110 research outputs found

    Monoenergetic proton beams accelerated by a radiation pressure driven shock

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    High energy ion beams (> MeV) generated by intense laser pulses promise to be viable alternatives to conventional ion beam sources due to their unique properties such as high charge, low emittance, compactness and ease of beam delivery. Typically the acceleration is due to the rapid expansion of a laser heated solid foil, but this usually leads to ion beams with large energy spread. Until now, control of the energy spread has only been achieved at the expense of reduced charge and increased complexity. Radiation pressure acceleration (RPA) provides an alternative route to producing laser-driven monoenergetic ion beams. In this paper, we show the interaction of an intense infrared laser with a gaseous hydrogen target can produce proton spectra of small energy spread (~ 4%), and low background. The scaling of proton energy with the ratio of intensity over density (I/n) indicates that the acceleration is due to the shock generated by radiation-pressure driven hole-boring of the critical surface. These are the first high contrast mononenergetic beams that have been theorised from RPA, and makes them highly desirable for numerous ion beam applications

    Влияние природы эмульгатора и концентрации полимера на дисперсность и устойчивость искусственных полимерных суспензий на основе поликарбоната и полиметилметакрилата

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    Objectives. To create stable artificial polymer suspensions with a positive charge of particles based on polycarbonate and polymethyl methacrylate using cationic surfactants and organosilicon surfactants.Methods. The size of droplets and polymer suspension particles was determined by photon correlation spectroscopy (dynamic light scattering) using a Zetasizer NanoZS laser particle analyzer (Malvern, UK).Results. Domestic cationic surfactants Katamin-AB and Azol-129 were found to be capable of producing stable artificial polycarbonate and polymethyl methacrylate suspensions. Based on the polymer, the optimal surfactant concentration was 6 wt %. The effect of polymer concentration in solution on the stability and particle size of final polymer suspensions was shown. It was determined that the polymer concentration in the solution should not exceed 10%. When obtaining a highly dispersed suspension during dispersion, a higher concentration causes an increase in the viscosity of emulsions. As a result of a synergistic effect formation, we used mixtures of cationic surfactants (Katamin-AB/Azol-138 and Azol-129/Azol-138) to enhance the stability of the final polymer suspensions. The optimal surfactant ratio was 9:1. The total concentration of the mixture is 10 wt %, based on the polymer. Polymer suspensions were stabilized with each of 2:1 mixtures of cationic surfactants Katamin-AB and Azol-129 withan organosilicon surfactant U-851. The total mixture concentration was 9 wt %, based on the polymer.Conclusions. New methods of producing artificial polycarbonate and polymethyl methacrylate suspensions in the presence of domestically produced cationic surfactants, as well cationicorganosilicon surfactants mixtures, were proposed. The colloidal-chemical properties of the obtained polymer suspensions were considered. It was found that using a 2:1 mixture of cationic and organosilicon surfactants produces polymer suspensions that are stable during production and storage.Цели. Создание агрегативно устойчивых искусственных полимерных суспензий с положительным зарядом частиц на основе поликарбоната и полиметилметакрилата с использованием катионных поверхностно-активных веществ (КПАВ), а также их смесей с кремнийорганическим поверхностно-активным веществом (КОПАВ).Методы. Размер капель и частиц полимерных суспензий определяли методом фотонной корреляционной спектроскопии (динамического светорассеяния) с помощью лазерного анализатора частиц Zetasizer NanoZS (Malvern, Великобритания).Результаты. Было установлено, что для получения устойчивых искусственных поликарбонатных и полиметилметакрилатных суспензий могут быть использованы отечественные КПАВ Катамин АБ и Азол-129. Оптимальная концентрация ПАВ составила 6 мас. % в расчете на полимер. Показано влияние концентрации полимера в растворе на устойчивость и размер частиц конечных полимерных суспензий. Определено, что концентрация полимера в растворе не должна превышать 10%. Дальнейшее повышение концентрации приводит к повышению вязкости эмульсий при получении высокодисперсной суспензии в процессе диспергирования. Использованы смеси КПАВ Катамин АБ/Азол-138 и Азол-129/Азол-138 для повышения устойчивости конечных полимерных суспензий за счет образования синергетического эффекта. Оптимальное массовое соотношение ПАВ составило 9:1. Общая концентрация смеси 10 мас. % в расчете на полимер. Получены полимерные суспензии, стабилизированные смесями КПАВ Катамин АБ/КОПАВ U-851 и КПАВ Азол-129/КОПАВ U-851 в соотношении 2:1 каждой смеси в расчете на полимер. Общая концентрация смеси составила 9 мас. % в расчете на полимер.Выводы. Предложены новые способы получения искусственных поликарбонатных и полиметилметакрилатных суспензий, полученных в присутствии КПАВ отечественного производства, а также их смесей и смесей КПАВ с КОПАВ. Рассмотрены коллоидно-химические свойства полученных полимерных суспензий и показано, что при использовании смеси КПАВ и КОПАВ, взятых в объемном соотношении 2:1, образуются устойчивые в процессе получения и хранения полимерные суспензии

    Propagation of chaos for rank-based interacting diffusions and long time behaviour of a scalar quasilinear parabolic equation

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    We study a quasilinear parabolic Cauchy problem with a cumulative distribution function on the real line as an initial condition. We call 'probabilistic solution' a weak solution which remains a cumulative distribution function at all times. We prove the uniqueness of such a solution and we deduce the existence from a propagation of chaos result on a system of scalar diffusion processes, the interactions of which only depend on their ranking. We then investigate the long time behaviour of the solution. Using a probabilistic argument and under weak assumptions, we show that the flow of the Wasserstein distance between two solutions is contractive. Under more stringent conditions ensuring the regularity of the probabilistic solutions, we finally derive an explicit formula for the time derivative of the flow and we deduce the convergence of solutions to equilibrium.Comment: Stochastic partial differential equations: analysis and computations (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40072-013-0014-

    Valley polarization in MoS2 monolayers by optical pumping

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    We report experimental evidences on selective occupation of the degenerate valleys in MoS2 monolayers by circularly polarized optical pumping. Over 30% valley polarization has been observed at K and K' valley via the polarization resolved luminescence spectra on pristine MoS2 monolayers. It demonstrates one viable way to generate and detect valley polarization towards the conceptual valleytronics applications with information carried by the valley index

    Alcohol and fatal life trajectories in Russia: understanding narrative accounts of premature male death in the family

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    Background: In the post-Soviet period, Russian working-age men have suffered unusually high mortality rates. Earlier quantitative work found that part of this is attributable to hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption, which increased in the period of transition at a time of massive social and economic disruption and uncertainty. However, there has been very little work done to document and understand in detail the downward life trajectories of individual men who died prematurely from alcohol-related conditions. Building on an earlier case-control study, this unique qualitative study investigates the perceived interplay between men's drinking careers, their employment and family history, health and eventual death.Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with close relatives (most often the widow) of 19 men who died between 2003 and 2005 aged 25-54 years whose close relatives reported that alcohol contributed to their death. The study was conducted in a typical medium-sized Russian city. The relative's accounts were analysed using thematic content analysis.Results: The accounts describe how hazardous drinking both contributed to serious employment, family and health problems, and was simultaneously used as a coping mechanism to deal with life crises and a decline in social status. The interviews highlighted the importance of the workplace and employment status for shaping men's drinking patterns. Common themes emerged around a culture of drinking in the workplace, peer pressure from colleagues to drink, use of alcohol as remuneration, consuming non-beverage alcohols,Russian-specific drinking patterns, attitudes to treatment, and passive attitudes towards health and drinking.Conclusions: The study provides a unique insight into the personal decline that lies behind the extremely high working-age mortality due to heavy drinking in Russia, and highlights how health status and hazardous drinking are often closely intertwined with economic and social functioning. Descriptions of the development of drinking careers, hazardous drinking patterns and treatment experiences can be used to plan effective interventions relevant in the Russian context


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    The synthesis of polymeric suspensions with a narrow particle size distribution is an urgent problem in modern science. The resulting polymeric microspheres are applicable in various fields of chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biology and medicine. In particular, they can be used as carriers of bioligands to create diagnostic test systems. This article presents the results of a study on the colloid-chemical characteristics of water-insoluble fluorinated silicone surfactants and kinetics of the polymerization process in their presence. The results were compared with data from studies on the properties of surfactants of similar structure not containing fluorine atoms in their structure. Studying these substances’ rheology enabled to determine the most suitable surfactants for adsorption forming a strong interfacial layer during the formation of polymermonomer particles during the polymerisation. The ability of fluorinated silicone surfactants to form a stable polymeric slurry was proved during heterophase polymerization of vinyl monomers. The resulting polymeric suspensions were characterized by a narrow particle size distribution and high aggregative stability during the synthesis and in storage.Синтез полимерных суспензий с узким распределением частиц по размерам является актуальной проблемой в современной науке. Полимерные микросферы применимы в различных отраслях химии, фармацевтики, биологии и медицины, в качестве носителей биолигандов при создании диагностических тест-систем. В работе приведены данные по изучению коллоидно-химических характеристик нерастворимых в воде фторированных кремнийорганических поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) и кинетики процесса полимеризации в их присутствии. Изучение реологии данных веществ позволило определить наиболее подходящее ПАВ для формирования прочного межфазного адсорбционного слоя при образовании полимерно-мономерных частиц в процессе полимеризации. Способность фторированных кремнийорганических ПАВ образовывать стабильные полимерные суспензии была доказана при проведении гетерофазной полимеризации виниловых мономеров. Полученные полимерные суспензии характеризовались узким распределением частиц по размерам, а также высокой агрегативной устойчивостью в процессе синтеза и при хранении

    Social factors influencing Russian male alcohol use over the life course: a qualitative study investigating age based social norms, masculinity, and workplace context

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    The massive fluctuations occurring in Russian alcohol-related mortality since the mid-1980s cannot be seen outside of the context of great social and economic change. There is a dearth of qualitative studies about Russian male drinking and especially needed are those that address social processes and individual changes in drinking. Conducted as part of a longitudinal study on men’s alcohol consumption in Izhevsk, this qualitative study uses 25 semi-structured biographical interviews with men aged 33–60 years to explore life course variation in drinking. The dominant pattern was decreasing binge and frequent drinking as men reached middle age which was precipitated by family building, reductions in drinking with work colleagues, and health concerns. A minority of men described chaotic drinking histories with periods of abstinence and heavy drinking. The results highlight the importance of the blue-collar work environment for conditioning male heavy drinking in young adulthood through a variety of social, normative and structural mechanisms. Post-Soviet changes had a structural influence on the propensity for workplace drinking but the important social function of male drinking sessions remained. Bonding with workmates through heavy drinking was seen as an unavoidable and essential part of young men’s social life. With age peer pressure to drink decreased and the need to perform the role of responsible breadwinner put different behavioural demands on men. For some resisting social pressure to drink became an important site of self-determination and a mark of masculine maturity. Over the lifetime the place where masculine identity was asserted shifted from the workplace to the home, which commonly resulted in a reduction in drinking. We contribute to existing theories of Russian male drinking by showing that the performance of age-related social roles influences Russian men’s drinking patterns, drinking contexts and their attitudes. Further research should be conducted investigating drinking trajectories in Russian men

    Cause-of-Death Contributions to Educational Inequalities in Mortality in Austria between 1981/1982 and 1991/1992: Les contributions des causes de décès aux inégalités de mortalité par niveau d’éducation en Autriche entre 1981/1982 et 1991/1992

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    This article uses census records and deaths records to analyze trends in educational inequalities in mortality for Austrian women and men aged 35–64 years between 1981/1982 and 1991/1992. We find an increasing gradient in mortality by education for circulatory diseases and especially ischaemic heart disease. Respiratory diseases and, in addition for women, cancers showed the opposite trend. Using decomposition analysis, we give evidence that in many cases changes in the age-structure within the 10-year interval had a bigger effect than direct improvements in mortality on the analyzed subpopulations

    Convergence or Divergence? Life Expectancy Patterns in Post-communist Countries, 1959–2010

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    In the 1960s and 1970s, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union experienced an unanticipated stagnation in the process of mortality reduction that was accelerating in the west. This was followed by even starker fluctuations and overall declines in life expectancy during the 1980s and 1990s. We identify statistically the extent to which, since the 1990s, the countries of the post-communist region have converged as a group towards other regional or cross-regional geopolitical blocks, or whether there are now multiple steady emerging among these countries. We apply a complex convergence club methodology, including a recursive analysis, to data on 30 OECD countries (including 11 post-communist countries) drawn from the Human Mortality Database and spanning the period 1959-2010. We find that, rather than converging uniformly on western life expectancy levels, the post-communist countries have diverged into multiple clubs, with the lowest seemingly stuck in low-level equilibria, while the best performers (e.g. Czech Republic) show signs of catching-up with the leading OECD countries. As the post-communist period has progressed, the group of transition countries themselves has become more heterogeneous and it is noticeable that distinctive gender and age patterns have emerged. We are the first to employ an empirical convergence club methodology to help understand the complex long-run patterns of life expectancy within the post-communist region, one of very few papers to situate such an analysis in the context of the OECD countries, and one of relatively few to interpret the dynamics over the long-term