28 research outputs found

    Emerging trends and opportunities for industry 4.0 development in Russia

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    The fourth industrial revolution is the blending of technologies of the physical, digital and biological world, which creates new opportunities and affects political, social and economic systems. The fourth industrial revolution fundamentally transforms modern production, thanks to new technological achievements, including digitalization and robotization, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things (IoT), new materials and biotechnology. Due to these changes, production in developed countries again becomes the main source of prosperity and creation of new jobs. In this paper, the authors aimed at providing a better understanding for Industry 4.0 concept and its application benefits for Russia. The main problem is how the Russian Federation acts against the economically developed countries, which are the creators of Industry 4.0. This paper mainly focuses on presenting the authors views on how to sustain and increase competitive advantage of the Russian Federation by catching and implementing Industry 4.0. With Industry 4.0, Russian Federation get a bigger share of the world manufacturing value chain. In this paper, the authors aimed at providing a better understanding for Industry 4.0 concept and its application benefits for Russia. The main problem is how the Russian Federation acts against the economically developed countries, which are the creators of Industry 4.0. This paper mainly focuses on presenting the authors views on how to sustain and increase competitive advantage of the Russian Federation by catching and implementing Industry 4.0. With Industry 4.0, Russian Federation get a bigger share of the world manufacturing value chain.peer-reviewe

    The effects of innovative changes influence on social and economic processes of the region development

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    Development of strategy of social and economic development of the Voronezh region till 2035 requires the careful analysis of a condition of all activities of the region, their interaction and interference. The special role in this process belongs to the higher school as the engine of knowledge, information and innovations. In case of all conservatism of an education system its task not only to give estimates and forecasts of the future, but also to serve as a leader of changes in all industries. The models realizing these tasks are a possibility of receipt of the effective instrument of increase in innovation of potential of economy of the region, forming of the environment which is adequately reflecting scientific and technical and economic challenges of modern realities and also developments of processes and technologies of transition of economy of the region to the principles of digital economy. Direct task of the higher school are increase in the amount of knowledge which is saved up by society, handling and transformation of information to knowledge, generation of new information and new knowledge, forming of the competitive specialist. In article approaches to an impact assessment of changes in the higher school on processes of social and economic development of the region, to classification of straight lines and side effects (spillover-effects) in the conditions of development of programs of a strategic development of the region are considered, the model of development of the higher school taking into account spillover-effect based on the principles of digital economy is offered. For the purpose of an impact assessment of changes in the higher school on processes of social and economic development in the region the task is set to analyse influence of various factors at each other, and also on basic factors of economic growth of the region

    Exponential Models of Breakthrough Development of Industrial Systems for Achievement of Global Competitiveness

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    In terms of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, not only the list of end-to-end technologies is changing, but the thinking and methodological approaches to the development of breakthrough scenarios are radically transformed. Obviously, actively recovering industry in next few years will be one of the main drivers of economic growth in Russia. The main conductor of breakthrough development in these conditions will be promising high-growth industrial companies that have the highest leadership potential in both the Russian and global markets. The article reviews the exponential models of the breakthrough development of industrial systems, which will achieve global competitiveness in high-tech markets

    Scientific concept of intelligent cyber-physical technopolis

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    Theoretical concepts for the formation of an intelligent cyber-physical technopolis, an innovation-active cluster, and the provision of economic security for a depressed area are being studied. The evolution of the technopolis paradigm has been systematized over more than forty years. Three stages of the technopolis paradigm development have been identified: the first stage from 1983 to 1990, the second stage from 1990 to 2000, and the modern, third stage from 2000 to the present. Characteristics of the evolution of the technopolis paradigm are provided from the perspective of the conditions for development and the strategies for the implementation of technopolises. Key terminological constructs of the considered concept, such as technopolis and innovation-active cluster, are examined. A conceptual scheme of the "technopolis wheel" is presented, which broadly includes three key segments: networks and connectivity, investment capital, and innovation and R&D. It is shown that the key segments of the technopolis wheel are revealed based on seven components, connected by influencing agents. Four factors of technopolis development are identified. The concept of the technopolis wheel has important implications for the formation of a system-forming innovation-active cluster to enhance the economic security of the region. The main directions for further development of the technopolis paradigm are considered to be the need to create technological sovereignty under conditions of global competitiveness, distributed collaborative forms of cooperation based on networks, platforms, and ecosystems, the establishment of intensive partnerships based on the fivefold innovation spiral, and the creation of "smart" megacities in the intelligent economy

    Managing Circularity in Industrial Ecosystems: Introducing the Concept of Circular Maturity and its Application in NLMK Group

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    The primary objective of this research endeavor is the conceptualization and operationalization of the 'Circular Maturity' construct within the context of industrial ecosystems. A comprehensive evaluative framework is developed, designed to assess circularity in alignment with thresholds that are environmentally, socially, and economically acceptable, commonly encapsulated as ESG results. This framework incorporates a multifaceted system for the governance of circularity, integrating diverse measures, functions, principles, strategies, business models, and circular solutions across various stages of the value chain. Utilization of information, finances, resources, human capital, platforms, and collaborative mechanisms is envisaged to mitigate external risks and challenges. Key driver projections, namely circular potential, circular activity, and circular efficiency are formulated for the governance of circularity and the enhancement of circular maturity at the corporate level. The applicability and efficacy of the proposed framework are validated through a case study involving the industrial ecosystem of Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combinate (NLMK) in Russia

    Factors and models of economic security of industrial enterprises in a depressed region in the context of digital transformation

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    The problem of digital transformation of enterprises is explained by the need to ensure long-term sustainable economic security for domestic industrial producers in the context of digitization. The transition to digital rails creates an opportunity to reorganize the production process and form effective interaction among all participants in the digital ecosystem. This necessitates the study of the process and possible directions of digital transformation to ensure an increase in the level of economic security of enterprises. The aim of the article is to present the results of the study of the process and directions of digital transformation of enterprises as a condition for sustainable economic security. The research methodology is based on the analysis and idealization of the process of digital transformation, the logical substantiation of the essence of this phenomenon, and the identification of the main directions of digital transformation. Generalization of data from consulting companies allowed for the formation of the main trends in digital transformation. A structural model of digital transformation of a depressed region enterprise has been proposed, which includes three components: basic spheres of activity, digitization processes, and conditions for ensuring economic security. The obtained conclusions contribute to the development of ideas about the processes of digital transformation of enterprises as a condition for ensuring their economic security. They allow for an assessment of the overall state and identification of vulnerable areas that reduce the level of economic security of a depressed region enterprise. The results of the study will help enterprises in depressed regions make targeted decisions regarding methods of ensuring economic security, taking into account differences in the level of digitization

    Making connections: snapshots of chlamydial type III secretion systems in contact with host membranes

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    Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens with an unusual biphasic lifecycle, which is underpinned by two bacterial forms of distinct structure and function. Bacterial entry and replication require a type III secretion system (T3SS), a widely conserved nanomachine responsible for the translocation of virulence effectors into host cells. Recent cell biology experiments supported by electron and cryo-electron tomography have provided fresh insights into Chlamydia–host interactions. In this review, we highlight some of the recent advances, particularly the in situ analysis of T3SSs in contact with host membranes during chlamydial entry and intracellular replication, and the role of the host rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) at the recently described intracellular ‘pathogen synapse’

    Методика оценки разрывов цифровой зрелости промышленных предприятий

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    Purpose: the main purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for assessing the digital maturity gaps of industrial enterprises in order to adapt to the digital environment, to take advantage of digital technologies to improve operations and increase competitiveness.Methods: the authors applied general scientific methods (method of synthesis, generalization, content analysis, graphical interpretation of data). In assessing the levels of digital maturity gaps, correlated with the levels of digital maturity, the scaling method was used.Results: the global metamorphoses actualizing the problem of achieving digital maturity by industrial enterprises are described. The concepts of maturity, digital maturity, and digital maturity gaps of industrial enterprises in different sources are investigated. Digital maturity gaps are shown from two perspectives: as the difference between the current and target maturity levels of industrial enterprises; as the gap between awareness and implementation of Industry X.0 solutions in industrial enterprises. The landscape of digital maturity assessment methodologies at different levels is systematized: federal, regional and grassroots level of the economy. The problem and research gap of digital maturity assessment is identified, which is the lack of methodologies for assessing digital gaps. The author proposed a methodology for assessing the digital maturity gaps of industrial enterprises, which includes fourteen stages. The methodology was tested using data from twenty industrial enterprises that are leaders in digitalization in 2021. Visualization of digital maturity indicators and digital maturity gaps was carried out.Сonclusions and Relevance: as a result of testing the methodology for assessing the digital maturity gaps of industrial enterprises, it is concluded that the current state of development of the national industrial ecosystem is characterized by significant heterogeneity in the development of individual industries, unequal development of markets and enterprises. In order to successfully complete the digital transformation and increase the level of digital maturity to the maximum, it is recommended that industrial enterprises integrate digital platform solutions and digital behaviors based on the concept of digital strategizing into their operating model.Цель данной статьи состоит в представлении методики оценки разрывов цифровой зрелости промышленных предприятий, разработанной в целях адаптации к цифровой среде и использования преимуществ цифровых технологий для улучшения деятельности и повышения конкурентоспособности.Метод или методология проведения работы. Авторами применены общенаучные методы – метод синтеза, обобщения, контентанализа, графической интерпретации данных. При оценке уровней разрывов цифровой зрелости, соотнесенных с уровнями цифровой зрелости, применялся метод шкалирования.Результаты работы. Описаны глобальные метаморфозы, актуализирующие проблему достижения цифровой зрелости промышленными предприятиями. Исследованы понятия зрелости, цифровой зрелости и разрывов цифровой зрелости промышленных предприятий из разных источников. Разрывы цифровой зрелости показаны с двух позиций: как разница между текущим и целевым уровнями зрелости промышленных предприятий и как разрыв между осведомленностью и внедрением решений Индустрии Х.0 на промышленных предприятиях. Систематизирован ландшафт методик оценки цифровой зрелости на разных уровнях: федеральном, региональном, а также на уровне низового звена экономики. Выявлена проблема и исследовательский пробел оценки цифровой зрелости, заключающийся в отсутствии методик оценки цифровых разрывов. Предложена авторская методика оценки разрывов цифровой зрелости промышленных предприятий, включающая 14 этапов. Методика апробирована по данным 20-ти промышленных предприятий, являвшихся лидерами цифровизации в 2021 году. Осуществлена визуализация показателей цифровой зрелости и разрывов цифровой зрелости.Выводы. В результате апробации методики оценки разрывов цифровой зрелости промышленных предприятий сделан вывод, что текущее состояние развития национальной промышленной экосистемы характеризуется значительной неоднородностью в развитии отдельных отраслей, неравномерным развитием рынков и предприятий. В целях успешного завершения цифровой трансформации и повышения уровня цифровой зрелости до максимального промышленным предприятиям рекомендовано в операционную модель интегрировать цифровые платформенные решения и цифровые модели поведения на основе концепции цифрового стратегирования

    Методология стратегического управления цифровым потенциалом сложных экономических систем на основе платформенной концепции

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    Purpose: the purpose of this article is to form a holistic methodology of digital platform strategizing, based on the methods, rules and postulates of strategic management of complex economic systems using different types of platforms in order to increase the digital potential.Methods: the authors used general scientific methods – the method of synthesis, generalization, content analysis, graphical interpretation of data. During the study, we used a six-step method, as well as the standardized methodology of the independent systematic review of the literature on the basis of the eight-step manual.Results: the author's vision of the methodology of strategic management of the digital potential of economic systems as a multi-level cognitive continuum, which allows to describe the full range of theoretical and practical perspectives of the application of methods, rules and postulates of management of the digital potential of economic systems, has been developed. Six architectural levels of the methodology of strategic management of the digital potential of economic systems are identified. Each architectural level is represented by a set of corresponding patterns: the gnoseological level is based on digital philosophy and digital thinking; the paradigmatic level is represented by the coevolution of three approaches and conceptual domain of digital platform strategizing; the ontological level is represented by the terminological apparatus; the semantic level is represented by the framework of digital platform strategizing and the platform concept; the technological level is represented by strategies of economic systems transformation into bionic, business models of digital strategy and digital behavior patterns; the applied level is represented by the methods for assessing the digital maturity and digital gaps of industrial systems.Conclusions and Relevance: the digital development of complex economic systems entails their transformation into bionic and inverted organizations based on an interdisciplinary platform concept, digital strategizing, digital philosophy, digital thinking, digital technologies and Industry 5.0 solutions, driven by the need to increase digital maturity, develop digital capabilities to maintain existing and/or create additional long-term competitive advantages.Цель данной статьи состоит в формировании целостной методологии цифрового платформенного стратегирования, основанной на методах, правилах и постулатах осуществления стратегического управления сложными экономическими системами с применением различного вида платформ с целью повышения цифрового потенциала.Методы. Авторами применены общенаучные методы – метод синтеза, обобщения, контент-анализа, графической интерпретации данных. При проведении исследования применялась шестиэтапная методика, а также стандартизированная методология самостоятельного систематического обзора литературы на основе восьмиступенчатого руководства.Результаты работы. Разработано авторское видение методологии стратегического управления цифровым потенциалом экономических систем как многоуровневого когнитивного континуума, позволяющего описать полный спектр теоретико-практических перспектив реализации стратегического управления цифровым потенциалом экономических систем. Выделены шесть архитектурных уровней методологии стратегического управления цифровым потенциалом экономических систем. Каждый архитектурный уровень представлен набором соответствующих паттернов: гносеологический уровень основан на цифровой философии и цифровом мышлении; парадигмальный представлен коэволюцией трех подходов и концептуальной областью цифрового платформенного стратегирования; онтологический – терминологическим аппаратом; семантический – фреймворком цифрового платформенного стратегирования, а также платформенной концепцией; технологический – стратегиями трансформации экономических систем в бионические, бизнес-моделями цифрового стратегирования и цифровыми моделями поведения; прикладной – методиками оценки цифровой зрелости и цифровых разрывов промышленных систем.Выводы. Цифровое развитие сложных экономических систем влечет за собой их трансформацию в бионические и инвертированные организации на основе междисциплинарной платформенной концепции, цифрового стратегирования, цифровой философии, цифрового мышления, цифровых технологий и решений Индустрии 5.0, обусловленных необходимостью повышения цифровой зрелости, развития цифрового потенциала в целях сохранения существующих и/или создания дополнительных долгосрочных конкурентных преимуществ

    Современные особенности технического развития предприятий машиностроительного комплекса с использованием интеллектуального потенциала

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    The purpose of the present article is the research of a current state of the mechanical engineering complex enterprises technical development from the position of intellectual potential use, detection of the technical development features in conditions of knowledge economy.Research method is desk researches when statistical information for the last 10–15 years, standard and the acts regulating technical, scientific and technological policy of the Russian Federation were analysed.Results of research are the characteristic of scientific and technical capacity of the Russian Federation from 1995 to 2015, determination of technical development relevance at the present stage of knowledge economy development.Further researches of the organizational management of mechanical engineering complex enterprises technical development with intellectual potential use have to become a scope of results.Целью настоящей статьи является проведение исследования современного состояния технического и научно-технологического развития предприятий машиностроительного комплекса с позиции применения интеллектуального потенциала, а также выявление особенностей технического развития в условиях экономики знаний.Методом проведения работы явились кабинетные исследования, в ходе которых была проанализирована статистическая информация за последние 10–15 лет, нормативные и законодательные акты, регулирующие техническую и научно-технологическую политику РФ.Результатами исследования являются характеристика научно-технического потенциала РФ с 1995 по 2015 гг., определение актуальности технического развития на современном этапе развития экономики знаний.Областью применения результатов должны стать дальнейшие исследования организации управления техническим развитием предприятий машиностроительного комплекса с использованием интеллектуального потенциала