217 research outputs found

    Ab initio study of spin-spiral noncollinear magnetism in a free-standing Fe(110) monolayer under in-plane strain

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    We investigate the magnetic phase transition from collinear ferromagnetic (FM) ordering to noncollinear spin-spiral (SS) ordering in an Fe(110) monolayer under in-plane strain by performing fully unconstrained first-principles spin-density-functional calculations. The FM Fe(110) monolayer undergoes a FM-SS phase transition on the application of in-plane compression, whereas the application of tension keeps the system FM. The stability and wavelength of the excited SS state are further increased by compressive strains, especially along [ī10]. The FM-SS transition in the isotropically strained monolayer is dominated by competing exchange interactions between the ferromagnetically coupled first neighbor and the antiferromagnetically coupled second neighbor; the third neighbor also contributes to the transition under anisotropic strain. In addition, we demonstrate the stabilization mechanism of SS noncollinear magnetism from the electronic band structures: The noncollinear SS state is stabilized by a remarkable interband repulsion between the majority and minority spins, which occurs under in-plane compressio

    Immunological analysis into Kl-disorder based on traditional Japanese Oriental diagnostic system

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    漢方医学での病態を把握し有効方剤を選択するためには,伝統医学的手法を応用することが,現在でも最も客観的な方法であると考えられる。しかしながら,伝統医学的手法は心身・如を助炭とし,きわめて全人的な指標を中心としているが故に,西洋医学的な客観性,すなわち要素還元性に乏しいと指摘されている。この研究では気の異常を臨床免疫学的手法で客観化することを目的とした。22名の関節リウマ患者の気虚,気鬱,気逆の病態と末梢血リンパ球のサブセット(CD3, CD19, CD4,CD8, CD16, CD56, CD158a, CD158b)の関連を検討した。その結果,気虚とCD16+CD158b+cellのpopulationが有意な負の相関を示し,気虚を伴う患者群ではCD16+CD158b+cellのpopulationが少ない傾向にあった。この逆相関の関係は4名の3ヶ月の追跡研究でも観察された。このことから活性化したXK細胞の減少は,気虚の病態を呈した患者の一つの特徴と考えられる。このような検討から気虚など複雑な要素が関与する病態の一部を客観化して同一症例での経過観察などに応用可能と考えられる。ただし複雑性の科学の観点から診断への応用に関しては制限される必要がある。 Although traditional medicine is an all-around medical service, it has been pointed out that traditional medical procedures are not objective, and are independent of reductionism. The aim of this study was to determine the immune status of the patients with Kl-disorder. We assessed the association between Kl-disorder and the population of peripheral lymphocytes (CD3, CD19, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD56, CD158a/b:killer cells immunoglobulin-like receptors) in 22 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The results showed a negative correlation between the score of Kl-deficiency and the population of the CD16+CD158b+cells, and also showed that patients with Kl-deficiency have a tendency to have a reduced population of CD16+CD158b+cells. The inverse relationship between these was also observed in a 3-month follow-up study. Thus, it is possible, in part, to assess the condition of Kl-deficiency objectively using the population of CD16+CD158b+cells. However, the diagnostic utility of CD158b+expressing cells is expected to be limited from the viewpoints of complexity

    New Surgical Procedure for Pancreas Head

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    In this study, we demonstrate two new methods for pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). One method is the mini‐laparotomic PD by Shuriken‐shaped umbilicoplasty with the real‐time moving window‘s method. The other method is the new pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ) by punctured stent slide guiding method (PSSGM). This procedure could be performed by complete mini‐laparotomy under direct vision, and the final major wound is only 2 cm of round navel. PSSGM prevents the difference of caliber between pancreatic anastomosis and the inside out of jejunal mucosa in theory. Ten cases of mini‐lap PD were successfully performed under new PJ anastomosis. The pancreatic leakage (PL) was only one case of ISGPF grade A, and its frequency was 9% (1/11). Our mini‐lap PD by Shuriken‐shaped umbilicoplasty might be a useful way for overcoming the obstacles about safety, complication risk, cosmetic demand, and medical cost compared to laparoscopic PD. Also, our new device of PJ reconstruction by PSSGM might be an easy and useful device for the prevention of PL

    イミ ノ アル ガクシュウ カンキョウ ノ セッケイ オ メザシタ コース デザイン 2000ネンド サイタマケン JET セイネン ニホンゴ ケンシュウ デノ ジッセン

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    国際交流基金日本語国際センターでは、埼玉県の依頼を受けて、JETとOSET両プログラムにより埼玉県に招聘されている青年男女(JET青年)を対象として、1998年度より「JET(OSET)青年日本語研修」(JET研修)という短期集中日本語コースを実施している。 本稿は、その3回目にあたる、2001年3月26日から3月30日に実施された2000年度JET研修におけるコースデザインとその実践についての論考である。本稿の目的は、最近の学習理論および言語学習理論から知見を得ながら、学習者にとって意味のある学習環境とは何かを考え、現職JET青年に対する日本語コースを設計し、実施した結果を考察することである。まず、第1章では、今回のコースデザインの際、理論的枠組みとした学習理論「構成主義」「体験学習」「協調学習」について概観する。また、「学習者は学習したいことをどのように学び」、「学習を支援するためには、日本語のクラスがどうあるべきか」について詳細に述べる。 第2章では、2001年3月に実施したJET日本語研修のコースのデザイン、授業の概要、および実施内容について述べる。学習者にとって「意味のある学習環境」を提供するために、コースに「能動的」「構成的」「主体的」「現実的」「協調的」の5つの特色を持たせ、JET青年がよりよく学ぶ場をデザインした。このデザインにもとづいて、実施した活動の実際について報告する。 最後に第3章では、JET青年および受入先の担当者による評価をもとに、「意味ある学習環境」の設計を目指したコースデザインが支持されたかどうかを、省察する。さらに、今回の結果を踏まえ、今後の新たな学習環境を構築していくための足がかりを探る

    A Method for Direct Measurement of the First-Order Mass Moments of Human Body Segments

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    We propose a simple and direct method for measuring the first-order mass moment of a human body segment. With the proposed method, the first-order mass moment of the body segment can be directly measured by using only one precision scale and one digital camera. In the dummy mass experiment, the relative standard uncertainty of a single set of measurements of the first-order mass moment is estimated to be 1.7%. The measured value will be useful as a reference for evaluating the uncertainty of the body segment inertial parameters (BSPs) estimated using an indirect method

    The Gravitation of the Moon Plays Pivotal Roles in the Occurrence of the Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a social burden. However, being able to predict AMI could lead to prevention. A previous study showed only the relation between the lunar phase and the occurrence of AMI, but the period it takes for the moon to orbit around the earth and the period of the lunar phase differ. This study investigated the effect of the gravitation of the moon on AMI. Data was comprised of 1369 consecutive patients with first AMI at 5 hospitals from October, 1984 to December, 1997. The universal gravitation of the moon was calculated and compared to the earth onset time of AMI. Universal gravitation of the moon was derived by G*m/d2 (G: universal gravitation constant, m: the mass of the moon, d: the distance between the center of the moon and the center of the earth). The relationship between m/d2 and the cases of AMI was determined. There was an increase in cases, when there is a distance of more than 399864 km from the center of the earth to the center of the moon. The gravitation of more than 399864 km was determined to be weaker gravitation. It is confirmed that the number of AMI patients significantly increases at weaker gravitation periods in this multicenter trial. In conclusion, these results suggest that the gravitation of the moon may have an influence on the occurrence of AMI


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    We have fabricated Nb/AlOX/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions using a sputtering apparatus with a load-lock system. The junctions that had 50 mu m x 50 mu m area showed a V-m value (the product of the critical current and the subgap resistance at 2 mV) as high as 50 mV at a current density of 160 A/cm(2). Moreover, junctions having different thicknesses of the Al over-layer were concurrently fabricated on one wafer to study the dependence of the current-voltage characteristics on this Al over-layer. The I-V characteristics were also calculated by McMillan\u27s tunneling model and were compared with the measured I-V characteristics

    Hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, and impaired endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation in mice lacking insulin receptor substrate-1.

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    Insulin resistance is often associated with atherosclerotic diseases in subjects with obesity and impaired glucose tolerance. This study examined the effects of insulin resistance on coronary risk factors in IRS-1 deficient mice, a nonobese animal model of insulin resistance. Blood pressure and plasma triglyceride levels were significantly higher in IRS-1 deficient mice than in normal mice. Impaired endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation was also observed in IRS-1 deficient mice. Furthermore, lipoprotein lipase activity was lower than in normal mice, suggesting impaired lipolysis to be involved in the increase in plasma triglyceride levels under insulin-resistant conditions. Thus, insulin resistance plays an important role in the clustering of coronary risk factors which may accelerate the progression of atherosclerosis in subjects with insulin resistance

    Daikenchuto accelerates the recovery from prolonged postoperative ileus after open abdominal surgery : a subgroup analysis of three randomized controlled trials

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    Purpose Prolonged postoperative ileus (POI) is a common complication after open abdominal surgery (OAS). Daikenchuto (DKT), a traditional Japanese medicine that peripherally stimulates the neurogenic pathway, is used to treat prolonged POI in Japan. To analyze whether DKT accelerates the recovery from prolonged POI after OAS, we conducted a secondary analysis of three multicenter randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Methods A secondary analysis of the three RCTs supported by the Japanese Foundation for Multidisciplinary Treatment of Cancer (project numbers 39-0902, 40-1001, 42-1002) assessing the effect of DKT on prolonged POI in patients who had undergone OAS for colon, liver, or gastric cancer was performed. The subgroup included 410 patients with no bowel movement (BM) before the first diet, a DKT group (n = 214), and a placebo group (n = 196). Patients received either 5 g DKT or a placebo orally, three times a day. The primary endpoint was defined as the time from the end of surgery to the first bowel movement (FBM). A sensitivity analysis was also performed on the age, body mass index and dosage as subgroup analyses. Results The primary endpoint was significantly accelerated in the DKT group compared with the placebo group (p = 0.004; hazard ratio 1.337). The median time to the FBM was 113.8 h in the placebo group and 99.1 h in the DKT treatment group. Conclusions The subgroup analysis showed that DKT significantly accelerated the recovery from prolonged POI following OAS