19 research outputs found

    Dukcapil Service Innovation in Improving the Quality of Service in the Lebong District

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    This article aims to describe and provide an overview of the application-based innovation of the Lebong Dukcapil Service in the process of making population administration documents in the Lebong Regency to improve the quality of quality public services. Registration Service as the service provider in the field of population and civil registration. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, data sources use interview techniques and direct observation in the field, as well as documentation. The results of this study indicate that population administration services through the Lebong Dukcapil Service application at the Lebong Regency Population and Civil Registration Service are quite good This is seen from the aspects: of relative advantage, suitability, complexity, possibility to try, and ease of observation. With the application-based innovation of the Lebong Dukcapil Service, it is expected to be able to improve service quality through effective and efficient service patterns, as well as being oriented towards innovation targets. possibility to try, and ease of observation. With the application-based innovation of the Lebong Dukcapil Service, it is expected to be able to improve service quality through effective and efficient service patterns, as well as being oriented towards innovation targets. possibility to try, and ease of observation. With the application-based innovation of the Lebong Dukcapil Service, it is expected to be able to improve service quality through effective and efficient service patterns, as well as being oriented towards innovation target


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    The need to foster creative and innovative attitude, the courage to face failure and the attitude of seeing yourself positively among students of SMK thus will bring a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship. Support teacher as mentor closest in entrepreneurship needed to foster interest in entrepreneurship students. The need for motivation for the students that one's age is not a barrier in entrepreneurship. The younger in entrepreneurship the more mature mentally an entrepreneur. Keywords : personal attitude, subjective norm, perceived feasibility, entrepreuner intention Perlunya menumbuhkan sikap kreatif dan inovatif, berani menghadapi kegagalan dan sikap memandang diri sendiri secara positif di kalangan anak didik SMK sehingga akan memunculkan sikap positif terhadap berwirausaha. Dukungan guru sebagai mentor yang paling dekat dalam berwirausaha dibutuhkan untuk menumbuhkan minat anak didik dalam berwirausaha. Perlunya motivasi bagi anak didik, bahwasanya umur bukan menjadi penghalang seseorang dalam berwirausaha. Semakin muda dalam berwirausaha maka akan semakin matang mental seorang wirausaha. Kata kunci : sikap personal, norma subyektif, kelayakan yang dirasakan, minat berwirausah

    A Study of Intellectual Capital and Its Supply Chain Strategy for Business Performance in Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs)

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    Intellectual capital is one of important activity for organizations which want to be efficient on the market and obtain a sustainable competitive advantage. However, most company only measure and create company value based on tangible assets rather than intangible assets. In conjunction with the present issue, this investigation focuses on intangible assets (intellectual capital) in Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs) and its supply chain strategy for business performance. This study is designed using a qualitative approach. A total of 30 entrepreneurs from the three largest Batik industries in Central Java, consist of Lasem-Rembang, Pekalongan and Laweyan Solo has participated in this study. The data collection technique is using observation, interview and some relevant reference such as reports, books and journals. The results of the analysis showed that the intangible assets (intellectual capital) are a strategic way to improve the performance of SMEs. Also, this study identified that the intellectual capital consists of human capital, spiritual capital, organizational capital, consumer capital and social capital. In conclusion, as intangible assets (intellectual capital) is a knowledge-based view that can create value and increase organizational performance. Also, the concept of intellectual capital is relatively new, especially for SMEs, so the subjectivity of perception given is still very high.Keywords— Intangible and tangible assets, intellectual capital, supply chain strategy, organizational performanc

    Pengaruh Modal Intelektual Terhadap Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Kemampuan Adaptif, Inovasi, Keunggulan Bersaing Dan Kinerja Organisasi (Studi Pada Industri Batik Di Jawa Tengah Tahun 2018)

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    Peningkatan daya saing UKM dapat dilakukan dengan menciptakan nilai perusahaan melalui peningkatan modal intelektual, yang memiliki peranan penting dalam mengembangkan orientasi kewirausahaan dan kemampuan adaptif guna penciptaan inovasi dalam mengahadapi perubahan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menjelaskan pengaruh modal intelektual terhadap orientasi kewirausahaan, kemampuan adaptif, inovasi, keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja organisasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada industri batik di Jawa Tengah yang tersebar di 19 Kabupaten dan Kota di Jawa Tengah. Populasi sejumlah 391 yang berada pada lima industri batik yang memiliki kriteria usaha kecil dan menengah terbesar di Jawa Tengah. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 198 reponden yang ditetapkan dengan proportional area random sampling. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan inferensial dengan menggunakan analisis Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1). Modal intelektual berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap orientasi kewirausahaan, (2). Modal intelektual berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kemampuan adaptif, (3). Modal intelektual berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan positif terhadap inovasi, (4). Modal intelektual berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing, (5). Modal intelektual berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi, (6). Orientasi kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kemampuan adaptif, (7). Orientasi kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap inovasi, (8). Orientasi kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing, (9). Orientasi kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi, (10). Kemampuan adaptif berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap inovasi, (11). Kemampuan adaptif berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kunggulan bersaing, (12) Kemampuan adaptif berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja organisasi (13). Inovasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing, (14). Inovasi berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja organisasi.dan (15) Keunggulan bersaing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi. Temuan ini mengkonfirmasi dan memperluas konsep RBV, KBV, DCV, Entrepreneurial Orientation dan Strategic Entreprenurship. Dalam meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing, pemilik UKM Batik harus lebih kreatif, mempelajari hal-hal baru dan meningkatkan pengalaman melalui pelatihan sehingga meningkatkan inovasi yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing


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    In order that position of a brand always engage in the mind of consumers, the company does not only act positioning strategy, but they have to give the right information about their product, and advertising on the television is one of the most effective promotion media. The main reaction of advertisement is purchase, but it’s happened in the end of the long process before the consumer makes their decision. Usually the effect of advertising communication is to measure the awareness, knowledge, preference and confidence. One of model can be used to measure the advertising effectiveness is Consumer Decision Model (CMD) by Howard, Shay and Green. The findings indicated that information, brand recognition, attitude, and confidence are identified as intervening variable which can strongly effect information to customer’s intention. Structural analysis seen that the biggest influence to intention shown by variable of advertisement message through attitude and confidence. The ability of advertisement to create attitude and confidence which supporting a product oftentimes hinging to consumer’s attitude and confidence to advertisement itself. The advertisement which evaluated better can yield positive attitude to product. Even sometimes, that unwelcome advertisement can succeed. This matter happens because the advertisement schema is salience in consumer’s view. The fact said that attitude developed by brand is more difficult than customer’s confidence. To create consumer’s attitude which is direct to consumer’s intention, continuity and intensity of commercials are recommended


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    Semarang is one of the business center with the growth of PKL , which grew rapidly. Unfavorable impression of the city can be generated from the PKL. Therefore this study aimed to assess the characteristics of the business profile of PKL in the area of Simpang Lima and Taman KB, characteristics Entrepreuner Psychological capital of PKL in the area of Simpang Lima and Taman KB . This study was conducted to all PKL in the area of Simpang Lima and Taman KB Semarang. This type of research is quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that most of the traders are food vendors . The location of PKL to Simpang Lima are divided into three areas: the area in front of the Matahari Mall , Simpang Lima area and Taman KB. Traders in this area sell for up to eight hours a day


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    In 2010, one of the policies at Semarang Government is to the arrangement of the cadgers with the concept of the food court at Simpang Lima area. A number of shelter used as a culinary center grouped by type of business. This condition is apparently an impact on the development of the business has been run by cadgers. Therefore this study aimed to determine differences in business development both before and after the relocation of cadgers in the area of Simpang Lima Semarang. The study was conducted in the city of Semarang with a sample of 45 traders who occupy the shelter. The research method used was a comparative study. Further variables that all indicators have met the validity will be tested using different test Paired Sample T- Test. The results showed that there are differences in the development of business both before and after the relocation of cadgers in the area of Simpang Lima Semarang better on the indicators of turnover, profit/gain levels, the extent of effort, comfort, venture capital, number of employees and number of consumers. From the factors of business growth can be seen that the factor turnover, profit/gain levels, the extent of the business, venture capital, number of employees, the number of consumers and the number of productivity by traders felt better when compared before relocation than after relocation. Meanwhile as for the comfort factor by merchants considered to be in good condition at the time after relocation. Recommendations can be given the necessity of the payment made at one door/cashier using the concept that each customer can buy in any shop without fear that the buyer does not pay for the food they buy it’s . This concept can be done with the dealer manager agreement with the merchant so good between the consumer and the merchant is not harmed

    Corporate Social Responsibility Sebagai Strategi Marketing Public Relations (Studi Kasus Program CSR Vaksinasi Covid-19 di Unimus)

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    Lemahnya sektor ekonomi akibat Covid-19 berdampak pada sektor lain seperti pendidikan, sosial, dan budaya, membuat UNIMUS harus bekerja keras untuk bersaing dengan perguruan tinggi lain. Strategi yang dilakukan adalah Marketing Public Relations dalam bentuk Corporate Social Responsibility. Dengan adanya MPR diharapkan dapat menciptakan, meningkatkan dan memperkuat brand UNIMUS yang memiliki citra dan reputasi yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana strategi MPR yang dilakukan Humas UNIMUS dalam meningkatkan citra dan brand untuk mendorong peningkatan jumlah penerimaan mahasiswa di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga jenis strategi MPR yang diterapkan, yaitu Pull Strategy, Push Strategy, dan Pass Strategy. Pull Strategi berupa digital flyer, banner, backdrop, brosur, dan video. Push Strategy dilakukan dengan melakukan publikasi di berbagai media seperti koran, TV, dan media digital. Strategi Pass ditunjukkan dengan memberikan pelayanan prima kepada tim vaksinasi sehingga protokol kesehatan, ketertiban, dan kenyamanan peserta vaksin tetap terjaga serta, penyediaan gedung karantina atau isolasi mandiri bagi warga yang terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19

    Determinants of Intellectual Capital: A Study of SME's Batik in Central Java

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    The objective of this study is to explore the intellectual capital establishing factors especially for SME's. Intellectual capital constitutes intangible asset that will add the value of the company to achieve competitive excellence. Quantitative data analysis derives from the survey towards 87 middle range manages using jugdment sampling technique. The data was analysed using cronbach's alpha test to measure the reliability; exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis with VARIMAX rotation were applied to measure factor analysis. Research location took place at two largest clusters of Batik Industry in Central Java that are Pekalongan and Laweyan-Surakarta city. The result shows that SME's batik in Central Java has an intangible asset. The factors of intellectual capital on batik SME's consists of the human capital, structural and relational capital