, sensitive and specific methods. However, no such perfect methods are available as yet. In this context, we studies the various methods available by modifying at different aspects and steps using samples collected in Nepal. This study revealed that morphological test using microscopy in combination with specific immunological is valuable for quick screening and the genetic method is effective method for identifying Cryptosporidium species