2,049 research outputs found

    Perancangan Interior Healthy Day Care Di Surabaya

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    Healthy Day Care is a child care center which designed with priority of children's health that applied to all room elements which designed with healthy and attractive design that its application is done by making the formation, color, circulation space, lighting, which draw the attention of the child to can do their activities cheerfully but not excessive. Healthy Day Care is designed to solve the problem of any women who has some problems with her children, seeing the health of children today that are declining due to less activity and less socializing with the surrounding environment. Healthy Day Care must also be able to meet the basic needs of children to achieve the design results in accordance with the original purpose

    The transmission of nosocomial pathogens in an intensive care unit: a space–time clustering and structural equation modelling approach

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    We investigated the incidence of cases of nosocomial pathogens and risk factors in an intensive treatment unit ward to determine if the number of cases is dependent on location of patients and the colonization/infection history of the ward. A clustering approach method was developed to investigate the patterns of spread of cases through time for five microorganisms [methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Acinetobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Candida spp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa] using hospital microbiological monitoring data and ward records of patient-bed use. Cases of colonization/infection by MRSA, Candida and Pseudomonas were clustered in beds and through time while cases of Klebsiella and Acinetobacter were not. We used structural equation modelling to analyse interacting risk factors and the potential pathways of transmission in the ward. Prior nurse contact with colonized/infected patients, mediated by the number of patient-bed movements, were important predictors for all cases, except for those of Pseudomonas. General health and invasive surgery were significant predictors of cases of Candida and Klebsiella. We suggest that isolation and bed movement as a strategy to manage MRSA infections is likely to impact upon the incidence of cases of other opportunist pathogen

    Hubungan Antara Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Kadar Hs-crp Serum Pada Mahasiswa Obes Dan Tidak Obes Di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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    : The development of technology facilitate all the activities, that make us not moving. This can increase the incidence of obesity that will be at risk for cardiovascular disease. When the atherosclerotic plaque formation involves inflammatory processes that can increase levels of Hs CRP, which is one marker of inflammation. The purpose of this study to determine differences in physical activity and Hs CRP in obese and non-obese groups and the relationship between physical activity levels of Hs CRP in students in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sam Ratulangi. The design of this study are analytical by using cross-sectional approach (cross-sectional). The research sample is determined by purposive sampling that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria, amounting to 59 students. Data were collected through questionnaires and through the measurement of physical activity levels of Hs CRP, and the data were analyzed using non-parametric test of Mann Whitney test and the Spearman test. The test results obtained by Mann Whitney test with p values ​​are 0.799 for MET values and 0.000 ​​for Hs CRP levels, which means there is no difference in activity in both groups and there is has difference Hs CRP levels in both groups. Then do the Spearman test at 95% significance level of p value of 0.638 is obtained which is greater than the value of α 0.05, which means the relationship between two variables declared statistically significant

    Effect of high pressure on multiferroic BiFeO3

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    We report experimental evidence for pressure instabilities in the model multiferroic BiFeO3 and namely reveal two structural phase transitions around 3 GPa and 10 GPa by using diffraction and far-infrared spectroscopy at a synchrotron source. The intermediate phase from 3 to 9 GPa crystallizes in a monoclinic space group, with octahedra tilts and small cation displacements. When the pressure is further increased the cation displacements (and thus the polar character) of BiFeO3 is suppressed above 10 GPa. The above 10 GPa observed non-polar orthorhombic Pnma structure is in agreement with recent theoretical ab-initio prediction, while the intermediate monoclinic phase was not predicted theoretically.Comment: new version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Spectra and Symmetry in Nuclear Pairing

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    We apply the algebraic Bethe ansatz technique to the nuclear pairing problem with orbit dependent coupling constants and degenerate single particle energy levels. We find the exact energies and eigenstates. We show that for a given shell, there are degeneracies between the states corresponding to less and more than half full shell. We also provide a technique to solve the equations of Bethe ansatz.Comment: 15 pages of REVTEX with 2 eps figure

    Virtual Texture Generated using Elastomeric Conductive Block Copolymer in Wireless Multimodal Haptic Glove.

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    Haptic devices are in general more adept at mimicking the bulk properties of materials than they are at mimicking the surface properties. This paper describes a haptic glove capable of producing sensations reminiscent of three types of near-surface properties: hardness, temperature, and roughness. To accomplish this mixed mode of stimulation, three types of haptic actuators were combined: vibrotactile motors, thermoelectric devices, and electrotactile electrodes made from a stretchable conductive polymer synthesized in our laboratory. This polymer consisted of a stretchable polyanion which served as a scaffold for the polymerization of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT). The scaffold was synthesized using controlled radical polymerization to afford material of low dispersity, relatively high conductivity (0.1 S cm-1), and low impedance relative to metals. The glove was equipped with flex sensors to make it possible to control a robotic hand and a hand in virtual reality (VR). In psychophysical experiments, human participants were able to discern combinations of electrotactile, vibrotactile, and thermal stimulation in VR. Participants trained to associate these sensations with roughness, hardness, and temperature had an overall accuracy of 98%, while untrained participants had an accuracy of 85%. Sensations could similarly be conveyed using a robotic hand equipped with sensors for pressure and temperature

    Tracing the Mass during Low-Mass Star Formation. III. Models of the Submillimeter Dust Continuum Emission from Class 0 Protostars

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    Seven Class 0 sources mapped with SCUBA at 850 and 450 micron are modeled using a one dimensional radiative transfer code. The modeling takes into account heating from an internal protostar, heating from the ISRF, realistic beam effects, and chopping to model the normalized intensity profile and spectral energy distribution. Power law density models, n(r) ~ r^{-p}, fit all of the sources; best fit values are mostly p = 1.8 +/- 0.1, but two sources with aspherical emission contours have lower values (p ~ 1.1). Including all sources, = 1.63 +/- 0.33. Based on studies of the sensitivity of the best-fit p to variations in other input parameters, uncertainties in p for an envelope model are \Delta p = +/- 0.2. If an unresolved source (e.g., a disk) contributes 70% of the flux at the peak, p is lowered in this extreme case and \Delta p = ^{+0.2}_{-0.6}. The models allow a determination of the internal luminosity ( = 4.0 \lsun) of the central protostar as well as a characteristic dust temperature for mass determination ( = 13.8 +/- 2.4 K). We find that heating from the ISRF strongly affects the shape of the dust temperature profile and the normalized intensity profile, but does not contribute strongly to the overall bolometric luminosity of Class 0 sources. There is little evidence for variation in the dust opacity as a function of distance from the central source. The data are well-fitted by dust opacities for coagulated dust grains with ice mantles (Ossenkopf & Henning 1994). The density profile from an inside-out collapse model (Shu 1977) does not fit the data well, unless the infall radius is set so small as to make the density nearly a power-law.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 28 pages, 13 figures, uses emulateapj5.st

    A multi-criteria approach for the selection of wastewater treatment systems

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    The inefficiency of Wastewater Treatment Systems (WTS) might be a source of hydrological and environmental pollution, and it also causes problems to public health. The advances of technology have contributed to the development of a diversity of new WTS, but it generates a gap for decision-making regards to the correct use of these treatment systems, with a high number of available alternatives, not easily measurable and often presenting conflicting criteria. In this context, this work presents a literature review aiming to identify relevant economic, social, technical and environmental criteria, which can be used in the selection of WTS. Thus, 48 criteria were identified, as well and their importance was ranked according to a group of academics. Furthermore, an illustrative application was conducted considering 20 available WTS and 12 criteria. The ELECTRE 11 method was used to rank and allocate the most suitable WTS. This research contributes with a multi-criteria model for the evaluation of WTS and to show its relevance in a real world situation
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