42 research outputs found

    The Specificity of Personal Data Protection in Children's Educational Institutions

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    The article discusses personal data protecting features of children in educational institutions, describes the main elements of student’s personal data protecting procedure.В статье рассматривается специфика защиты личных данных детей в образовательных организациях, дана характеристика основным элементам процедуры защиты персональных данных обучающихся

    Natural-scientific approaches to health promotional activities forming in russian educational establishments = Természettudományos megközelítések az egészségfejlesztő tevékenységekben az oroszországi nevelési intézményekben

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    The analysis of medical-biological and psychological-pedagogical literature is very important on solving the problem and look for further health promotional activities for develop the health status of growing generation. Aim: The aim was to examine the changing in students’ health status in two primary school in Chelyabinsk, Russia. It was analysed, that “Who is responsible for schoolchildren’s state of health?” and “What can we have to do if the health situation doesn’t really improve?”. Results: Children were classified to four health categories (in 2010, 2012, and 2014) according to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 60 of 1995. The differences were determined by Student’s t-test (p<.05). The results show increase of schoolchildren, having IIIrd health group to finishing school. Summary: The best influencing factors in students’ health status is the family and school staff. The healthy lifestyle taking account to the specific character of current situation

    Neurosychological Features of Students in the Ural Region

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    The aim of the study is to assess the level of infraslow brain biopotentials and identify the personality structure in students of various universities in the Ural region. To identify the individual-typological characteristics of students’ personality, we used a battery of psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at studying the structure of personality: diagnostics of activity, motivation, self-regulation. The psychophysiological state of the central nervous system of students was assessed by indicators of the level of constant potential. The results allow us to conclude that the indicators of the energy metabolism of the brain can serve as reliable indicators of the precursors of the states of fatigue of students and the basis for organizing preventive measures to optimize the adaptive capabilities of the organism.Представлено исследование оценки уровня сверхмедленных биопотенциалов головного мозга и особенностей структуры личности у студентов различных вузов Уральского региона. Для выявления индивидуально-типологических характеристик личности студентов использовалась батарея психодиагностических методик, направленных на изучение структуры личности: диагностика активности, мотивации, саморегуляции. Психофизиологическое состояние ЦНС студентов оценивалось по показателям уровня постоянного потенциала. Результаты позволяют заключить, что показатели энергетического метаболизма головного мозга могут служить надежными индикаторами-предшественниками состояний переутомления обучающихся и основанием для организации профилактических мер по оптимизации адаптационных возможностей организма

    Educational Comic as a Media Education Tool for Students' Perception of New Knowledge

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    В данной статье рассматривается проблема восприятия учебной информации. Авторы исходили из гипотезы о том, что современные учащиеся, живущие в эпоху цифровых технологий, предпочитают визуальную информацию текстовым документам. Авторский коллектив тщательно проанализировал идеи современных российских и зарубежных ученых, исследующих проблему эффективности визуальной передачи учебного материала, а также проблему потребности Z-поколения в невербальных средствах коммуникации, таких как: схемы, интеллект-карты, комиксы.This article discusses the problem of perception of educational information. The authors proceeded from the hypothesis that modern students living in the digital age prefer visual information over text documents. The team of authors carefully analyzed the ideas of modern Russian and foreign scientists who are exploring the problem of the effectiveness of the visual transmission of educational material, as well as the problem of the Z-generation’s need for non-verbal communication means, such as: diagrams, mind maps, comics


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    After the 2014 European Parliament elections the voices of Eurosceptic forces have become increasingly louder, with their activity beginning to have direct infl uence on the EU politics, which can be proved by the results of the 23rd June UK’s EU referendum. Consequently, the interpretation of the term “Euroscepticism” and its typology is of a particular interest in the academic world. This article compares such varieties of Euroscepticism as “ideological” and “strategic”. Basing on the defi nitions, given by N. Sitter, P. Kopecky and C. Mudde, the author analyses the policies of the United Kingdom Independence Party and the Italian “Five Star Movement”. While both parties, calling for the withdrawal from the EU and the Eurozone respectively, and being members of the same European Parliament political group (Europe for Freedom and Direct Democracy) are considered anti-EU forces, Euroscepticism is not playing the same role in their policies. This can be explained by different historic attitude of the British and the Italians towards the European integration as well as different problems which the countries have to face being the EU members. Through examining the process of the parties’ institutionalization, their structure, and analyzing their initial aims, election programs, party leaders’ speeches and voting tactics in the European Parliament the author consistently proves that while in case of UKIP Euroscepticism is ideological and completely defi nes the party policy, in case of M5S it is purely strategic and aimed at attracting the electorate

    Emergence and evolution of euroscepticism as a political phenomenon in Italy

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    The article covers the main phases of the evolution of Eurosceptic sentiments in Italy since the very beginning of the country’s participation in the European integration. Although the current state of Euroscepticism is being much examined and discussed in academic circles, until now Russian political science has paid little attention to the analysis of the roots, sources and transformation of Eurosceptic ideas and examination of their main supporters in the historical perspective, especially when dealing with traditionally Europhile states such as Italy. The research is exploratory and its purpose is to trace back the history of the diffusion of Eurosceptic ideas, examine the main reasons for their rise and find the differences and similarities in the party-based Euroscepticism of the First and Second Republic. The author applies a historical method which traces the emergence and evolution of Euroscepticism as a political and social phenomenon in both political circles and society. Besides, the author makes use of comparative analysis in order to distinguish ideological Euroscepticism from strategic one. As a result of the research the author draws a number of important conclusions. Firstly, Euroscepticism as a political phenomenon in Italy dates back as far as the early 1950s, when Italy made a choice in favor of Atlantic and, therefore, European bloc. Secondly, the main advocates of Eurosceptic ideas during the First Republic were Italian communists and socialists whose Euroscepticism was ideological. Thirdly, the end of the First Republic paved the way for new parties which managed to make use of strategic Euroscepticism in order to woo the electorate. Finally, among the main reasons that contributed to the Italians’ disappointment with the EU there are the deepening of integration and at least two serious crises: the financial and the migration one. As for the practical relevance of the paper, its conclusions can be used in order to understand and explain similar processes in other EU member states, forecast further fate of Euroscepticism in Italy and build up relationship between Russian and Italian political parties if common interests are found

    Contemporary Euroscepticism as a Challenge to European Solidarity

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    The article analyses the influence of Eurosceptic sentiments on the level of solidarity among European Union member states. At the outset of the integration project construction the advantage of the Old Continent unification after being destroyed by the Second World War was apparent. However, with the European Union transformation and the emergence of new challenges, Eurosceptic voices are becoming louder and an increasing number of states start to question the efficiency of supranational institutions and choose to take measures on their own. The main trigger of the rise of Euroscepticism in the new millennium was the financial crisis with austerity measures and citizens' frustration with their low standard of living following. Without taking into consideration the results of the European Parliament Elections 2014, which proved the reinforcement of Eurosceptics, Brussels continued to further develop the integration process. However, with the lapse of time it became clear that Eurosceptics despite being deprived of the right to vote at the supranational level, can implement its potential to influence the EU through their activity within their countries. As a result of their actions the EU is faced up with two serious challenges: Brexit and inability to cope with the migration crisis by common effort. By giving certain examples of the reaction of member states' governments on the migration crisis and illustrating how these actions depend on the extent of Euroscepticism popularity in the countries the author shows that currently the level of European solidarity has become so low that it allows to speak about the transformation of the EU economic crisis into a truly political one

    Expression Plane of English Idioms in Gender Semantics Studies

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    In recent years gender studies have become connected with language studies, because language reflects, records and transmits social, cultural and gender differences. Idioms in any language transfer underlying ideas, principles and values of this particular society or culture, so they are considered as the main source for gender studies in linguistics. This paper deals with corpus-based studies of English idioms with gender components. The authors analyze the expression plane of English idioms and give a model representation of English gender-marked idioms. The method of identification of key lexical items has been applied. As a result, the dominant gender lexical items in English gender-marked idioms have been identified and ranked on the basis of their frequency. The authors have also revealed the most/least common gender components and gender oppositions in English idioms

    Expression Plane of English Idioms in Gender Semantics Studies

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    In recent years gender studies have become connected with language studies, because language reflects, records and transmits social, cultural and gender differences. Idioms in any language transfer underlying ideas, principles and values of this particular society or culture, so they are considered as the main source for gender studies in linguistics. This paper deals with corpus-based studies of English idioms with gender components. The authors analyze the expression plane of English idioms and give a model representation of English gender-marked idioms. The method of identification of key lexical items has been applied. As a result, the dominant gender lexical items in English gender-marked idioms have been identified and ranked on the basis of their frequency. The authors have also revealed the most/least common gender components and gender oppositions in English idioms