9 research outputs found

    Effect of mini-sprinkler irrigation system on Heterorhabditis baujardi LPP7 (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae) infective juvenile Efeito do sistema de irrigação por microaspersão em juvenis infectantes de Heterorhabditis baujardi LPP7 (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae)

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    Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are currently being used as successful biological control agents of soil-dwelling insect pests. Previous field and greenhouse studies demonstrated that application techniques and non-biotic factors (temperature and pressure) have a significant effect on EPNs efficacy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of an irrigation spray application system on the viability, infectivity and host search capability of Heterorhabditis baujardi LPP7 (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae) infective juveniles (IJ). Two assays were proposed. Their viability was evaluated under the microscope after the IJ passed through the irrigation system. Infectivity on Galleria mellonella larvae, and host search capability, as evidenced by larval mortality, were evaluated in containers (Experiment 1). In the field (Experiment 2), mortality of G. mellonella larvae was evaluated under different nematode concentrations (0, 100,000, 300,000 and 500,000 IJ per tree). No differences were recorded on the viability, infectivity and host search capability of the IJ in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, differences were recorded among the different concentrations used (p < 0.05), and a higher mortality was observed at the highest nematode concentration (28.3% and 37% in each one of the two experiment repetitions). This irrigation system did not affected adversely the viability, infectivity and host search capability of H. baujardi LPP7.<br>Nematóides entomopatogênicos (NEPs) vêm sendo usados com sucesso como agentes do controle biológico de pragas de solo. Estudos anteriores mostraram que técnicas de aplicação e fatores abióticos (temperatura e pressão) afetam a eficiência dos NEPs em testes de campo e casa-de-vegetação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de condições geradas por um sistema de irrigação por microaspersão, na viabilidade, infectividade e na capacidade de busca de hospedeiros nos juvenis infectantes (JI) de Heterorhabditis baujardi LPP7 (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae). Dois experimentos foram propostos. A viabilidade dos juvenis infectantes (JI) foi avaliada no microscópio imediatamente após sua passagem pelo sistema de irrigação. A infectividade e a capacidade de busca pelo hospedeiro em larvas de Galleria mellonella foram avaliadas em vasos (Experimento 1). A campo (Experimento 2), foi avaliada a mortalidade de larvas de G. mellonella sob diferentes concentrações do nematóide (0, 100.000, 300.000 e 500.000 JI por árvore). A viabilidade, infectividade e a capacidade de busca dos nematóides após a passagem pelo sistema não foi diferente da testemunha. No Experimento 2, houve diferença entre os tratamentos (p < 0.05) e se observou maior mortalidade na maior concentração de nematóides, com mortalidade de 28,3% e 37% em cada uma das duas repetições do experimento. Este sistema de micro-aspersão não afeta a viabilidade, infectividade e capacidade de busca dos JIs de H. baujardi LPP7 até o inseto-alvo

    The evolution of Zoraptera

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    Zoraptera is one of the most enigmatic and least understood orders in insects. Based on a wide taxon sampling from all continents where the group is known, we applied a phylogenetic approach using multiple DNA sequences to elucidate species-level relationships. The resulting phylogeny shows that Zoraptera is divided into three major clades, and that two comprise species distributed on different continents. The monophyly of these clades is at least partly supported by shared derived morphological features. The divergence age estimation and ancestral distribution area reconstruction suggest an ancient origin and early radiation initiated in the Permian. Plate tectonics theory suggests that the present distribution of Zoraptera was mainly established by vicariance, rather than dispersal. The three major clades probably originated on the Pangaea supercontinent, or alternatively on the linked Gondwana and Laurasia supercontinents. Their ancient origin explains previously found conspicuous interspecific variation of the genital apparatus, sperm structure and mating behaviour, in striking contrast to a highly conserved general body morphology. We compiled data of available reproductive features and reconstructed the character evolution. Our analyses revealed repeated acquisitions and/or losses of a hyperelongated intromittent organ, mating hooks and tergal protuberances

    The Radiolysis of Pyrimidines in Aqueous Solutions: An Updating Review

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