418 research outputs found

    Ecological and geographical confinement of rare medicinal plants of forest flora of the Kuznetski Alatau in need of protection

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    The subject of the study was rare medicinal plants of the forest flora of the Kuznetski Alatau. The species used in officinal, folk and homeopathic medicine were listed as medicinal plants. The list of rare medicinal plants of forest flora of the Kuznetski Alatau in need of protection is recommended on the basis of field research conducted by the author. There are 12 species in the list. The method of regular embedding of key areas and a network of expeditionary routes were used in order to select field data, which enables a reliable estimation of the floristic richness of forest flora of the studied region. Identification of rare species was based on their occurrence and abundance. The basis for ecological and geographical analysis was the assignment of each species by the confinement of its belt and zone to a particular ecological-geographical group. The basis of chronological analysis was assigning each species to a specific geographical group according to a character of areal. The distribution within the Kuznetski Alatau inside geobotanical districts is shown for each species. Endemic and relicts are indicated. Nemoral elements, which are rare in the forests of the Kuznetski Alatau, are attributed to relicts of coniferous-deciduous forests. A complex coenotic character of the studied spectrum of flora, due to substantial participation of species, confined to light coniferous, deciduous and dark coniferous forests, was found. However, the proportion of species of dark coniferous plant communities is considerably inferior to the participation of species associated with cenoses of coniferous and deciduous forests. These exact species are more plastic coenotically and environmentally and they represent the majority of additional, natural mountainous and additional mountainous species


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    This article reveals some theoretical background to the study of the problem of goals in the system of social and environmental education of students, reveals their essence, identifies prospects for use in the training process.В настоящей статье раскрываются некоторые теоретические предпосылки исследования проблемы целей в системе социально-экологического образования студентов, раскрывается их сущность, определяются перспективы использования в процессе профессиональной подготовки

    Methods of social and environmental education of students

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    In the article the relevance of the research topic is the need to develop methods for the problems of social and environmental education of students. Reveals the etymology of the concept of "method" is considered its essence in the works of various scientists: teachers, psychologists, ecologists, and, on the steps not only common, but also of higher education. The results of the analysis of the achievements of research allowed to define the essence of one of the main components of the social and environmental education of students - the methods of interaction of the teacher and student

    Integrative connection of mathematics and economics

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    © 2016 Zakirova and Shilova.The relevance of the problem stated in the article is due to the fact that there is a great variety of statistical methods now. The survey of the peculiarities of statistical methods indicates the wide possibility of applying the methods and stages of the correlation and regression analysis when building a model. The significance of the specification stage when building the regression model is determined, its theoretical basis and essence are described. One of the important aspects of the specification stage is the selection of the most significant variables (factors). The purpose of the article is to create and prove the model of integration of general and special economic disciplines with mathematics, to suggest the algorithm of the selection of factors at the specification stage of building the regression model in the framework of the application of integrative intersubject connections. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the method of formation of professional competence of future economists through the application of mathematical methods and models, knowledge and skills, which, in turn, provides the development of basic economic knowledge and skills. In the article we developed the method of solving the problem of application of mathematical statistics methods in building the econometric models in the framework of integration of intersubject connections, and we suggested the algorithm of selection of variables for building the effective regression model, which contributes to the conscious selection of the factors in the model and ensures the accuracy of real trends of the model and the model assessments, the obtainment of adequate forecast results

    The Opportunities of Agglomeration Development for the Rise in Living Standards of the Population of Non-Urbanized Territories

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    The article represents the results of researches of the living standards of the population of the Krasnoyarsk agglomeration municipalities as a model of rise in the resource opportunities for the population, such as to application of labour and skills, creation of comfortable housing conditions, getting educational, medical and social services.В статье представлены результаты исследования уровня жизни населения муниципальных образований Красноярской агломерации как модели повышения ресурсных возможностей жителей, таких как применение труда, обеспечение условий комфортного проживания, получение образования, медицинских услуг, социального обеспечения

    On the formation of skills of speech at the research and practical conference in foreign (English) language on the professional subject of bachelors and masters of non-language universities

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    At the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of National Research Tomsk State University, annually for twenty years a scientific and practical student conference is held. The main purpose of this conference is to provide an opportunity for future specialists to implement the skills and abilities of practical language skills in situations of foreign language professional and scientific communication, namely to make reports in a foreign language, to discuss topics related to the scientific work of the conference participants. Teachers of the department of the English language of natural science and physics and mathematics faculties take an active part in organizing the conference; prepare bachelors and masters for presentation with reports in English. The article considers the method of training bachelors and masters to speak with their project in English at a research and practical conference in a non-language university and the role of the English language teacher in the developing of skills of speech at the conference at each stage of preparation. Many years method of preparing students to speak at a research and practical conference in a foreign language (English) at this Institute shows positive results. Students adequately present their scientific reports, showing a confident knowledge of English as a means of professional communication, thereby increasing the motivation for further improvement of English language for professional purposes


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    The solution of the problems facing the modern Russian society largely depends on the beliefs, expectations, values and attitudes of people that determine their attitude to innovation, content, effectiveness and efficiency of various activities. Social adaptation (active inclusion in the social environment) of the individual assumes as a necessary condition the achievement of a certain level of social competence. The modern social environment has a significant impact on the process of personality formation, causing certain contradictions: on the one hand, socio-cultural modernization necessitates a new approach to the problem of social self-realization of the individual, requiring increased human activity as a subject of social life, taking responsibility for their activities and behavior, but, on the other hand, the instability of modern society increases the natural difficulties of growing up; the situation of uncertainty leads to deformation of personal development, disadaptation in society. Modernization of the education system has led to changes in the content, forms, methods and technologies of education, in connection with which there was a need to assess the results of the functioning of the education system. Analyzing the quality of a modern specialist training, researchers increasingly began to turn to the competencies formed during studying, among which an important place is occupied by social competence, estimated as the most important indicator of professional competence of a specialist in general, and in particular, in the field of economic, labor, social relations.A solução dos problemas enfrentados pela sociedade russa moderna depende em grande parte das crenças, expectativas, valores e atitudes das pessoas que determinam sua atitude em relação à inovação, conteúdo, eficácia e eficiência de várias atividades. A adaptação social (inclusão ativa no ambiente social) do indivíduo assume como condição necessária a conquista de um certo nível de competência social. O ambiente social moderno tem um impacto significativo no processo de formação da personalidade, causando certas contradições: por um lado, a modernização sociocultural requer uma nova abordagem para o problema da auto- realização social do indivíduo, exigindo maior atividade humana como sujeito da vida social, assumindo a responsabilidade por suas atividades e comportamentos, mas, por outro lado, a instabilidade da sociedade moderna aumenta as dificuldades naturais de crescer; a situação de incerteza leva à deformação do desenvolvimento pessoal, à desadaptação na sociedade. A modernização do sistema educacional levou a mudanças no conteúdo, formas, métodos e tecnologias da educação, em relação às quais havia a necessidade de avaliar os resultados do funcionamento do sistema educacional. Analisando a qualidade de um treinamento especializado moderno, os pesquisadores começaram a recorrer cada vez mais às competências formadas durante o estudo, entre as quais um lugar importante é ocupado pela competência social, estimado como o indicador mais importante da competência profissional de um especialista em geral e, em particular, , no campo das relações econômicas, trabalhistas e sociais.La solución de los problemas que enfrenta la sociedad rusa moderna depende en gran medida de las creencias, expectativas, valores y actitudes de las personas que determinan su actitud hacia la innovación, el contenido, la efectividad y la eficiencia de diversas actividades. La adaptación social (inclusión activa en el entorno social) del individuo supone como condición necesaria el logro de un cierto nivel de competencia social. El entorno social moderno tiene un impacto significativo en el proceso de formación de la personalidad, causando ciertas contradicciones: por un lado, la modernización sociocultural requiere un nuevo enfoque del problema de la autorrealización social del individuo, que requiere una mayor actividad humana como un sujeto de la vida social, asumiendo la responsabilidad de sus actividades y comportamiento, pero, por otro lado, la inestabilidad de la sociedad moderna aumenta las dificultades naturales de crecer; La situación de incertidumbre conduce a la deformación del desarrollo personal, la desadaptación en la sociedad. La modernización del sistema educativo ha llevado a cambios en el contenido, las formas, los métodos y las tecnologías de la educación, en relación con lo cual era necesario evaluar los resultados del funcionamiento del sistema educativo. Analizando la calidad de una formación especializada moderna, los investigadores comenzaron a recurrir cada vez más a las competencias formadas durante el estudio, entre las cuales un lugar importante está ocupado por la competencia social, estimado como el indicador más importante de la competencia profesional de un especialista en general, y en particular , en el campo de las relaciones económicas, laborales, sociales


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    In the present paper shows the analysis of the available data on levels of concentrations and aggregative transfer factors (TFag) of 137Cs from soil to different species of mushrooms growing in the contaminated areas of the Bryansk region, which is used to improve predictive models for estimation the expected levels and the expected values of TFag and planning of further research.В представленной  статье показан анализ имеющегося массива данных по уровням содержания и коэффициентам перехода (КП) 137Cs из почвы в грибы разных видов, произрастающих на загрязненных территориях Брянской области, который используется для уточнения параметров прогностической модели оценки ожидаемых уровней и ожидаемых значений КП, а также разработки плана дальнейшего исследования

    Исследование биологически активных веществ Atragene speciosa Weinm.

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    From the overground part of Atragene speciosa Weinm. family Ranunculaceae, we obtained a fraction possessing a marked nootropic effect from which 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol-2, its 2-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, and a sum of glycosides of dihydroxybutane acid were isolated. In addition to the foregoing substances, in the pharmacologically active fraction we revealed the presence of triterpene glycosides (whose sapogenins are hederagenine and oleanolic acid), aminoacids and microelements. For the frist time the obtained data about the biologically active substances and their pharmacological activity give us the possibility of development of a new phytopreparation with the nootropic effect on the basis of Atragene speciose Weinm.Из надземной части княжика сибирского Atragene speciosa Weinm. сем. Ranunculaceae получена фракция, обладающая выраженным ноотропным эффектом, из которой выделены 3,4-дигидроксифенилэтанол-2 и его 2-О-β-D-глюкопиранозид, а также сумма гликозидов дигидроксибутановой кислоты. В фармакологически активной фракции выявлено содержание, кроме указанных веществ, тритерпеновых гликозидов (сапогенинами которых являются хедерагенин и олеаноловая кислота), аминокислот и микроэлементов. Впервые полученные нами данные о биологически активных веществах и их фармакологической активности дают возможность создания нового фитопрепарата ноотропного действия на основе княжика сибирского