34 research outputs found

    Правовые и технологические аспекты внедрения контракта жизненного цикла в пассажирском комплексе дальнего следования

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    The analysis and the experience gained in shaping contractual relations in the LCC format, both on the part of foreign companies and in the domestic market, have resulted in the conclusion that it is beneficial for the customer to conclude LCC. Ultimately, the costs are reduced by about 10-15 % compared to the traditional form of contractual relations (separate contracts for manufacturing and, respectively, service maintenance). LCC is also advantageous since it eliminates the need to search for and subsequently contract the contractors at the stage of operation.When concluding LCC contract, both purchase and subsequent maintenance of rolling stock can be carried out through a concession agreement in compliance with legislation regulating the procurement procedure. When purchasing, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of federal law in terms of mandatory tender procedures and selection of potential suppliers.The analysis of existing models for formation of contractual relations for maintenance of rolling stock under the LCC contract has shown that it is advisable to consider the possibility of extending it to newly manufactured passenger rolling stock used in long­distance passenger transportation. Целью настоящей публикации является рассмотре­ние и оценка внедрения обслуживания и ремонта пасса­жирского подвижного состава на основе заключения до­говорных отношений по контракту жизненного цикла (КЖЦ).По результатам проведённого анализа и полученного опыта формирования договорных отношений в формате КЖЦ как со стороны зарубежных компаний, так и на отече­ственном рынке установлено, что заказчику выгодно их заключение. Расходы, в конечном итоге, снижаются пример­но на 10—15 % в сравнении с традиционной формой заключе­ния договорных отношений (отдельный договор на изготов­ление и сервисное обслуживание). Существенным преимуще­ством является также то, что использование такого рода соглашений исключают необходимость поиска и последую­щего заключения договоров с исполнителями на этапе экс­плуатации.При заключении контрактов КЖЦ закупка и заключение до­говора на последующее сервисное обслуживание подвижного со­става могут быть осуществлены на основе концессионного соглашения в соответствии с требованиями законодательства о закупке. При закупке необходимо руководствоваться требова­ниями федерального закона в части обязательного проведения конкурсных процедур и отбора потенциальных поставщиков.На основании анализа существующих моделей форми­рования договорных отношений по обслуживанию подвижно­го состава по контракту КЖЦ целесообразно рассматри­вать возможность его распространения на вновь изготав­ливаемый пассажирский подвижной состав, используемый в дальнем сообщении.

    Differences of craniotype distribution and types of face among apparently healthy men from different regions of Ukraine

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    Established peculiarities of craniotype distribution and types of face in somatically healthy men depend on regional affiliation. In all regions of Ukraine, markedly greater brachycephaly percentage was found, indicating the trend towards brachycephalisation and prevalence of men with narrow and very narrow face, which confirms gracilisation. The study showed a small number of regional differences in the distribution of specific types of the skull and face, indicating that the population of Ukraine is very homogeneous in anthropological composition and none of the presented Ukrainian regional types is beyond anthropological type, common to people in general

    Structure and inhibitory effects on angiogenesis and tumor development of a new vascular endothelial growth inhibitor

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    Blocking angiogenesis is an attractive strategy to inhibit tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. We describe here the structure and the biological action of a new cyclic peptide derived from vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). This 17-amino acid molecule designated cyclopeptidic vascular endothelial growth inhibitor (cyclo-VEGI, CBO-P11) encompasses residues 79-93 of VEGF which are involved in the interaction with VEGF receptor-2. In aqueous solution, cyclo-VEGI presents a propensity to adopt a helix conformation that was largely unexpected because only \u3b2-sheet structures or random coil conformations have been observed for macrocyclic peptides. Cyclo-VEGI inhibits binding of iodinated VEGF165 to endothelial cells, endothelial cells proliferation, migration, and signaling induced by VEGF165. This peptide also exhibits anti-angiogenic activity in vivo on the differentiated chicken chorioallantoic membrane. Furthermore, cyclo-VEGI significantly blocks the growth of established intracranial glioma in nude and syngeneic mice and improves survival without side effects. Taken together, these results suggest that cyclo-VEGI is an attractive candidate for the development of novel angiogenesis inhibitor molecules useful for the treatment of cancer and other angiogenesis-related diseases


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    The ecological situation in the North-Arctic region can be improved and the efficiency of interaction in the system "Individual - Material - Environment" can be increased if natural raw materials and environmentally friendly mining wastes are used. If these materials are used, it will be possible to reduce cement consumption and consequently the quantity of harmful wastes in the production of high quality concrete composites

    Application of the thermal-catalytic method for determining the heat-breaking ability of natural gas

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    Дана робота присвячена вивченню питання переходу до обліку газу за його енергетичною цінністю. У статті зроблено аналіз найбільш поширених методів визначення теплоти згоряння природного газу. Розглянуто термокаталітичний та термокондуктометричний методи аналізу складу газу їх переваги і недоліки. Проведено обґрунтування актуальності та доцільності використання термокаталітичного датчика як чутливого елементу для пристрою контролю теплоти згорання природного газу.Данная работа посвящена изучению вопроса перехода к учету газа по его энергетической ценности. В статье сделан анализ наиболее распространенных методов определения теплоты сгорания природного газа. Рассмотрены термокаталитический и термокондуктометричний методы анализа состава газа, их преимущества и недостатки. Проведено обоснование актуальности и целесообразности использования термокаталитического датчика качестве чувствительного элемента для устройства контроля теплоты сгорания природного газа.This work is devoted to the study of the transition to gas accounting for its energy value. With the existing system of accounting and payment for gas in Ukraine, consumers, using the same number of cubic meters, receive a different calorific value. The article analyzes the most common methods for determining the heat of combustion of natural gas. To calculate the heat of combustion using direct and indirect methods. The most common is a calculation method based on chromatographic analysis of the composition of natural gas. The essence of the chromatographic method consists in the separation of a mixture of gases into individual gas components with their subsequent identification. Chromatographs are mainly laboratory facilities that are used at gas facilities to periodically monitor the quality of natural gas and ensure that its indicators comply with applicable regulations and standards. This method of determining the calorific value of natural gas is possible only with expensive equipment and at large gas metering points. Direct is the calorimetric method for determining the heat of combustion of natural gas, which is implemented using a gas water calorimeter of continuous action, based on direct measurement of the thermal energy of the gas, which is released as a result of its combustion. Taking into account the influence of the composition of natural gas on its thermophysical properties, the possibility of using methods based on the process of heat transfer in gases has been considered. Thermocatalytic and thermoconduction methods for analyzing gas composition are considered. A justification of the relevance and feasibility of using a thermocatalytic sensor as a sensitive element for the device for monitoring the heat of combustion of natural gas has been carried out. The advantages of the sensors based on thermal catalytic and thermal conductivity methods are simplicity of design, high speed. Therefore, an urgent task is to improve the existing methods and means of monitoring the energy value of natural gas and the creation of an express gas quality control device at the consumer, which will make gas metering more objective when used and in setting prices and tariffs

    Combinatorial administration of molecules that simultaneously inhibit angiogenesis and invasion leads to increased therapeutic efficacy in mouse models of malignant glioma

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    PURPOSE: We investigated the ability of the combinatorial administration of different inhibitors with activities on glioma angiogenesis, migration, and proliferation to produce a prolonged inhibition of glioma growth. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We combined inhibitors affecting solely tumor angiogenesis (PF-4/CTF, cyclo-VEGI) or inhibitors affecting both angiogenesis and invasion together (PEX, PF-4/DLR). RESULTS: When administered in combination, these drugs produced a prolonged and increased inhibition of glioma growth independently from the type of inhibitor used. The combinatory administration was more effective than the administration of a single inhibitor alone, and a strong therapeutic response was reached with a significantly lower amount of protein. The strongest inhibition was observed when human PEX and PF-4/DLR, which affect both glioma angiogenesis and invasion by separate mechanisms, were combined. CONCLUSIONS: This supports the concept that prolonged glioma growth inhibition can be achieved by simultaneous delivery of molecules that target both tumor and endothelial cells and acting by separate mechanisms

    Combinatorial administration of molecules that simultaneously inhibit angiogenesis and invasion leads to increased therapeutic efficacy in mouse models of malignant glioma

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    Purpose: We investigated the ability of the combinatorial administration of different inhibitors with activities on glioma angiogenesis, migration, and proliferation to produce a prolonged inhibition of glioma growth. Experimental Design: We combined inhibitors affecting solely tumor angiogenesis (PF-4/CTF, cyclo-VEGI) or inhibitors affecting both angiogenesis and invasion together (PEX, PF-4/DLR). Results: When administered in combination, these drugs produced a prolonged and increased inhibition of glioma growth independently from the type of inhibitor used. The combinatory administration was more effective than the administration of a single inhibitor alone, and a strong therapeutic response was reached with a significantly lower amount of protein. The strongest inhibition was observed when human PEX and PF-4/DLR, which affect both glioma angiogenesis and invasion by separate mechanisms, were combined. Conclusions: This supports the concept that prolonged glioma growth inhibition can be achieved by simultaneous delivery of molecules that target both tumor and endothelial cells and acting by separate mechanisms.Purpose: We investigated the ability of the combinatorial administration of different inhibitors with activities on glioma angiogenesis, migration, and proliferation to produce a prolonged inhibition of glioma growth. Experimental Design: We combined inhibitors affecting solely tumor angiogenesis (PF-4/CTF, cyclo-VEGI) or inhibitors affecting both angiogenesis and invasion together (PEX, PF-4/DLR). Results: When administered in combination, these drugs produced a prolonged and increased inhibition of glioma growth independently from the type of inhibitor used. The combinatory administration was more effective than the administration of a single inhibitor alone, and a strong therapeutic response was reached with a significantly lower amount of protein. The strongest inhibition was observed when human PEX and PF-4/DLR, which affect both glioma angiogenesis and invasion by separate mechanisms, were combined. Conclusions: This supports the concept that prolonged glioma growth inhibition can be achieved by simultaneous delivery of molecules that target both tumor and endothelial cells and acting by separate mechanisms