57 research outputs found

    Syntaxe et prosodie en japonais. Lecture d'Informations télévisées / Dialogue spontané

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    This research has two objectives: a systematization of the fundamental prosody of Japanese as a common language, and an application of this prosodic system to teaching method. To attain these objectives, we first fix a theoretical framework adaptable to Japanese based on the theory "Grammaire de l’intonation" (Intonation Grammar) of Morel and Danon-Boileau (1998). We then analyze two types of corpus, readings of lead sentences of TV news, whose style are close to the written style, and extracts from spontaneous dialogues. The results of analysis of the corpus in uttered-written style corroborate the hypothesis that the discursive unit, which is in the fundamental constituent order defined by the function of determination corresponding to a specific syntactic/discursive marker, must be realized by the fundamental prosody conforming to the function of determination. The supra-segmental indicia of this prosody are the position and the length of pauses and the pitch pattern of sequences of modifier and modified. With application of this prosodic system, we propose a teaching method easily accessible both to the teacher and the learner in theoretical and didactical aspects through the binary criterion of the function of determination and a "written" indicium, the specific syntactic/discursive marker. The analysis of the corpus in spoken style shows that in this style, the function of determination is represented neither by the marker nor by the pause, which are replaced by the intonated indicium at the end of constituent, whereas the enunciative function is realized by intonation of the final particles.Cette recherche a deux objectifs, la systématisation de la prosodie fondamentale du japonais langue commune et l’application de ce système prosodique à une méthode didactique. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous cernons d'abord un cadre théorique adaptable au japonais en nous fondant sur la théorie de la "Grammaire de l’intonation" de Morel et Danon-Boileau (1998). Ensuite, nous analysons deux types de corpus, les premières phrases d'informations télévisées, dont le style est proche de celui de l’écrit, et des extraits de dialogue spontané. Les résultats de l’analyse du corpus d'écrit oralisé corroborent une hypothèse selon laquelle l’unité discursive, qui est dans l’ordre fondamental des constituants tel que défini par la fonction de détermination correspondant à un marqueur syntaxique/discursif spécifique, doit être réalisée par la prosodie fondamentale conformément à la fonction de détermination. Les indices suprasegmentaux de cette prosodie sont la position et la durée de la pause et la mélodie des séquences du modifiant et du modifié. En application de ce système prosodique, nous proposons une méthode d’enseignement d’accès facile pour l’enseignant et l’apprenant sur les plans théorique et didactique, grâce au critère binaire de la fonction de détermination d'une part, et d’un indice "écrit", le marqueur syntaxique/discursif, d'autre part. L’analyse du corpus d’oral montre que dans l’oral la fonction de détermination n’est pas représentée par le marqueur spécifique ni par la pause, qui sont remplacés par un indice intonatif à la fin du constituant, tandis que la fonction énonciative est réalisée par l’intonation des particules finales

    ニホンゴ アクセント ノ シュウトク ト イントネーション : フランスゴ ボゴ ワシャ ニ ヨル ニホンゴ ハツワ ノ オンチョウ トクチョウ ト ソノ ヨウイン

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    フランス語母語話者の日本語アクセントの習得について、インプットの影響と母語の転移を考察の中心とし、東京語話者、京都・大阪語話者、フランス語母語話者を対象に調査分析を行なった。その結果 、次のようなことが明らかになった。 1.フランス語母語話者は日本語発話において、フランス語の音調規則を適用している。その結果 、日本語文のイントネーションは、フランス語文のイントネーションに類似する。またフォーカスの有無によって、日本語文の文節のアクセントが変わる。2.フランス語母語話者の日本語発話の音調上の特徴を決定づける要因は、日本語の韻律構造が、アクセントを中心とした階層関係にあるのに対して、フランス語はイントネーションを中心とした階層関係にあることである。3.フランス語母語話者の日本語アクセントの習得は、母語の音調知識の転移によって困難になる。しかし日本語のイントネーションをまず習得すると、次に句音調、アクセントの順に習得できる可能性がある。The purpose of the study is to propose the effective method with which to teach Japanese intonation and accent. As a fundamental research for this purpose, I intend to report on the results of experimentation which was designed to test acquisitional influences by input and first language (L1) transfer in the process of learning Japanese accent and intonation by French learners of Japanese as a second language (JSL). The subjects are both French and Japanese (Tokyo, Kyoto-Osaka) native speakers. The results indicates that:1.French speakers apply the French prosodic rules to Japanese utterances. Consequently, French speakers can realize the intonative patterns for Japanese utterances which bear a close parallel to French intonative patterns. The accentual pattern of a Japanese phrase (bun-setsu) by French speakers changes whether it is focused or not.2.The differences of the prosodic structures between Japanese and French are crucial factors in characterizing the surface intonative patterns of Japanese utterances by French speakers; while Japanese prosodic structure forms a hierarchy centering around the accent, the French prosodic structure forms a hierarchy centering around the intonation.3.The L1 transfer of prosodic rules prevents French speakers from acquiring a Japanese accent. However, it is possible for them to acquire (1) the intonation of Japanese utterance, (2) the intonative pattern of Japanese accentual phrase, and (3)the Japanese accent

    Prosody in French: Accent, Intonation, and Rhythm

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    International audienceA brief survey of the main characteristics of French prosody is first presented. The intonation, accent rules, and rhythmic phenomena of French are described from the L2 leaner standpoint. The second section, which seeks to point out phonological transfer from L1 to L2 during language acquisition, reviews typical errors for these characteristics made by Japanese learners of French and by French learners of Japanese. The last section is devoted to a concise discussion of the recent research trends and perspectives in French prosody


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    Syntax and Prosody of Japanese. Reading of News on television / Spontaneous Dialogue

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    Cette recherche a deux objectifs, la systématisation de la prosodie fondamentale du japonais langue commune et l’application de ce système prosodique à une méthode didactique. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous cernons d'abord un cadre théorique adaptable au japonais en nous fondant sur la théorie de la "Grammaire de l’intonation" de Morel et Danon-Boileau (1998). Ensuite, nous analysons deux types de corpus, les premières phrases d'informations télévisées, dont le style est proche de celui de l’écrit, et des extraits de dialogue spontané. Les résultats de l’analyse du corpus d'écrit oralisé corroborent une hypothèse selon laquelle l’unité discursive, qui est dans l’ordre fondamental des constituants tel que défini par la fonction de détermination correspondant à un marqueur syntaxique/discursif spécifique, doit être réalisée par la prosodie fondamentale conformément à la fonction de détermination. Les indices suprasegmentaux de cette prosodie sont la position et la durée de la pause et la mélodie des séquences du modifiant et du modifié. En application de ce système prosodique, nous proposons une méthode d’enseignement d’accès facile pour l’enseignant et l’apprenant sur les plans théorique et didactique, grâce au critère binaire de la fonction de détermination d'une part, et d’un indice "écrit", le marqueur syntaxique/discursif, d'autre part. L’analyse du corpus d’oral montre que dans l’oral la fonction de détermination n’est pas représentée par le marqueur spécifique ni par la pause, qui sont remplacés par un indice intonatif à la fin du constituant, tandis que la fonction énonciative est réalisée par l’intonation des particules finales.This research has two objectives: a systematization of the fundamental prosody of Japanese as a common language, and an application of this prosodic system to teaching method. To attain these objectives, we first fix a theoretical framework adaptable to Japanese based on the theory "Grammaire de l’intonation" (Intonation Grammar) of Morel and Danon-Boileau (1998). We then analyze two types of corpus, readings of lead sentences of TV news, whose style are close to the written style, and extracts from spontaneous dialogues. The results of analysis of the corpus in uttered-written style corroborate the hypothesis that the discursive unit, which is in the fundamental constituent order defined by the function of determination corresponding to a specific syntactic/discursive marker, must be realized by the fundamental prosody conforming to the function of determination. The supra-segmental indicia of this prosody are the position and the length of pauses and the pitch pattern of sequences of modifier and modified. With application of this prosodic system, we propose a teaching method easily accessible both to the teacher and the learner in theoretical and didactical aspects through the binary criterion of the function of determination and a "written" indicium, the specific syntactic/discursive marker. The analysis of the corpus in spoken style shows that in this style, the function of determination is represented neither by the marker nor by the pause, which are replaced by the intonated indicium at the end of constituent, whereas the enunciative function is realized by intonation of the final particles

    Table alphabétique par noms d'auteurs

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    Table alphabétique par noms d'auteurs . In: Bulletin Hispanique, tome 33, n°4, 1931. pp. 381-382


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    International audienceThis paper reports on a study of the process of perception and repeatability of Japanese pitch accent by native Tokyo and Kyoto-Osaka Japanese speakers. The results indicate that three factors interact: 1) the absolute (or relative) pitch or the "accentual pitch" of listeners, 2) the transfer of accentual pattern of listeners' native dialect, and 3) the physical features of sound production (in particular pitch). However, the transfer of native dialect is the primary factor: each subject categorically perceives his / her native dialect. These findings suggest that teachers of Japanese as a Second Language (JSL) can not correctly hear learners' interlanguage intonative patterns because of the transfer of native dialect, while learners learn Japanese (Tokyo) accentual patterns to acquire a Japanese accent. It is also important tor learners to acquire "accentual pitch" to discriminate pitch accents. However, each language / dialect seems to have its own discriminative point. I intend to clarify these points by perceptional experiments using synthetic sounds to develop hearing drills based on discriminative points


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    International audienceThe purpose of the study is to propose the effective method with which to teach Japanese intonation and accent. As a fundamental research for this purpose, I intend to report on the results of experimentation which was designed to test acquisitional influences by input and first language (L1) transfer in the process of learning Japanese accent and intonation by French and Japanese (Tokyo, Kyoto-Osaka) native speakers.The results indicates that: 1) French speakers apply the French prosodic rules to Japanese utterances. Consequently, French speakers can realize the intonative patterans for Japanese utterances which bear a close parallel to French intonative patterns. The accentual pattern of a Japanese phrase (bunsetsu) by French speakers changes whether it is focused or not. 2) The differences of the prosodic structures between Japanese and French are crucial factors in characterizing the surface intonative patterns of Japanese utterances by French speakers; while Japanese prosodic structure forms a hierarchy centering around the accent, the French prosodic structure forms a hierarchy centering around the intonation. 3) The L1 transfer of prosodic rules prevents French speakers from acquiring a Japanese accent. However, it is possible for them to acquire (1) the intonation of Japanese utterance, (2) the intonative pattern of Japanese accentual phrase, and (3) the japanese accent.フランスと母語話者の日本語アクセントの習得について、インプットの影響と母語の転移を考察の中心とし、東京都話者、京都・大阪語話者、フランス語母語話者を対象に調査分析を行った。その結果、次のようなことが明らかになった。1) フランス語母語話者は日本語発話において、フランス語の音調規則を適用している。その結果、日本語文のイントネーションは、フランス語文のイントネーションに類似する。またフォーカスの有無によって、日本語文の文節のアクセントが変わる。2) フランス語母語話者の日本語発話の音調上の特徴を決定づける要因は、日本語の韻律構造が、アクセントを中心とした階層関係にあるのに対して、フランス語はイントネーションを中心とした階層関係にあることである。3) フランス語母語話者の日本語アクセントの習得は、母語の音調の転移によって困難になる。しかし、日本語のイントネーションをまず習得すると、次に句音調、アクセントの順に習得できる可能性がある