34 research outputs found

    On partially ordered rings

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    One of the urgent tasks at the present time is to obtain and widely use functional foods that have antioxidant  and anticarcinogenic effects, which serve not only to meet human needs  in   proteins,  fats,  carbohydrates, micro  -   and macronutrients,  but also contribute to the immune system, improve the heart and other human organs. For food plants, rich in antioxidant protection components, include perennial onions, from the variety of wild species which are in demand by modern medicine are only very few. The Republic of Komi is classified as the most uncomfortable  territories for human habitation.  In the flora of the Komi Republic there are three types of perennial bows – Allium angulosum  L., A. schoenoprasum L. and A. strictum Schrad.   The collection of the Botanical garden of the Institute of biology, Komi scientific center includes more than 150 species. Comparison of the chemical composition of  four  types  of  onions  from  the Botanical gardens of the Komi scientific center and Moscow state University (MSU) showed that  the  total  content  of flavonoids in  onions, Komi scientific center of  the  BS  is much higher, and the content of selenium is lower than in the same types of BS, Moscow state University. In samples of onions sticking out in the Republic of Tuva, the Republic of Buryatia,  in the Altai Mountains, the Se content is also much higher than in regional species. The soils of the Komi Republic are  depleted  Se,  however, as  shown  by  our research, wild and cultivated species of the genus Allium, are batteries of this trace element. According to our calculations, the use of 100 g of fresh herbs of chives may meet up to 60% of the daily needs of the human body in ascorbic acid, up to 94% manganese, 20% copper, 12% zinc.Одной из актуальных задач в настоящее время является получение и широкое использование продуктов функционального  питания, обладающих антиоксидантным и антиканцерогенным действием, которые служат не только удовлетворению потребностей человека в белках, жирах, углеводах, микро- и макроэлементах, но и способствуют повышению иммунитета, улучшению работы сердца и других органов человека. К пищевым растениям, богатым компонентами   антиоксидантной    защиты, относят    многолетние луки. Республика Коми отнесена к наиболее дискомфортным для проживания человека территориям. Во флоре Республики Коми встречается   три  вида  многолетних  луков –  Allium angulosum L.,  A. schoenoprasum L. и A. strictum Schrad.  Коллекция Ботанического сада Института  биологии Коми НЦ УрО РАН (БС) насчитывает более 150 видов. Согласно полученным данным, содержание марганца, меди и цинка в почвах и фитомассе растений Республики Коми ниже мировых кларков. Сравнение химического состава четырех видов лука из коллекций Ботанических садов Коми НЦ и Московского государственного университета (МГУ) показало, что общее содержание флавоноидов в луках из БС Коми НЦ значительно выше, а содержание селена – ниже, чем в аналогичных видах из БС МГУ. В образцах лука торчащего,  собранного в Республике  Тува, Республике  Бурятия, на Горном Алтае, содержание Se также значительно  выше, чем в региональных видах. Почвы Республики Коми обеднены Se, однако, как показали наши исследования, дикорастущие и культивируемые виды рода Allium являются аккумуляторами  этого микроэлемента.  По нашим подсчетам, при употреблении 100 г свежей зелени шнитт-лука возможно удовлетворение до 60% суточной потребности организма  человека в аскорбиновой кислоте, до 94% – марганца, 20% – меди, 12% – цинка. Организация комплексных исследований, направленных на оценку селенового и микронутриентного статуса населения республики, изучение их зонального распределения в различных типах почв и содержание эссенциальных микронутриентов в продуктах питания, культивируемых и дикорастущих растениях, произрастающих на данной  территории, представляет большой интерес

    Prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection among blood donors in Saint Petersburg

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    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection among blood donors in St. Petersburg, as well as to characterize the identified virus isolates. The study material was represented by 2800 blood plasma samples collected in 2019 from blood donors living in St. Petersburg. The ELISA study for HBV marker rate consisted of HBsAg, anti-HBs IgG, anti-HBcore IgG. HBV DNA was analyzed by nested PCR with real-time hybridization-fluorescence detection on three targets allowing to determine virus DNA at low viral load, including HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. Hepatitis B serological markers were detected in 69.43% of those surveyed, HBsAg was found in 0.43% of individuals, and all of which donated blood first time. A significant excess of the anti-HBcore IgG antibodies occurrence among primary donors (15.1%) compared with repeated/regular donors (7.48%) was shown. The prevalence of virus DNA in the group was 3.14%, including 2.71% of cases in HBsAg-negative CHB. Based on phylogenetic analysis of 88 isolates, HBV subgenotypes were determined in the following order: D1 and D2, 40.91% each, D3 and A2, 9.09% each. While determining the serological subtype in detected isolates, the serotype ayw3 (52.27%) vs ayw2 (46.59%) and adw2 (10.23%) prevailed. Drug resistance mutations, including compensatory ones, were detected in six examined patients (6.82%). In all genotype D isolates, multiple amino acid substitutions were identified in the RT, SHB, MHB, LHB, and Core regions; mutations in the preCore region were detected in 21.59% samples. In the MHR of the HBV genotype D genome, twenty-six positions were identified in which amino acid substitutions occurred, and all isolates showed modifications at positions 113, 114, 131, 134, 159, 161, 168, in 76 — at position 122, in 68 — at position 127, in 36 — at position 118, in 24 — at position 128. In HBV A2 isolates, mutations T113S, S143T, Y161F were identified. Nine isolates in the preCore region showed a polymorphism including a stop codon W28*W; in five isolates the W28S substitution was shown in the same position, and the W28*S variant was found in one more sample. The high incidence of HBsAg-negative CHB cases among blood donors, as well as the predominance of HBV isolates that simultaneously carry mutations resulting in diagnostic failure of HBsAg tests and prophylactic failure of immunoglobulin or vaccines and virus reactivation, mutations that contribute to disease progression obviously pose a threat to health and require to be further examined

    Safety and efficacy of convalescent plasma for COVID-19: the preliminary results of a clinical trial

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    Background. The lack of effective etiotropic therapy for COVID-19 has prompted researchers around the globe to seekr various methods of SARS-CoV-2 elimination, including the use of convalescent plasma. Aim. The aim of this work was to study the safety and efficacy of the convalescence plasma treatment of severe COVID-19 using the plasma containing specific antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 S protein in a titer of at least 1:1000. Methods. A single-center, randomized, prospective clinical study was performed at the FRCC FMBA of Russia with the participation of 86 patients who were stratified in two groups. The first group included 20 critically ill patients who were on mechanical ventilation the second group included 66 patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 and with spontaneous respiration. The patients in the second group were randomized into two cohorts in a ratio of 2:1. In the first cohort (46 patients), pathogen-reduced convalescent plasma was transfused (twice, 320 ml each), in the second cohort (20 patients) a similar amount of non-immune freshly frozen plasma was transfused to the patients. Results. The use of plasma of convalescents in patients with severe COVID-19 being on mechanical ventilation does not affect the disease outcome in these patients. The mortality rate in this group was 60%, which corresponds to the average mortality of COVID patients on mechanical ventilation in our hospital. In the second group, clinical improvement was detected in 75% and 51%, for convalescent and non-immune plasma, respectively. Of the 46 people who received convalescent plasma, three patients (6.5%) were transferred to mechanical ventilation, two of them died. In the group receiving non-immune plasma, the need for mechanical ventilation also arose in three patients (15%), of which two died. The hospital mortality in the group of convalescent plasma was 4.3%, which is significantly lower than the average COVID-19 hospital mortality at our Center (6.73%) and more than two times lower than the hospital mortality in the control group (n=150), matched by age and by the disease severity. Conclusions. Thus, we demonstrated a relative safety of convalescent plasma transfusion and the effectiveness of such therapy for COVID-19 at least in terms of the survival of hospitalized patients with severe respiratory failure without mechanical ventilation. In the absence of bioengineered neutralizing antibodies and effective etiotropic therapy, the use of hyperimmune convalescent plasma is the simplest and most effective method of specific etiopathogenetic therapy of severe forms of COVID-19

    Prevalence of headache disorders in students of medical university according new Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition (2013)

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    The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of headache disorders using the newly published third edition International Classification of headache Disorders-3beta and evaluate their previous treatment in students of the Urals State Medical University. Methods: The study population consisted of 1042 students (719 females, 323 males, mean age 20.6, range 17-40). All were interviewed using a semi-structured validated interview conducted by a neurologist or by trained senior medical students. Results: 1-year prevalence of headache in students was 93% (females 95%, males 88%), prevalence of headache during the last month-68% (66% among females, 54% among males), during the last week-46% (48% among females, 32% males) and point prevalence -17% (17% among females, 17% among males). 1-year prevalence of episodic tension type headache was 74.5%, among females -73%, among males- 77%. 1 -year prevalence of migraine without aura was 24%, among females - 28%, among males -14%. 1-year prevalence of migraine with aura was 3.8%, among females — 5.6%, among males - 0.6%. 1-year prevalence of chronic tension type headache-3%, chronic migraine -1% and medication overuse headache-3 %. Only one third of students (35%) had consulted because of headache. Most students (75%) used analgesics or NSAIDs for the acute treatment of headache, only 2% used triptans. Only 0.2% of students received prophylactic treatment. Conclusion: Prophylactic and treatment strategies must be developed to manage the high prevalence of headache disorders in students.Задачей нашего исследования было изучение распространенности головных болей с использованием недавно опубликованной Международной классификации третьего пересмотра - 3 бетта, а также оценка предшествующего лечения головных болей у студентов Уральского государственного медицинского университета. Методы: Исследуемая группа включала 1042 студентов (719 женщин и 323 мужчины средний возраст 20,6 лет, возрастной интервал 17-40). Все студенты были проинтервьюированы с использованием полуструктурированного интервью, проведенного специально обученными студентами, а также врачом неврологом. Результаты: Распространенность головных болей у студентов в течение 1 года до интервью была 93% (95% у женщин, 88% у мужчин), распространенность головных болей в течение последнего месяца была 68% (66% среди женщин, 54% среди мужчин), в течение последней недели головные боли имели 46% студентов (48% среди женщин, 32% среди мужчин) и 17% студентов имели головные боли в день интервью (17% женщин, 17% мужчин). Распространенность эпизодических головных болей напряжения у студентов в течение 1 года до интервью была 74,5% (73% среди женщин и 77% среди мужчин). Распространенность мигрени без ауры у студентов в течение 1 года была 24% (28% среди женщин и 14% среди мужчин). Распространенность мигрени с аурой была 3,8% (5,6% среди женщин и 0,6% среди мужчин). Распространенность хронических головных болей напряжения в течение 1 года была 3%, хронической мигрени -1% и головных болей, связанных с избыточным употреблением анальгетиков 3 %. Только треть студентов (35%) обращались к врачам в связи с головными болями. Большинство студентов (75%) использовали анальгетики или НПВП для купирования головных болей, 2% использовали триптаны. Только 0,2% студентов получали профилактическое лечение по поводу головных болей. Вывод: Необходима разработка профилактических и лечебных мероприятий для снижения высокой частоты головных болей у студентов

    Ocrelizumab versus Interferon Beta-1a in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis

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    Supported by F. Hoffmann–La Roche

    Non-aqueous high internal phase emulsion templates for synthesis of macroporous polymers in situ filled with cyclic carbonate electrolytes

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    In order to develop inks suitable for roll-to-roll printing processes, which can be cured into in situ electrolyte filled high porosity macroporous polymer membranes, non-aqueous high internal phase emulsions (HIPEs) were prepared. The external phase of the formulated HIPEs consisted of lauryl methacrylate (LMA) and 1,14-tetradecanediol dimethacrylate (TDDMA) while a solution of bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt (LiTFSI) in a mixture of ethylene (EC) and propylene carbonate (PC) served as the internal phase. The stability of these non-aqueous HIPEs was strongly affected by the surfactant and the LiTFSI concentration in the internal phase. HIPE templates could only be polymerised when the LiTFSI concentration varied between 0.06 and 0.8 mol l−1. Electrochemical, thermal properties as well as morphology of the resulting polyHIPEs are discussed with respect to HIPE composition. The ionic conductivity of the resulting polyHIPEs was measured to be in the range from 4.18 to 8.64 mS cm−1