13 research outputs found

    Особливості анатомічної будови вегетативних органів та врожайність льону олійного (Linum usitatissimum L.) при застосуванні стимулятора росту

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    The activity of growth processes in a plant organism is determined not only by the content of individual groups of phytohormones, but is predominantly determined by the balance of biologically active substances. Exogenous applying of compositions with phytohormone analogues or activity regulators influences on the metabolism processes and leads to changes in growth processes.The purpose of the research was to investigate the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of vegetative organs and the formation of the linseed yield under the influence of a complex stimulating drug treptolem.Materials and methods. Oil flax plants of ‘Debut’ variety were once treated with 0.03 ml/l water solution treptolem in the budding phase. Morphological parameters of flax plants were studied every 10 days. The anatomical structure of the vegetative organs of flax was studied on leaves of the same age and fragments of the stem in the middle part.Results. There has been established the effect of the growth stimulator with auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin compounds complex on the features of growth processes, anatomical organization of vegetative organs, productivity of linseed oil plants (Linum usitatissimum L.). The using of treptolem during the budding period leads to an increase in the productivity of linseed oil by the increasing of morphogenesis process of vegetative organs with simultaneous restructuring of anatomical structure of stems and leaves. The increase in the stem diameter due to the better development of bark, xylem, thickening of bast fibres enhances the resistance of linseed oil plants to lodging. Stimulator induces enhanced the development of the photosynthetic apparatus: formation of a larger number of leaves, prolongation of their active functioning, increasing of chlorenchyma cells size and improving of chloroplastogenesis. The enhancement of photosynthetic productivity of oil flax plants leads to an intensification of carpogenesis, an increase in yield and an improvement in the crop structure. The content of the residual amount of morphoregulators in the seeds is much lower, at acceptable concentrations.Conclusions. The use of treptolem on flaxseed plants leads to changes in the formation of the stem and the development of the leaf apparatus that increases the yield of the cropАктивность ростовых процессов в растительном организме определяется не столько содержанием отдельных групп фитогормонов, а преимущественно детерминируется балансом биологически активных веществ. Экзогенное введение композиций с аналогами фитогормонов или регуляторами активности влияет на процессы метаболизма и приводит к изменениям в ростовых процессах.Целью исследований было установить особенности анатомического строения вегетативных органов и формирования урожая семян льна масличного под влиянием применения комплексного ростстимулирующего препарата трептолема.Материалы и методы. Растения льна масличного сорта ‘Дебют’ однократно обрабатывали водным раствором трептолема в концентрации 0,03 мл/л в фазу бутонизации. Морфологические показатели изучали каждые 10 суток. Для определения анатомической структуры вегетативных органов льна отбирали листья одинакового возраста и фрагменты стебля в средней части.Результаты. Установлено влияние стимулятора роста с комплексом веществ ауксиновой, гиббереллиновой, цитокининовой природы на особенности ростовых процессов, анатомическую организацию вегетативных органов и продуктивность растений льна масличного (Linum usitatissimum L.). Использование трептолема во время периода бутонизации приводит к повышению урожайности льна масличного за счет усиления процессов морфогенеза вегетативных органов с одновременной реструктуризацией анатомического строения стебля и листьев. Увеличение диаметра стебля благодаря лучшему развитию коры, ксилемы, утолщению лубяных волокон повышает устойчивость растений льна масличного к полеганию. Препарат индуцирует усиленное развитие фотосинтетического аппарата: закладку большего количества листьев, пролонгацию их активного функционирования, увеличение размеров клеток хлоренхимы и улучшения хлоропластогенеза. Повышение фотосинтетической продуктивности растений льна масличного приводит к интенсификации процессов карпогенеза, увеличению урожайности и улучшению структуры урожая. Содержание остаточного количества морфорегулятора в семенах значительно ниже, допустимых концентрации.Выводы. Применение трептолема на растениях льна масличного приводит к изменениям в формировании стебля и развития листового аппарата, способствует повышению урожайности культурыАктивність ростових процесів у рослинному організмі визначається не стільки вмістом окремих груп фітогормонів, а переважно детермінується балансом біологічно активних речовин. Екзогенне внесення композицій з аналогами фітогормонів чи регуляторами активності впливає на процеси метаболізму та призводить до змін у ростових процесах.Метою досліджень було встановити особливості анатомічної будови вегетативних органів та формування врожаю насіння льону олійного під впливом застосування комплексного рістстимулюючого препарату трептолему.Матеріали та методи. Рослини льону олійного сорту ‘Дебют’ одноразово обробляли водним розчином трептолему в концентрації 0,03 мл/л в фазу бутонізації. Морфологічні показники вивчали кожні 10 діб. Для визначення анатомічної структури вегетативних органів льону відбирали листки однакового віку та фрагменти стебла в середній частині.Результати. Встановлено вплив стимулятора росту з комплексом речовин ауксинової, гіберелової, цитокінінової природи на особливості ростових процесів, анатомічну організацію вегетативних органів та продуктивність рослин льону олійного (Linum usitatissimum L.). Використання трептолему під час періоду бутонізації призводить до підвищення врожайності льону олійного за рахунок посилення процесів морфогенезу вегетативних органів з одночасною реструктуризацією анатомічної будови стебла та листків. Збільшення діаметра стебла завдяки кращому розвитку кори, ксилеми, потовщенню луб’яних волокон підвищує стійкість рослин льону олійного до вилягання. Препарат індукує посилений розвиток фотосинтетичного апарату: закладання більшої кількості листків, пролонгація їх активного функціонування, збільшення розмірів клітин хлоренхіми та покращення хлоропластогенезу. Підвищення фотосинтетичної продуктивності рослин льону олійного призводить до інтенсифікації процесів карпогенезу, збільшення урожайності та покращення структури врожаю. Вміст залишкової кількості морфорегулятора в насінні значно нижчий, за допустимі концентрації.Висновки. Застосування трептолему на рослинах льону олійного призводить до змін у формуванні стебла та розвитку листкового апарату, що сприяє підвищенню врожайності культур

    Видовий склад ефемероїдів регіонального парку місцевого значення «Немирівське Побужжя» поблизу с. Гвоздів

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    Analyzing the literature data, it was found, that the majority of ephemeroids that grown in the territory of Ukraine are directly or indirectly influenced by humans, which leads to accelerated rates of decrease in their number. Urban factors influence not only the species structure of populations, but also their absolute quantitative indicators.The purpose of the research was to study the floristic composition of ephemeroid plants in the territory of a landscape park of local importance «Nemyrivske Pobuzhya» near the village of Gvozdiv, Nemyriv, district of Vinnytsia region.Materials and methods. The study of the floristic composition of ephemeroid plants in the territory of the landscape park of local importance "Nemyrivske Pobuzhzhya" was carried out by the expedition-route method, as well as by the accidental-regulatory method - laying of accounting sites with an area of 1 m2. The systematic identification of plants was determined using a designator. The abundance of species was determined by the Gult-Drude scale (with the addition of A. Uranov and P. Yaroshenko). The meeting coefficient (%) was determined by the formula: R = a x 100 / n.Results. It was revealed, that on the territory of Nemyrivske Pobuzhya the structure of the ephemeroid plants includes 27 species of plants, belonging to 19 genus, 14 families, 12 orders and 2 classes. Such orders as Ranunculales (7 species or 25.9 % of the total ephemeroid species), Papaverales (4 species or 14.8 %), Liliales (4 species or 14.8 %), Amaryllidales (3 species or 11.1%), Capparales (2 species or 7.4 %) are represented by the largest number Anemone sylvestris L., Ficaria verna L., Viola odorata L., Galanthus nivalis L. were dominant among the species.Conclusions.  It was established, that Galanthus nivalis L. is one species that is growing at the researched area and registered in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; and two species (Allium ursinum L. and Galanthus nivalis L.), included in the «European Red List». 6 species of ephemeroids are included in the Red Book of Ukraine: Leucojum vernum L., Allium ursinum L., Galanthus nivalis L., Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adams., Pulsatilla grandis Rupr. and Pulsatilla pratensis L. (Mill). 4 species of plants have the status of rare plants of regional importance: Anemone sylvestris L., Dentaria bulbifera L., Dentaria quinquefolia M. Bieb. and Primula veris L.Анализируя литературные данные, установлено, что большинство эфемероидов, распространенных на территории Украины, находятся под прямым или косвенным влиянием человека, что приводит к ускоренным темпам уменьшения их численности. Урбанистический фактор влияет не только на видовой состав популяций, но и на их абсолютные количественные показатели.Целью исследований было изучение флористического состава растений-эфемероидов на территории ландшафтного парка местного значения «Немировское Побужье» вблизи села Гвоздев Немировского района Винницкой области.Материалы и методы. Изучение флористического состава растений-эфемероидов проводилось экспедиционно-маршрутным методом, а также случайно-регуляторным способом – закладки учетных участков площадью1 м2. Систематическая принадлежность растений определялась с помощью определителя. Обилие видов определялось по шкале Гульта-Друде (с дополнением А. А. Урановая и П. Д. Ярошенко). Коэффициент встречаемости (%) определяли по формуле: R = a x 100 / n.Результаты исследования. Выявлено, что на территории Немировского Побужья в состав растений-эфемероидов входит 27 видов растений, относящихся к 19 родам, 14 семействам, 12 порядкам и 2 классам. Наибольшей численности представлены порядки Ranunculales (7 видов или 25,9 % от общего количества видов эфемероидов), Papaverales (4 вида или 14,8 %), Liliales (4 вида или 14,8 %), Amaryllidales (3 вида или 11,1 %), Capparales (2 вида или 7,4 %). Доминантными среди видов оказались Anemone sylvestris L., Ficaria verna L., Viola odorata L., Galanthus nivalis L.Выводы. Установлено, что на исследуемой территории растет один вид –  Galanthus nivalis L., который занесен в реестр «IUCN Red List of Threatened Species» и два вида – Allium ursinum L. и Galanthus nivalis L., включенных в «European Red List». Определены 6 видов эфемероидов, занесенных в Красную книгу Украины: Leucojum vernum L., Allium ursinum L., Galanthus nivalis L., Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adams., Pulsatilla grandis Rupr. и Pulsatilla pratensis L. (Mill). Статус редких растений регионального, то есть областного, значение имеют 4 вида: Anemone sylvestris L., Dentaria bulbifera L., Dentaria quinquefolia M. Bieb. и Primula veris LАналізуючи літературні дані, встановлено, що переважна більшість ефемероїдів, поширених на території України, перебувають під прямим чи опосередкованим впливом людини, що призводить до прискорених темпів зменшення їх чисельності. Урбаністичний фактор впливає не лише на видовий склад популяцій, але й на їх абсолютні кількісні показники.Метою досліджень було вивчення флористичного складу рослин-ефемероїдів на території ландшафтного парку місцевого значення «Немирівське Побужжя» поблизу села Гвоздів Немирівського району Вінницької області.Матеріали і методи. Вивчення флористичного складу рослин-ефемероїдів території ландшафтного парку місцевого значення «Немирівське Побужжя» проводилося експедиційно-маршрутним методом, а також випадково-регуляторним способом – закладання облікових ділянок площею1 м2. Систематична належність рослин визначалася за допомогою визначника. Рясність видів визначалася за шкалою Гульта-Друде (з доповненням А. А. Уранова та П. Д. Ярошенко). Коефіцієнт зустрічання (%) визначали за формулою: R= a x 100 / n.Результати дослідження. Виявлено, що на території Немирівського Побужжя зростає 27 видів рослин-ефемероїдів , які належать до 19 родів, 14 родин, 12 порядків та 2 класів. Найчисельнішими є порядки Ranunculales (7 видів або 25,9 % від загальної кількості видів ефемероїдів), Papaverales (4 види або 14,8 %), Liliales (4 види або 14,8 %), Amaryllidales (3 види або 11,1 %), Capparales (2 види або 7,4 %). Провідними серед видів виявились Anemone sylvestris L., Ficaria verna L., Viola odorata L., Galanthus nivalis L.Висновки. Встановлено, що на досліджуваній території зростає один вид – Galanthus nivalis L., який занесений до реєстру «IUCN Red List of Threatened Species» та два види –  Allium ursinum L. й Galanthus nivalis L., які включені до «European Red List». Виявлено 6 видів ефемероїдів, які занесені до Червоної книги України: Leucojum vernum L., Allium ursinum L., Galanthus nivalis L., Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adams., Pulsatilla grandis Rupr. та Pulsatilla pratensis L. (Mill). Статус рідкісних рослин регіонального, тобто обласного, значення мають 4 види: Anemone sylvestris L., Dentaria bulbifera L., Dentaria quinquefolia M. Bieb. та Primula veris


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    Modern digital technologies contribute to the transformation of the social order and the integration of the latest information processing capabilities into everyday life. These trends are also characteristic of education and science as separate branches of the social whole. Therefore, the aim of the work is to analyze the technological challenges in the development of the educational and scientific potential of the XXI century. The methods of analysis and synthesis, comparativistic method, forecasting, modeling method were used in the study. The main empirical method was a survey in which 130 teachers and 100 scientific workers participated. It was found that the majority of teachers consider the use of digitalization achievements as inevitable and positive phenomena. Researchers are less optimistic - almost every third employee of the industry did not give a positive response to the impact of digitalization. It is determined that such a phenomenon is negatively perceived because of its ambiguous impact on academic virtue. Modern academics and educators equally understand the importance and significance of digital competence in today's globalized and informatized world. Among the problems, respondents named the technical equipment of educational and research institutions as relevant. Especially for scientists was the problem of insufficient funding. The conclusions noted the importance of conducting further research into the security of using digital tools in research and educational activities and defining a philosophical basis for the transformations, which will help to predict possible challenges in the future.As modernas tecnologias digitais contribuem para a transformação da ordem social e para a integração das mais recentes capacidades de processamento de informações na vida cotidiana. Essas tendências também são características da educação e da ciência como ramos separados do todo social. Portanto, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar os desafios tecnológicos no desenvolvimento do potencial educacional e científico do século XXI. Os métodos de análise e síntese, método comparativista, previsão, método de modelagem foram utilizados no estudo. O principal método empírico foi um inquérito em que participaram 130 professores e 100 trabalhadores científicos. Verificou-se que a maioria dos professores considera o uso de conquistas de digitalização como um fenômeno inevitável e positivo. Os pesquisadores estão menos otimistas - quase um em cada três funcionários da indústria não deu uma resposta positiva ao impacto da digitalização. É determinado que tal fenômeno é percebido negativamente por causa de seu impacto ambíguo na virtude acadêmica. Acadêmicos e educadores modernos compreendem igualmente a importância e o significado da competência digital no mundo globalizado e informatizado de hoje. Entre os problemas, os entrevistados apontaram como relevante o equipamento técnico das instituições de ensino e pesquisa. Especialmente para os cientistas foi o problema de financiamento insuficiente. As conclusões apontaram a importância de realizar mais pesquisas sobre a segurança do uso de ferramentas digitais em atividades de pesquisa e educação e definir uma base filosófica para as transformações, o que ajudará a prever possíveis desafios no futuro

    Innovative Ways of Working with Parents who Educate Children with Special Needs

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    The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of organizing innovative forms of work with parents who educate children with special educational needs. The articles, books, publications, which reflect the question are considered. The essence of the concepts “inclusive learning”, “inclusion”, “inclusive education”, “tutor”, “pedagogical partnership”, “autism”. It has been proven that pedagogical partnership between teachers and parents is an important factor in the organization of quality education for children with special educational needs. The educational approach to teaching and upbringing of autistic children is highlighted. It was found that many parents of inclusive children need psychological assistance and support. Revealed the reasons that can lead to parental stress. Advice was given to parents who educate children with special educational needs. Early intervention programs developed by the US Department of Education were considered to support parents. Difficulties in organizing distance learning caused by the COVID-2019 pandemic were noted. It is noted that the main strategy of pedagogical partnership is communication. Examples of the activities of parents and children are given, which teachers recommend for practical use. Emphasis is placed on creating a “situation of success” in education. Parents were offered forms of work to consolidate material on writing and mathematics with children. It has been proven that the development of fine motor skills of the child's hands contributes to the easy perception and memorization of new material. The compilation of an individual curriculum for the development of the child and the role of parents are considered, and the criteria by which the structure occurs are noted. Attention is paid to avoiding emotional burnout of parents.</p

    Psychocorrection of Adolescents 'Anxiety by Music Therapy

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    Personal anxiety in adolescence is largely determined by psychological factors (personal, adaptive, motivational), and the correction of personal anxiety in adolescents is possible by combining two areas of work: reducing the effects of psychological factors on its occurrence; development of constructive forms of behavior in psychogenic situations, in conditions of increased anxiety through the use of music therapy. The aim of the study is to study the state of anxiety in adolescence after psychocorrection by music therapy. A set of methods was used to study the psychological features of anxiety in adolescents, ways to overcome and level before and after the psychocorrection program. There are a number of positive changes in the indicators of personal and motivational factors of anxiety: an increase in self-esteem and responsibility, increased self-esteem, which, in turn, led to a decrease in the difference between this indicator and the level of claims, a change in attitude realistic type, changing the distribution of affiliation motives and achieving in favor of the motive of the desire to accept and the desire to succeed, respectively. The effectiveness of the corrective effect was manifested in the change in the distribution of subjects by levels of anxiety. A high level of personal anxiety was recorded, after the implementation of the program it halved. During the study, a number of positive changes in the indicators of personal and motivational factors of anxiety were recorded. The results show, however, that psychocorrectional work with music therapy is effective in the work of a psychologist. The obtained results can be used both during the training of future psychologists, the development of a psycho-correctional program and during family counseling.</em

    Basic science232. Certolizumab pegol prevents pro-inflammatory alterations in endothelial cell function

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is a major comorbidity of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and a leading cause of death. Chronic systemic inflammation involving tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF) could contribute to endothelial activation and atherogenesis. A number of anti-TNF therapies are in current use for the treatment of RA, including certolizumab pegol (CZP), (Cimzia ®; UCB, Belgium). Anti-TNF therapy has been associated with reduced clinical cardiovascular disease risk and ameliorated vascular function in RA patients. However, the specific effects of TNF inhibitors on endothelial cell function are largely unknown. Our aim was to investigate the mechanisms underpinning CZP effects on TNF-activated human endothelial cells. Methods: Human aortic endothelial cells (HAoECs) were cultured in vitro and exposed to a) TNF alone, b) TNF plus CZP, or c) neither agent. Microarray analysis was used to examine the transcriptional profile of cells treated for 6 hrs and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysed gene expression at 1, 3, 6 and 24 hrs. NF-κB localization and IκB degradation were investigated using immunocytochemistry, high content analysis and western blotting. Flow cytometry was conducted to detect microparticle release from HAoECs. Results: Transcriptional profiling revealed that while TNF alone had strong effects on endothelial gene expression, TNF and CZP in combination produced a global gene expression pattern similar to untreated control. The two most highly up-regulated genes in response to TNF treatment were adhesion molecules E-selectin and VCAM-1 (q 0.2 compared to control; p > 0.05 compared to TNF alone). The NF-κB pathway was confirmed as a downstream target of TNF-induced HAoEC activation, via nuclear translocation of NF-κB and degradation of IκB, effects which were abolished by treatment with CZP. In addition, flow cytometry detected an increased production of endothelial microparticles in TNF-activated HAoECs, which was prevented by treatment with CZP. Conclusions: We have found at a cellular level that a clinically available TNF inhibitor, CZP reduces the expression of adhesion molecule expression, and prevents TNF-induced activation of the NF-κB pathway. Furthermore, CZP prevents the production of microparticles by activated endothelial cells. This could be central to the prevention of inflammatory environments underlying these conditions and measurement of microparticles has potential as a novel prognostic marker for future cardiovascular events in this patient group. Disclosure statement: Y.A. received a research grant from UCB. I.B. received a research grant from UCB. S.H. received a research grant from UCB. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interes

    Cloud platforms and virtualization technologies in education

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    The article discusses the use of cloud platforms and virtualization technologies, including those based on virtual machines from Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Yandex, Mail.ru for organizing universal training workstations for students with the unification of system and application software for individual study. The main advantages of using cloud-based software over traditional academical one in the educational environment are considered. The great attention is paid to the issues of organizing a virtual workplace in order to increase the effectiveness of training both in the educational organization and outside the classroom. The materials presented were tested at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Computer Science in the classroom by the authors of the article

    Corporate innovation ecosystems: challenges and opportunities

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    This article proposes to consider the concepts of an innovation ecosystem and a digital platform. The analysis of world experience in terms of corporate innovative ecosystems contributing to the accelerated implementation of innovations is presented. The article focuses on corporate innovation ecosystems, gives their definition and key functions. The analysis of the management of innovative ecosystems in the world and in Russia is given. Describes the ecosystem approach and the structure of the corporate innovation ecosystem. As part of the study, it is planned to form a scheme for organizing a corporate innovation ecosystem, considering the place of digital platforms in the entire ecosystem

    Application of cluster models in forecasting housing construction economic potential in the region

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    The article introduces the first econometric modeling of the needs in new housing construction, reconstruction, capital repairs and finishing of uncompleted construction objects in the region on the basis of cluster models. Forecasting diagrams of gaps between the existing economic potential of housing construction and a normative need in sector housing as well as the need in introducing sector housing to reach mean European standards of housing are plotted

    Formation of an inclusive educational environment of educational institutions

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    An inclusive educational environment in Ukraine’s education system is a key factor influencing its intensive reform, enabling access to quality education for persons with special educational needs. The purpose of the academic paper is to develop a scientific approach to the formation of an inclusive educational environment of Ukraine’s educational institutions, taking into account the experience of its creation in European countries. Research methods: comparison, system-structural research, statistical-analytical, tabular, graphic, analytical modeling, as well as methods of abstraction, analysis and generalization. The most effective model for creating inclusion in European countries is the use of a comprehensive (variable) approach, that is, a combination of different forms of involving children in the educational process. Achieving success in the course of the formation of an inclusive environment is possible provided that the management actions of the subjects of the educational process are combined. These should include not only teachers, social workers and students, but also psychologists, methodologists, parents of children with special needs and representatives of state and local bodies, who are delegated the powers and authority to organize the learning environment. Inclusion in education is achieved through the rational distribution of powers between teachers, parents of children with special needs and the authorities. The model of an inclusive environment should be based on the principle of variability and differentiation. In the process of creating a comfortable learning environment for children with mental and physical disabilities, it is important to keep in mind the rights, responsibilities and interests of teachers, as well as children with normal development. A special role in the education of children with personal needs is played by their parents. In the process of forming an inclusive educational environment, insufficient attention is paid to the functions of local authorities. Further scientific investigation requires improving the methodological approaches of inclusive education for applicants of higher education with special educational needs, which optimizes the processes of their social adaptation, resocialization and integration in the social environment.Um ambiente educacional inclusivo no sistema educacional da Ucrânia é um fator chave que influencia sua reforma intensiva, permitindo o acesso à educação de qualidade para pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais. O objetivo do artigo acadêmico é desenvolver uma abordagem científica para a formação de um ambiente educacional inclusivo nas instituições educacionais da Ucrânia, levando em consideração a experiência de sua criação em países europeus. Métodos de pesquisa: comparação, pesquisa sistema-estrutural, estatística-analítica, tabular, gráfica, modelagem analítica, bem como métodos de abstração, análise e generalização. O modelo mais eficaz para criar inclusão nos países europeus é o uso de uma abordagem abrangente (variável), ou seja, uma combinação de diferentes formas de envolver as crianças no processo educacional. Alcançar o sucesso no curso da formação de um ambiente inclusivo é possível desde que as ações de gestão dos sujeitos doprocesso educativo sejam combinadas. Devem incluir não apenas professores, assistentes sociais e alunos, mas também psicólogos, metodólogos, pais de crianças com necessidades especiais e representantes de órgãos estaduais e locais, aos quais sejam delegados poderes e autoridade para organizar o ambiente de aprendizagem. A inclusão na educação é alcançada através da distribuição racional de competências entre professores, pais de crianças com necessidades especiais e autoridades. O modelo de um ambiente inclusivo deve ser baseado no princípio da variabilidade e diferenciação. No processo de criação de um ambiente de aprendizagem confortável para crianças com deficiência mental e física, é importante ter em mente os direitos, responsabilidades e interesses dos professores, bem como das crianças com desenvolvimento normal. Um papel especial na educação de crianças com necessidades pessoais é desempenhado por seus pais. No processo de formação de um ambiente educacional inclusivo, pouca atenção é dada às funçõesdas autoridades locais. O aprofundamento da investigação científica requer o aprimoramento das abordagens metodológicas da educação inclusiva para os candidatos ao ensino superior com necessidades educacionais especiais, o que otimiza os processos de sua adaptação social, ressocialização e inserção no meio social.Un entorno educativo inclusivo en el sistema educativo de Ucrania es un factor clave que influye en su reforma intensiva, que permite el acceso a una educación de calidad para las personas con necesidades educativas especiales. El propósito del artículo académico es desarrollar un enfoque científico para la formación de un entorno educativo inclusivo de las instituciones educativas de Ucrania, teniendo en cuenta la experiencia de su creación en los países europeos. Métodos de investigación: comparación, investigación sistémica-estructural, estadístico-analítica, tabular, gráfica, modelización analítica, así como métodos de abstracción, análisis y generalización. El modelo más eficaz para crear inclusión en los países europeos es el uso de un enfoque integral (variable), es decir, una combinación de diferentes formas de involucrar a los niños en el proceso educativo. Alcanzar el éxito en el transcurso de la formación de un ambiente inclusivo es posible siempre que se combinen las acciones de gestión de los sujetos del proceso educativo. Estos deben incluir no solo maestros, trabajadores sociales y estudiantes, sino también psicólogos, metodólogos, padres de niños con necesidades especiales y representantes de organismos estatales y locales, a quienes se les delegan los poderes y la autoridad para organizar el entorno de aprendizaje. La inclusión en la educación se logra mediante la distribución racional de poderes entre los maestros, los padres de niños con necesidades especiales y las autoridades. El modelo de un entorno inclusivo debe basarse en el principio de variabilidad y diferenciación. En el proceso de crear un ambiente de aprendizaje cómodo para niños con discapacidades mentales y físicas, es importante tener en cuenta los derechos, responsabilidades e intereses de los maestros, así como de los niños con desarrollo normal. Los padres desempeñan un papel especial en la educación de los niños con necesidades personales. En el proceso de formación de un entorno educativo inclusivo, no se presta suficiente atención a las funciones de las autoridades locales. Una mayor investigación científica requiere mejorar los enfoques metodológicos de la educación inclusiva para los aspirantes de educación superior con necesidades educativas especiales, que optimice los procesos de su adaptación social, resocialización e integración en el entorno social