6,629 research outputs found

    An Accreting Black Hole in the Nuclear Star Cluster of the Bulgeless Galaxy NGC 1042

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    We present spectroscopic evidence for a low-luminosity, low-excitation active galactic nucleus (AGN) in NGC 1042, powered by an intermediate-mass black hole. These findings are significant in that the AGN is coincident with a compact star cluster known to reside in the nucleus, thus providing an example where the two types of central mass concentration coexist. The existence of a central black hole is additionally remarkable in that NGC 1042 lacks a stellar bulge. Objects such as NGC 1042 may have an important role in testing theories for the genesis of massive black holes in galaxy nuclei, and the extent to which they are in symbiosis with the larger stellar host.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Oxide-apertured microcavity single-photon emitting diode

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    We have developed a microcavity single-photon source based on a single quantum dot within a planar cavity in which wet-oxidation of a high-aluminium content layer provides lateral confinement of both the photonic mode and the injection current. Lateral confinement of the optical mode in optically pumped structures produces a strong enhancement of the radiative decay rate. Using microcavity structures with doped contact layers, we demonstrate a single-photon emitting diode where current may be injected into a single dot

    Relative entropy via non-sequential recursive pair substitutions

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    The entropy of an ergodic source is the limit of properly rescaled 1-block entropies of sources obtained applying successive non-sequential recursive pairs substitutions (see P. Grassberger 2002 ArXiv:physics/0207023 and D. Benedetto, E. Caglioti and D. Gabrielli 2006 Jour. Stat. Mech. Theo. Exp. 09 doi:10.1088/1742.-5468/2006/09/P09011). In this paper we prove that the cross entropy and the Kullback-Leibler divergence can be obtained in a similar way.Comment: 13 pages , 2 figure

    Facet recovery and light emission from GaN/InGaN/GaN core-shell structures grown by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy on etched GaN nanorod arrays

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    The use of etched nanorods from a planar template as a growth scaffold for a highly regular GaN/InGaN/GaN core-shell structure is demonstrated. The recovery of m-plane non-polar facets from etched high-aspect-ratio GaN nanorods is studied with and without the introduction of a hydrogen silsesquioxane passivation layer at the bottom of the etched nanorod arrays. This layer successfully prevented c-plane growth between the nanorods, resulting in vertical nanorod sidewalls (∌89.8°) and a more regular height distribution than re-growth on unpassivated nanorods. The height variation on passivated nanorods is solely determined by the uniformity of nanorod diameter, which degrades with increased growth duration. Facet-dependent indium incorporation of GaN/InGaN/GaN core-shell layers regrown onto the etched nanorods is observed by high-resolution cathodoluminescence imaging. Sharp features corresponding to diffracted wave-guide modes in angle-resolved photoluminescence measurements are evidence of the uniformity of the full core-shell structure grown on ordered etched nanorods

    The Extraordinary Abundances of QSO Broad Absorption Line Regions: A Matter of Novae?

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    The broad absorption lines (BALs) of QSOs indicate abundances of heavy elements, relative to hydrogen, that are 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than the solar values. In at least one QSO, an especially large enhancement of phosphorus is observed. These abundances resemble those in Galactic novae, and this suggests that novae may produce the BAL gas. The needed rate of nova outbursts may come from single white dwarfs that accrete gas as they pass through a supermassive accretion disk around a central black hole.Comment: 9 pages including 1 Postscript figure. Uses aaspp4.sty and flushrt.sty. Uuencoded, gzipped tarfile. To appear in Astrophys. J. (Letters), 1996 April 1

    The Nature of Associated Absorption and the UV-X-ray Connection in 3C 288.1

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    We discuss new Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of the radio-loud quasar, 3C 288.1. The data cover ~590 A to ~1610 A in the quasar rest frame. They reveal a wealth of associated absorption lines (AALs) with no accompanying Lyman-limit absorption. The metallic AALs range in ionization from C III and N III to Ne VIII and Mg X. We use these data and photoionization models to derive the following properties of the AAL gas: 1) There are multiple ionization zones within the AAL region, spanning a factor of at least ~50 in ionization parameter. 2) The overall ionization is consistent with the ``warm'' X-ray continuum absorbers measured in Seyfert 1 nuclei and other QSOs. However, 3) the column densities implied by the AALs in 3C 288.1 are too low to produce significant bound-free absorption at any UV-X-ray wavelengths. Substantial X-ray absorption would require yet another zone, having a much higher ionization or a much lower velocity dispersion than the main AAL region. 4) The total hydrogen column density in the AAL gas is log N_H (cm-2)= 20.2. 5) The metallicity is roughly half solar. 6) The AALs have deconvolved widths of ~900 km/s and their centroids are consistent with no shift from the quasar systemic velocity (conservatively within +/-1000 km/s). 7) There are no direct indicators of the absorber's location in our data, but the high ionization and high metallicity both suggest a close physical relationship to the quasar/host galaxy environment. Finally, the UV continuum shape gives no indication of a ``blue bump'' at higher energies. There is a distinct break of unknown origin at ~1030 A, and the decline toward higher energies (with spectral index alpha = -1.73, for f_nu ~ nu^alpha) is even steeper than a single power-law interpolation from 1030 A to soft X-rays.Comment: 27 pages with figures and tables, in press with Ap
