1,181 research outputs found


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    Human interaction with automation is a complex process that requires both skilled operators and complex system designs to effectively enhance overall performance. Although automation has successfully managed complex systems throughout the world for over half a century, inappropriate reliance on automation can still occur, such as the recent malfunction in Tesla autopilot mechanisms that resulted in a fatality. Research has shown that trust, as an intervening variable, is critical to the development of appropriate reliance on automated systems. Because automation inevitably involves uncertainty, trust in automation is related to a calibration between a user’s expectations and the capabilities of automation. Prior studies suggest that trust is dynamic and influenced by both endogenous (e.g., cultural diversity) and exogenous (e.g., system reliability) variables. To determine how cultural factors affect various aspects of trust in and reliance on automation, the present research has developed a cross-cultural trust questionnaire and an air traffic control simulator that incorporates a variety of scenarios identified from a review of relevant literature. The measures and tasks have been validated by a crowdsourcing system (Amazon Mechanical Turk), as well as through experimental studies conducted in the U.S., Turkey, and Taiwan, with approximately 1000 participants. The results indicate that the developed trust instrument can effectively measure human trust in automation across cultures. The findings reveal substantial cultural differences in human trust in automation, which have a significant impact on the design, implementation, and evaluation of automated systems to make them more trustworthy in determining the appropriate trust calibration for optimized reliance across cultures

    Evaluation of Music Performance: Computerized Assessment Versus Human Judges.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    The Research of Early Childhood Art Education in Taiwan

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    In general, the research of early childhood art education has its importance. For this reason, research into early childhood art education in Taiwan has been emphasized by scholars, in the hope that preschool teachers can better understand the early childhood art education. By reading, analyzing and discussing related studies, this paper aims to explore the research of early childhood art education in Taiwan. Hopefully, such an exploration can help teachers understand concepts related to early childhood art education, and most importantly develop an excellent praxis of early childhood art education. After reading, analyzing and discussing related studies, the research issues of early childhood art education in Taiwan we identified are as follows: (1) young children’s art making processes, (2) the practice of implementing an aesthetic thematic curriculum, (3) the development of learning indicators of the aesthetic domain for kindergarten curriculum in Taiwan, (4) the teaching principles of aesthetic education in early childhood, (5) multicultural art education for children, (6) investigation of art education in kindergartens, (7) children’s art learning with parents, (8) making use of picture books to design a suitable art integrated curriculum for children, (9) teaching art appreciation in kindergarten, (10) employee retention and collaboration with art institutions on early childhood education, (11) integrating mangrove environmental education into art teaching for young children, and (12) the progress of implementing aesthetic feelings by integrating a community based viewpoint

    The Impact of Indirect Compensation on Employee performance: an Overview

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    "If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it you almost don't have to manage them."(Jack Welch).Compensation management is one of the most important elements of personnel management. It includes economic rewards in shape of wages and salaries as well as in different forms of non-wage economic payment known as fringe benefits, indirect compensation or supplementary pay. The subject of Compensation and for that matter Indirect Compensation is of great importance because it affects the wellbeing of the individuals in the concerned organizations. According (Tsai, Yu, & Shih-Yi, 2005), Indirect compensation helps organizations to attract and retain highly competitive employees which are seen as strategic resources in getting competitive advantage. Therefore, this research work has been done to look at the impact of Indirect Compensation on the performance of employees. Organizations should pay the necessary attention to the Indirect Compensation, as this will help to boost the morale of employees which will in turn result in higher productivity. Keywords: Compensation, Benefits, Performance, Indirect, Managemen

    Employer learning and statistical discrimination in the Canadian labour market

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    Statistical discrimination is frequently applied to illustrate different economic opportunities among equally able individuals. We use statistics from 1994, the second wave of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, to analyze the income received from paid work jobs as the measure of an individual’s economic opportunity. At the same time, Heckman’s two-stage procedure is performed to account for possible bias that arises from estimating with only a pool of paid workers. We are interested in testing the following hypotheses: whether employers statistically discriminate among potential workers on the basis of education and immigration status if they have limited information about those workers and whether they learn to revise their judgments as new information is obtained. The results confirm the employer learning and statistical discrimination based on years of schooling hypotheses for the Canadian labour market. The labour market returns to initially unobservable characteristic increases with time spend in the labour market. In addition, wage becomes less related to education that employers initially use to infer an individual’s productivity. On the other hand, immigration status is not very informative about the productivity of a worker and the results do not support the hypothesis of statistical discrimination on the basis of immigration status. This paper points out the challenges faced by traditional labour market policies in a world of statistical discrimination and employer learning

    Internationalization in Higher Education – International Student’s Chinese Learning as Serious Leisure in Taiwan

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    Due to the economic and commercial rise of China, the economic value, political value, and instrumental advantages produced by Chinese have become more significant. The fever for learning Chinese continues to intensify all over the world, and Chinese instruction has become increasingly popular. Taiwan is a country with Chinese as its official language; and an important issue rose in international educational policy is how to attract international students to study Chinese in Taiwan. At the same time, Taiwan has promoted the internationalization of universities in the recent years; it hopes to elevate the visibility of its universities on the international stage, and intends to broaden diplomacy and promote economic development. This study found that international students who came to Taiwan to learn Chinese tended to be Asians. The different original residence locations of international students would significantly affect learning Chinese as serious leisure. International students who rented apartments with others off-campus or who chose home-stays had greater life planning, effort in Chinese learning, continuous benefits from Chinese learning, and a sense of community identification with their learning peers, as compared to international students who lived in school dormitories or lived alone off-campus. International students who had mor e disposable income each month were more likely to gain lasting benefits from Chinese learning and strong community identification with their learning peers. Key words: International education; International students; Chinese learning; Language learning as serious leisure ResumĂ©: En raison de l'essor Ă©conomique et commercial de la Chine, la valeur Ă©conomique, la valeur politique et les avantages instrumentaux produits par les Chinois sont devenus plus importants. L'enthouiasme pour apprendre le chinois continue de s'intensifier dans le monde entier, et l'enseignement du chinois est devenu de plus en plus populaire. La langue officielle de Taiwan est le chinois, et l'une des questions importantes dans la politique Ă©ducative internationale est de savoir comment attirer des Ă©tudiants Ă©trangers Ă  Ă©tudier le chinois Ă  Taiwan. En mĂȘme temps, Taiwan a favorisĂ© l'internationalisation des universitĂ©s dans les annĂ©es rĂ©centes. Il espĂšre rehausser la visibilitĂ© de ses universitĂ©s sur la scĂšne internationale et il a l'intention d'Ă©largir la diplomatie et promouvoir le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique. Cette Ă©tude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les Ă©tudiants Ă©trangers qui sont venus Ă  Taiwan pour apprendre le chinois sont plutĂŽt des Asiatiques. Les localisations diffĂ©rentes de rĂ©sidence originale des Ă©tudiants Ă©trangers auraient une influence significative sur leur apprentissage du chinois en tant que loisir sĂ©rieux. Les Ă©tudiants Ă©trangers qui ont louĂ© des appartements avec d'autres Ă©tudiants en dehors du campus ou ceux qui ont choisi une famille d'acceuil avaient une planification de vie plus longue et un effort d'apprendre le Chinois plus grand. Ils bĂ©nĂ©ficiaient des avantages continus de l'apprentissage du chinois et avaient un sentiment d'identification de communautĂ© avec leurs partenaires de l'apprentissage, par rapport aux Ă©tudiants Ă©trangers qui vivaient dans les dortoirs scolaires ou vivaient seuls en dehors du campus. Les Ă©tudiants Ă©trangers qui avaient un revenu disponible plus Ă©levĂ© chaque mois Ă©taient plus susceptibles d'obtenir des avantages durables de l'apprentissage du chinois et avaient une identification forte de communautĂ© avec leurs partenaire de l'apprentissage. Mots-clĂ©s: Ă©ducation internationale; Ă©tudiants internationaux; apprentissage du chinois; apprentissage de langue en tant que loisir sĂ©rieu

    Team Transformational Leadership, Trust, Satisfaction, And Commitment: The Testing Of A Structural Equation Model In Software Development Teams

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    This paper studied the relationship among team transformational leadership, team trust, job satisfaction, and team commitment of the team members in software development teams in the United States of America. A total of 5,375 surveys were distributed and only 69 respondents completed the online survey. Based upon 65 validated respondents, this study conducted a confirmatory factor analysis and evaluated the direct and indirect weights of path coefficients among the latent variables at 5% level of significance. The results using path analysis indicate that team transformational leadership is strongly positively related to team empowerment (r= .86, p= .00) and team trust (r= .82, p= .00) in software development teams while team empowerment (r= .27, p=. 55) and team trust (r= .29, p= .55) are not related to job satisfaction in software development teams. There is a slight positive relationship between team job satisfaction and the team commitment (r= .18, p= .04)


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    The market for local and organic food is still a niche market in Hungary. Both offer consumers an alternative to the anonymous, globalized food supply chain. Yet local food and organic food seem to be overlapping and to some degree competing food concepts. The main focus is to explore the perception of Hungarian consumers towards local and organic food, using results from one research. We chose quantitative research as a method and carried out random interviews on a nationwide representative sample of 1000 respondents. Food of organic origin is considered somewhat important for 4 out of 10 respondents (38.9%), while the majority (59.8%) is neutral towards this aspect of products. At the same time, in the case of local products, origin is partially or wholly important for as much as 72.9% of the interviewees. We found it very important that 92.5% of respondents prefer to buy local foods versus imported foods (if sold at the same price), whereas the number drops to 81.3% in the case of organic foods. Our research reveals that the production and sales of local and organic foods is of very high (strategic) importance in our country as reflected in consumer needs. To that end producers, processors, traders and NGOs – in collaboration – need to create a quality product base, and a sales strategy that needs to be well communicated and reflect special characteristics

    Understanding creative design processes by integrating sketching and CAD modelling design environments: a preliminary protocol result from architectural designers

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    This paper presents the results of a preliminary protocol study of the cognitive behaviour of architectural designers during the design process. The aim is to better understand the similarities and differences in cognitive behaviour using Sequential Mixed Media (SMM) and Alternative Mixed Media (AMM) approaches, and how switching between media may impact on design processes. Two participants with at least one-year’s professional design experience and a Bachelor of Design degree, and competence in both sketching and computer-aid design (CAD) modelling participated in the study. Video recordings of participants working on different projects were coded using the Function-Behaviour-Structure (FBS) coding scheme. Participants were also interviewed and their explanations about their switching behaviours were categorised into three types: S→C, S/Câ†čR and C→S. Preliminary results indicate that switching between media may influence how designers identify problems and develop solutions. In particular, two design issues were identified.  These relate to the FBS coding scheme, where structure (S) and behaviour derived from structure (Bs), change to documentation (D) after switching from sketching to CAD modelling (S→C). These switches make it possible for designers to integrate both approaches into one design medium and facilitate their design processes in AMM design environments
