40 research outputs found

    Partially Transparent Petaled Mask/Occulter for Visible-Range Spectrum

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    The presence of the Poisson Spot, also known as the spot of Arago, has been known since the 18th century. This spot is the consequence of constructive interference of light diffracted by the edge of the obstacle where the central position can be determined by symmetry of the object. More recently, many NASA missions require the suppression of this spot in the visible range. For instance, the exoplanetary missions involving space telescopes require telescopes to image the planetary bodies orbiting central stars. For this purpose, the starlight needs to be suppressed by several orders of magnitude in order to image the reflected light from the orbiting planet. For the Earth-like planets, this suppression needs to be at least ten orders of magnitude. One of the common methods of suppression involves sharp binary petaled occulters envisioned to be placed many thousands of miles away from the telescope blocking the starlight. The suppression of the Poisson Spot by binary sharp petal tips can be problematic when the thickness of the tips becomes smaller than the wavelength of the incident beam. First they are difficult to manufacture and also it invalidates the laws of physical optics. The proposed partially transparent petaled masks/occulters compensate for this sharpness with transparency along the surface of the petals. Depending on the geometry of the problem, this transparency can be customized such that only a small region of the petal is transparent and the remaining of the surface is opaque. This feature allows easy fabrication of this type of occultation device either as a mask or occulter. A partially transparent petaled mask/ occulter has been designed for the visible spectrum range. The mask/occulter can suppress the intensity along the optical axis up to ten orders of magnitude. The design process can tailor the mask shape, number of petals, and transparency level to the near-field and farfield diffraction region. The mask/occulter can be used in space astronomy, ground-based telescope, and high-energy laser systems, and optical lithography to eliminate the Poisson Spot

    Lenslet Array to Further Suppress Star Light for Direct Exoplanet Detection

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    Direct imaging plays a key role in the detection and characterization of exoplanets orbiting within its host star's habitable zone. Many innovative ideas for starlight suppression and wavefront control have been proposed and developed over the past decade. However, several technological challenges still lie ahead to achieve the required contrast, including controlling the observatory pointing performance, fabricating occulting masks with tight optical tolerances, developing wavefront control algorithms, controlling stray light, advancing single photon detecting detectors, and integrated system-level issues. This paper explores how a lenslet array and pinhole mask may be implemented to further suppress uncorrected starlight that leaks through the occulting mask. An external occulter, or star shade, is simulated to demonstrate this concept, although this approach can be implemented for internal coronagraphs as well. We describe how to use simple relay optics to control the scene near the inner working angle and the level of the suppression expected. Furthermore, if the lenslet array is the input to an integral field spectrograph, as planned for the WFIRST mission, the spectral content of the exoplanet atmospheres can be obtained to determine if the observed planet is habitable and ultimately, if it is inhabited

    Optical Modeling Activities for NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): V. Operational Alignment Updates

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    This paper is part five of a series on the ongoing optical modeling activities for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The first two papers discussed modeling JWST on-orbit performance using wavefront sensitivities to predict line of sight motion induced blur, and stability during thermal transients. The third paper investigates the aberrations resulting from alignment and figure compensation of the controllable degrees of freedom (primary and secondary mirrors), which may be encountered during ground alignment and on-orbit commissioning of the observatory, and the fourth introduced the software toolkits used to perform much of the optical analysis for JWST. The work here models observatory operations by simulating line-of-sight image motion and alignment drifts over a two-week period. Alignment updates are then simulated using wavefront sensing and control processes to calculate and perform the corrections. A single model environment in Matlab is used for evaluating the predicted performance of the observatory during these operations

    Freeform Surface Characterization and Instrument Alignment for Freeform Space Applications

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    CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) metrology provides simple, 3D (three dimensional) surface data used for prescription retrieval, figure error, and alignment with high accuracy without null-correctors. Two freeform mirrors for a compact telescope were successfully characterized and aligned using the CMM

    Further Development Of Aperture: A Precise Extremely Large Reflective Telescope Using Re-Configurable Elements

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    One of the pressing needs for space ultraviolet-visible astronomy is a design to allow larger mirrors than the James Webb Space Telescope primary. The diameter of the rocket fairing limits the mirror diameter such that all future missions calling for mirrors up to 16 meters in diameter or larger will require a mirror that is deployed post-launch. In response to the deployment requirement, we address the issues of this concept called "A Precise Extremely Large Reflective Telescope Using Reconfigurable Elements (APERTURE) with both hardware experiments and software simulations... We designed and built several fixtures with O-rings to hold a membrane. We established a coating process to make a membrane that was coated on one side with Cr and the other side with Cr-Terfenol-D-NiCo. The Terfenol-D (T-D hereafter) is the MSM (Magnetic Smart Memory) we use. We bought and established a procedure for measuring a deformation over time and purchased a Shack Hartmann system from Imagine Optic (https://www.imagine-optic.com). The first substrate we used was DuPont (TM) Kapton polyimide film. Due to material creep, we found the stability over a 48-hour period with a Kapton substrate was not as good as desired (greater than 1 micron). We then switched to CP1 Polyimide. We found the CP1 much more stable to creep, being stable from about 3 hours to 48 hours to within a measurement error to below approximately 0.1 micron. We produced a 13 micron maximum deviation on a 50-millimeter-diameter piece of CP1 (25 microns thick). The T-D coating was about 2 microns, and the other layers, about 10 nanometers. The magnetic field at the base was about 0.1 teslas. We can make the T-D film at least 5 times thicker and the magnetic field at least 5 times stronger, and hence make deformations as much as 25 times larger. We have a formed a collaboration produced at the NIAC (NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts) mid-term review with Dr. Ron Shiri of Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) to explore making controlled deviations on lambda/14-lambda/20 scales which are required to bring a surface to the diffraction limit. We carried out only preliminary work on Si using a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), which produced deviations on the 1 micron level. We are still working on a program to bring to GSFC a flat enough (radius of curvature greater than 10 microns) -coated a Si piece with Cr, T-D, NiCo. Then we plan to carry out tests with an interferometer. Further, we formed a new collaboration with Prof. Rajan Vaidyanathan of the University of Central Florida to replace the CP1 with a shape memory alloy (SMA). With his collaboration, we acquired new Federal funding outside of NASA to explore the use of SMAs (we use NiTi). Our preliminary results indicate that we can produce deformations greater than 1 micron on approximately 100 microns thick. Furthermore we have shown that the NiTi can deploy to better than 1 micron of its set original and then trained shape

    A Scanning Hartmann Focus Test for the EUVI Telescopes aboard STEREO

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    The Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), the third mission in NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probes program, was launched in 2006 on a two year mission to study solar phenomena. STEREO consists of two nearly identical satellites, each carrying an Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) telescope as part of the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation instrument suite. EUVI is a normal incidence, 98mm diameter, Ritchey-Chretien telescope designed to obtain wide field of view images of the Sun at short wavelengths (17.1-30.4nm) using a CCD detector. The telescope entrance aperture is divided into four quadrants by a mask near the secondary mirror spider veins. A mechanism that rotates another mask allows only one of these sub-apertures to accept light over an exposure. The EUVI contains no focus mechanism. Mechanical models predict a difference in telescope focus between ambient integration conditions and on-orbit operation. We describe an independent check of the ambient, ultraviolet, absolute focus setting of the EUVI telescopes after they were integrated with their respective spacecraft. A scanning Hartmann-like test design resulted from constraints implied by the EUVI aperture select mechanism. This inexpensive test was simultaneously coordinated with other NASA integration and test activities in a high-vibration, clean room environment. The total focus test error was required to be better than +/-0.05 mm. We describe the alignment and test procedure, sources of statistical and systematic error, and then the focus determination results using various algorithms. The results are consistent with other tests of focus alignment and indicate that the EUVI telescopes meet the ambient focus offset requirements. STEREO is functioning well on-orbit and the EUVI telescopes meet their on-orbit image quality requirements

    Segmented Aperture Interferometric Nulling Testbed (SAINT) II: Component Systems Update

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    "This work presents updates to the coronagraph and telescope components of the Segmented Aperture Interfer-ometric Nulling Testbed (SAINT). The project pairs an actively-controlled macro-scale segmented mirror withthe Visible Nulling Coronagraph (VNC) towards demonstrating capabilities for the future space observatoriesneeded to directly detect and characterize a significant sample of Earth-sized worlds around nearby stars inthe quest for identifying those which may be habitable and possibly harbor life. Efforts to improve the VNCwavefront control optics and mechanisms towards repeating narrowband results are described. A narrative isprovided for the design of new optical components aimed at enabling broadband performance. Initial work withthe hardware and software interface for controlling the segmented telescope mirror is also presented.