91 research outputs found

    Organization of educational process in schools with Polish of educating and special schools-boarding-schools for deaf children in the conditions of independent Ukraine as a reflection of external differentiation between 1991 and 2010

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    Науково-порівняльний аналіз показує, що спеціальне навчання глухих дітей і утворень шкіл з польською мовою має однакову історію в Україні. На сучасному етапі суспільного розвитку Українська держава гарантує рівні права для всіх національностей, які проживають на її території. Становлення незалежної Української держави стало надійним захистом для дітей-інвалідів спеціальних шкіл-інтернатів та дітей шкіл національних меншин. Розбудова незалежної України відкрило нові перспективи для відродження всіх національностей. Аналіз етапів і тенденцій розвитку школи, освіти національних меншин і спеціальної освіти на Україні, доводить, що протягом тривалого часу утворення не було повної національної свободи, в результаті чого була приречена на відставання. У той же час вона була зброєю народу боротьби за національні права, демократизацію і навчання рідною мовою.Наш проводимый научный сравнительный анализ показывает, что специальное обучение глухих детей и образований школ с польским языком имеет одинаковую историю в Украине. На современном этапе общественного развития Украинское государство гарантирует равные права для всех национальностей, проживающих на ее территории. Становление независимого Украинского государства стало надежной защитой для детей-инвалидов специальных школ-интернатов и детей школ национальных меньшинств. Развитие независимой Украины открыло новые перспективы для возрождения всех национальностей. Анализ этапов и тенденций развития школы, образования национальных меньшинств и специального образования на Украине, доказывает, что в течение длительного времени образование не было полной национальной свободы, в результате чего была обречена на отставание. В то же время она была оружием народа борьбы за национальные права, демократизацию и обучение на родном языке.Our scientific comparative analysis shows that the special educating of deaf children and formations of schools with Polish has alike history in Ukraine. On the modern stage of community development, the Ukrainian state guarantees equal rights for all nationalities resident on its territory. Development of independent Ukrainian opened new prospects for the revival of all nationalities. The analysis of the stages and progress of school trends, formations of national minorities and special education, on Ukraine proves that before education was not complete national freedom, as a result was doomed to lag. At the same time she was the weapon of people of fight for national rights, democratization and educating in their native language

    Клиническая эффективность селенита натрия в лечении больных туберкулезом с аутоиммунным тиреоидитом.

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    Eficacitatea clinică a selenitei de sodiu în tratamentul pacienților cu tuberculoză cu tiroidită autoimună.Клиническая эффективность селенита натрия в лечении больных туберкулезом с аутоиммунным тиреоидитом

    Оrganization of educational process in schools with polish of educating and the special school for deaf children in the conditions of independent Ukraine (1991–2010) (comparative aspect)

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    Проведений науковий порівняльний аналіз показує, що особливе виховання глухих дітей та утворень шкіл з польською мовою подібно історії в Україні. На сучасному етапі розвитку громади Українська держава гарантує рівні права для всіх національностей, що проживають на її території. Становлення незалежної української держави стало надійною обороною для дітей-інвалідів спеціальних шкіл-інтернатів та дітей шкіл національних меншин. Розвиток незалежної України відкрив нові перспективи для відродження всіх національностей. Аналіз етапів та прогресу шкільних тенденцій, утворень національних меншин та спеціальної освіти на Україні свідчить про те, що протягом великого часу освіта не була повною національною свободою, в результаті була приречена на відставання. Водночас вона була зброєю людей боротьби за національні права, демократизації та виховання рідної мови.Our conducted scientific comparative analysis shows that the special educating of deaf children and formations of schools with Polish has alike history in Ukraine. On the modern stage of community development the Ukrainian state guarantees equal rights for all nationalities resident on her territory. Becoming of the independent Ukrainian state became reliable defenses for the children-invalids of the special schools-boarding-schools and children of schools of national minorities. Development of independent Ukraine opened new prospects for the revival of all nationalities. The analysis of the stages and progress of school trends, formations of national minorities and special education, on Ukraine proves that during great while education was not complete national freedom, as a result was doomed to lag. At the same time she was the weapon of people of fight for national rights, democratization and educating in native language

    Charting the protein complexome in yeast by mass spectrometry

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    It has become evident over the past few years that many complex cellular processes, including control of the cell cycle and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, are carried out by sophisticated multisubunit protein machines that are dynamic in abundance, post-translational modification state, and composition. To understand better the nature of the macromolecular assemblages that carry out the cell cycle and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, we have used mass spectrometry extensively over the past few years to characterize both the composition of various protein complexes and the modification states of their subunits. In this article we review some of our recent efforts, and describe a promising new approach for using mass spectrometry to dissect protein interaction networks

    Schools with the jewish and russian language training in the conditions of independent Ukraine (1991-2010)

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    Встановлено, що в 2010/2011 р. працювало 1149 закладів з російською мовою навчання (685 тис. студентів); вивчало російську мову як предмет - 1240000 школярів, факультативно або в колах - 131 тис. [3]. Шкіл з єврейською мовою навчання працювало 17. Також показано, що зміст навчального процесу в школах усіх типів був зосереджений на національній свідомості культури народів які живуть в Україні.It was established that in 2010/2011 there were 1149 institutions with the Russian language of instruction (685 thousand students); studied Russian as a subject - 1240000 schoolchildren, optional - 131 thousand [3]. The schools with Jewish language of instruction worked 17. It is also presented that the content of the educational process in schools of all types was focused on the national consciousness of the culture of the peoples living in Ukraine

    Корреляции между клиническим течением туберкулеза легких, функцией щитовидной железы и некоторыми цитокинами.

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    To estimate the interrelations between thyroid profile, some cytokines and clinical severity of new case of cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis 43 patients with cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis and 10 healthy volunteers were studied. Thyroid glands of all patients before chemotherapy and volunteers from control group were examined by ultrasound. The levels of free thyroxine, thyroid stimulating hormone and antibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase in the serum were defined. At the same time the levels of tumor necrosis tumor necrosis factor, interferon-gamma and interleukin-2, -6, and -4 were measured. Correlations between clinical severity of new case of pulmonary tuberculosis, thyroid functions, and these cytokines were studied. The pathological changes of thyroid echo structures were recovered in more than half of patients. The level of thyroxine in tuberculous patients was decreased down to lower-normal significance. In tuberculous patients with pathological echo structure of the thyroid the thyroxine level decreasing was more significant. The thyroxine stimulating hormone level was increased in these patients. The increasing of tumor necrosis tumor factor and the interleukin-6 levels and the decreasing of interleukin-4 level were demonstrated in tuberculous patients comparing with healthy persons. Positive correlation between clinical severity of new case of pulmonary tuberculosis, thyroid functions, and these cytokines were determined. The high percentage defined cases of thyroid pathology in tuberculous patients is caused the necessity the screening of thyroid function in tuberculous patients for in time diagnosis of its subclinical disorders and their correction to restore cytokines balance and improving of antituberculosis chemotherapy efficacy.Pentru a estima interrelațiile dintre profilul tiroidian, unele citokine și severitatea clinică a unui nou caz de tuberculoză pulmonară cavitară au fost studiate 43 de pacienți cu tuberculoză pulmonară cavitară și 10 voluntari sănătoși. Glanda tiroidă ale tuturor pacienților înainte de chimioterapie și voluntarii din grupul de control au fost examinată prin examen ultrasonor. Au fost definite nivelurile de tiroxină liberă, hormon de stimulare a tiroidei și anticorpi la tiroglobulină și peroxidază tiroidiană în ser. În același timp, au fost măsurate nivelurile de factor de necroză tumorală, interferon-gamma și interleukina-2, -6 și -4. Au fost studiate corelațiile dintre severitatea clinică a tuberculozei pulmonare caz nou, funcțiile tiroidiene și aceste citokine. Modificările patologice ale structurilor eco tiroidian au fost recuperate la mai mult de jumătate dintre pacienți. Nivelul de tiroxină la pacienții cu tuberculoză a fost scăzut până la o semnificație normală mai scăzută. La pacienții cu tuberculoză cu structură eco patologică a tiroidei, scăderea nivelului de tiroxină a fost mai semnificativă. Nivelul hormonului de stimulare a tiroxinei a fost crescut la acesti pacienti. Creșterea factorului tumoral de necroză tumorală și a nivelurilor de interleukină-6 și scăderea nivelului de interleukină-4 au fost demonstrate la pacienții cu tuberculoză comparativ cu persoanele sănătoase. S-a determinat corelația pozitivă între severitatea clinică a noului caz de tuberculoză pulmonară, funcțiile tiroidiene și aceste citokine. Procentul mare de cazuri definite de patologie tiroidiană la pacienții cu tuberculoză a determinat necesitatea screening-ului funcției tiroidiene la pacienții cu tuberculoză pentru diagnosticarea la timp a tulburărilor sale subclinice și corectarea acestora pentru restabilirea echilibrului citokinelor și îmbunătățirea eficacității chimioterapiei antituberculoase.C целью оценки взаимовлияния тиреоидного профиля, некоторых цитокинов и клинической тяжести течения деструктивных форм впервые диагностированного туберкулеза легких обследовано 43 больных впервые диагностированным туберкулезом легких и 10 здоровых лиц. Всем больным до начала лечения и лицам из группы контроля проведено ультразвуковое исследование эхоструктуры щитовидной железы, а также определены уровни содержания свободного тироксина, тиреотропного гормона гипофиза, антител к тиреоглобулину и тиреопероксидазе в системном кровотоке параллельно с определением уровне содержания фактора некроза опухолей-альфа, интерферона-гамма, интерлейкинов-2, -6, -4. Изучались корреляции между клиническим течением впервые диагностированного туберкулеза легких, функцией щитовидной железы и данными цитокинами. Более чем у половины больных туберкулезом выявлены изменения эхоструктуры щитовидной железы. У всех больных установлено снижение уровня содержания свободного тироксина до низко-нормальных значений этого показателя. При туберкулезе, сочетавшемся с телепатиями, отмечено более значительное снижение уровня тироксина и повышение уровня тиреотропного гормона гипофиза. Продемонстрировано повышение уровней содержания провоспалительных цитокинов: фактора некроза опухолей-альфа и интерлейкина-6. и снижение уровня противовоспалительного интерлейкина-4 у больных туберкулезом в сравнении со здоровыми. Установлена положительная корреляция между уровнями тироксина, интрлейкина-6 и клинической тяжестью туберкулеза. Большой процент выявленных тиреопатий обосновывают необходимость скрининга функционального состояния щитовидной железы у больных туберкулезом для выявления его скрытых нарушений и их коррекции с целью восстановления цитокинового равновесия и улучшения исходов туберкулезного процесса

    The peculiarities of using the computer complex HC-psychotests in the process of psychodiagnosis of the level of development of future specialists mental capacity

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    The IT revolution, which has embraced material production, social relations and the whole sphere of culture and education, is more and more contributed to solving the problem of automation of intellectual processes in science, technology and society, as well. This scientific article is devoted to the consideration of topical issues of introduction of the computer complex HC-psychotests in the process of psychological support of professional-personal formation of the future specialist during the period of study in higher school. The article also presents the analysis of the versatile possibilities of using the NS- psychotest in the paradigm of modern education. In this scientific article, the results of the screening study with the use of HC-psychotest in the process of psychodiagnosis of the level of development of mental capacity of future specialists are analyzed in detail. It is determined that the complex HC-psychotests allowed to give multilevel, multiparametric characteristics of the mental states of the respondents with the use of psychological, psychophysiological, physiological and social indicators. It has been proved that the introduction of computer psychodiagnostics has not only enriched the experimental base with appropriate methods that facilitate the implementation of various research strategies, but also combined empirical work into a single technological cycle

    Study of the efficiency of sweet potato growing in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine by different methods of soil mulching

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    Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a new crop for soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine, the active implementation of which is hindered by the lack of recommendations on technological aspects of cultivation. One of the important technological measures for growing sweet potatoes is the use of soil mulching, which improves the water regime and regulates the thermal regime of the soil; prevention of weed growth and growth of sweet potato shoots to the soil. Thus, the aim of the research is to determine the efficiency of growing sweet potatoes in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine by different methods of soil mulching. Field research was carried out on typical low-humus light loamy chernozem on loess loam. It was noted, that when growing sweet potatoes on ridges, the introduction of mulching the soil with black polyethylene film provides more active growth of the vegetative mass throughout the growing season (5.33 shoots/plant with a total length of 252.1 cm), while growing without ridges has a positive effect on plants growth due to the general absence of mulch (2.53 shoots/plant with a total length of 107.8 cm). The use of ridges and mulching the soil with black polyethylene film causes the yield of sweet potato tubers at 34.8 t/ha, while the mulching of the soil with straw, the yield was 18.3–21.9 t/ha, without mulching – 13.0–17, 1 t/ha. Mulching with black polyethylene film ensures the accumulation of vitamin C and starch in sweet potato tubers. When growing the culture on ridges by this method of mulching, the maximum level of vitamin C according to the experiment (4.78 mg/100 g) and starch (11.73 %) was noted. The introduction of mulching and ridge formation involves additional material and labor costs, but helps to reduce weed control and tuber digging costs. When growing sweet potatoes on ridges with mulching with black polyethylene film, the minimum additional labor costs for the formation of a unit of yield (1.95 man-minutes/kg of tubers) were noted, while without mulching and without ridges this figure was 6.76 man-minute/kgSweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a new crop for soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine, the active implementation of which is hindered by the lack of recommendations on technological aspects of cultivation. One of the important technological measures for growing sweet potatoes is the use of soil mulching, which improves the water regime and regulates the thermal regime of the soil; prevention of weed growth and growth of sweet potato shoots to the soil. Thus, the aim of the research is to determine the efficiency of growing sweet potatoes in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine by different methods of soil mulching. Field research was carried out on typical low-humus light loamy chernozem on loess loam. It was noted, that when growing sweet potatoes on ridges, the introduction of mulching the soil with black polyethylene film provides more active growth of the vegetative mass throughout the growing season (5.33 shoots/plant with a total length of 252.1 cm), while growing without ridges has a positive effect on plants growth due to the general absence of mulch (2.53 shoots/plant with a total length of 107.8 cm). The use of ridges and mulching the soil with black polyethylene film causes the yield of sweet potato tubers at 34.8 t/ha, while the mulching of the soil with straw, the yield was 18.3–21.9 t/ha, without mulching – 13.0–17, 1 t/ha. Mulching with black polyethylene film ensures the accumulation of vitamin C and starch in sweet potato tubers. When growing the culture on ridges by this method of mulching, the maximum level of vitamin C according to the experiment (4.78 mg/100 g) and starch (11.73 %) was noted. The introduction of mulching and ridge formation involves additional material and labor costs, but helps to reduce weed control and tuber digging costs. When growing sweet potatoes on ridges with mulching with black polyethylene film, the minimum additional labor costs for the formation of a unit of yield (1.95 man-minutes/kg of tubers) were noted, while without mulching and without ridges this figure was 6.76 man-minute/k

    Tree diversity patterns along the latitudinal gradient in the northwestern Russia

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    Background One of the key forest characteristics is the biodiversity, particularly the diversity of trees which are forest ecosystem engineers. Nowadays the most worldwide common approach for assessment of forest conditions and dynamics is based on the systematic monitoring, performed at a set of regularly structured plots. To fulfill the existing gap in this sort of knowledge on the Russian forests, an extensive study of tree species diversity on a regular network was conducted in north-west of Russia. Methods The study used the ICP Forests monitoring network that spans over 1700 km along the western Russian border from forest-tundra in the north to broadleaved-coniferous forests in the south. Tree data were collected at 710 sites that were assigned along a regular grid. We performed series of statistical analyses of the tree species distribution and diversity in relation to environmental and anthropogenic factors. Results According to the Maxent species distribution modelling results only Pinus sylvestris, Betula sp. and Picea abies have the potential to grow throughout the study area. The locally maximum tree species diversity varies along the latitudinal gradient from 1 to 3 species in the north to 5–7 species in the south. Monocultural stands are relatively abundant across the study area, being especially common in the south taiga. The prevailing part of the monocultural stands is represented by Scots pine (72%). The age distribution of dominant trees has a clear connection with the intensity of forest use. We found that recent wildfire events had only little effect on tree diversity in the study area. Conclusions We demonstrated that ICP Forests monitoring network enables to successfully establish the main qualitative and quantitative relations of the spatial variation of tree species diversity to climatic, landscape, soil and anthropogenic factors. Analysis of the influence of these factors on tree species distribution allowed us to conclude that with the continuing trend of reducing the frequency and intensity of fires, Norway spruce will further replace Scots pine and Betula sp. in the north-western Russia. Extending the monitoring network, especially adding the time-series context, could provide novel appealing opportunities for forest dynamics projection and sustainable management.Peer reviewe