9 research outputs found

    Problems and prospects of human capital development in modern Russia

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    Purpose: In the context of dynamically changing modern labor market there is a need to develop a model of congruence and correlation of the process of building professional competencies provided by educational standards. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was performed using monographic, abstract logical, sociological and statistical methods. However, this approach does not imply the formation of supra-professional competencies, which generally predetermine the success of professional tasks performed by a specialist. Findings: The article discusses the role of human capital as a fundamental factor affecting the increase in the competitiveness of production. Practical implications: The study focusses on the most demanded competencies for the development of digital society. The authors have grouped countries by level of human capital use. Originality/Value: At present, the appropriate parameters for measuring professional and general cultural competencies have been adopted as a system for assessing the quality of education in general and the quality of specialist training.peer-reviewe

    Ecological and economic potential and prospects for organic production in the regions of Russia

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    Purpose: The article assesses the ecological and economic potential of organic production in the regions of Russia and substantiates the prospects for the regions’ production activity. Design: Assessment of the resource potential of the Russian regions in the direction of the development of organic agriculture, the substantiation of the effectiveness of new areas of activity for the Russian agrarian economy. Findings: The increase in agricultural and food production in excess of regulatory needs in order to ensure food security in Russia has led to the expansion of agricultural exports as well as to a change of the agro-industrial complex development vector from import substitution to export-oriented production. Practical implications: Environmental problems of agriculture are identified, mechanisms for their solution are justified. Based on the environmental and economic assessment, the most promising agrarian regions were selected as potential producers of organic products. Originality: The article substantiates ecological, economic and resource potential, shows the potential of the producers of the Russian regions in the production of organic products, the development of organic agriculture and the use of bio-intensive agricultural technologies.peer-reviewe

    Formation, accumulation and development of human capital in the modern conditions

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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to identify trends in the formation of human capital. Design/Methodology/Approach: The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of labor economics, human capital and management. Historical, statistical, economic and social sources of information were used to approach the subject under modern conditions. Findings: It was revealed that in the rural and urban areas the reproduction of human resources is carried out at various rates. The demographic factors influencing the reproduction of labor resources in the Russian Federation were analyzed. Practical implications: The authors substantiated the conclusions that the existence of problems in the development of rural territories is the result of the insufficient effectiveness of the measures taken by state authorities in the agrarian sphere. Originality/Value: Recommendations were made to improve the efficiency of social and economic policy in rural areas, including an increase in government subsidies to social infrastructure facilities, including feldsher-obstetric items, objects of pre-school and school education and culture.peer-reviewe

    The influence of the car sharing market on the development of ground transport in metropolitan cities

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    © 2019, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services,cademy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania. All rights reserved. The objective of this research is the study of trends in car sharing development and its influence on the performance indicators of ground transport in Moscow (Russia). The main methods of research are a comparative analysis of the performance indicators of the transport system of Moscow and other metropolitan cities of the world, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the development indicators of car sharing in the capital. The results of the performed research have shown that profound transformations currently take place in the system of public transport in Moscow. In particular, since 2015 the innovation transport project of development of the car sharing services market has been implemented. It is aimed at reducing the number of private cars and increasing the mobility of ground city transport. The results of the two years of functioning of the car sharing market confirm the perspective of this type of services for improving the transportation comfort and mobility of the population of metropolitan cities. The main barriers for car sharing development are the limited transport infrastructure and persistent difficulties for fast movement of cars in the streets of the city, an insufficient number of cars of car sharing companies, high tariffs and their growth due to the increase in fuel prices

    The use of private start-ups in higher education

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    © BEIESP. Nowadays, education faces the problems that do not favor its further development. Modern conditions of educational system reformation lead to the growth of requirements to the level of specialists’ professional training. The main purpose of the research is to increase the quality and speed of learning through all the means that become available by virtue of digital environment. For this purpose, the experiment was conducted that involved 400 students. The participants of the experimental group were to distribute and fulfil project tasks. As a form of the students’ practical training, the work with startups has a range of specific features and advantages. First of all, it implies students’ involvement into a real project the results of which will depend on the quality of their training, their motivation, willingness to immerse into the field that is researched as deeply as possible, as well as on their interest to the subject of a project. The result of the project was an extensive work that included drafting a business plan. 60% of students used online startups as an assistance for planning the work, whereas 40% made it by themselves. It was discovered that 50% of students developed interesting business plans and widely described the ways of their usage, whereas 9% of students prepared the reports on the basis of their work and spoke at scientific-practical conferences. Besides, an experiment was carried out among the teachers. In order to check their non-standard ideas, 92 CVs of the workers who founded innovative startups, mainly in IT field, were gathered. In order to form a representative sample, we randomly selected entrepreneurs from the short-lists that were based on the search requests in Professionali.ru Web. The research showed that during training in the field of business management, a future founder can acquire enough skills in a form of explicit knowledge in a certain field. However, he will have to increase its level in order to transform his startup into a business project

    The use of private start-ups in higher education

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    © BEIESP. Nowadays, education faces the problems that do not favor its further development. Modern conditions of educational system reformation lead to the growth of requirements to the level of specialists’ professional training. The main purpose of the research is to increase the quality and speed of learning through all the means that become available by virtue of digital environment. For this purpose, the experiment was conducted that involved 400 students. The participants of the experimental group were to distribute and fulfil project tasks. As a form of the students’ practical training, the work with startups has a range of specific features and advantages. First of all, it implies students’ involvement into a real project the results of which will depend on the quality of their training, their motivation, willingness to immerse into the field that is researched as deeply as possible, as well as on their interest to the subject of a project. The result of the project was an extensive work that included drafting a business plan. 60% of students used online startups as an assistance for planning the work, whereas 40% made it by themselves. It was discovered that 50% of students developed interesting business plans and widely described the ways of their usage, whereas 9% of students prepared the reports on the basis of their work and spoke at scientific-practical conferences. Besides, an experiment was carried out among the teachers. In order to check their non-standard ideas, 92 CVs of the workers who founded innovative startups, mainly in IT field, were gathered. In order to form a representative sample, we randomly selected entrepreneurs from the short-lists that were based on the search requests in Professionali.ru Web. The research showed that during training in the field of business management, a future founder can acquire enough skills in a form of explicit knowledge in a certain field. However, he will have to increase its level in order to transform his startup into a business project

    Study of Future Teachers' Emotional Issues

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    This article addresses the adverse factors that affect teachers' emotional states. Literature review has shown that recent years have seen a shift in the study focus towards emotional intelligence, emotional competence, its components and development methods. Modern psychologists' lack of interest in the study of teachers' emotional issues has encouraged us to conduct an empirical study of emotional stability, trait and state anxiety as well as frustrators of teachers' basic needs. We have developed our own questionnaire to study the latter indicators. The study covering a selection of young teachers under 30 years of both sexes has allowed us to conclude that the major part of respondents feature emotional instability and are exposed to trait and state anxiety. We have also identified teachers' frustrators specific of educational work that hamper the maintenance of professional effect and performance

    Study of the Features of Family Education in the Process of Social Adaptation of a Child

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    The article reveals the features of family education as the most important factor in the child's social adaptation. The results of an empirical study of the influence of the characteristics of the parental attitude on individual indicators of the child's social adaptation are presented. Revealed the relationship between types of family education and the main components of social adaptation. The most influenced by the family are the parameters that reflect the child's interaction with other people, his emotional response to social situations, and the child's performance of the program of actions proposed by adults. It is noticed that the parental relationship can both facilitate and exacerbate the basic, psycho-physiological level of development of the child. Thus, certain neuropsychological features of children with cognitive and emotional-volitional (and behavioral) difficulties are identified