33 research outputs found

    Pyrolytic elimination of ethylene from ethoxyquinolines and ethoxyisoquinolines: a computational study

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    This work reports a thermo-kinetic study on unimolecular thermal decomposition of some ethoxyquinolines and ethoxyisoquinolines derivatives (1-ethoxyisoquinoline (1-EisoQ), 2-ethoxyquinoline (2-EQ), 3-ethoxyquinoline (3-EQ), 3-ethoxyisoquinoline (3-EisoQ), 4-ethoxyquinoline (4-EQ), 4-ethoxyisoquinoline (4-EisoQ), 5-ethoxyquinoline (5-EQ), 5-ethoxyisoquinoline (5-EisoQ), 8-ethoxyquinoline (8-EQ) and 8-ethoxyisoquinoline (8-EisoQ)) using density functional theory DFT (BMK, MPW1B95, M06-2X) and ab initio complete basis set-quadratic Becke3 (CBS-QB3) calculations. In the course of the decomposition of the investigated systems, ethylene is eliminated with the production of either keto or enol tautomer. The six-membered transition state structure encountered in the path of keto formation is much lower in energy than the four-membered transition state required to give enol form. Rate constants and activation energies for the decomposition of 1-EisoQ, 2-EQ, 3-EQ, 3-EisoQ, 4-EQ, 4-EisoQ, 5-EQ, 5-EisoQ, 8-EQ, and 8-EisoQ have been estimated at different temperatures and pressures using conventional transition state theory combined with Eckart tunneling and the unimolecular statistical Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel–Marcus theories. The tunneling correction is significant at temperatures up to 1000 K. Rate constants results reveal that ethylene elimination and keto production are favored kinetically and thermodynamically over the whole temperature range of 400–1200 K and the rates of the processes under study increase with the rising of pressure up to 1 atm.This paper is dedicated to the soul of the late Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Nahas, without whom this project would never have been possible.Scopu

    Metagenomic covariation along densely sampled environmental gradients in the Red Sea

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    Oceanic microbial diversity covaries with physicochemical parameters. Temperature, for example, explains approximately half of global variation in surface taxonomic abundance. It is unknown, however, whether covariation patterns hold over narrower parameter gradients and spatial scales, and extending to mesopelagic depths. We collected and sequenced 45 epipelagic and mesopelagic microbial metagenomes on a meridional transect through the eastern Red Sea. We asked which environmental parameters explain the most variation in relative abundances of taxonomic groups, gene ortholog groups, and pathways—at a spatial scale of <2000 km, along narrow but well-defined latitudinal and depth-dependent gradients. We also asked how microbes are adapted to gradients and extremes in irradiance, temperature, salinity, and nutrients, examining the responses of individual gene ortholog groups to these parameters. Functional and taxonomic metrics were equally well explained (75–79%) by environmental parameters. However, only functional and not taxonomic covariation patterns were conserved when comparing with an intruding water mass with different physicochemical properties. Temperature explained the most variation in each metric, followed by nitrate, chlorophyll, phosphate, and salinity. That nitrate explained more variation than phosphate suggested nitrogen limitation, consistent with low surface N:P ratios. Covariation of gene ortholog groups with environmental parameters revealed patterns of functional adaptation to the challenging Red Sea environment: high irradiance, temperature, salinity, and low nutrients. Nutrient-acquisition gene ortholog groups were anti-correlated with concentrations of their respective nutrient species, recapturing trends previously observed across much larger distances and environmental gradients. This dataset of metagenomic covariation along densely sampled environmental gradients includes online data exploration supplements, serving as a community resource for marine microbial ecology

    Vanadium Carbide (V4C3) MXene as an Efficient Anode for Li-Ion and Na-Ion Batteries

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    Li-ion batteries (LIBs) and Na-ion batteries (SIBs) are deemed green and efficient electrochemical energy storage and generation devices; meanwhile, acquiring a competent anode remains a serious challenge. Herein, the density-functional theory (DFT) was employed to investigate the performance of V4C3 MXene as an anode for LIBs and SIBs. The results predict the outstanding electrical conductivity when Li/Na is loaded on V4C3. Both Li2xV4C3 and Na2xV4C3 (x = 0.125, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2) showed expected low-average open-circuit voltages of 0.38 V and 0.14 V, respectively, along with a good Li/Na storage capacity of (223 mAhg?1) and a good cycling performance. Furthermore, there was a low diffusion barrier of 0.048 eV for Li0.0625V4C3 and 0.023 eV for Na0.0625V4C3, implying the prompt intercalation/extraction of Li/Na. Based on the findings of the current study, V4C3-based materials may be utilized as an anode for Li/Na-ion batteries in future applications. 2022 by the authors.This work was financially funded by the authors express their gratitude for the support of the Researchers Supporting Project Number (RSP-2021/267) King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This work is also supported by Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department (No. 21B0637).Scopu

    Hydrogen bond coupling in sodium dihydrogen triacetate

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    The coupling of hydrogen bonds is central to structures and functions of biological systems. Hydrogen bond coupling in sodium dihydrogen triacetate (SDHTA) is investigated as a model for the hydrogen bonded systems of the type O-H...O. The twodimensional potential energy surface is derived from the full-dimensional one by selecting the relevant vibrational modes of the hydrogen bonds. The potential energy surfaces in terms of normal modes describing the anharmonic motion in the vicinity of the equilibrium geometry of SDHTA are calculated for the different species, namely, HH, HD, DH, and DD isotopomers. The ground state wave functions and their relation to the hydrogen bond structural parameters are discussed. It has been found that the hydrogen bonds in SDHTA are uncoupled, that is elongation of the deuterated hydrogen bond does not affect the non-deuterated one.Scopu

    High-dimensional exciton-vibrational wave-packet dynamics in the FMO complex. influence of site-specific spectral densities

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    The correlated exciton-vibrational dynamics of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex is studied using Multi-layer Multi-configuration Time-dependent Hartree (ML-MCTDH) wavepacket propagation. Exciton populations and coherences are shown to be sensitive to the details of the spectral density

    High-dimensional exciton-vibrational wave-packet dynamics in the FMO complex. influence of site-specific spectral densities

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    The correlated exciton-vibrational dynamics of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex is studied using Multi-layer Multi-configuration Time-dependent Hartree (ML-MCTDH) wavepacket propagation. Exciton populations and coherences are shown to be sensitive to the details of the spectral density

    Multilayer-MCTDH approach to the energy transfer dynamics in the LH2 antenna complex

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    The multilayer multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree method is used to study the coupled exciton–vibrational dynamics in a high-dimensional nonameric model of the LH2 antenna complex of purple bacteria. The exciton–vibrational coupling is parametrized within the Huang–Rhys model according to phonon and intramolecular vibrational modes derived from an experimental bacteriochlorophyll spectral density. In contrast to reduced density matrix approaches, the Schrödinger equation is solved explicitly, giving access to the full wave function. This facilitates an unbiased analysis in terms of the coupled dynamics of excitonic and vibrational degrees of freedom. For the present system, we identify spectator modes for the B800 to B800 transfer and we find a non-additive effect of phonon and intramolecular vibrational modes on the B800 to B850 exciton transfer.This work was made possible by NPRP grant #NPRP 7-227-1-034 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors. We are grateful to M Schröter for helpful comments on the manuscript.Scopu

    Lignin and lignocellulosic materials: A glance on the current opportunities for energy and sustainability

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    Fossil fuels are running out fast. The energy demand is one of the largest challenges humankind has ever faced. Applications targeting renewable resources that are nonpetroleum based are booming. The scientific community is now ever more dedicated to the production of sustainable, green, and bio-based materials. Biomasses have started to realize their potential as a renewable energy source! This sentence is becoming a truth, especially if we know that out of the 2TW energy coming from renewable energy sources and which represent only 21% of the actual current needs, biomasses contribute to more than 70% compared to around 30% from hydropower. Yet, most of the biomass is in the form of fuelwood as well as agricultural and animal wastes. Approximately 70 x 106 tons of lignin are produced in the pulping procedure and only ~2% of this enormous amount is reused! The fate of the rest is either a low-grade fuel or thrust aside as waste. With a high content of functional groups (especially hydroxyl moieties either aliphatic or aromatic) and an elevated carbon content, lignin retains the "considered necessary" properties for energy storage and energy reservation applications. These properties include, for example, liability for chemical modification and thermal stability. Moreover, lignin is of low cost, widely available from different plant sources, promising renewability, biodegradable, and biocompatible with relevant antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. A combination of these properties in one source has opened realms of applications in the fields of material sciences as well as in the associated fields, for example, biology and medicine as readers will see throughout the chapter. To that point, the authors are focusing on lignin in the production of biofuels, polymer-based materials, lignin as a carbon precursor for environmental and catalytic applications, and micro- and nanoscale applications.Scopu