55 research outputs found

    Chiral Bosonization of Superconformal Ghosts

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    We explain the difference of the Hilbert space of the superconformal ghosts (beta,gamma) system from that of its bosonized fields phi and chi. We calculate the chiral correlation functions of phi, chi fields by inserting appropriate projectors

    Mastering Complex Control in MOBA Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    We study the reinforcement learning problem of complex action control in the Multi-player Online Battle Arena (MOBA) 1v1 games. This problem involves far more complicated state and action spaces than those of traditional 1v1 games, such as Go and Atari series, which makes it very difficult to search any policies with human-level performance. In this paper, we present a deep reinforcement learning framework to tackle this problem from the perspectives of both system and algorithm. Our system is of low coupling and high scalability, which enables efficient explorations at large scale. Our algorithm includes several novel strategies, including control dependency decoupling, action mask, target attention, and dual-clip PPO, with which our proposed actor-critic network can be effectively trained in our system. Tested on the MOBA game Honor of Kings, our AI agent, called Tencent Solo, can defeat top professional human players in full 1v1 games.Comment: AAAI 202

    Stereodynamics Study of the Reaction of O(3P) with CH4 (v = 0, j = 0)

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    A new London-Eyring-Polanyi-Sato (LEPS) potential energy surface (PES) is used in the O + CH4 ā†’ OH + CH3 reaction via the quasiclassical trajectory method (QCT). Comparing with the experiments and the former ab initio calculations, the new LEPS PES describes the actual potential energy surface of the O + CH4 reaction successfully. The four polarization dependent ā€œgeneralizedā€ differential cross sections (PDDCS) are presented in the center of mass frame. In the meantime, the distribution of dihedral angle [P(Ļ†r), the distribution of angle between k and jā€² (P(Īør)] and the angular distribution of product rotational vectors in the form of polar plots in Īør and Ļ†r (P(Īør, Ļ†r) are calculated. The isotope effect for the reactions O + CD4 is also calculated. These results are in good agreement with the experiments

    icMRCI+Q Study of the Spectroscopic Properties of the 14 Ī›-S and 49 Ī© States of the SiNāˆ’ Anion in the Gas Phase

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    This paper calculates the potential energy curves of the 14 Ī›-S and 49 Ī© states, which come from the first three dissociation channels of the SiNāˆ’ anion. These calculations are conducted using the valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction and the Davidson correction approach. Core-valence correlation and scalar relativistic corrections are taken into account. The potential energies are extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. The spin-orbit coupling is computed using the state interaction approach with the Breitā€“Pauli Hamiltonian. We found that the X1Ī£+ (Ļ…ā€²ā€² = 0ā€“23) and a3Ī£+ (Ļ…ā€² = 0ā€“2) states of SiNāˆ’ are stable at the computed adiabatic electron affinity value of 23,262.27 cmāˆ’1 for SiN. Based on the calculated potential energy curves, the spectroscopic parameters and vibrational levels were determined for all stable and metastable Ī›-S and Ī© states. The computed adiabatic electron affinity of SiN and the spectroscopic constants of SiNāˆ’ (X1Ī£+) are all in agreement with the available experimental data. The d3Ī£+, 25Ī£+, 15Ī”, and 15Ī£āˆ’ quasi-bound states caused by avoided crossings were found. Calculations of the transition dipole moment of a3Ī£+1 to X1Ī£+0+ are shown. Franck-Condon factors, Einstein coefficients, and radiative lifetimes of the transition from the a3Ī£+1 (Ļ…ā€² = 0ā€“2) to the X1Ī£+0+ state are evaluated

    Extensive spectroscopic calculations on 12 low-lying electronic states of AlN molecule including transition properties

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    Using the CASSCF method followed by the internally contracted MRCI approach in combination with the correlation-consistent basis sets, the potential energy curves (PECs) are calculated for the X3Ī , A3Ī£-, B3Ī£+, C3Ī , E3Ī”, a1Ī£+, b1Ī , c1Ī”, d1Ī£+, e1Ī , 23Ī£āˆ’ and 33Ī£āˆ’ electronic states of AlN molecule for internuclear separations from 0.1 to 1.0Ā nm. All the electronic states correlate to the three dissociation channels, Al(2Pu) + N(4Su), Al(2Pu) + N(2Du) and Al(2Pu) + N(2Pu). Of these 12 electronic states, only the 23Ī£āˆ’ possesses the double well. The PECs determined by the internally contracted MRCI approach are corrected for size-extensivity errors by means of the Davidson correction. The convergent behavior of present calculations is observed with respect to the basis set and level of theory. The effect of core-valence correlation and scalar relativistic corrections on the spectroscopic parameters is discussed. Scalar relativistic correction calculations are performed by the third-order Douglas-Kroll Hamiltonian approximation at the level of cc-pVTZ basis set. Core-valence correlation corrections are included with a cc-pCVTZ basis set. All the PECs are extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. The spectroscopic parameters are evaluated by fitting the first ten vibrational levels when available, which are obtained by solving the ro-vibrational Schrƶdinger equation with the Numerovā€™s method. The spectroscopic parameters are compared with those reported in the literature. Excellent agreement is found between the present results and the measurements. Analyses show that the spectroscopic parameters reported in this paper can be expected to be reliably predicted ones. The Franck-Condon factors and radiative lifetimes of the transitions from the A3Ī£āˆ’, B3Ī£+, C3Ī , a1Ī£+ and b1Ī  electronic states to the ground state are calculated for several low vibrational levels, and some necessary discussion has been made

    Potential energy curves and spectroscopic parameters of the 24

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    This work calculated the PECs of 24 Ī›-S states and 54 Ī© states of F2+ cation. The calculations were done with the CASSCF method, which was followed by the internally contracted MRCI approach. Core-valence correlation correction, scalar relativistic correction and basis set extrapolation were taken into account. Of these 24 Ī›-S states, the 22Ī£gāˆ’, 22Ī£uāˆ’, 24Ī£gāˆ’, 14Ī”u, and 24Ī g states were found to be repulsive. The X2Ī g, A2Ī u 14Ī”g, 14Ī g and 24Ī g states were found to be inverted with the spin-orbit coupling effect included. The 12Ī”g, 24Ī u, 14Ī g, 14Ī£u+, 22Ī u, 14Ī£gāˆ’, 24Ī£uāˆ’, and 12Ī£g+ states were found to be weakly bound. The 24Ī£uāˆ’ state had double wells. The avoided crossings of PECs were observed between the A2Ī u and 22Ī u states, the X2Ī g and 22Ī g states, the 12Ī£uāˆ’ and 22Ī£uāˆ’ states, the 14Ī u and 24Ī u states, and the 14Ī£āˆ’g and 24Ī£āˆ’g states. Some spectroscopic parameters were determined and the vibrational properties of several weakly-bound states were predicted. The spin-orbit coupling effect on the spectroscopic parameters was evaluated. Comparison with available experimental data shows that the methodology used in this paper is highly accurate for this system

    Potential energy curves, spectroscopic constants and spin-orbit coupling: A theoretical study on twelve triplet Ī›-S states of Ge

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    The potential energy curves (PECs) of twelve triplet Ī›-S states and fourteen Ī© states generated from five triplet Ī›-S states of Ge2 molecule are calculated by an ab initio quantum chemical method. The PEC calculations are made for internuclear separations fromĀ 0.15 toĀ 1.10Ā nm using the complete active space self-consistent field method, which is followed by the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction approach with the Davidson modification (MRCIĀ Ā +Ā Ā Q). The basis set used here is the aug-cc-pV5Z-pp. Convergent behavior is discussed and excellent convergence is observed with respect to the basis sets and level of theory. The PECs are extrapolated to the complete basis set limit by the total-energy extrapolation scheme. The spin-orbit coupling effect is accounted for by the Breit- Pauli Hamiltonian in combination with the aug-cc-pVTZ-pp basis set. With the PECs, the spectroscopic parameters are evaluated by fitting the first ten vibrational levels, which are obtained by solving the ro-vibrational Schrƶdinger equation using Numerovā€™s method. The spectroscopic results are compared with those reported in the literature. Excellent agreement with available measurements is found. The vibrational levels and inertial rotation constants are calculated for each Ī›-S state and those of the first ten vibrational states are reported for the non-rotation Ge2 molecule. The spectroscopic parameters of the 13Ī£u+, 13Ī”u, 23Ī£u+, 13Ī g, 23Ī g, 33Ī g, 13Ī£uāˆ’, 23Ī£uāˆ’, 23Ī u and 23Ī£gāˆ’ Ī›-S states and the vibrational levels and inertial rotation constants of all the Ī›-S states determined by the MRCIĀ Ā +Ā Ā Q/Q5 calculations are expected to be reliable predictedĀ ones
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